#but it wouldn't be wrong to say Sig's disorder is comparable to Taimi's degenerative disease
G, E for Gaius and C, D, K for Sigmund? :0
Ask Game
For Gaius
E: What is their love language?
Gaius' love language is dedicated to deeds and validation. Despite his hard-to-read attitude and how generally difficult to approach he can appear, he pays close attention to those around him, and their likes and dislikes. If he can help, if he wants to lift their spirits, if he wants to please them, he'll do something to try to help them out. In return, praise and validation make him glow.
G: What’s their greatest talent?
I think, despite how plainly he views himself, I think Gaius is a general repository of various skills. While he has no particular engineering talents, I'd consider him to be a jack of all trades in most practical situations.
For Sigmund
C: What’s their weirdest habit or quirk?
Because of his chronic illness, Sig's legs often experienced a difficulty in feeling sensations; he'd thump his legs against the ground to help and ensure he was feeling things. Imagine something like a rabbit or hare thumping the ground.
Prior to becoming Vlast's champion, he wore body armor (basically the royal guard outfit), and he often still had to jostle that around to ensure everything was working properly. Post becoming Vlast's champion, he still does it out of habit, even though he's much stronger.
D: What was their high school experience like?
Sigmund was bullied immensely, often violently, because of his disabilities, and was sent to the farms out around Smokestead. This, with Oberon's frequent visits and tutelage, allowed him to create the armor he used for mobility. Despite the isolation, he enjoyed the privacy, as well as being able to interact with the animals.
K: What is their greatest strength?
Because of his disability, and the impact it's had on his life and upbringing (both socially and emotionally) Sigmund is literally incapable of tackling most problems in the same way most charr would--this results in him being a rather ingenious soldier, not only in the formation of plans, but also in what he's willing to do in order to accomplish his goals or ensure his survival.
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