#but i'm excited to answer the rest of these tomorrowwwww <33333
rebouks ยท 1 year
18 and 23 for cookie and oscar ๐Ÿ’–
18. What's a typical date night for them? Do they go out or stay in?
Ooh they like both! They'll make a date night out of anything!! Stay in and eat pizza/watch movies, play games, go camping, stargazing, night picnics, ice skating in winter, feeding ducks! Fishing, hiking, bowling! They're literally down for anything or nothing, as long as it's together ๐Ÿ˜Œ corndogs!
23. Who's messier? How does the other react?
Cookie is definitely messier, she's a proper slob! Never picks up after herself, leaves food everywhere, toenail clippings on the side of the bath.. she nasty. Oscar's used to it though, he just kinda picks it all up as he goes, unless he's stressed! Then he can be messy too and it looks like a bomb's gone off, but eventually he'll be like.. right, let's do chores! And they'll blitz through it all together ๐Ÿ’€
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