#but it gets lost sometimes in indie rp where things are very 1x1 based
cursedbcrn · 2 years
the secret, not so secret thing about writing with me is that i would probably just offer you any of the ones i have on my multi to act as a stand in / side character / extra plot device unless you have a main or exclusive for that muse. you want to write with hope but also curious what any of the mikaelsons think / do about it? i write like 4 of them (Hayley is a Mikaelson idk what y’all are talkiing about) on @founderscouncil. want to know what other legacies characters think about what my hope is doing? i think the only characters from the series that i haven’t picked up are landon and alaric. basically, feel free to ask if you want to bring in any of my other muses from the multi to make things more dynamic in our threads. 
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stxrryleah · 7 years
Name/Nickname/Alias: Medea-Jade, but everyone calls me Mia. I will answer to MJ too but I prefer Mia.
Timezone: GMT/England
Gender/Pronouns: Female (bi) + she/her
Age: 18, but I’m 19 in January (scaRY)
Personal Introduction: Well, hello. I’m Mia, I’m from England, and I used to study performing arts: acting + dancing. At the moment I’m settling into a new job in fashion, so I’m actually doing a ridiculous amount of travelling (for example, on Monday I’m going to Milan for three weeks), but honestly, I love it??? So with my job, I’m going to be saving up money so that I can go to drama school because acting s my real passion, RPing has helped me so much with acting because acting is all about becoming someone else, creating their personality traits, backstory, and that’s exactly what I do for all my characters! 
Who is your favorite Greek/Roman God/Goddess?: Poseidon because I’ve always had a great love of the sea. 
If you had to meet any mythological God or being, who would you most like to meet?: Apollo, to ask him whether he is my dad on the sly. Too many things don’t add up (jk).
Favorite movie(s) and TV-show(s)? Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sense8, BoJack Horseman, Orphan Black
Favorite books?: PJO, Time Riders, Harry Potter, Shades of London, anything John Green
Favorite music?: I have a very eclectic taste in music. Right now on my Spotify, I have Sam Smith’s new album, Taylor Swift’s new album, Bastille’s Bad Blood, a playlist with Monster Rally and a worship music playlist.
Favorite color?(yes, ikr, important question): Dark purple/blue/green
What are your hobbies and what you enjoy doing besides RP here?: I play music a lot (the question “what do you play” is too big for this segment), or I do fitness stuff/write short plays/films.
Random fun fact(s): Coffee puts me to sleep.
What is/are your character(s)?: Leandra “Leah” Thomas (Nyx/Zoey Deutch), Phoenix “Phee” Saunders (Persephone/Colin Ford), and Guinevere “Guin” Fairchild (Eunomia/Lulu Antariksa)
Which of your characters do you most identify with (if any)?: I personally identify with all my characters for different reasns. Leah is a very relaxed person (which I can be sometimes), and she really believes in encouraging people to achieve their best. Phee I relate to because I completely get his motivation to want to inspire other people and make them happy. Guin, I relate to because I have a very strong sense of right and wrong and won’t stray from what I believe is either.
If you have multiple characters, which is the most fun to play? Which is the hardest to play?: This question is the hardest to answer. All of my characters are fun, and all of them are difficult. Leah is hard because she’s so chill all the time. In situations where I’d be freaking out, she doesn’t care, and she just has such a relaxed attitude all the time. Phee is difficult because he has his days where he has difficulties and doesn’t have the motivation to do anything because his brain is telling him otherwise. Guin is hard because she’s just gone through a massive trauma and is trying to work past it without talking to anyone about it, which is going to lead her nowhere.
How and why did you decide to join the RP?: The last RP I was in closed down unexpectedly, and it left an RP sized hole in my heart. I debated going into indie RP, but I thought “no, I need a group where I know I have people to talk to and plot with” because indie can be lonely af. 
What other kind of RP do you do?: I started off on Twitter almost 7 years ago, then made the move to Tumblr when I was 13. I mostly did indie, a few groups, but as I’ve aged, I prefer a group environment. I do have a 1x1 though. (here it is)
PJO Universe
(If you don’t think you’re familiar enough with Rick Riordan’s mythological universe in his books, you don’t need to answer all these!)
What books in Rick Riordan’s mythology series’ did you read (also including the short stories, encyclopedia-type books by Percy and the Egyptian and Norse stories?): I’ve read almost all the Percy Jackson books. At present I’m re-reading them. I got to House of Hades, but then school got to be too much.
What was your favorite (and why?): Lightning Thief and The Lost Hero are my favourites. I don’t know why specifically, but I guess I just love the beginning of all of these amazing tales. They set the series up so well, and I get chills reading.
Have you seen the PJO movies and what did you think of them?: I have seen Lightning Thief, but I haven’t seen the second one. I loved it to be honest, it’s why I picked up the books in the first place. I think it will always have a place in my heart for that reason. 
Who is your favorite canon character in the PJO mythology universe (and why?) Percy, because as strange as it may sound, I can relate to that kid a hell of a lot. He tries to mind his own business and ends up in trouble, and if that ain’t me I don’t know what is. 
Where do you think you’d live, CHB or New Rome/Camp Jupiter?:  CHB all the way. I don’t agree with certain aspects of Camp Jupiter, so therefore, I know I wouldn’t be happy there. (I always imagined that, knowing my luck, if I was a demigod, I would end up being a Roman demigod and hate every second of it.)
If you were born a demigod, who would your parent be based on your personality and who would you want it to be (if it’s not the same)?: Apollo. I always end up as first aider to my friends (it’s so bad I’m actually gonna take a first aid course), and just. Music. Yeah. 
What would ambrosia taste like for you?:  Fudge or ginger ale. 
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