#but i feel twc kendis would lean more neutral for the fact that their good influences came later in life
grapecaseschoices · 11 months
I'm now healthy enough to pester you about your ocs! Yay for me. So I choose... Question 1, 7, 15 and 17. I'll let you choose which oc to talk about. It's a free card "talk about any oc that makes you happy to think about". Hope you're having a good day and if not, hugs and nuzzles (from my cat) to you.
I am glad that youre doing, pumpkin!
Ima do my twc mcs bc ima do the twc exchange~
1] Do they have any crafting hobbies?
Andy: He gardens and can do lawn maintnance, can do fair art with them bushes.
Pierre: Does book binding and cover repair.
Kendis: Does pottery. But they also like party ogranizing so they can make/letter basic cards. They don't do as much anymore but they scrapbook.
They all, including Val and Kai, know how to sew [to various degrees], as a life skill.
7] Do they have any unusual fears?
Define "unusual". Kendis and Andy both have a fear of loss; mainly via death. Val and Kendis both have a fear of -- I guess not being good enough. Mainly the closer you get the less you will like what you see. Val does have a sorta fear of falling short of Rook/ruining his legacy and, of course, abandonment. Kendis a -- sorta fear of imperfection; they hold themselves to unfair standards, in a sense, and even tend to lean in seeing themselves as inherently a bad person.
The other two are more normal/better at self regulating. I mean Pierre's past mistakes do weigh and he could lean into Kendis' issues territory but he is better at working with who he is now [and also doesn't think he's prone to evil so --]
15] What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
I am SO bad at this. qwerwaw drawing differences on characters humor. BUT:
Andy: LOVES. PUNS. Which may seem unexpected, but word play is his gig, so.
Pierre: Isn't against the puns but actually has a low-key mischeviousness to his humor. A sorta soft teasing. This is why I picture him and Felix vibing. He actually thinks Felix is very funny -- maybe a bit much but he thinks his boyfriend is so hilarious [sorry Ava].
Kai: Dry.
Val: Sarcastic. Very little shit.
Kendis: Teasing. Kendis loves to poke. I see her as like the jokey, punch you on the shoulder humor sort. Kendis has sibling energy humor even as an only child. [Sardonic tho when she's feeling Mean].
17] How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
Define "morals". JKJK.
Um, it would actually be hard for all of them except - seemingly - for Kendis and Kai. I say this, because Kai's morals are at times governed by what he feels is most logical. And Kendis' are usually - this may surprise - based on the people around them [ie the people they value and trust the most]. However, this is where the seeming comes it, at the end of the day what Kendis values MOST is themselves and said loved ones. So while when push comes to shove it may SEEM she's wibble wobbling, she isn't.
I've a'ways said that if Kendis was born/raised in a bad environment then that is where their morals would align -- the ONLY exception is, I've never had a Kendis who wasn't suckered in by the underdog.
For fun:
Andy: True Neutral.
Kai: Lawful Neutral.
Kendis: Chaotic Neutral with good tendencies [tho fun fact: og Kendis tends to be chaotic good with neutral tendencies.]
Pierre: Lawful Good.
Val: Neutral Good.
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