#but i also just love my members and idk i'm so happy to enjoy rping again  you guys
acetechne · 7 years
I'm confused on how many ocs are there. Can I join this? Is there a St John's?
ok [cracks knuckles but unsuccessfully and just does an awkward hand stretch instead] here’s a crash course in What Is This Thing I Do
SHORT ANSWER: there are some ocs but while i basically know everyone in our lil group i dont take an official census of how many or who’s active etc. Re: joining, sure why not? and no there is not yet a St Johns and we’re kind of lacking in the east coast in general I’m afraid. We’re a loose unofficial conglomeration of people who met through a common hetalia project or two and so some of us make ocs - there’s kind of an unspoken rule that if an oc for a place already exists and the person is still active its polite to not do duplicates, but its not a hard/fast rule. It’s no fun to play favourites and start drama you know?
LONG ANSWER which is probably gonna get long so I’ll explain below the cut.
ONCE UPON A TIME i dunno if you guys all would remember this but ONCE UPON A TIME in 2008-9 the (English) Hetalia fandom was young and we were all really excited about this Thing that was pretty limited as far as I’m aware to Livejournal, which is how I found 
The I Am Matthewian Project (2009-2011 ish?)
you may have seen us around youtube or deviantart- basically its a hetalia fan project about Canada and his 13 provinces and territories (created by ctcsherry) and we did voice acting and stuff- I was the VA for Yukon and the most recent VA for Alberta and I did a lot of art for the project that i can no longer look at without cringing because HAHA what is anatomy. The project is currently on hiatus indefinitely and a lot of us have drifted our separate ways so I try to keep tabs on everyone where I can but I’m also Kinda Shy and don’t like prying or tracking people down all the time. Would I change some things about how the project was done or some of the dumb kid things I said or did or whatever? Yes. Do I regret the fun times, the art improvement, and the friends I made? Not on yer life bud.
Anyway the cities started as a roleplay thing and it’s kind of surprising since I’m really not a good roleplayer and I really don’t enjoy rping that my ocs, out of all of them that were made on those old boards, survived the longest. They’re nearly ten years old, man! But yeah, as far as I’m aware Ed and Cal are the only surviving OCs I created back in those early days- you can still see some of the old designs floating around dA but they were never really fleshed out and more just created as a little roleplay game between us that wasn’t really meant to go anywhere (although a couple of us, myself included, did sneak OCs into finished IAMP episodes).
Project Canada (2013-?)
So apparently people actually enjoyed and missed our lil videos so the project got rebooted. New admins, new fans, a couple of veterans from IAMP, that sort of thing. Same province and territory characters, new direction. Or… lack of direction idk xD; I loved being an admin for the project but we never really got off the ground because I think we rushed a little too fast and I ended up leaving my post for a variety of reasons. I’m making a go of it on my own now which is why I don’t speak for everyone who posts in the projectcanada cities tag (but lets be honest 90% of that tag is Me haha, I’m the annoyance that made the tag necessary in the first place)
The projectcanada cities tag is generally people who are or were members of this little group- we’re by no means an exclusive club and not all ocs were created /out/ of the project, I’m sure some people like me saw the opportunity to bring back some old ocs and revitalize them with a new audience and new people to brainstorm with- these might have been roleplay ocs or ocs doodled for fun or ocs that came together out of the fear that - like in the IAMP - we’d create ocs for the fun of it off stereotypes rather than putting a huge whack of thought into it, haha. (I admit though, for our own storytelling purposes quatsch and i got together to make a halifax oc thats not necessarily ‘canonical’ in the sense that we’re two angry albertans who haven’t ever been that far east, so if anyone would like to breathe some life into the design we’re happy to collaborate etc etc)
So yeah we’re not exclusive but we’re not organized either, which is why I’m hesitant to speak for everyone. I’m generally the most active so people generally come to me with questions and I can point them in the right direction, but I don’t really have any intention of making anything ~official~ looking of who’s around and who’s not because that would be a whole other boatload of work that I don’t wanna do and also I’m personally ok with interacting with whoever (so long as you don’t expect me to seriously roleplay because thats Not what I do and I’m no fun). And I mean if you’re interested in the project itself as far as I know there’s still room for more members, but idk when if ever anything is going to happen at this point.
My Personal Feels
Honestly since my ocs transcend both iamp and pc and are probably going to outlast both of them at this rate, it’s kind of weird that i haven’t gone back to tagging them as ‘aph’ rather than pc but eh i like my little spin-off-of-a-spin-off nook in the hetalia fandom. But yeah I’m not going to police the tag, aside from saying things could get Messy with duplicates both using the pc tag. So for example say you got a winnipeg oc that’s not affiliated with our lil group- thats a-ok! cool, if I like them enough i’d be willing to use them in my own stuff if i dont have a pc character for it if you’re ok with it and dont mind them interacting with this “universe”. I’d still probably tag your oc as ‘aph winnipeg’ or something if you dont have a specific tag for them. There’s not really an ‘expiry date’ on ocs or how long their creators have been away, but after about 5 years and a project reboot i tend to feel pretty Weird about using ocs when their ‘parents’ arent around to supervise, you know? but again that’s a personal hang up of mine. Another personal hang up of mine is I really am mostly interested in ocs created by people living in that place or really into researching it or who have good inside jokes because that’s the reason I really love this fandom, but hell it’s not a requirement (sweeps my multitude of alberta ocs under the rug because I haven’t been to most of them lol)
so yeah thats the long and the short of it, feel free to ask any more questions and I’ll do my best to answer. I don’t mean to brag when I say I’m probably the person to ask about these things, I just mean I’m nosy and I haunt this little corner like a plague so I’m more or less in touch with everyone in it. :) haha
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kaytriestorp · 7 years
ignore me i’m just rambling ‘cause i have no where else to say these things. does it make sense? idk probably not but here u go.
Okay SO, for those of you who know me you probably know that I’ve run bios rps for my entire six or seven year run here on tumblr. And the thing is I /love/ them. I love them so much and this is not a post dissing them at all. If you like them, do you! They’re great and I hope you love joining/making them. I know that I really do. Bio roleplays gave me a chance to create soo much and I adored it. I love creating characters and putting in a ton of work and making up a whole new world. Like making The Coven and Winlock was literally an amazing experience for me? I love both of those worlds so much, and all of the characters too. And listen, maybe this is just me. Maybe, I was doing something wrong. Maybe it’s entirely my fault, okay?
But frankly with all the bios rps I’ve run, it felt like I was putting in hours and hours of work and getting little to no reward for it. And honestly, I was like sixteen or seventeen while trying to run some of these groups and it caused me so much stress. Like I was trying so hard, and while some of my groups did okay, most didn’t. And that’s kind of a trend with bio roleplays that I see. I see so many admins putting in hours of work only to never get as many apps they need to open, or to get hate, or whatever. But my point is that it led to me piling on a bunch of stress that I didn’t need. ‘Cause on top of school, losing my mom, and moving towns I was trying to work on roleplay groups that were going nowhere? It drove me to some dark places, my friends. Writing bios gave me so much anxiety. Because it was something that I loved, but I never felt like I was getting out enough. It felt like every time I wrote a bio I’d just have to do it all over again, or else risk the rp dying because of a lack of characters coming out. And it was just?? A lot of anxiety. And so I took a long ass break from roleplay. I tried to come back a few times, but it never really worked out. 
When all I wanted to do was write with people. All I wanted to do was create shit and write shit and do shit. But it just never worked out the way I wanted? ANd it always caused me more harm than it did good. ‘Cause while I love creating characters and worlds and I even really love writing bios, I couldn’t do it anymore. I put myself through so much stress trying to keep the wheels moving. Trying to come up with/write out events, tasks, and bios? I couldn’t do it, not for a prolonged period of time. And I’ve had some amazing co-admins, people that I truly adore to this day. But some experiences in the past have always left me paranoid about co-admins, so I always tried to do everything myself. And yeah, it’s all on me. It’s entirely my fault I was putting all that shit on myself. But like, I can’t stop it? I don’t know how to run a bio roleplay without doing it the way I always have. 
And that’s why when I came back, I made an appless roleplay. I’ve seen so much flack get tossed onto them, and I’ve seen so many problems that arise from them. There’s drama and there’s insta-shipping and there’s just all this shit? But like??? I guess I lucked out ‘cause I’m so damn happy in the group I run now. I love getting to write again, getting to do fun ass threads with people and develop characters and come up with plots. I love it. And idk, I’m just really happy that I decided to give appless rps a try. ‘Cause I finally get everything I want out of roleplay. I get to create a fancy world, be an admin, I get to write with people. But I don’t have to stress about getting out a few bios a week? Not writing bios took off an enormous amount of weight off my shoulders. And now I get to do what I love again? And it’s glorious. So idk just thank you to anyone at elementalhq, you’re all great. And I’m happy to be back into rp. 
That’s all, thank you for listening to my rambling  lol.
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