#but fear not! Delia's here to commiserate
quiver-full-of-sims · 3 years
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(Imogen POV)
Peter Korhonen has the face of a rat, and talks like one too. Ask him anything, and he’ll turn the conversation around to the sinful nature of the young women at Oasis Springs Baptist. UGH! If I have to “get to know” someone, I'd rather it be a guy who doesn’t keep me updated on all the latest OSBC gossip (and WCBC gossip as well, now that he’s found his footing in Willow Creek). He’s as much of a rumormonger as all the old Ladies’ Aid biddies put together! 
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Due to the handful of (torturous) hours we’ve spent together, I know that Anna Rogers has been flirting with Thomas O’Connor from St. Mary’s for three years running (He’s Catholic! Gasp... the horror!), Kiana Rodriguez gets sinful magazines from her harlot sister Rosalie, Carlie and Catie Busby might go to a secular university and maybe even get jobs of their own... and more. I haven’t prayed since I was ten years old, but now’s when I really need it, I think. It’s just “Please, God, get him away from me!” Hopefully that’ll get the message across?  
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(If Mother could read my thoughts- or my journal-, she’d probably have not one, but three heart attacks! She’s already all over me for my “sour and terribly unladylike countenance.” It's not very nice, but I’ve often thought that some serious, takes-very-long-to-recover-from medical emergency might give us all a break from Mother’s incessant and annoying...well, existence.)
Also, Peter’s 23- gross! I’m not even 18 yet.
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I definitely don’t care for Peter Korhonen.
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