#but it's not a fanatic child that describes Erik's phans/stans
esmiephan · 2 years
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The owner of this bullshit post was thankfully deactivated (i mean, too bad that s/he couldn't take responsability for the shits s/he says, i wanted to talk "face-to-face" with him/her but now it's impossible), and the reblogs "defending Erik" didn't help in anything. It frustastes me how much the phandom looks weaker when defending Erik. It's not about wishing death to antis (even though they are toxic and even dangerous to other people who "love their enemy"), but letting it CLEAR that the things they say are wrong and hilariously stupid.
The phandom (mostly) loves Erik because he's nothing like this anti described. He was possessive and jeaously? YES HE WAS, and i'm not saying his relantionship with Christine was healthy (at least not 100%). But this person, who by the way seem to have missed the grammar class, describes him as a cruel and manipulative murderer. I wrote a whole blog better than this one explaining how Erik was not a cold-bloody murderer like some antis (and honestly some "phans" too) say. So it's useless to write everything again.
But let's talk about the manipulative. One thing that always bothered me when i watched the Andrew Lloyd's adaptation was Erik being such a liar manipulator, like, he even pretended to be Christine's father. It's not only hilariously unbelievable that a full grown woman would fall into such stupid lies because of a VOICE, but it's also something the original Lerik would never do. Yes, he lied to her about being the angel, but he regrets it deeply, he revealed the truth himself (unlike the musical) because he knew it was wrong and he needed to be close to her as a man. Plus, of course, he would NEVER, in a million lifetimes, pretend to be CHRISTINE'S FREAKING FATHER.
...and Leroux!Christine wouldn't be that dumb to believe him either. Lerik is the one who is easy to manipulate, and Christine uses his feelings to keep him calm and happy when he was with her in the underground. She knew he loved her, she feed that feeling and pretended to respond so she could discover more about him (and because she didn't want to hurt him). Christine is NOT A BAD PERSON, she is kind, foolish, strong and intelligent, but a lot of her actions are questionable the same way Raoul's (mainly) and Erik's are.
So yes, i understand when people are bothered with Merik being much more manipulative than he should be. But let's not forget that neither Merik or Lerik intented to hurt Christine, both of them loved her and regreted the wrong they did to her. And what bothers me so much is when this anti called Erik a rapist and pointed to Love Never Dies as an evidence of this supposed cruelty.
I'm very curious to know which part of his ass s/he found this information. This anti has literally no idea of what a RAPIST is. Rape is when a person forces sex into someone else, and such an abusive, disgusting act of cruelty DESTROYS the victim's life - the fact that we have to explain to antis what rape is and how it affects victims is... tragically disturbing. This person has no idea the consequences of her/him actions, his acusations, his words, literally no idea. You don't need to have more than 2 living neurons to understand Erik IS NOT, NEVER WAS, and doesn't even come CLOSE to a rapist. Imagine calling a perfect victim of physical/emotional/psychological abuse, social phobia, loneliness and emotional disorders a rapist... all because this person was jeaously of her/his crush?
It's hilarious to think someone could be so unscrupulous, irresponsible and obssessed over purity police to an innocent person like that. But yeah, here we are, answering a deactivated garbage post! And really, i tried to watch this "dark and unique" version of Webber's Crap Fanfiction Love Never Dies where Erik rapes or hurts someone, and i didn't find anything. If someone find the treasure that our lord purity-police here is talking about, please, link me? Because it would make me hate LND even more.
What really frustrates me is that Erik phans/stans are afraid of defending him and end up almost agreeing with a disturbed blog like this. He is not a villain, a man beyond redemption, a former MURDERER, a serial kidnapper, an obssessive dangerous stalker... or a romantic hero. He isn't any of these things. He is an anti-hero. A flawed man, fulled of traumas and social frustration, victim of abuse, with absolute lack of love, affection and tenderness, grown up with hatred, humiliation and violence, all of this shit life that made him emotionally instable, afraid of the society and desperate to be loved and accepted.
He was an asshole with Christine many times, no one is trying to deny or justify it. But he's not a bad person for this. He wronged a lot, but he recieved the compassion he needed and deserved from Christine. His toxic behaviour doesn't make him a monster - it's the opposite, he is the one who needed compassion the most. He was a genius, a noble man with a strong heart, but the circunstances of his life "forced him" to be an akward, lonely man that doesn't know how to socializate or express his feelings.
He is NOT capable of doing horrible things like some "phans" said (yeah, phans, not antis), at least not on purpose. He was forced to do gruesome actions in Persia, FORCED, in the place he was tortured and faced terrible traumatic experiences, but this is not his nature. If his mentally/emotionally instability makes him "dangerous", then he needed professional help, and not being called an unredeemable monstrous rapist by some petty anti.
Thanks for reading. A lovable kiss on your tiny cute butt.
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