#but i think terry would be prone to hurting and destroying people like this
terrence-silver · 9 months
Terry killing (or seriously injuring) someone for Beloved
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He's been trailing this wimp for almost a year now.
Leaving threatening notes that couldn't be traced back to him, deliberately ominous calls in the middle of the night intended to scare the guy shitless, having his place broken into more than once just to have him piss his pants, disrupting his life bit by bit and getting under his skin and inside of his head, paid off cops that wouldn't speak in order to tie all loose ends together, ensuring he got followed around purely for the sake of making him paranoid and fidgety, getting him fired, making sure finding new employment grew increasingly difficult to find because Terry's people rang every company, firm and establishment in the wider Valley area to ensure a blacklisting takes place and stays in place, influencing things and pulling strings from afar so that his livelihood ended up pushed into a disarray and doing everything in his power to drive him into a state of slowburn, inescapable desperation.
Terry Silver had such a power, sure, yes.
Terry Silver also had more patience than anyone could ever even know.
He could play this game of tactical warfare forever.
A year. Two. Five.
It didn't particularly matter. He took a certain relish in scooping up some schmuck's existence, making it into his own personal punching bag and driving nails into it like a cushion pin doll until the pressure formed visible cracks and the cracks led to deterioration. Walls of a metaphorical house collapsing, bringing down with it a metaphorical roof. Or if he felt keenly playful, perhaps he should have the man's actual walls and the roofs of his actual house collapsing? Maybe have Snake and Dennis plant some dynamite in his backyard like this was Vietnam re-enactment. Now, there was a hilariously tempting thought! But, no. None of this was to be ever traced back to Terry or his associates. This was a project to be done remotely. From a distance. In fact, the man didn't even know him. Never laid eyes on him personally. Never spoke to him. Perhaps he knew of him, because there were few people who didn't know of him this side of the West Coast and further, but there was a certain ironic hilarity that they could meet face to face, shake hands amicably like strangers making their acquaintance for the first time and the man would never know he was looking straight at the person who was the cause of all his troubles this year, none of which were purely accidental or bad luck.
Or that this was all for you. Because of you.
That this was revenge.
Terry knew he wanted this punk's life fully and entirely destroyed from the very moment you came home crying, telling him how someone offended you and imparted harsh words your way. You even went as far as trying to justify them, saying how the man, this stranger he later had tracked down, must've simply had a bad day when he snapped at you. I'll give him a bad life, Terry decided there and then as he held you and trying not to explode with the potent cocktail of rage, determination and desire as you sobbed in his arms, and he did. He really did. He completed or at least was close to completion on the very objective he promised himself he'd lead to finalization; Ten months, two weeks and five days later, the very infrastructure of his pet project's life was wholeheartedly messed the fuck up and Terry didn't even necessarily lift his finger to ever impart any hurt. Nope. All he did was watch. Observe from very, very, very far away. Observe through pictures his detectives sent him. Eavesdropping through bugs set up around the man's house. Watch through cameras, destroying all evidence afterwards. Guy started as an upstanding citizen now on the verge of giving up. Giving up on everything. How little outside influence it took to turn someone's life into a heap of bullshit. The power of suggestion and psychological damage. Terry learned all about it in the war.
Propaganda, it was called.
It was that propaganda that endowed Terry with the copy of the prick's divorce papers delivered to him by Margaret along with his morning tea which he sipped in the tub, observing the ever expanding mosaic of his handiwork. The result of months and months of effort on his part. Now, bearing fruit.
Juicy, fragrant and as ripe as sin.
-"Perfect."- He mutters, leaning back into the water, self-satisfied.
-"Mr. Silver, if I may inquire with a miniscule ounce of prying,"- Ms. Spencer adjusts her thick-rimmed spectacles looking down at him with her usual sense of professional poise and propriety and he already knew the question she'd pose him with before she even had time to properly formulate her sentence and vocalize it back to him. -"How far do you plan on advancing this whole complot?"- How far indeed. As far as he could, he supposed. Murder, perhaps? No, death was too final and liberating. It was too fun to stop now. How could he? Why would he? Man ended up dumped by his wife who took the kids back to her parents place in Nevada.
For fuck's sake, it was better than a prime time soap opera.
The Falcon Crest wishes it could weave plots the way he could.
-"Oh, not that far, Margaret. Lighten up!"-
Terry purses his lips with deliberate cynicism he knew she'd recognize and see through, tossing the document sent to him by the divorce attorney's secretary aside carelessly over the heavy, carved stone tiles once he's done mulling over the contents, a grim Milos immediately there to scoop up the compromising printed file and tuck it into the inside pocket of his black tux without saying a single word. He meets Margaret's speculative gaze head on. He wasn't about to bullshit her or pussyfoot around facts. He knew she could handle it. She's handled worse from him on the daily. -"I just want him alone, penniless, hopeless, broken in every way and begging for mercy with nobody there to give it."-
-"But, sir, with all due respect,"-
She clicks her tongue, about to protest. It was Margaret. It was okay. She was allowed to protest. She's worked long enough for him to where she's earned that special privilege. At the end of the day, Terry still did what he wanted to regardless of being willing to hear her out. -"Do you figure this elaborate reprisal extends far beyond the scope of the dealt damage?"- Now, someone else would get momentarily fired for implying your tears weren't worth all the retaliation in the world, but for Ms. Spencer, he'd let things slide. He knew what she meant and that she wanted to know what his ultimate goal here was. So, did the, as she said, elaborate reprisal extend far the scope of the dealt damage?
Terry's answer is no-nonsense, clipped and curt.
He reaches for the cigar box and his cutter right next to the ashtray from the tub.
-"I think it's a fair price for making someone who belongs to me cry."-
Terry deliberately has his chauffeur drive through a downtown shortcut between Huston and Morrison St. on Vineland Avenue that day at a leisurely pace, but not leisurely enough to where it would be obvious to you, huddled next to him on the backseat that the driver was ordered to deliberate, supposing he wanted to see.
Supposing he wanted to witness.
The endgame of his great efforts and investments. The man's property was foreclosed a month ago after he declared bankruptcy and his detectives reported that he was officially homeless, roughing it out on the streets. Right here. Slumming for alms in this very neighborhood. Terry made sure he headed out in the Rolls Royce today, wanting to add insult to injury and once he spots the familiar figure he's seen on snapped photos his people delivered his way, Terry alerts the chauffeur and you fidget, unsure what was happening. You never would. For all you were concerned, he wanted to do show a bit of kindness to someone in need.
-"Pull up here."-
He signals to his man at the steering wheel and the car comes to a halt. Terry feels you stir once his hand grabs the door exit handle and puts on foot down on the precipice where the sidewalk and the edge of the road connect, about the approach the person sitting on the pavement next to a cardboard box. Terry gives you a re-assuring look, exiting the vehicle, closing the door behind himself with a loud thud, knowing he was being watched by you through the tinted window and possibly half of the street block too, there to gawk at the million dollar vintage that just pulled up by the highway. Terry scrutinizes the man seated on the concrete, knees against his chest, a bowl of change beside him, seeming caught somewhere between a state of drunkenness and slumber, not even bothering to register someone was standing above him. What a sight to behold. That was the price one paid. For hurting you. For ruining a single day out of your entire life with harshly imparted words. That kind of shit? It wasn't for free. He made sure it came with a hefty bill, in fact. Terry digs into the inside pocket of his suit, digging out a handful of ten dollar bills he prepared for the occasion right before he heads back to you. Yeah. That would do. Cheap fucking change.
You shoot him a questioning look once he's beside you on the backseat.
-"Gave him enough to last six months. Couldn't just drive by like that."-
He lies, explaining, once the vehicle starts moving forward again and the image of the sleeping homeless guy disappears from view. Luckily, that fucking bowl was deep enough that one couldn't tell if it was full of measly coins or a stack of money. You seem positively shocked, even though you knew he often carried around enough cold hard cash to make Onassis blush so the falsehood pours down smoothly, like a cold Martini on a hot summer day. Your state of being momentarily perplexed fading into a soft sort of awe as you embrace his arm, cooing. He doesn't even try to hide how pleased he is by your clueless admiration and immediate hero worship, smiling at you.
-"Terry. That was really kind of you."-
-"You know me. I always endeavor to help the poor."-
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bitchin-b33 · 6 years
Casting Call
So, the project I'm working on is a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and action.(I'll also explain the plot if you get a part too) It features
Pahve (Pah-Vay)- Driven and serious. She's in time with her emotions and barely let's them away her from her purpose. (Soft German accent)
Helios- Transman who has the ability to shapeshift. He's cynical and sarcastic, though cares a lot about his friends who he considers family. (American accent)
Pudge(Actually the name of my first pet)- Bottles her emotions as best she can, but strong ones easily break through. She tries to strongarm her way through any obstacle, physical or otherwise.(American accent)
Ruth- Girlfriend of Pudge, and has the power to bind things to her, or others (including animals/objects) She is quiet and thoughtful, prone to shutting herself off from others. (Soft German accent)
Alex- Tech geek who gets excited over the smallest things. He has no filter and no sense of when he should stop talking. Sarcasm flies eight over his head, and he tries to always stay optimistic. (Soft British accent)
Gaile- British and the gunman of the group. He will go headfirst into a fight without thinking, though when it comes to other things he's meticulous and almost OCD (Also loyal and very protective of his friends) (Heavy British accent)
Kaitwyn- Adrenaline junkie, though smart and kind. She halfway thinks things through and goes with the flow. It's an odd combination but suits her job as a royal guard. (Kinda heavy German accent)
Quine (Queen)- Kaitwyn's husband, and counters her in almost every way. He's brash and serious. While he isn't stupid he doesn't see the point in continuous studies that mean nothing to him. He's also the planning sort. (Heavy German accent)
Terri- Emotionless, follows all rules. She hates breaking them, and won't even do it to save herself or her family. (Heavy German accent)
Fredrick- Silent, cunning. Thinks everything through and makes multiple plans for the chance of failure. (Southern American accent)
Roxi- Emotional, cares deeply and pacifistic. Wouldn't hurt a thing even if they're attacking her. She tries to de-escalate things and is actually quite good at it. (British accent)
Gregor- Optimistic, though a realist. Knows when sh*it's bad, but always thinks there s some silver lining or answer to it. Reasonable and thinks in the present. The future can wait. He has good skill in swordsmanship. (American accent)
Tutkumhet(Tut-come-it)- By the book, but chaotic good. Would destroy an entire world if it meant saving many more. She's also witty charming, though maybe a bit crazy. (Mix of German and British)
Celia- Connects to people easily and very childlike. She likes to play pranks, though she's in a position of power. Would never use it to get out of trouble though, she accepts all consequences regardless of how bad. Though she is influential. (American accent)
Ramthys (Ram-this)- Regrets many things and second guesses himself. Doesn't know if he does the right thing for his people, or if those against him are right. Loss of family and friends from a past war weigh heavily on him. (Soft German accent)
Gillian- Ramthys' light in the dark. He was a public speaker but was called off to war. He became less cheerful and sees the bad in almost everyone knew he meets. He only sees the good in those before he went to war or in his early days of the war. (German accent)
Ellot- Easily jealous and envied anyone of higher power than him. Chaotic evil and would do anything to reach his goals. He wants to see the world burn. 10/10 evil laugh (German accent)
Youri (Your-Ee)- Balances Ellot, though powerless to stop him. He is chaotic neutral and only stops A Ellot for things that go too far. Other than that he too has a 10/10 evil laugh. (Soft German accent)
And a few minor characters who'll show up here and there through the animation (medics, civilians, and the like)
On a side note, the reason many of the characters have a variation of a German accent is because many of them come from the same planet with only two variations of the same species. It’s not a good idea for that, but it’s an oh well really. Just tell me which character you want to audition for and I will look through the script for a good scene. 
Anyhoo, thank you if you audition or give your voice to the characters and world I want to create.(Pics for characters will be up soon)
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Hi!! I love your blog. 💖 How do you think Terry of any era would react to a S/O who has verbally/emotionally abusive parents?
― I think Twig would be immensely affected because Twig's parents could've been just like that too, ranging anywhere from overbearing, to ironically neglectful yet stifling, to downright abusive, forming a sense of kinship between himself and his beloved. We don't know his own family dynamic for sure, but that is my best guess, so for him to hear beloved's mistreated would just hurt him too in indescribable ways to the point he'd almost want to tuck them away, hide them, elope with them or just...in all his boyish rage do something to beloved's family that he might regret. Or even more frighteningly, something he wouldn't regret at all. Twig scares himself.
― 80's Terry becomes full on vengeful and I don't think there's stopping him, which is immensely dangerous, because the lengths he'd go to set the record straight for his beloved are extreme. He's smart about it, though. Very calculative. Might actually befriend his beloved's family first. Include them in some business venture. Try to help them. Pretend to be a benefactor and the best son-in-law one can have until the absolutely retreats and squashes them like ants when they feel safest and most self-assured around him, destroying their livelihood, their finances, their peace of mind. Destroying everything. He owns and controls these people now. Much like he owns and controls beloved.
― Old man Terry doesn't have patience for these cockroaches and I literally envision him straight up bribing them or coercing them to once and for all remove their miserable selves from his beloved and never come back. By bribing and coercing I mean 'Leave, or I'll singlehandedly murder you' type of arrangement. Very simple. He's an older guy now and his handling of the situation is very black and white, because he's also excessively volatile, prone to aggressive snapping and he's extremely trigger happy. Unlike in his younger years, he doesn't want to run from beloved's abusers, or concoct an immaculate revenge plan to see them suffer. He just wants to effectively kill.
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