#but nothing too egregious to justify a tpk...
luhalalusce · 10 months
Soooo, we played d&d last night and we got the closest to a TPK we've ever been. Like, it was gonna be a TPK for sure, I was at 1 HP (I even had to use my half orc ability to tank one final hit), my friends were in the ~20s, so we were gonna resist at most for a couple of more rounds. We managed to hit the Big Boss Devil only once at that point. This guy also had like 5 mini bosses + minions around in the dungeon, so we were quite spent without a long rest (we tried to get one, but we weren't hidden enough)
So yeah, it was going disastrously.
This whole time we've been in this dungeon, I've been rolling like shit (my friends as well, one of them at "Wil Wheaton dice curse" kinds of levels, the amount of nat 1s was insane). So I'm like "well, fuck it, we're gonna die here anyway" and try to talk things out with this devil guy. I'm a warlock, so charisma based, but... I'm not proficient in persuasion. Somehow I roll a 19 for a total of 24, so he's listening.
Initially things aren't going super well in the talk. Obviously, I think, we need to get him to agree to some kind of exchange. We're here to retrieve a city's wealth, and we also would like to walk away alive. I'm even contemplating a change of patron just to avoid this tpk. The other thing is... My background is charlatan, but my character has been on a good girl path (less deception, more asking nicely, but like I said I have no bonus with persuasion rolls other than my charisma and a luck stone), but here we need all of the help we can get. So, I try to deceive a devil. And because I'm a charlatan I do have a fat +9 in deception. I offer him something completely worthless (idk really, but my character collects shiny rocks and this comes from the feywild) and try to convince him that is worth waaaay more than the city's wealth. So yeah, exchange. Somehow I roll a 18 for a total of 27 in deception. I'm sweating hard at this point, I haven't rolled this well in ages and I feel the weight of my friends' lives on my shoulders. Bla bla, we talk more, another roll of deception and it's another nat 19. I convince him to give us the city's wealth and to leave this place in exchange for this shiny rock, a dagger of an evil cleric and more offers from my compatriots. He leaves, we live.
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