#but it’s really hilarious to imagine John/the lyctors just zipping outside of the known universe casually
herothehardway · 1 year
Relistening to harrow as you do and picked up that John says the Mithreum is…40 BILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY?? that’s…3x the AGE OF THE UNIVERSE?? Meaning that not only is the Mithreum just stupidly far away, it’s also literally farther away than it is possible to see. When the lyctors go to the Mithreum they are effectively moseying out of the known universe.
Dying to know how the stele/obelisks work in that case, since non-lyctors are also able to get to the Mithreum to get Harrow’s body meaning they too are able to travel outside the visible universe
(For the non-Astronomy folks, the known universe aka observable universe is everything that light has had time to get to us from. That means the farthest stuff we can see is 13.8 billion light years old. [Edit: technically the farthest galaxies away from us are up to 50 billion light years away but we can only see them as they were almost 14 billion years ago. silly me forgot the universe is expanding woohoo] So the Mithreum being 40 billion light years away in the present means that its like he just fucking. Disappears into another dimension basically. If we applied the actual universe rules to it which obviously we can’t really do hah)
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