#but idk theyre like a natural guy. minus the piercings. maybe someday for an album cycle theyll dye it again
wuntrum ยท 1 year
How long have you been drawing the saints for girls? what are all the members like personality wise? :0
soooo saints for girls started out as a different little project right at the start of the pandemic (i was missing concerts a whole lot so i made up my own little band to play with like barbie dolls in my head lkjsdf), here's the original art of cass + frankie + ry + jas
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buuut this version ^ of jas doesn't exist anymore (also that jas was the bassist lol), and vincent didn't exist yet...i drew them a little bit but never fully did much just because other stuff (college) kinda got in the way? (also their whole story was more concepty, like they were called whytokay like Y2k (because ry sees a vision of a future where music is outlawed and she has to put together this band to save the world, which still happens a little bit but not to this extent lol), and also that game YIIK got released and it made me really sour on that name LOL).
at the end of 2021 i wanted to revisit them and maybe design merch for my thesis in art school but i realized that if my professors tried to tell me what to do with them i would've killed everybody and then myself so <3 we didn't do that
and after the late summer of mcr i went back and really wanted to commit focus to them again :) jas 1.0 never really made much sense to me (honestly none of them are very fem, and just like where i'm at with my own life rn, i wanted them to be explicitly androgynous / genderqueer so.) jas 2.0 came about + i made vincent to kind of fill the pretentious void left by jas 1.0 LOLLL
so yeah ive been drawing them for almost 3 years now :3 but saints for girls as they exist today only came about in like october 2022. and for their personalities, i'm gonna put all the answers for the uquiz below because they're a pretty good starter for their personalities (still working on their Exact dynamics, so i don't wanna commit to anything more yet) (also spoilers for the uquiz lol)
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