#but be warned that there's discussion of the type of workplace injury/death that occurs when working on high-rises
fieldtomatoes · 2 months
Watching my way through Knowledge Network documentaries: "Spudwrench: Kahnawake Man" (1997)
dir. Alanis Obomsawin | 58m | also available in full above!
"This documentary by acclaimed filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin introduces us to Randy Horne, a high steel worker from the Mohawk community of Kahnawake, near Montreal. As a defender of his people's culture and traditions, he was known as "Spudwrench" during the 1990 Oka crisis. Offering a unique look behind the barricades at one man's impassioned defense of sacred territory, the film is both a portrait of Horne and the generations of daring Mohawk construction workers that have preceded him."
0 notes
jalenarocks · 1 year
Types Of Personal Injury Claims
Do you know what types of personal injury claims are out there? It’s important to understand the various types of cases that can be filed when someone has been injured. Personal injuries occur in many ways, and it’s essential to have a grasp on the legalities associated with each type so that should an accident happen, you’ll be prepared.
In this article, we will provide an overview of the most common types of personal injury claims and discuss how they may affect your life if you find yourself facing one. We'll examine slip and fall accidents, medical malpractice incidents, car crashes, product liability cases, and wrongful death suits. With this knowledge at hand, you'll feel more secure knowing that you're well-versed in these kinds of situations. Let's dive into all the details now!
Personal injuries often lead to expensive medical bills as well as emotional trauma for those affected; by understanding the different types of claims available and learning about potential outcomes from such cases, individuals can take proactive steps towards protecting themselves legally. This article aims to help readers prepare for any possible situation involving a personal injury claim.
1. Slip And Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries are a common type of personal injury claim. They can occur anywhere, from the workplace to public areas, but they often take place in private residences. It's important to be aware that you may be entitled to compensation if you've been injured due to someone else's negligence - this includes slip and falls.
A slip and fall incident usually occurs when an individual slips or trips on a surface that is slippery or cluttered with objects. This could include wet floors, uneven surfaces, potholes, loose carpets, broken stairs or any other area where there is potential for danger. Injuries sustained as a result of these accidents range from minor bruises and strains to more serious physical trauma such as head injuries or even death.
The fact remains that many people do not realise how vulnerable they are when it comes to slipping and falling in public spaces or at home — yet it can lead to life-changing consequences. If you think you have suffered an unjustified injury due to someone's carelessness, then contact a qualified lawyer who can help assess your case and determine whether you are eligible for financial compensation. Don't let yourself become another statistic – get advice now!
2. Product Liability Claims
It may come as a surprise to many, but product liability claims are an unfortunately common form of personal injury. Every day, consumers across the country use products that they believe to be safe – and yet those same items can cause them significant harm. Such is the cruel irony of life: we think we’re buying safety, only to find out too late that it was never there in the first place.
Product liability claims arise when manufacturers fail to take adequate steps to ensure their products are not dangerous for consumer use. This typically involves warning labels or instructions about how to safely use a product. When these measures are ignored and a person is injured as a result, they may have grounds for filing a claim against the manufacturer.
The risk factors associated with this type of case vary from situation to situation; however, some examples include faulty design, inadequate warnings, poor manufacturing quality control, or incorrect assembly. In addition, certain types of products carry higher risks than others (e.g., electrical appliances). It's important for potential claimants to consider all aspects before deciding whether or not pursuing such action is worth it: medical bills must be taken into account alongside any financial losses incurred due to lost wages/work hours etc..
At its core, product liability cases offer individuals who've suffered at the hands of negligent corporations an opportunity for justice and compensation - something which no amount of money will ever fully replace. Before proceeding with legal action though, one should carefully weigh their options and seek professional advice if needed. After all, seeking justice isn't always easy – but it's certainly worth fighting for!
3. Car Accident Claims
When it comes to personal injury claims, car accident claims are some of the most common. While this may be true, you may think that these kinds of cases don’t offer a lot in terms of compensation or even legal help when trying to make a claim. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth!
Car accidents can result in serious injuries and property damage that requires more than just insurance coverage - they require financial recompense for all damages caused by the incident. That’s why filing a car accident claim is so important; it helps ensure that victims receive adequate payouts and justice following an auto-related mishap.
Filing a car accident claim also has other benefits too. It allows victims to seek relief from both physical pain and emotional suffering caused by their ordeal, as well as hold those responsible for any negligence accountable for their actions. Furthermore, many times claimants are able to obtain reimbursement for medical bills and lost wages due to missed work or disability resulting from their injuries sustained in the crash.
At its core, submitting a winnable case is about protecting your rights as quickly as possible after an automobile collision occurs. By consulting with an experienced attorney who specializes in vehicle accidents, you will have someone on hand who can advise you regarding your best options moving forward while respecting your wishes every step of the way. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed by this process – instead turn to professionals who know how to navigate through any obstacles standing between you and getting fair treatment under the law.
4. Dog Bite Claims
Dog bites can be one of the most traumatizing types of personal injury claims, and they’re unfortunately more common than you might think. If you or someone you know has been attacked by a dog, it’s important that you understand what to do next:
First and foremost, document your injuries immediately. Take pictures if possible as well as notes about any medical treatments required for wounds caused by the attack. This will help establish evidence in case you decide to pursue legal action. Secondly, seek medical attention right away—even seemingly minor puncture wounds should receive proper care from a doctor.
Next, investigate the owner of the animal who injured you to determine their liability insurance coverage. Once this information is gathered, contact an experienced attorney who specializes in handling dog bite cases so they can protect your rights and advocate on your behalf against pet owners who may not want to take responsibility for their negligence. Here are four key steps to remember when dealing with a potential dog bite claim:
1) Document Injuries - Pictures & Notes 2) Seek Medical Attention Right Away 3) Investigate Owner's Liability Insurance Coverage 4) Contact Experienced Attorney Specializing in Dog Bite Cases
It's essential that all victims of dog bites get compensated for their suffering and financial losses incurred following an attack. Taking these steps as soon as possible will ensure that justice is served while helping prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
5. Medical Malpractice Claims
Medical malpractice claims are a serious and harrowing reality for many people. Unfortunately, the negligence of medical professionals can lead to devastating results that cause injury or even death. If you’ve experienced such trauma due to someone else's carelessness, it is important to understand your legal rights and options.
It can feel like an uphill battle when attempting to hold healthcare providers accountable for their mistakes. With so much at stake, navigating the complexities of pursuing a lawsuit against them can seem overwhelming and intimidating. Nevertheless, it is possible to seek justice if you take the right steps in doing so – think of it as being on ‘safer ground’ legally speaking.
The key thing here is knowledge: understanding what constitutes medical malpractice and knowing how best to proceed with filing a claim will go a long way towards making sure your case is strong enough to stand up in court - akin to having reliable footholds along the mountainside during a climb. This means researching relevant laws, gathering evidence and consulting with an experienced attorney who has successfully handled similar cases before yours; they will be able to guide you through each step of the process while providing invaluable insights from their own experiences..
6. Premises Liability Claims
Every year, over 10 million people suffer from some form of injury due to premises liability. These can range from slips and falls on icy steps to being injured in a poorly lit hallway. Premises liability claims are when an individual files for financial compensation because they were hurt while visiting a property that was not properly maintained by the owner or manager.
When it comes to this type of claim, there is often confusion about who holds responsibility for the accident. For instance, if you rent out your home, does the tenant have any say? In most cases, yes – renters should check with their landlord agreement prior to filing a claim.
It's important to understand the different types of premises liability so you can get the right kind of help after an incident occurs. The first step is determining if a reasonable person would consider the area safe or hazardous under similar circumstances; this will be key in proving negligence occurred during court proceedings. Additionally, victims must prove that they had permission to be onsite at the time of their injury and weren’t trespassing.
The legal process surrounding premises liability claims can be complex and difficult to navigate without professional guidance. It pays to find experienced lawyers who specialize in these kinds of cases and know how best to represent you throughout litigation. With their help, many individuals are able to obtain much-needed compensation for medical costs as well as emotional distress stemming from such accidents.
7. Defamation And Invasion Of Privacy Claims
Defamation and invasion of privacy claims are a type of personal injury claim that can occur if an individual's reputation or private information is damaged. These claims involve the intentional infliction of harm, often through words spoken or written by another person. By using euphemism, we can say that such actions cause psychological damage to one's self-respect as well as their public standing.
In essence, defamation and invasion of privacy claims arise when someone makes false statements about another person in writing or verbally or intentionally reveals confidential information without authorization. This kind of conduct usually results in significant emotional pain for the victim as it can lead to humiliation and mental anguish. Here are some examples:
Defamation: o Libel – Publishing false statement intended to injure reputation o Slander – Spreading rumors intending to hurt reputation
Invasion of Privacy: o Unauthorized disclosure of personal facts o Intrusion into someone’s life
These kinds of incidents rob individuals not only of their dignity but also their right to maintain their own confidentiality. Victims may find themselves in difficult positions where they feel powerless against those who have wronged them; this sense of vulnerability can be particularly damaging on top of any physical injuries suffered due to these claims. It is important then, for victims to seek legal advice so that they can regain control over what was taken from them by pursuing justice and restoring balance within society.
8. Wrongful Death Claims
Wrongful death claims are a sensitive, yet potentially lucrative form of personal injury claim. When someone’s life is cut short due to the negligence or intentional act of another person, the victim's family may be entitled to compensation for their loss. Wrongful death claims can help provide closure and justice for families who have lost a loved one in this way.
When pursuing such a claim, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration: 1) The identity of the responsible party; 2) Whether they had a duty of care towards the deceased; 3) If it can be proven that the responsible party failed to meet that duty of care and caused death as a result.
Each wrongful death case needs to be examined on its own merits before the legal system can make any determination regarding liability and damages owed. An experienced attorney will often help build the strongest possible case by gathering evidence from witnesses, medical experts, accident reconstructionists and other sources. This type of detailed investigation helps ensure that anyone found guilty can face appropriate consequences while also allowing grieving family members to receive some degree of financial relief during an incredibly difficult period in their lives.
In addition to these primary components, families who bring wrongful death claims may also seek recovery for emotional distress, funeral expenses and related costs associated with losing a loved one too soon. It’s important for claimants to understand all their rights under state law so they can weigh their options carefully when seeking fair compensation after such tragic events occur. In many cases individuals find comfort knowing that justice has been served in some small way even though nothing could ever replace what was taken away from them far too soon.
9. Construction Site Injuries
Construction site injuries can be some of the most devastating and life-altering personal injury claims. The risks associated with a construction job, such as heavy machinery, heights, hazardous materials, and more, often result in serious or fatal harm to workers. These unfortunate incidents are all too common - making it important for those injured on the job to seek legal guidance from experienced professionals.
From broken bones to catastrophic brain injuries and beyond, construction sites present unique dangers that can cause significant physical trauma. Negligent safety practices - either by employers or other workers - may also contribute to these accidents resulting in further distress and financial burden for victims. Whether the individual is an employee at the site or an unsuspecting bystander who was hurt due to negligence, they deserve compensation for their pain and suffering.
Fortunately, there are attorneys available who specialize in this area of law and understand how best to protect victims' rights after a traumatic experience like this. They have extensive knowledge about worker's rights when it comes to workplace safety regulations and will fight tirelessly on your behalf against those responsible for any wrongdoings. Seeking justice through proper channels means you don't have to worry about shouldering the costs alone – getting help ensures you get what you're owed after enduring such an ordeal.
Timely action is critical when filing a claim related to a work-site accident; consulting someone knowledgeable in this type of litigation gives individuals affected by these tragedies the best possible chance of receiving just recompense.
10. Assault And Battery Claims
Over 2 million incidents of non-fatal violent crime, including assault and battery claims, were reported in the United States alone in 2018. That's an alarming number that shows how common these types of personal injury cases are.
Assault and battery is defined as a physical attack involving touching another person without their consent, or through threats of violence. This type of claim typically falls under civil law rather than criminal law since it involves damages done to one party by another. Victims who have experienced such attacks can seek compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages due to missed work, and other losses related to the incident.
The success rate of filing an assault and battery claim depends on several factors but often comes down to whether there was sufficient proof that the alleged perpetrator committed the act in question. It's important for victims to keep detailed records regarding what happened during the attack so they can provide evidence when going through legal proceedings. Additionally, witnesses may be necessary if available to ensure accuracy with details about what occurred leading up to the incident itself.
TIP: If you ever find yourself facing this situation, it’s best not only to preserve any evidence you have at hand but also speak with an attorney specializing in personal injury immediately for help navigating your case successfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Compensation Can I Expect For My Personal Injury Claim?
When you've been injured due to someone else's negligence, the last thing on your mind is how much compensation you can expect. But it's an important question worth exploring before filing a personal injury claim. Every case is unique and there are several factors that can affect the amount of money awarded in damages for any given claim.
First and foremost, it depends on the type of injuries sustained and extent of financial losses incurred as a result. If you’ve suffered physical or psychological harm or have lost wages because of the accident, those things will be taken into account when assessing potential compensation amounts. It also matters if there were any preexisting conditions which exacerbated your injuries—this could add more complexity to your case but might not necessarily affect the outcome too drastically.
In addition to these considerations, another factor influencing expected compensation is whether or not liability can be proven by either party involved in the incident leading up to your injury. If fault cannot be established, then settlement negotiations may take longer than usual and you may receive less than originally sought after; however, if liability is clear cut then this could work to your advantage during settlement discussions with insurance companies or other parties responsible for covering medical costs associated with your claim.
It's always best to consult a knowledgeable attorney prior to taking action in order to get an accurate estimate of what kind of compensation you might reasonably expect from pursuing a personal injury claim. A good lawyer will provide sound advice regarding legal options available based on their expertise and experience dealing with similar cases in the past; they'll also help ensure that all applicable laws are followed throughout proceedings so that you have maximum protection possible while seeking justice through the court system.
How Long Does A Personal Injury Claim Typically Take To Resolve?
Making a personal injury claim is like walking through fog. It's an uncertain, often lengthy journey that leaves claimants feeling disoriented and anxious about their destination. Yet this journey can bring resolution to those who have been wronged.
The length of time it takes to resolve a personal injury claim depends on the complexity of the case, as well as how quickly parties involved are able to agree on settlements or jury awards. In some cases, claims take only a few months—but in others, they may drag out over several years. Each circumstance is different, so it’s important for claimants to be aware of what could happen if their particular case needs more complex legal maneuvers or goes to trial.
In order to ensure you get the best possible outcome when making a personal injury claim, having a reliable legal team behind you is key. Experienced attorneys will know how long typical claims last in your area and advise you accordingly; they'll also handle negotiations with opposing counsel and make sure all paperwork is filed correctly and on-time with courts. Having good representation can make all the difference between getting justice swiftly or waiting endlessly for compensation.
So although navigating the murky waters of personal injury claims might seem daunting at first glance, the right guidance from knowledgeable professionals can help you stay afloat until you reach dry land.
How Do I Find A Personal Injury Lawyer Who Is Right For Me?
Finding the right personal injury lawyer for you can be a daunting task. It’s like charting an unknown course without any clear direction or guidance – and yet, it is essential to finding justice and compensation in your personal injury claim. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure that the professional you hire has experience with cases like yours, so that they can provide the best possible outcome.
The most important factor when selecting a personal injury lawyer is their expertise. You want someone who has experience dealing with similar types of claims and knows what strategies will help build a strong case on your behalf. Look for attorneys who have won favorable outcomes on past cases related to yours, as this indicates they know how to navigate through legal proceedings successfully. Additionally, make sure the attorney works within your budget and provides helpful advice throughout the entire process.
By thoroughly researching potential lawyers before making a decision, you can feel confident that you have chosen someone capable of handling your specific type of personal injury claim effectively. This will give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on recovering from the incident while knowing that your interests are being represented by an experienced professional. Finding a suitable lawyer may take some effort but it ultimately pays off if you receive due compensation for damages incurred in your accident or illness.
What Evidence Do I Need To Prove My Personal Injury Claim?
When you are dealing with a personal injury claim, it is important to have the right evidence in order to be successful. According to statistics, about 70% of all personal injury claims filed involve medical bills and documents related to treatment for an injury. This means that having sufficient medical documentation is essential when filing a claim.
When gathering evidence for your personal injury claim, there are three main points to consider: 1) Take Photos - If possible, take photos of the area where the accident happened as well as any damage caused by the incident. These can provide invaluable information regarding how the accident occurred and who may be responsible for it. 2) Get Statements - Make sure that you get statements from witnesses or anyone else present at the time of the accident so that their testimony can be used as proof if necessary. 3) Document Everything - It's also important to keep records of every communication between yourself and parties involved in the incident including emails, phone calls, text messages etc., which can help build your case.
Furthermore, make sure that you obtain copies of relevant paperwork such as police reports or insurance forms that may help strengthen your argument in court. It’s also important to remember that each state has different laws concerning personal injuries so make sure you familiarize yourself with them before proceeding further with your case.
In addition to these steps, consulting with an experienced lawyer is always advised when attempting to file a personal injury claim since they will have valuable knowledge on what type of evidence is needed specifically for your particular case and situation. Having professional legal guidance throughout this process can not only save time but also increase chances of success in getting compensated adequately for damages suffered due to another person’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing.
How Will My Personal Injury Claim Be Affected If I Was Partially At Fault For The Incident?
No one ever wants to be the victim of a personal injury, but sometimes accidents happen. If you’ve been involved in an incident that has caused injury and you believe someone else is at fault, then it may be possible to make a claim for compensation. But what happens if you were also partially responsible?
It can feel like being stuck between a rock and a hard place; on one side there are medical bills mounting up due to your injuries, yet on the other side there's uncertainty about whether or not you'll receive any compensation because of your own actions leading up to the incident. The rising tension and anxiety can seem almost palpable - as though it's weighing down on your shoulders with every step.
Thankfully, most laws take into consideration how much each party was ‘at fault’ for the accident when deciding who should pay out damages – this means that even if you were partially liable, you could still receive some form of payment from those who are primarily responsible. However, it will vary depending on which state/country you're filing in and exactly how much responsibility is attributed to each person involved. It’s important to do research beforehand so that all parties have their fair share taken into account.
Personal injury claims can be complex legal matters - especially when more than one person is deemed equally liable - so seeking guidance from an experienced lawyer may help ensure that justice is served accordingly. They can provide advice tailored specifically to your case, as well as helping navigate through any potential obstacles along the way. Ultimately they are there to protect both yours and everyone else's best interest while ensuring a smooth process throughout.
It's important to understand the details of a personal injury claim before taking any action. While there are many types of claims, understanding how much compensation you can expect and how long it will take to resolve is essential for assessing your situation. Additionally, finding an experienced attorney who specializes in this type of law is crucial. Finally, having evidence to prove your claim is critical if you want to be successful with it.
The key takeaway here is that personal injury claims require careful consideration and planning. Taking the time to build a strong case can make all the difference when seeking justice or fair financial restitution. You may have questions about what kind of evidence you need and whether partial fault on your part could affect your claim’s outcome – but these are all things that can be discussed with a qualified lawyer.
In short, personal injury claims should not be taken lightly; they involve complex legal matters that require professional advice from an expert in this field. If you think you might have a valid claim, don't hesitate to reach out for help – so that together we can get justice for yourself and those affected by the incident!
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marymosley · 4 years
Types of Personal Injury Claims Everyone Should Know
Personal Injury Law or otherwise known as Tort Law is composed of a wide array of claims that basically relates to compensating the injured party by the opposing party who caused the accident. Compensation comes in the form of financial payment to cover the medical bills, loss of income, and physical and emotional distress caused by the incident.
Image Source: https://ift.tt/38K6wDY
What Personal Injury Law Covers
Generally, the insurance company that covers the defendants will try to minimize the injury claim and that’s where you’ll need your legal representatives to ensure that your rights are protected. However, it is important to know your rights and the compensation that is due to you. Here are some of the most common types of claims under the tort law:
1.  Vehicular Accidents
Each year there are over two million car accidents reported in the United States with thousands ended up with fatalities. Injuries involving motorized vehicles, either if you’re driving or the passenger, you are entitled to monetary compensation. This is for the injury which could incur some medical bills and therapy, and the loss of income due to the car accident. This also includes personal injury claims with pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized vehicles.
2.  Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice is when a patient suffered injuries due to the negligence of the attending medical practitioner. There are different types of medical malpractice which arises from:
Improper Treatment
Surgical Errors
Pharmacy Errors
Mistakes in the Medication
It’s important that you’ll be able to talk to a personal injury lawyer specialized in this practice. Reading through their portfolio and details on their website will help you gain the information you need for selecting your representation. Having them at your side will make it easier for you to navigate through this complex body of regulations. They can assist you in finding a medical expert to testify on how there was deviation(s) to the standard practice and how it led that led to sustained injury or death.
3.  Property Liability and Slip & Falls
Property liability or premises liability is when you incurred injuries within the commercial premises of an individual or entity because of the lack of safety or negligence on their part. It can occur anywhere, whether you’re in the grocery, gas station, restaurants, hotels, etc. where a variety of hazardous conditions developed which resulted in harm.
Slip and Falls are common incidents in this type of cases and it’s important to document the conditions in the incident. This can help you and your attorney to identify your legal rights and the policies that were violated by the owner or the responsible entity.
4.  Workplace Accidents
These are accidents that happen in the workplace, especially during work hours, that have resulted in physical harm one way or another. In Illinois, when an employee is killed or injured, the injured party must file a claim under the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Act. This will require the employers to pay for medical bills, disability (temporary or permanent), and a lump sum payment.
Consulting with a legal expert will ensure the protection of your rights and will guide you in the process of filing under the Worker’s Compensation Act.
Image Source: https://images.pexels.com/photos/4447140/pexels-photo-4447140.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260
5.  Defective Products
There are a lot of incidents wherein dangerous or defective products have caused harm to certain individuals. Also included here are insufficient or improper warnings about the product in the manuals or labels. This could be food products, consumer goods, children’s accessories, drugs, medical devices, and toxic materials that have caused direct harm to the individual.
  Businesses, manufacturers, or government entities are usually responsible parties to which an individual can file the lawsuit.
6.  Wrongful Death
This applies when a person is killed due to an individual or entity’s negligence. This type of case may rise up from the other types of personal injury claims listed above, which has resulted in a person’s demise. Usually, the surviving family will file for the lawsuit to allow for the recovery of damages that is distinct from those who just suffered non-fatal injuries.
7.  Other Types
There are also other types of personal injury claims that can be categorized into the types or more. This may include aviation or boating accidents, food poisoning in a restaurant or other food establishments, burns, spinal cord injuries, and other harmful accidents.
  If you think you or your loved ones have suffered any injuries caused by the incidents above, you will need to consult with a legal expert to discuss your options to get maximum recovery. The injuries may range from bruises and cuts to life-altering conditions or even death, so it is within the bounds of the law that you seek compensation. This could help you or the surviving loved ones to move on and get back up again after the unfortunate event.
The post Types of Personal Injury Claims Everyone Should Know appeared first on Legal Desire.
Types of Personal Injury Claims Everyone Should Know published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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robertruizbn · 7 years
Report: Worker Killed in Waltham Ladder Accident
Working on ladders, especially tall ladders that lead to a roof, is extremely dangerous work.  While many people who do this type of work take safety for granted and do not worry too much about falling, it happens all the time.  Not only do workers fall off ladders and roofs all the time, these fall accidents often result in serious injury or death.
As for serious injury, there are not only cases with broken arms and legs, but also many cases where a worker will suffer a spinal cord injury that results in permanent paralysis.  There are also many cases where a worker who falls of a ladder or roof will suffer a serious head injury that results in permanent brain damage.  Any of these accidents can seriously affect a worker’s quality of life in a negative manner and can also have devastating and life-changing consequences for family members.  There are also many cases where falling from a high ladder or roof results in death. According to a recent news article from the Waltham Patch, a man in the greater Boston area fell off a ladder on which he was working and died as a result of his workplace accident.  He fell around 20 feet to the ground, and witnesses called 911.  When first responders arrived on the scene, they did what they could to stabilize his condition before rushing him to a level-one trauma center.  Ultimately, his injuries proved too severe, and he was soon pronounced dead.
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) arrived on the scene shortly after the fatal workplace accident, so they could begin conducting a full investigation.  The agency has jurisdiction to conduct an investigation to determine if any safety regulations were violated and if those violations contributed to the accident.  OSHA can issue fines and warnings regardless of whether or not those violations contributed to an accident.  However, it should be noted that just because OSHA has been called to the scene does not mean any violations will be found.  The agency is required to investigate any fatal workplace or industrial accident.  It should also be noted that if any violations are found, the employer can deny liability and appeal the findings.
One thing that you can discuss with your Boston workplace accident attorney is that it is not necessary to prove any fault on behalf of your employer to collect workers’ compensation benefits.  The reason for this is because, under the Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Act, the workers’ compensation system was set up in a no-fault manner.  This means it is only necessary to establish that a worker is actually an employee within the meaning of the act and that the injury occurred on the job.
These two requirements are often fairly simple to establish, but that is not always the case, because some unscrupulous employers or more likely insurance companies will try to avoid paying clearly valid claims.  The best thing you can do in this situation is speak with an experienced Boston workers’ compensation attorney who will fight for your right to a full and appropriate financial recovery.
If you are the victim of Massachusetts product liability, call the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment — 1-888-367-2900. Additional Resources: Man Dies After Falling Off Ladder in Waltham: Reports, March 24, 2017, By Alex Newman, Waltham Patch
More Blog Entries: OSHA Cites Gutter Firm After Worker Injured in Fall, Feb. 15, 2017, Boston Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Blog
The post Report: Worker Killed in Waltham Ladder Accident appeared first on Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyers Blog.
Report: Worker Killed in Waltham Ladder Accident published first on http://lawpallp.blogspot.com
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