#but like going foreward i dont want to answer 10000 questions about him this blog is meant to be for me and thats what i want to talk about
strawberrybabydog · 14 days
What happened to Bailey?
turned into a werewolf and never came back. that full moon always gets the newbies
is anyone going to ask me about my beautiful wonderful girlfriend or am i just going to have to tell yall myself that i have been in love with her for almost the majority of my life and my most special memories were made with her. her cat is awesome too he's the exact same age as my cat and we ship them yaoi style she even made us shirts a long time ago with them on it. once she gave me a birthday card that said happy birthday grandson and it has instructions to turn the card into an oragami car. i have a bag of dried slime that we made together drunk off expired strawberry bailey's at 3am when we were 16. we met on the game i literally work for and have been married in-game since 2015 (our marriage is so old the game cannot display it properly on our profiles. she quit playing long before me but not the point.) she was the person who introduced me to pixel art and told me where to download my first pixel art program, paint dot net, which i still have and use occassionally. in 2018 or 2019 i opened a blog specifically for her because she doesnt have tumblr but i wanted to send her stuff anyways so i just made an entire website about it and even found a cute mushroom theme code for her because she likes nature aesthetics. when i went out into public with my pawsthetic gear, who do you think was with me? who do you think took those pictures? i was terrified to go out in public with my gear so she wore ny other tail, and i said, "what if people yell furry at you, or bark at you?" she said "i dont care. i'll bark back." she isnt alterhuman but she is one of us.
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here are some of her pics from that day. it was 2018, the tpose was still funny back then, okay?? ugh, look at me, just a little puppy my hood isnt even pierced yet!! 🥹
i dont know how to tell you guys this but like. i am a person lol. i have memories and special moments just like you that you have no idea about. my life is just as complicated as yours and theres a fuck ton you dont know about me. theres a lot that i dont share on this blog and theres a reason for that
also im just putting this out there but relationships are not black and white. date whoever you want. fuck whoever you want. language and identity labels are meant to propel us NOT hold us back to One Standard. relationships are unique to the people in them. the only wrong way to have a relationship is if you're abusing or traumatizing someone, all of the other boundaries are up to you. in closing, do whatever you want forever
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