#but i dont have the time to become an emotional wreck rn ugh
briellamy · 7 years
Six movies i can watch anytime Tagged by @crushed-andpulverised and @allgoodchains - thanks mates!
1. Sherlock Holmes Especially the 2009 one. These movies can even make me smile when im very sad. The chemistry between Downey and Law is exceptional and their portraying of the characters are, if you ask me, just exactly right. As is the scenery, the music and of course the story. Guy Ritchie got everything spot on and i cant wait for the next one.
2. Batman: The dark knight rises I remember seeing this movie with my dad in an old skool cinema in 2012 somewhere in Belguim. I had never seen a batman movie before and i was just blown away. I have seen it, and the other ones, many times after that. They’re just so bloody good?? Also, Christian bale and Tom Hardy are very high on my favourite-actors-of-all-time-list so, yeah 😌
3. Inception If someone asks for my favourite movie, id never answer with inception. Even though its probably one of the few movies i actually could watch anytime. Ive seen it twice in one day once. Theres just really nothing like it, is there?
4. Becoming Jane The only reason i watched this movie is because i was having a big James McAvoy phase and this was the only movie on netflix with him in it i hadnt seen already. Since im not a really big fan of costume dramas, i went in with very low expectations. Well, i still weep about it sometimes. I adore Jane and Tom and the love between them. Its just everything i want in life, you know. I usually don’t watch the ending though, I refuse to acknowledge they existence of that ending lol. And the music!! Dont get me started on that omfsdgh. I could go on and on about why i love this movie.
5. Ratatouille Cant really explain it, just like it a lot. The only animated movie i can really enjoy watching anytime
6. The Prestige Oh hey, its another damn Christopher nolan movie. Big fan apparently 🙃. Anyway, its a bit surrealistic, but it doesnt feel that way. The plot twists are oustanding and for me, unpredictable (obv). Again, Christian Bale, my hero. Good movie 10/10
This has been fun, thanks again for tagging me! 💞
I tag @we-were-kissing-gods @gallifreyan-uprising @panicbellamy @sing-for-muse @supermassive-skulls @aaronsaxon and @problemxtique
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 8 - “People will probably think I'm lying even if it is the Bee Movie script” - Amanda G
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I NEED TO KNOW WHO VOTED WHO DSFJSDHKFJDSJ. Did emily/amanda/ali vote together with someone correctly??? Also so iconic how emily <3 and my espresso pals didnt get votes. This really makes me want to win the next immunity so I'm closer to merge and I can meetup with them and get the details
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This is my first auction and I'm really curious to see how this is gonna go down
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OK Wow my alliance arent snakes and im alive! the vote went exactly how it was supposed to go! Nayeli went home and so did her idol! So now I know that the dragons alliance (Emily, Amanda, Will and I) are a solid 4 person majority! Which means were most likely going to make it to merge knock on wood! As long as the hosts dont try and of that bullshit and swap us again we should be all set!
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I'm so happy that I'm finally in the majority!!! Host Ali even said, "Congrats for your first vote in the majority! woooo!" I'm honestly very happy about it and I'm stoked for the reward challenge. I feel confident and even if I don't get something good, it doesn't matter. Nothing can get me down right now.
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WHEW is all I can say tbh. I'm so overwhelmed but everything played out how it should. Things are looking up!!! Nayeli's idol is gone!!! I have everyone in the tribe on my side I believe!!! Um!!! I'm still a nervous wreck but happy because things worked out.
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ok im gonna start playing messy af now lol lIKE NO MORE BS i should have known nayeli was a target bc she had a idol fuckkkkkkk and they purposely split the votes bc I'm assuming ali told them that we were in an alliance. IDK WHAT TO DO LOL!!!!!! bc i don't wanna be anyones bitch and be like awwww keep me here and ill do whatever you want lol. i don't wanna trust ali though like really ?????? like you obviously don't like our alliance and I'm gonna start flipping now. idk who to trust but its definitely not someone who outs their alliance the minute the first time we go to tribal. like when was nayeli going after you ali!?!!??!?!?!?!??! never LOLOLOLOL fucking idiot and hell realize that. i wish he would have used that info and told her and we could have used the idol!!!!!!!!! anyways its evident he has more alliances and i wanna fuck him up i hate men
idk what to do I am very alone in this game and its evident from the 2 votes and also WHY WOULD ALI LET THEM TRY TO IDOL ME OUT!!! FUCK YOOU YOURE NOT A GOOD ALLY NOW I CLEARLY CANT TRUST YOU AND IM POPPING OFF ON HIM RN
ok i don't like abbey or will just bc i don't like talk to them at all, i don't like ali for reasons mentioned before, and emily n amanda G LIKE WHAT DO I DO WITH THEM !??!?!?!?! they were a part of the whole skeem (pls god help me spell that word) so how can i trust them ?!?!? i wish i had someone else to help with this game to tell me what to do saifnsaifndsionfdsio i really need to come back n glo up
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Lol nayeli getting voted out??? Hmmm looks like the alliance I had with Ali is over since he is now clearly a RAT
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ALI KEEPS SAYING I KNOW YOURE MAD N I REGRET IT LIKE NO YOU DONT!!!! you willingly made that decision just own up to it and stop bullshitting it. i hate when ppl do that like you made that move OWN IT BITCH!!! like if i ever made jury or whatever I'm not bitter like i would vote for ali in a heartbeat if he blindsided me again goddamn it but don't say i regret it and i feel bad like ITS YOUR MOVEE!!!!!!
i got played rip and i know it was amanda lynn that told emily about my alliance with nayeli n michael n ali fuckkkkk GTE HER OUT!!! i knew she was no good from the start bc she was playing other games n hosted a bunch and we got out some person who wanted her out who was in my alliance week 1 like I'm an idiot great! THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY
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I'm excited to see what sort of things are up for action and I hope I can get my hands on something advantageous. I don't really have too much to say
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Ok time to get confident and win something to help me since there's no way I'm getting an idol through searching. I hope the auction gets me a good prize cause I need it. http://www.rophydoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/glee_1375.gif
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I'm nervous because I'm gonna most likely be getting in a call with Will and after Ricky going home I don't know what's going on in his head
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How I have felt this whole game being attacked and unsure of who to trust I just gotta get a little bit longer to jury http://i.imgur.com/6NUZjGp.gif
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I knew Gwen would be mad but my girl Emily told her that amanda Lynn spilt the tea and that she's a rat YAHAJWHQHAHAHAHQH
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I bid on a parchment... And I don't know what's in it. I'm really nervous to find out because no matter what I say, people will probably think I'm lying even if it is the Bee Movie script. I hope it's a vote steal or something like that, that would be a game changer. I'm also super stoked that Emily also got an item, but again, it could be the Bee Movie script.
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Y'allllllllllllll This auction? The opposite of nut! Amanda Lynn (I believe Amanda Lynn won it I forgot already) has the power to look at one person and see all the alliances they're a part of??? UM?????? I'M IN LIKE TEN ALLIANCES GIRLIE THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR ME!!! I should have bid on that oh my god. But now I have a parchment with beneficial information to the game? Fun.  Ali T has a spy glass??? Gwen has something I forget but it's something good I think. God! I'm scared. These are all things that can really hinder my game. I'm like very worried. I'm just hoping no one uses their advantages against me. ESPECIALLY the alliance one. I................. hate my life
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So I got what I wanted at the auction. I didn't really want anything because I was afraid I could be targeted because of it and I didn't want to outbid anyone. My torch is pretty lit (so punny) so I'm really happy! The other tribe getting a disadvantage in the next challenge is iconic tbh so wig! Francie having her person challenge advantage is scary because I think she's already good at challenges so I have to watch out for that. Amanda Lynn getting the power to talk to a voted out person is honestly the only thing I would want. I would love to be able to talk to like raf because I don't think I am allowed to anymore since he's out of the game and I'm still in. It was super cool to see Amanda G and Emily slaying the auction as usual. Amanda G could have a vote swap or steal or extra vote or something so if I remain aligned with her and we both make it to merge then that will be great. I was shocked that Mo gave me his money on his way out,  I thought he might not really be with me so that was a nice surprise. I need to start making sure he believes that he is my closest ally so I can be safe on this tribe. He is very loyal and I think he plays based on his emotions and wouldn't turn on a friend and that is basically me except for like once when I voted out the two people who went to rocks for me at F6 at F5 and F4 whoops! But yeah as long as I have him I think I'll be good, especially because I think/hope he isn't as close with Amanda Lynn and Francie so if they want another espresso member out it would be him. Michael wasn't at the auction so that was iconic. Also Amanda Lynn went on a mini bidding war with me for the best item aka torch, so I should make sure I let her know that me bidding wasn't against her and I don't think her bidding was like a move against me; so that there can be nothing assumed that would make us not as close. I miss the INFP's :(
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SHIT man Amanda G got an extra vote!!! I love this girl and how we tell each other everything. I told her about my merge idol clue!!! We're excited!!! Okay I'm a little more at ease. I just gotta watch out for that alliance thing that Amanda Lynn has. That's scary. And I KNEW I should have bid on it. Oh shit now Ali is telling me about his item - I love having everyone trust me - HE GETS TO SEE EVERYONE'S VOTES!!! Guess I can't lie to him about the vote anytime soon lmao. Ugh we have a 10% disadvantage this tribal, and that's RUDE because Espirito has a 50% ADVANTAGE with Amanda Lynn and Francie like WTF!!! Never mind fjasnkjflnkads I'm gonna go play free rice and learn some grammar goodbye
Guess who is stupid and just realized Gwen is the one with the alliance revealer. LMAO! I guess I gotta vote her out fdnsfjknad she is not getting a hold of my one hundred alliances no sir.
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I got an extra vote!! I'm pumped, but also nervous. If I get blindsided and voted out, it's not transferable. I feel secure with this and the idol and since Emily told me she has a clue to the merge idol, we can get very far in this game together and I'm pumped!
I just realized I said I'm pumped twice and I apologize.
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I can ask a question which could be good but I have to figure out how to word it to maximize the usefulness. I'm glad my auction was on good nite and not wasted whew
Ashley used her question this round and her question was: 
What is the exact location currently of every possible prize ( idol vote stealers advantages etc) you guys have created for this game? 
The answer she got was:
- Somebody on Salao has the re-hidden Espirito idol, so there is no idol to be found for the Espirito tribe - The Salao idol was found and re-hidden (meaning someone went home with it), and currently nobody has found it - Those are the only idols currently in the game - Gwen still has the alliance revealer - Ali T still has his spyglass - Amanda G still has her parchment, and that item cannot be transferred - Amanda Lynn has not used her knowledge/closure item - The contents of Emily's envelope will only be revealed to her at the point when its contents become relevant, but she still has the envelope - Will still has his necklace w the feather - Francie still has her 15% advantage
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This is a good challenge just bc of the cause it's going to. Honestly, I can't stop laughing about the "buy yourself out of the auction" and the useless torch items from last night. Also, re: actual strategy and stuff, apparently Nayeli and Michael were somewhat a duo for some time before the tribe swap. I'm glad Nayeli is gone because it breaks up that alliance there.
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I'm so tired I feel like being lazy on this challenge but I don't want to be the reason we lose and I definitely don't want to get the smallest amount of rice so I'm just going to get rice all day I guess!  I hope we win and I'm glad I didn't get the disadvantage in the auction, hehe, sorry abbey
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re: free rice guys my brain is melting this is too repetitive 
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My only plan for this fake idol right now is to wait until a major move needs to be made, and then lure someone into trusting me and give them the "idol" to play at a tribal council where - in reality - they'll be blindsided. There's plenty of people in this game right now who are big targets that trust me enough to where that would work - realistically I shouldn't have told Abbey but that shows her that I trust her 100% right now and that's what I need at the moment. If I had to take out any of old Espirito (besides Abbey) at any point, I could probably do it with this - Ruthie, Mo, or Amanda G especially, I can see them being big social threats post-merge - but I could also pass it along and convince someone to give it someone else. Regardless it gives me a bit of power right now and I like it.
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I'm stressing out about rice but I just hit 40,000 so I'm hoping everything will be fine!!! Espirito better flop at this challenge lmao
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I feel like I've been playing free rice for so long. I have almost 27,000 grains and my brain is fried (rice.) Please help me
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Tea: I don't want to go to tribal again until the merge! I hate tribal at this point!
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I am so nervous for the deadline. I'm thinking the announcement might be merge and I'm praying it is so I can get back with Bryce. I don't want to go to another tribal council until merge, so I'm hoping that Salao pulled through and won.
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I literally have been sitting and clicking on my computer ever since I woke up this morning. I got 59,250 grains of rice...........we better win I swear to GOD!!!! That damn 10% disadvantage will really hold us back and I'm not happy about it.
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ok thank god emily n ali tried super hard and i did really decent in the challenge so i can pray i have immunity and hopefully keep winning it until a merge LIKE I DONT WANNA GO HOME!! emily ali n amanda are still being really nice to me tho. also i told amanda g i wanna go really far with her so lets hope that makes her want to keep me. I'm going to try and tell her that if she votes me out then like theres going to be 2 bottom people out of that 5 person alliance and we can balance that out with me and ill actually be her ride or die
The Espirito tribe loses immunity
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OH GOD FUCKING BLESS WE WON IMMUNITY that means no scrambling, no mess (for now), and hopefully someone I don't know or who's out to get me gets voted out that would be.... a dream wow
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...........shit. I don't want to go to tribal, but the alliance I'm in has plans in place from last tribal for this one. Us former Salão members + Mo have majority so we should be able to target someone (likely Ashley) and get them out successfully as long as we stick together.
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Fuuuuuuck, the last time I was this nervous was the fourth tribal council. I really don't wanna go home though and all I can do now is rely on social game.
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I'm so happy!!!!!! I don't have to vote anyone out tomorrow!!!! I'm so happy!!!! Salao CRUSHED IT!!!! I don't have to turn on anyone!!! My day wasn't wasted!!! God - I am so happy. I spent so much time earning rice... I truly hate myself for it. But Gwen will likely use her alliance thingie on Amanda Lynn in merge, thus exposing her! That'll be great considering I want her to be voted off before she can secure any individual immunities. I think merge is tomorrow night. I can't believe how iconic this is. I'm yelling!!!! I can't believe I might actually be making merge??? AND I have a merge idol clue??? ICONIC! I just love life right now. Now I have time to read and work on scholarships tomorrow now that we are immune and my show is over!!! Wow - this is so great. I love Salao and I was really stressed about having to vote out another tribe member.
Something I'm worried about though is how I exposed Amanda Lynn to Gwen and that will probably blow up in my face. I can always claim I didn't say the things I said or whatnot... But I can't wait to be reunited (HOPEFULLY) with Bryce and hear all of the things that have gone down on Espirito!!! More INFPs calls!!! Oh my god - things are looking up??? I'm hoping I'm not reading too much into hosts asking us to be present after tribal... But I think we're merging??? I hope so!!! Oh my god!!!
Also, you would think that after like twenty hours of earning rice from answering questions about English grammar, I could write a nice confession essay sort of thing. I'm just too excited. I'm sorry. AHHHHH!
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This comp is such a risk cause some people have irl stuff while others have plenty of time. It's luck and sadly we lost again. Let's hope our tribal can be easy like last time and we agree on who goes. I'm just trying to get to jury cause I know there are people,that want me out. Now to see what's the general feeling around
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thankful we fucking won omg i needed that!!! and everything does seem really cool wit amanda g n ali. I'm not sure what I'm going to do at merge at all but well have to see what michael is doing and maybe we can start fucking shit up
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I'm not ready for my game to end
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We lost JFSKDHJKDSHFDSJKFHDS. I really didn't want to lose so I'm a flop. I had been pretty calm and happy sitting out for a tribal for once so to be back here is unfortunate. Mo wants ashley out and idk who else is the target but hopefully not me. Im gonna talk to Amanda and Michael and see what they think 
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Im so ready for a merge, if its another switch im gonna cut someone, I legit did that challenge for 4 hours and and off an on all damn day! so I better make merge *prays* also lets talk the tea on Amanda Lynn, so Emily and I are close allies so we talk ALOT, she tells me Amanda Lynn made so many alliances and then she ratted the alliance that SHE made without even telling me about she told me that "she was my closest ally" Im ready for Queen GWEN SAGGLICOA to take her weave off come merge (please be merge) and Emily and I can stay under the radar!
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Ashley says people are deciding between me and Mo, but I think Me, Francie, Mo, Amanda are all voting her so it should be good. But I don't know how well I can trust them. Francie says she doesnt talk to Ashley often but Ashley mutineed for a reason so it might not add up
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Amanda and I have been talking today we've convinced Mo and Bryce to vote Ashley. Everything seemed to be going well but then Ruthie told the Feminism chat that Mo and Bryce were planning on voting Ash. Who told Ruthie??????? (shit??)
At this point you have to wonder what Ashley is doing telling people who's names are up that they're up bc it's messy. On the bright side, now Michael is considering voting Ash. We didn't try to get him to vote for her before because last time we brought up her name Michael tried to talk us out of it so he might have some kind of connecting with Ash. However, he's considering voting for her now (or he's playing us in the chat) so maybe it'll work out?
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Michael randomly is seeking drama which is a choice... I just let him know what Ashley told me and he tries to make it seem like I'm hiding things from him when she literally didn't give me a name...
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*Aaron Burr voice* “I'll keep all my plans close to my chest” (unlike Toph did) aka I'm going to try to keep my connection with Amanda on the DL bc I don't really need anyone knowing how close we are
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I just want to survive this tribal then I'll be happy I don't even know what's gonna happen but I wanna be there for it. It's prob gonna get messy and I love seeing it !!! Yeah I know week one I didn't want to see it but it's much later in the game time to mess stuff up
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Mo VS Bryce.... HMMMM.  I would rather Mo stay but i don't want my alliance to think that I'm like... being too pushy about it so I'm happy to just sit back and vote whoever they want.  I want to turn into someone that is just borderline chill so I can just... blend in a bit and make it to at least merge which I think is... SOON!
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My perfect game is going out the window because Ashley wants to vote me ;(. So either no perfect game or game over lol, I guess I can be fine with receiving votes then.
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Hoping everything goes well
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I'm a bit nervous for Espirito's tribal because Bryce is still on that tribe. I really hope he isn't on the outs and that he makes it out alive tonight. I think we're going to merge after tonight, so I hope nothing bad happens to him.
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I am so paranoid but im trying the fun method of ignoring my problems and pretending they dont exist!! Also amanda Lynn and her fear of idols is really messing with me because she doesnt want me to tell anyone other than mo and francie that im voting ashley but thats problematic because ruthie and michael want to know JKDSFHFKS. maybe im being played!
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God, I hope tonight is the merge. Also, I'm praying that Bryce stays tonight!!! I think he will be fine because he's very under the radar, but I'm still very nervous! :0 I just don't want my game to blow up but... I feel like it'll happen soon especially because Gwen is planning on exposing Amanda Lynn soon with all of her alliances and whatnot. How did Gwen figure out that Amanda Lynn was leaking all her information? Me. I'm literally such a rat dkjfa;fdjs I-I can't handle myself. At least I have a few people that will help me vote out Amanda Lynn if possible. I know Gwen will be against Amanda Lynn, Ali will (We compared notes last night and I told Ali that Amanda Lynn has exposed a lot about him and his alliance), Amanda G will, Bryce might, Michael might (because he's close with Gwen), and who knows what else we can do!!! I'm so nervous!!! Merge? I want it. Merge? Keep it. I just don't know what I want honestly. Hoping for the best.
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My heart is in my stomach right now. I'm so nervous about this twist, I'm hoping that it's merge so Emily and I can be reunited with Bryce. I really hope that we can get together and dominate until final 3.
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LAST WORDS:  I have no clue what happened more than likely someone is lying so I was rudely voted out for no reason. All I wanted was one more week then I would have gladly sit back and let them fight it out. I'm proud of myself tho cause it was a struggle from day 1. Idk why this game is so crazy but I have never had a game like this. I had stress and anxiety from start so I had to work extra hard and I'm just done with the game. I'm all for being a snake or engineering a blindside but you can't play in a game where you can't trust anyone. I literally had no one I could trust for the entire game. Ruthie is loyal but I wasn't working with her until we were forced to. Once we separated I felt better knowing I could play my own game without rumors swirling. Honestly I really am disappointed in the game overall because I really couldn't play a normal game I'm used to where I strategize and make allies and big moves cause I was too busy trying to keep myself out of target. Too many people switching their minds and flip flopping make the game messy and while I don't mind messy it way too early. Jury phase hits then yeah let's get messy but prejury is too early for that. At this point I think Ruthie and will are only ones that deserve to be in the game cause they are playing well unlike the rest who just follow along and don't know how to make their own choices. I can't respect the snakes that flat out lie to you either which there are several of. Being a snake is one thing but what they are doing is rude and not game play. It's taking it personal and I have absolutely no respect for that.
Ashley becomes the final premerge boot of Survivor Azores
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