#but i think i'll reblob this list of q's bc they're all really interesting!
igarbagecannoteven · 1 year
Hi Megs!! It’s so cute that u set this ask list over a year ago!! If u still wanna tame asks id love to know 1, 7, 9 & 17 pls ♥️
hiya annie! i *am* pretty cute thanks for noticing 😌 skdjflksjd anyhow thx for sending these in!
.1. what fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (in other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) ooo good question! i think i'd probably suggest what if i'm weak (and i need you tonight?) just bc i think it's pretty structurally similar to most of my other fics (relatively short, takes place over the course of one scene, dialogue heavy, small cast, pretty specific au) plus i just really love it!
7. any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? i really love the world that fear the fever takes place in! i've always had lots of thoughts about how our modern world would look if werewolves and vampires just happened to be a part of it while still preserving the lack of control that is featured in a lot of werewolf/vampire stories and i think i represented it rather well in a relatively short fic. i love it so much that i'm really hoping to return to this world with a longer sequel fic at some point or another, but we'll see how long that will take 😅
9. how do you find new fic to read? usually i go to the fandom tag and just start filtering out things like crazy (like ships, tags, ratings, etc that i don't like) and then i normally sort them either by word count or by title and start jumping around the search that way (i really try not to fall into the recency bias that's seen in a lot of fandoms and a helpful way to do that is to sort it not by date and not by kudos or bookmarks or whatever so that way the less popular fics get a fighting chance lol) i also read fics by people i'm subscribed to on ao3 and sometimes ones that are recommended to me
17. what highly specific au do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? i mean, i love writing ridiculous aus that appeal to very few people, especially my weird half crack, half really gritty cassette futurist sci-fi au that will be getting more installments as per the unpopular demand, but there are some other pretty out there ideas that i'm dying to write! i have an almost finished arrival (2016) cashton au that is uh. super depressing and weird but is going to be so, so good when i'm done with it i swear lol. i would also commit crimes for a well done hotel california songfic au; i've got some loose ideas in my head (that would include a baby blue songfic prequel) but i don't think it'll ever actually get done so instead i'll just have to daydream about it 😔
ask me questions for fic writers!
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