#but do u see this brush tho?? it’s excellent I love it sm
swordmaid · 28 days
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dream gworllllllll 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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mrsgaryrennell · 4 years
Do u have some domestic life hcs for the s2 boys cause i do be missing them 😔 no pressure tho
Heeey girl 👀 I’ve been working on this one because it’s the most challenging one I’ve received 💀 but here goes:
He wears slippers in his home and is never barefoot nor wears regular shoes inside. 
His house smells just like him. Whatever cologne/body spray he has, his home has a subtle fragrance of that. But he also likes using those scented oils - something I can see him picking up from his parent’s house.
Probably has the cleanest home and tidiest place out of all guys. Especially, if he looked after his siblings, he definitely had to be the responsible one and just kept that trait 🤧 
Sleeps with a lot of pillows lol he likes his comfort and takes multiple times to adjusts those same pillows to only find himself adjusting them as they were the first time 💀
Doesn’t wet his toothbrush before putting toothpaste and doesn’t rinse his mouth after brushing his teeth lol like he’ll just spit out the excess of toothpaste 
His fridge is always stocked with high end/expensive brands. So, whenever he has company, he loves to offer drinks or snacks. I’d like to think that Rahim is a very accommodating host imo 😌
Takes the quickest showers ever lol I feel like he just does the minimal thing to maintain his hygiene lmao
Cannot start off his day without his wheatgrass smoothie because he’ll feel like there’s no productivity if not consumed 
He is a night owl but still manages to wake up early in the morning with a lot of energy  
Occasionally watches anime during his weekend nights Idk why but he does. Bobby always gave me the impression that he casually watches anime and no one can change my mind lol 
His home always smells like a comforting bakery because he has something in the oven most of the time. Baking is ofc his favorite pass time so when he’s not busy, he’s always baking something and his pastry scents are forever present 😌
He loves to watch creepy YouTube videos late at night and only has the source of the TV light on 😂I want to think that he likes to get scared but gets scared easily 
Drinks black coffee every morning and it’s part of his routine to start off his day. He definitely won’t feel himself if he doesn’t have his coffee first thing in the morning. 
Would love to have a pet but because of his work schedule, Lucas doesn’t get one to avoid any negligence. But, if he could get a pet, I don’t know why but I can see him getting something small, like a hamster lol
Likes hot showers/baths before going to bed. It’s a way to release any stress after working long hours and can stay there for a while too lol 
Doesn’t hesitate to adopt dogs and he’s always giving them a Swedish nickname that will symbolize their characteristics and personality 🥺
This guy goes big with his breakfast lol he will feed himself a hearty meal and it’s definitely his favorite part of the day haha
Is always punctual for work and any meetings/activities he has. Mountain boi is always there on the dot lol not a minute sooner/later. Oh! And, he’s the most requested instructor 💅🏼 Henrik is highly recommended and people always come back for more. Our Swedish man is that good at what he does 😭 
Kind of canon already, but he loves it when it rains, especially at night, because it helps him sleep and/or relax. Overall, Gary just really loves the concept of rain and gets excited to see drizzle, especially in the morning 💛
Still doesn’t know how to cook and every Sunday dinner, his nan preps him his week’s meals lol And I mean, all of the meals 💀his lunch for work, dinners, everything - you name it 😂 
Gorilla boi is an excellent driver 😌 he knows where to go without the need of a GPS because he knows his city too well lol This is why his nan had him take her for bingo for the longest time lmao 
Anyways, those are some headcanons lol idk why but I had the hardest time with this one but it was so much fun 🤧 I miss them sm ugh and if you guys have more to share
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please do 👀
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