#but im also stranded in the mountains working at as shitty bar for two more weeks and a half
purringbookworm97 · 10 months
So. Recently, I went to Barcelona. Me and my friends spent two days there, walked around a bit, threw our money at overpriced stuff in the Ramblas like the goblins we were and had the time of our lives. Now, one week and some later, I rediscover the many colored salt I bought at that one market, and yo, I'm going to have so much fun, let's do this.
The salts:
Hibiscus sea salt
Chili sea salt
Garlic and parlsey salt
Orange Rose salt
Charcoal salt flakes
Celery salt
Pesto sea salt
Salt flakes
Blue sea salt
Turmeric sea salt
The uses:
Salt: proection, banishment, cleansing
Hibiscus: lust, passion, divination
Chili: banishment, passion, some degree of violence, cleansing, lust
Orange: strength, brightness, happiness, prosperity
Rose: love, healing, strength
Charcoal: cleansing, protection, banishment
Celery: strength, prosperity, youth
Pesto (basil, garlic, pine nuts, pamigiano, olive oil): prosperity, strength, bonds (chtonic bond, filial bonds), resiliency, healing
Blue (wonder how they made that but gods yes): freedom, choice, gender reinfocement
Turmeric: cleansing, energy boost, happiness, health boost, healing, determination
Gonna have a blast incorporating that shit in my cooking y'all have no idea... Hope it helps anyone tryna make their own correspondence for foods by the way, and I hope you're all staying safe and hydrated kids, see ya!
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