#but i had some thoughts on writing abt scott and beatrice as kids for a short story
faebriel · 2 months
do you think you’ve ever start posting about your ocs on here? i’d love to hear about them
thank you nonnie that's really sweet :'] the answer is... maybe? ive always been a lil insecure about talking about my ocs in public although ive been trying to microdose on doing so thru the adventures of "srry to octag but"... it's nice to see ppl have noticed lol!! their story is still kind of in flux (literally today i was going hmm...should i rename adelie...) but it might be nice to write some short snippets about them sometime
i do have a few little profiles so i will put them here for you to read
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it's a snow white rose red & red riding hood & snow white kind of vibe
i also tried making a relationship chart but tbh i underestimated how hard it is to sum up their whole group dynamic with just some coloured lines so i'm just gonna shamefully hide that under the cut
if u have any questions about any of them or elaboration on what their dynamic and vibe is i would be happy to answer questions! i think
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what's secret shrimp thing?? well. idk i found it hard to describe "this relationship is not sibling-ish or friendly but this person does project on the other in lieu of their missing sibling/friend" and "this person is so thoroughly confused about their feelings that it transcends just putting multiple colours on one line" or "moved their body once" so it got a catchall i guess
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