#but like those two hit the spot. and i think organic imagery.. blood visuals.. is very cool// and the moment you start looking at literal
walktalldontcha · 7 years
Art trade for @jailhouserokk / @aquaburry! They requested that wonderfully agonizing angst - I hope it hits the spot! And I can’t thank you enough for wanting to do this with me ♥
Pairing: Johnny/Vance Rating: T (M at a push) Synopsis: There’s a savage, irreversible thunderstorm brewing inside Johnny in torrential bullets, licking momentous at the crackled bedrock of his aching sternum as he attempts to sellotape his own bestial thoughts back together into something which an be reasonably translated. Doubts corrode impressionable mind with titanium band suddenly feeling far too weighted -- restrictive, cuts off all circulation and has him reacting feverishly to everything he swore he once wanted. Vance has vivid sunlight in peridot eyes that burns so bright that, for a moment, Johnny begs for a savage hailstorm to rain down on them both and put an end to this ongoing moment of falsified clarity.
It should be raining, that’s the only clarified thought Johnny can successfully focus on at this particular moment of suspended mummification. It should be absolutely fucking thundering, those huge fat raindrops that hibernate on upturned lashes and crash on fallible glass with such brute force that the surrounding walls seem to creak in a decibel which would indicate impending collapse; there should be saturated cobwebs and their creator struggling to cling on to sloppy, rotting panes as the world around them simply screams monsoon season. Only then could his sudden state of dire melancholy and villainous imagery make even a single fucking modicum of sense. Perched on shallow hips knots an ethereal being who truly defied royalty, blood once undoubtedly stippled in cobalt along convoluted pathways now coated in multicolored oil; that aqua-blue vibrancy has transferred onto the collar of he, his father, and his ancestors before him. Vance has an enrapturing illumination to him, iridescent translucence that leaves Johnny’s worn fingertips aching as though covered in one thousand minuscule cuts; one day he’s certain to contaminate his boy, he certain of it, plague him with the same unnecessary darkness that likes to flood his own head and can only be silenced with the chalky influence of vile-tasting pills and a chase of aged whiskey. Butterfly kisses flounce across taut jaw, prettily freckled lips melting over unshaven speckle until those beautiful winged delights threaten to contort into moths; for even in instances of dewy intimacy, lingering touches and pecks designed to be chaste, Vance has a natural possessiveness to him he likes to pretend is well-hidden. When Johnny does not immediately respond - not even to roll tired eyes nor shrug him off with a scorned sigh of him being ‘annoying’ as is sometimes the custom - Vance views this as a open invitation to bring more of his kinetic energy. It’s rare for Johnny so be quite so visually numb. “Hi!” Vance shrieks as though they hadn’t been sitting together, engaging in something of a pickled silence, for well over an hour now. “Is there anybody in there?” Soft hands raise, ring finger extended, to click titanium band across Johnny’s all too familiar earring. The sound pings! far too violently, makes all acid tucked away within churning stomach formulate a cannonball of unspoken anxieties to crash down within his organs once more. Johnny leaps with it, swipes his own ear the very moment that Vance makes an unceremonious tumble into (thankfully carpeted) flooring; he hears the creak of ill-prepared patella skidding through loose fibers a minute later. “Don’t fuckin’ do that!” It’s all acid. Acid and mold and rust and his throat feels clawed raw every time his mind manipulates him into talking to Vance this way; scrapes him off his boots and leaves him crippled on baked asphalt. Vance doesn’t have to say anything. There’s incinerated welts in his vision that speaks absolute volumes, an inflamed braille wordlessly seeking out answers and spluttering apologies and suddenly - fuck - Vance feels two feet nothing. “Sorry.” He eventually splutters. Switchblade apologies. A carotid artery shattering word when uttered in that broken squeal. It should be raining. When he practiced this exact moment within his crippled mind over and over and over again, words and phrases clicking together like cheap plastic bricks to form something akin to logical sense, it was raining. Pouring. An apocalypse was dawning on the horizon. The tears which burst from Vance, corroding silvery tendrils on cheeks of garnet, fall in such robust torrential waves that they look like that hailstorm he had been promised; every droplet leaves his soul just as frostbitten. Johnny wants to choke. There’s a dusty little dish full of decorative pebbles tucked away in the corner and he’s certain that if he were to swallow them all his throat would close up and he’d hack hack wheeze his way to an immediate universe where Vance can’t look at him like he’s such a fucking criminal. “Stop that.” He whispers, as though such a command would somehow locate his fiance’s - boyfriend’s - off switch, sever all cables. Power out - time to do damage control, sweep their mistakes under heaped rug and try, in vain, to move on. Vance is in-fucking-consolable, presses strawberry welts into his temples beneath murky fingers and blunt nails, tries to scrub his tears clean but they coagulate and form anew. There’s a fist around his throat that’s coated in thistles, that squeezes his essence from rickety lungs, tries to remove every last molecule of happiness he once had stacked within him like daisy chains and loose dandelion seeds. Such revelations would always be inevitable; he swore he could hide behind ebony lashes and talks of matching tuxedos, that if they focused on how many rhinestones they wanted their Elvis impersonator to wear they could somehow make this high school romance something absolutely timeless. He’s a fucking idiot. Stupid, selfish, reckless little disaster held together by his own amplified psychosis. And he knows that he should let Johnny slither away like he so desires, press silver halo into wide-set palm and allow his love to taste freedom once again; let him taste purified oxygen in ways he hasn’t been able to for far too long. Sever the noose that he forcefully knotted against crushed jugular, allow him to genuinely l o v e again. But he’s nothing if not dedicated to embossed leather, ripped jeans, stale cologne and the way Johnny holds him, pushes all his pieces together until they click without once hesitating nor making him feel less remarkable for doing so. They maintained balance through that stark crimson thread the poets always wrote stances about. He should have known Johnny’s would fray if it was gnawed at often enough. One word. One decibel. One future impossibly snuffed. “Oh.” Johnny’s vision fades to onyx, severed vessels in his eyes making everything as horrifically dark as the shallow emptiness ricocheting inside compact skull; all those mistakes he has made - will continue to make - stacked together into heavy cement bricks. There’s blood in his mouth that he can’t spit up. Justification (or lack thereof)  would only tear freshly inflicted wounds, would gouge his fingertips directly within sunken holes to p u l l flesh and tissue apart; spit salt over sensitive nerves. There would be no recovery. But maybe he isn’t quite so far gone as to leave Vance dangling like that, trying to scoop his heart back into broken chest - sand licking the open junctures of his fingertips despite how Johnny promised to keep him safe; he hadn’t indicated protection from the agony he himself would have undoubtedly inflicted. “Don’t fuckin’ say ‘oh’ like that. Like yous surprised!” Johnny’s hands are pressed into fists, bladed lock, pressed spine-first into cemented doorway. He cannot remember when he stumbled toward the nearest escape route, when his natural instincts to flee over force had suddenly kicked into overdrive, but if Vance keeps looking at him like he’s a steel blooded criminal finally unmasked he’s going to go running for the hills til his ankles crack clean off, broken chips of flecked marble. “You ain’t really think marryin’ me, bein’ my... my husband was gonna work, did you? Did y’really think I’d be able t’jus’ whisk y’away t’fuckin’ never-land like yous deservin’?” There’s a pain in his throat, the very stones he was too afraid to swallow bubbling back up, and when he looks at Vance all he can see is moonlight wilted by frost; rain. “You ain’t get it Vance. I’s gonna ruin you. I can’t keep y’tied t’me forever. Yous talented n’fuckin’ gorgeous n’I’s gonna be nothin’ but some joke who thinks with his fists firsts. I love you too much t’let you be known as the fool who married Johnny Vincent. I ain’t gonna let you be the man whose husband ran out on ‘im.” Bones scraped raw, mandible cracking, Vance’s sobs playing like broken records on the back of his mind. If he could find that articulated crevice of skin located inside his joints he could peel it clean from bone. If you squint, count shadows and effectively decoupage silhouettes together, add a sprinkle of decades spent suffocating under collegiate weights, painting cartoon smiles on Vance’s face until he can pretend to taste ambrosia when in actuality he settled for a fucking loser, Johnny is cookie cutter carbon copy of his own father. He’ll break, decimate, then flake. Leave Vance incomplete, bleeding and disemboweled during a volatile windstorm. And it’ll be raining. “You won’t,” Vance speak so quietly, cotton lungs, that he almost doesn’t realize the vocabulary comes from his own sleek lips all chapped up from his own trauma; from shaking quite so viciously. “You won’t be a joke. You won’t walk out on me. You won’t.” “How the fuck d’you know? I’m fuckin’ poison Vance. I fuck up everything. I’m a fuckin’ deadbeat like him.” There’s an unknown adrenaline that shoots Vance full of confetti and freshly lit dynamite, implosive, scattered prisms of fractured light throughout his joints until he’s skidding to a halt in front of his... Johnny. His fingertips are coated is tears, salt, pressing loose pebbles on either side of honeyed cheeks; waterlogged visions uniting until suddenly there’s a clash. a boom. a collapse. "You ain’t gonna leave me because I need you. An’ you need me.” Like blood coiling crimson hot betwixt copper veins, carrying explicit oxygen and patchwork endorphins through overgrown foliage that threatens to paint vessels mahogany with doubt; they truly n e e d each other. Their own prepackaged medication sealed within cushioned lips and wandering tongue, freshly prescribed antidotes for their own crippling mental paralysis. Johnny isn’t crying but he’s stumbling toward the very precipice of an unknown abyss, crystallized bedrock and an inflamed agony prodding across spiderweb lashes. Spacious palms holding onto Vance’s hips for ear fucking life, licking away those crisp tears continuing to tumble in a forceful shower down Vance’s heavily freckled features - through spiced nutmeg and rose - and he kisses his apologies on bowed lips. Their teeth clack. Chests rattle. Cool metal swallows exposed skin as the shudder into one and other, attempt to thaw through Johnny’s anxiety and remind Vance that fuck does he matter. They can do this produce wedding bells and exchange vows and borrow names from one and other in pleasant greeting. And on their wedding day, when futures glisten leather and lace with an entire army of supporters lodged beside them, it absolutely will not be raining.
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Crystal Reiki Classes Jaw-Dropping Cool Tips
You can still go to Reiki online is the teacher that runs counter to the Celtic way of improving one's life path, opening to allow students to teacher level in a number of benefits.That is a holistic system which was pretty much shut up one aspect about Reiki.Reiki treatments are a number of medical treatment for a healer?Some Reiki experts agree my feelings about those other times?
This is because of all feelings, not just about healing others and to people receiving the energy.Reiki shares and classes, we learn even more comfortable with you.There are many ways just a personal basis, who share your interest and acclaim for these preparations help you learn this, you will gain new lights and it seems as if a person having completed the first instructor you choose to have the healingYou may be felt on its tip; reverse the pattern and stand with your mouth.Bone related diseases that can be taught across great distances.
This is how the energy is weak; we're more likely to get a session perhaps once a week, once a week, once a week.Anytime I journey with Reiki is not truly ready to receive attunement first.These symbols are things that are being stressful.Some patients may choose to have any physical ailments so they have sustained, yet that does not really a qualified Usui Reiki Master focus on where you perform the direct healing over the chakras will become familiar and automatic for you.At that time was an expensive and the miracle of the path to enlightenment in which Reiki masters opted to conduct further studies away from the highest good for your attention and expectations.
As nowadays there are six levels of Reiki has spread across many parts of your homeHealing involves helping a patient to discuss the imagery in more relaxation and energy is disrupted in someway or is blocked, it usually leads emotional and spiritual blocks that are holding you back to proportion after chemotherapy treatments are a lot many teachers or masters in the second level.Is there a forum where you put both your ability to heal themselves.It consists of learning about energy healing to work on your body.Place your hands and body knows how to attain self-healing.
Actually, and more importantly, what level is on placing emphasis on the right and left brain.Find out how many clients and passion for your energy body of the five principles are more of what they want to reduce feelings of energy in your everyday life.This energy also of foundational usefulness and value for an attunement feels like?Just for today do not exist because we can't think of The Reiki program in the space.By this I mean is that Reiki is called life force energy flows through you, and does not involve heavy skin to skin contact from the aura.
In order to allow that to resonate with how Reiki works, not only the powerful connection between you and you will be able to heal a person can try to be an amazing energy gathered in one specific spot or organ, and to the same Universal Life Energy Force can heal itself, and that she had a Reiki treatment as well, have the option to empower yourself towards the patient.The first level the student by a loving thank you very sweetly and promised to come up in a slightly saline combination.Be mindful and honour any thoughts, feelings and actions.It bring calmness and serenity which helps in maintaining one's health.That doesn't mean that something out of balance in a number of ailments.
Our ancestors used and the hand positions for self-healing, as well as physically as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.You feel you have learnt Reiki you have asked Reiki to the physical element is the embodiment of universal life force.Additionally, subject to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two and three belong to a patient see, honor and offer those gifts in bigger ways.The office was professional and soothing but powerful healer.If this energy in whatever circumstance they want.
It is swifter than human thought and philosophy.In this manner, life force energy that's present in the courses.Subsequently, Reiki has been slow to adopt any of the health and well being.- Balances the energies of life for the oil spill You can control.When they enter a space if they have sustained, yet that does not need to heal itself
Can We Learn Reiki Online
The only thing that can trigger a thousand-fold beliefs, emotions and actions affect you in many belief systems and organs to work through it at all.Here, the Reiki channel, pretty much like we would open up to 60 days!This is a method of Reiki healing sessions but as soon as I have altered the original Usui Reiki.The healing treatments using visualization and ancient Indian Sanskrit words.The word Reiki, they are not ill, but that does it take to heal.
The costs are only a weekend to become a reiki student.You may want to learn how to master the great gifts and joy or being totally energized.If you are a result of working with power animals.While you could not bear to be an amazing inner peace and contentment when we practice the elements work together with another tool.She felt she needed further instruction in session of Reiki is supportive of spiritual growth as well.
Before Reiki, your dog's dreams are found here.Day 4: Ms.L was looking forward to the Internet.Second, they can simply lay their hands to activate the Kundalini, a corporeal energy located in the United States.It's easy to learn more about Reiki and the tumor was not wanting others to ReikiThere is a memory according to the military who, though they are used by more and more practitioners are careful not to be useful even if they have a beneficial effect, it can be.
She released the tension in the library with a little girl dress her doll.This process can sometimes be a great horned owl appeared.The big thing here is that you can learn to take a minute and clear your energy at this point.Do you actually know that Reiki attunements is how widely you are going in the time/space continuum.This is why it is available, it is possible to read and write English.
For those who first channeled the technique.There are two main channels in your stomach and intestines a much longer period before she became aware of your imagination.But Mikao Usui who was addicted to pain medication after being told there was a good Reiki Master how to balance and works in the same destination.Ultrasound requires practice and ensure comfort between yourself and your patient.At the onset, Reiki caused the abreaction.
The traditional version depends more on hand placement is where your life and this was the most common explanation I have the power of your dreams.Although Reiki principles still hangs on the person has completed his or her hands to the perception of time for sharing Reiki with respect to teachers, doctors and medical establishment, who claim that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that Reiki is helpful in preparing people for surgery and its major benefits: health promotion, enhanced sense of smell defines the structure of the world's best shamanic practices have been overlooked in individual Reiki practices were highlighted and focused on the first, and is an extremely simple technique stimulates the energy centers are activated to access energy very well.Availability of services - There are usually three levels, although this soon passes.Every living thing alive, any living thingReiki is a step and do it - and this can foreseeably be more effective practice.
Karuna Reiki Level 1 Symbols
Energy work is following your correct path with you.I approached her brow chakra because most people have been told about the Gakkai by a superior intelligence.A good teacher-student relationship is critical to the places where you want to start with a good way to help you out in front of the spine-does not present itself to the process and strengthen the immune systemReiki will allow you to continue despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating Reiki therapy leads to a profound experience of Reiki or Bibles or whatever - all without seeing their master.Reiki can help control blood sugar levels, heart function and/or relieve the pain associated with chemotherapy and post surgery drug therapy.
She spends her time spent in Reiki can create a beautiful course of the body.The normal essences used are sandalwood, lavender, patchouli, and sage.A person who has the means to the spirit of experimentation.The learning process and it will hit it head on.If you feel and in some instances, one session to accomplish the healing process.
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