#but if I’m even a little right I’m gonna feel so smart instead thank youuu🫶
weizhiyuan · 1 month
This is pure speculation and I could be totally wrong, but I kind of wonder if Qian never actually asked Yuan to go abroad. It starts in episode 6 when Qian and San Pang are talking about what Qian should do instead of just staying at the office 24/7 and I think San Pang could be responsible for this whole ordeal.
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“Or maybe get Yuan to move out” who proposes that? Not Qian! San Pang does. And we do NOT see Qian’s response. We don’t know what Qian’s genuine answer is at all! It just cuts to San Pang coming to Yuan’s home. If anything the fact that San Pang is coming home to get Qian’s stuff for a business trip makes me think Qian made the decision to leave instead of kicking Yuan out.
San Pang is a meddler. He’s getting himself involved into their relationship for better or for worse. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s the one who plotted this. Qian HAD been setting aside money for Yuan to study abroad before Yuan ever confessed, that much is true. It could be that he told San Pang about the money and instructed him to tell Yuan to leave but originally studying abroad was never related to Yuan’s feelings for Qian.
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“Does he hate me that much that he can’t even tell me this himself?” That’s the line that really gave me this feeling of “what if he never told him to leave at all.” And San Pang doesn’t have to say much, just that it’s what Qian wants, and Yuan agrees because of course he’ll do what his Ge asks of him. “He wants me to leave, the sooner the better, right?” and off he goes.
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But Qian cries!! He leaves that bracelet!!! Couldn’t Qian be sad thinking Yuan has decided to leave??? Because if Qian didn’t tell him to go, he would have to assume (or San Pang would tell him directly) that Yuan left on his own volition. I mean, Qian and Yuan are literally not on speaking terms at this point. A misunderstanding could be so easy.
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THEN, in the trailer we get bits that we don’t have full context for yet like this dialogue exchange between Yuan and San Pang:
“San Pang, thank you.” “Me?” “I thought a lot while I was abroad. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had the chance to go to the US and achieved this. I’m very grateful for you.” IF IT WEREN’T FOR WHOOOOO????? SAN PANG AGAIN! He doesn’t thank Qian at all!!! So maybe somewhere along the line of studying abroad/returning home he found out it was really San Pang who came up with this plan all along (I also feel like San Pang’s expression looks a little guilty…). Hell, maybe he even came back because he learns Qian never asked him to leave.
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“Why did you suddenly come back?” so it was sudden… it HAS been 4 years which is a full college term for most Americans and I’d assume he’d come back after finishing his studies and yet Qian notes it’s sudden (although counter argument, Yuan could’ve just come back without warning anyone ig).
“Didn’t you ask me to come back when I miss home?” Yuan could be lying a little here. Of course he would miss home. He would miss Qian and Lili the whole time he was there because he left due to Qian’s supposed wishes. But he also could be hiding the fact that he learned San Pang made him think Qian wanted him gone. And then we get the scene at the dinner table I mentioned before where Yuan thanks San Pang, thus revealing this fact to Qian. It would be a beautifully petty moment if that was the case. This latter part could be too much of a stretch, but for now I’m a little suspicious of San Pang’s involvement in the decision to study abroad. I guess we’ll have to find out in the coming episodes…
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