#but he's wrong for Lucy and I'll die on this hill
the-firebird69 · 1 year
44 percent of Republicans don’t want Trump to run for reelection: poll | The Hill
I said no that's wrong and then he said no it doesn't want it to run and I get it it's true he's a mess he makes things wrong he's a criminal and they don't want to run it all it's different and I do take it back what I was thinking was he'd have such and such a percent of the vote because the news is always not reflected on what they're saying or what they're saying is not reflective of the title so I get it he's wrong he's not going to get any votes to run yet he's going to still try using terrorism when people are saying is they're going to blow up our area there if we don't stop you and that's going to happen
Then we'll blow up your area and it says we're trying to blow up these people in us anyways and we're grabbing the devices and we're going to blow you up and your area oh I guess it's justified but so what will try and do that again then we'll take the rest of them and pull up the rest of you. And that's kind of the way it goes and it's the way it's been going to just complete the job
You don't have any time for this we got to get out of here now we're just going to hit our area and it's us to do it I have to leave I can't stand it here his wife is out the whole time we just sat there taunting him then we went from 60% to 1% roughly 5% of include the islands now or nothing that's ridiculous you shouldn't say anything he says in our favor were two weeks to stop anyone and they're doing it to the clones too I have to say this this sucks really bad we should not have done that to him he started losing only several years ago and came here and it was 40 more percent and really it's more than that I'm going to tell you something what we did is damn dumb and we keep doing it
I guess this is the end and he doesn't want to say goodbye cuz we're not friends they never were I'm just some stupid mooch loser stuck to him it says it all the time and I'm stuck to him I won't go away and he says when I'm dead I'll be gone and that's what it is I can't stand it here and there's too many people and hate us for having so much money what a nightmare I guess we caused it
We have the bikes up and running and his dream to die by his own hand will soon happen. We have about 200,000 octillion bikes out there and that's a lot well they're for sale and they're going to sell today that's just the Trump bike the second Trump bike which is the smaller one we need about 500,000 octillion I need that many people to knock these assholes out and there's not that many of them left but they're hiding they see the bike go by and then come running out yelling like Janet yellen. Was a disgusting act you all have gross loser acts. It is amazing how mad you make people too you are so insulin you said you just got to take what they're saying and put them in their cork version and that's what they're saying and that's what they mean they're stupid animals saying stuff to you that they want to do. And people are going to do it and it's all over the place the software to do it and they're going to kill these people with any split right now we're down to about 1.5 from 1.7 only an hour ago these motorcycles are coming out the John Cena bike is coming out and in the Vincent and the two for Trump and the one for Dan that's enough for Dan he didn't really even do that but and he's going to get a couple he's going to get cut Lucy's a fruit and the sun says we should make one more and the big guy says yes and we're going to go ahead and do that and Joe and his can ride it says he won't but he gets the idea then ride it later, they're really all built it no it's Paul seniors idea and concept to go after Giants it's a big ride and it looks little and sinks the giant down into it and he's a fool that does a massive massive fool and we've been building that we have several octillion and we have orders already Mac has orders in and more crap
Thor Freya
There's a huge hatred for you Trump been around for a long time bothering us we've been sitting here killing you he's killed a lot of you more people than you've killed by hand for the past 30 years he's killed himself and it's his lifetime but really that's pitiful you're a loser nobody even knows practically. Is dusting people all over the place but telling people stuff and you're full falling for it I'm going after your money I'm going to take over some banks using you before you leave
Hera Zues
They're signing over some stuff on Monday to us and it's people who no longer want to run the companies usually Max and we're going to take them over and they think they can take them back but going to Australia and trying to attack here and blame it on the idiots you won't be able to get in they can end up killing them all and you're going to die too in the form of 61 fight each other who the hell knows why Asians fight South Americans all the time so it's going to happen very soon and come Monday a few companies will sign
American airlines the whole thing finally United airlines the whole thing finally Delta airlines about 90% And they want to stay on and have two chairs Swiss Air 90% with two chairs and Lufthansa 90% with two chairs China Air signing over 90% with two chairs and Sino air 90% with two chairs all of the major airlines are signing on Monday and I was trying to see why and we do know what they're doing with the planes and they already were over there with one device and we're getting ready
Thor Freya
We're going to whale on you idiots you're so dumb you can tell us what you're doing put it on TV that nasty Tommy f
I'm going to town on them soon starting to hear something I'm going to take the remainder of the plans I'm trying to outfit them and fly them out of old airport faces and stuff oh God it sounds dumb
Nah lol
Zues Hera
So I'm going to intercept you and it's stupid to take the ordinance and it happened before to you guys
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amaradangeli · 2 years
Chenford + why are you with Chris?
I do not have the energy to match the tone or intent of my WIP tonight, I overate and I'm bordering on miserable, and I forgot to take a med that requires me to be up for 2 hours after taking it so I've decided to do *this* with my time. Um... enjoy? 😂
She's staring at him from across the table and with clarity she can hear Jackson's voice inside her head. "Why are you with Chris?"
She can't answer the ghost of her best friend anymore than she can answer herself - goodness knows she's been asking herself that very question for weeks.
She'd have liked him a lot two years ago, and she doesn't fully understand why she doesn't like him a lot right now. She doesn't like how he'll often act without thinking. She doesn't like how he tries to point her in directions that don't take into account where she's coming from or where she'd like to go.
But she likes not being alone.
She liked his face. He has a nice face. A baby face. He looks joyous and youthful, line free and worry free and pretty much free of depth in general.
She liked his enthusiasm. He loves everything. Even things he shouldn't. Even things he doesn't.
She liked that he liked her. He likes her so much. He likes the parts of her he's bothered to know and understand.
But, sitting across the table from him, she actually kind of hates him. He's got terrible taste in wine. He can't pick a restaurant worth eating at. He talks at her, not to her. He's patronizing and condescending and so damned nice while he does it. He's the kind of guy who says he's a nice guy.
And really, there's probably nothing at all wrong with him. Except that he's wrong for her.
He still thinks she should be a lawyer. Or maybe something else - he's floated a couple of ideas now. None of them are cop though, and so it doesn't seem to matter what she thinks, or what she's accomplished, or what she wants her future to look like.
He's never met her parents but he loves them already. And his parents have never met her, but she'll be their favorite person.
And really, it all just seems so fake.
She doesn't even like this restaurant. She's dressed to the nines, heels so high her ankles hurt while she's sitting. She's coming of four straight days and she's got more makeup on right now than the last four days combined. Her hair is so perfectly arranged she's afraid to move. She's exhausted, but he'd made the reservations three weeks ago and had put that put-out edge in his voice when she'd even suggested they stay in and order something that came in cardboard boxes.
On their way to the restaurant, while she sat crammed into his uncomfortable compact budget sports car, she'd gotten a text from Angela - a photo of her and Wesley and Jack and Tim all crowded around their dining room table, a plethora of Chinese food boxes littered across the surface with a simple You coming, or what? pinging right behind the pic.
She'd snapped a pic of the fabric of her dress, and the sky-high heels in the light of a traffic signal and replied Date night. She'd gotten a thumbs-down emoji in return. Even her friends didn't know why she was still dating Chris.
The waiter brings a limp-looking salad with three pieces of apple, a handful of walnuts, and some cloudy, viscous dressing artfully drizzled across the frisee. Underneath a leaf she finds a chunk of blue cheese dressing. Which she hates.
She'd have never ordered this salad. But the menu is prix fixe. She'd have never chosen this restaurant. But it's a place to see and be seen and Chris wants to be seen.
She takes a sip of the wine. It's corked and he hasn't even noticed.
He's been talking about his current case for the last ten minutes without even stopping to let her get a word in edgewise. Which is fine. She hasn't had anything to add.
Her phone buzzes in the clutch purse she's jammed under her thigh. She smiles at him in a way she hopes is disarming. She demurs a little, knowing he finds that appealing, and mentions something about awaiting word from the watch commander (she's not). She checks her phone to find another photo from Angela - it's Jack conked out in Tim's arms.
She doesn't even know what she's doing here anymore. Not when there's someplace she'd much rather be. She slips the phone back into her bag and pushes away her plate of sad salad.
"Chris, I think we need to talk."
What I listened to while I wrote this:
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Do you think the Chronicles of Narnia are sexist? I've heard people argue both ways. (If you don't want to answer this of course feel free to completely ignore it. But your post about Aravis and assault and so forth made me want to know what your opinion on this was.
Oof. Haha! So... keep in mind that I am really REALLY not an expert, and am no Lewis scholar, so this is just my opinion. However, I have read most if not all of his books as well as some of his letters, as well as done some study of his life, so... With that in mind, my answer would be: it's complicated? Haha! I'll start out by saying this: Lewis was definitely a man of his time. He was born in the late 19th century and spent much of his life in male-dominated academic circles, and with that came certain assumptions (very widely held at the time!) about the way the world and gender roles worked. A lot of those assumptions would now be considered "outdated," to put it generously. But here's the thing, though: C.S. Lewis's views evolved throughout his life. As he interacted with more Actual Women, especially through his friendship with Joy Davidman (who would later become his wife), he rethought a lot of things, and you can really see the difference between his earlier books and his later ones. Even within the Chronicles of Narnia series itself you can see this shift happening! You go from Susan and Lucy being categorically forbidden to partake in the battle in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (I still roll my eyes at that part, haha) to Jill being very definitely involved (as well as being The Best at tracking and stealth) in The Last Battle. Did he get it perfect all the time? No. But he TRIED, and was humble enough to admit when he'd been wrong and ADAPT. And, you know what? I'm going to give him credit for that. That's far better than a lot of people do, even nowadays.
But one area in which I will emphatically answer "No!" to is in the case of Susan. I still remember the first time I ever heard the take that Susan was "condemned" because of, I don't know, being interested in "sexual maturity" or something, and it was an interview/talk with J.K. Rowling, actually (YEARS ago). I remember being just FLOORED and absolutely bewildered because I had NEVER gotten that impression AT ALL. The one comment in the book about Susan being only interested in "nylons and invitations" (or something?) was from the character Jill, who is a young teenage girl who's a bit of a tomboy (I know that's an outdated expression; just roll with it!) and scornful of that sort of thing. But that's not WHY she couldn't come back to Narnia! It's because Susan didn't want to. It has nothing to do with being "sexually mature" or being interested in femininity, it's that she's so obsessed with LOOKING like a grown-up that she doesn't want to believe that Narnia was real. And this has nothing to do with her being a woman because this is how C.S. Lewis talked about HIMSELF. In his autobiographical book, Surprised By Joy, he talks about going through a long phase where he was too embarrassed to read Fairy Tales and acted scornful about them because he was so anxious to avoid anything that might be seen as "childish." What's that quote of his? "Someday you'll be old enough to enjoy Fairy Tales again." This was about himself, and it was about Susan too. Because that's another thing: Susan's story wasn't over yet! She wasn't on the train with the rest of them when it crashed, so she didn't die! And Lewis himself, in a letter written to a fan, said that he expected and hoped that Susan WOULD find her way back to Narnia again! That it might take her a while to get there (as it did with Lewis himself), but she would. I will die on this hill. Haha! Anyway, that's my long, convoluted answer, as best as I can give it. 😊
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