#but jfc tumblr hated this post so much and was so fussy about it and im done fighting with it lmao
intermundia · 11 months
so @merrysithmas got an ask about some obikin blogs to follow, and i'm really happy to be mentioned. i figured i would share some blogs that I've followed and enjoyed over the past few years who all produce amazing obikin art, stories, gifs, headcanons, meta, or just general enthusiasm for the ship and good vibes. BUT by no means is this list comprehensive, i recognize that fandom works kind of in cohorts, and my cohort is basically the people who joined the ship at the same time as me in spring of 2020, but hopefully this is a good starting off point for people to branch out from 🫶
@himboskywalker @gffa @forcearama @glare-gryphon @wernnaa @ms-gallows @inferior-fairy @ranianke @whohatessand @meandmyechoes @jswander @theseptemberist @binaryeclipse @skittlles @maragny @treescape@vulpesarctica @nixie-deangel @calyssmarviss @unspuncreature @boonki @delziae 
@disasterduo @falleen @sonderwalker @fikturya @ahhrenata @shywhitemoose @elysian-prince @twilightofthe @obikinn @weaponizedwit @artemisthehuntress @obi-wkenobi @rexismycopilot @tennessoui @complementaryhalves @fromcold @mashimero @ragnarlothcat @mysticmjolnir@tendergazes @storiesofchaos @kyberkenobi 
@bi-wan @anakincito @billowypantss @kefalion @nkn-skywlkr, @mandhos @thedunesea @fishnamedsushi @bladling @edgeofn1ght @obiwaned @elfiver @that-gay-jedi @obikin-events, @secretsolarsystem @thetimesinbetween @brynne-again @temple-mistress @sopherfly @ihbjtmne @starsdies @boxalienist @renlyslittlerose @dreaminghour @dtrvdtrv
@knightjane @izazov @sapphicsparkles @obibabywan @obiwan @bladetoblade @zaecula @jedibongrip @zimriya @ellelans @cygnaut @flock-of-stardust @ahsoka-in-a-hood @obiwanobi @kittimau @sagegarnish @obikins @becauseallhellseeisme @hillarydiangelo @sexysymphony @blade-to-blade
@jedmossfeld @skynobi @squishbaebae @writegowrite @adaliak @ossidae-passeridae and goddamnit I think Tumblr is done letting me add people. there are more but if you branch out from what these folks have reblogged you'll be golden!!
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