#but just off lurking and reading things: she’s either 1. fodder for Aemond and or Aegon stans to insert into a narrative (her and the kids)
dulcewrites · 1 year
I’m writing this…. Thing lmao, and I hope I’m not horribly mischaracterizing Helaena. Idk I find her difficult to characterize at times.
Also trying to describe her dragon dreams… bc they it is barely touched on nor explained for her.
Edit: oouuu the way I really want to write hotd Alicent and Helaena related stuff bc I do feel like I could bring some new dynamics to their characters. But it’s come to the point where I just prefer writing them in a modern setting bc I feel like I can get them out of their situation 😭😭 I don’t want them to suffer
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