#but also everyone whos defending this new romance arc i saw some ppl talking about it how abt we fix the root issue of the show first
transgenderastarion ยท 1 year
ok tbh this is not fully fleshed out and im just kinda spitting out words while stoned here but maybe instead of having eddiemarisol and buck/whatever her name is death lady we could. idk. have a healing arc that doesnt involve either of them finding partners lol. eddiemari and buck/death lady is like they're retelling the same story lines over again and yeah i know they're different but instead of trying to hook up hot men we could have more time with the 118 healing as a family and supporting each other bc it rlly feels like everyone as been separated for at least 2 seasons and they are drifting apart like look at season 2 vs now. eddie and bobby have no idea whats going on with denny. chim probably hasn't heard about chris in weeks. they hardly talk to each other outside work anymore except for some obvious exceptions. you dont see chim and bobby getting a drink after a shift anymore. you don't see eddie and hen having a chat in the locker room anymore. this 118 family is slowly starting to break at the expense of constantly forcing romance arcs for characters who should learn to love themselves before they love another
118 is family? prove it maybe
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