#but like every other binder on Amazon or off is one hundred % plastic
arctic-hands · 2 years
Overthinking myself into an anxiety attack as per usual
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allineednow · 6 years
<p>Gain Prepper Skills Now By Starting A Survival Binder</p>
individual survival skills are key to your survival, and both need a well-rounded and well-organized survival library. Having a fantastic survival library is, in my opinion, just as important as using a well-stocked pantry. As they say, knowledge is power; when it comes to survival, you can not have too much information or knowledge.
But books are expensive, and building a survival library covering all the needed skills can encounter hundreds or even thousands of dollars, which most of us do not have. For those who have an additional $2,000 to purchase books and other related study materials, buy all the books, periodicals, and videos you can. Unfortunately, most of us do not have that sort of money. How are you supposed to build a survival library without taking out an extra mortgage on your house, selling your bodily fluids or parts, or pimping yourself out on the street corner?
Well, you can buy used books, and one economical resource for used books is online sellers, especially Amazon. This is not to denigrate yard sales, library sales, estate sales, or used bookstores, but survival and gun publications are seldom found at "sales." In Amazon, you can find anything, and the search takes moments.
Even buying used books could be more than your budget can afford these days, so I have a cheaper option for you: a survival binder or binders. Let's get started ...
A survival binder is simply a book of collected information gathered from several sources both online and offline. You can use any sort of binder you want, but I prefer the cheapest three-ring one I can find that is sturdy enough to be handled or transported.
Most office supply stores carry 20-pound, 8.5 x 11-inch, three-hole-punched paper to be used in this sort of binder. If you can not find the paper with the holes in inventory, a three-hole paper punch works nicely. That's what I use so I can add pages taken from newspapers, magazines, letters, or publications to the binder, and not just items I've copied onto the punched paper. You could consider waterproof paper.
There are a number of providers of different grades; simply Google "waterproof paper." A poor man's alternative is to haunt new house building sites for scraps of Tyvec "house wrap." It's printable, waterproof, durable, punchable, and generally free in bits, and it cuts with scissors. Of course, the waterproof paper doesn't do much good if the ink is not also waterproof.
Some copy/printer inks are waterproof. So use the fantastic stuff to print downloads you want to keep through hell and high water. For your own note-taking, the Sharpie waterproof marker is durable. Some ballpoint ink is waterproof; some is not.
Waterbased inks frequently do not go on, and pencil usually rubs off. Another option is using clear plastic three-ring envelopes (the soft ones, not the stiff glassine ones). They come in all sorts of configurations, including ones with half-pockets for ones and clippings that zip-lock watertight. They also make a heavy duty version as used in factories for holding work orders that is also oil resistant and comes three-ring punched.
To make it easier to access data in your binders, you should label each with the topics covered. If you do not do this from the start, as your library grows you'll have to spend a whole lot of time flipping through every binder to find the one with the information you need. I write the subject on a 1-inch-wide by 8 inch-long strip of paper and tape it to the backbone with clear 2-inch packaging tape encasing the tag.
If your writing is not legible, you can type the labels or use a label-maker (a great one runs about $12). Index tabs make retrieval quicker if you have individual "chapters" on your binders. One of the terrific things about the survival binder system is that--unlike many survival books out there covering a wide range of subjects, with only one or two being applicable to you-- your binder includes only those topics that you need, saving you time, space, and money. Additionally, the binders take less storage space and are more mobile than books or movie cases.
What you place in your survival binder will be dependent on several factors, including but not limited to your location, survival plans, and skill level. By way of instance, if you escape to an area where raising a garden is not feasible, then incorporating information on gardening would not make a lot of sense. Or if you stay on the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee, then you won't have a binder devoted to desert survival skills.
You get the idea.
Do not waste resources or time you won't use. Now where to find reliable, printable information for free? (I love that phrase ... FREE.) Well, blogs are one great source. By way of instance, my blog () is a treasure trove of information on a huge variety of survival topics from knowledgeable sources, and the posts are all free for the taking.
Have a look at the print-friendly button at the bottom of each article. Where else can you find free material? A fantastic place to start when looking for information on livestock, gardening, and homesteading is cooperative extension publications from the county, state, and federal agencies, like the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Here's the URL for my state extension office https://utextension.tennessee.edu/Pages/default.aspx. Your state will have a similar agency, as will most counties. Get on the internet and Google "state extension office" or "county extension office." The majority of the publications are free or reasonably priced. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross have a wealth of free information on emergency preparedness and survival on their respective websites ready to download and print.
A great place to start your preparations is "FEMA's Are You Ready?" Which can be found at www.ready.gov/are-you-ready-guide. Your state's department of natural resources web page is a great place to find advice on such matters as trapping, butchering game, hunting, vegetation, and other relevant topics. If you're looking for military tactics, websites abound that allow you to download and publish guides detailing everything from outdoor survival and weapons training to demolitions.
Another great link is publications.usa.gov. This federal government site provides a whole lot of publications for free or at minimum cost, although you might have to weed through lots of garbage to find what you need. A fast and useful way to find printable information on any topic is to perform a Google search to your subject with PDF (portable document format) added to the search phrase: for instance, "raising tomatoes PDF." PDF files are great since they're easy to print and place into your binder.
If you want to be more discerning about what you include in your binder, you can highlight the information of interest, cut and glue it to a Word file, and then print that out and add it to your binder. This way, you have only what you want.
Take a good look at your survival plans and abilities, and write down those areas where you need more information. Then start a survival binder system with the proper information to fill in the gaps.
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