#but also! admittedly I'm still really conflicted about not making Avlora taller
space-spring · 9 months
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Trying to motivate myself to work on the next chapter of my fic, so here we are with an Avlora/Maxwell ship chart!
And for fun, a non-comprehensive list of plot parallels that I've been putting together:
They both serve as the leaders of their respective militaries.
They both act as mentor to one of the Glenbrooks and have a really close relationship with their respective royal (to the point that they're willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure that royal's safety and success).
They both independently do that thing where they hold back during the tourney and THEN dramatically reveal the fact that they held back during their later duel. They do this by unleashing devastating, flashy moves that they presumably developed and practiced in secret specifically just in case they found themselves in this exact situation. Related point: they're both insane
They both have doubts concerning their respective ruler's honor (Gustadolph and Regna respectively). Despite that, they both spend a considerable amount of time serving those rulers and consequentially develop complex feelings around it. Those thoughts generally revolve around thinking that their respective Glenbrook royal (Cordelia or Roland) would do a better job.
They both end up washed down the Norzelia River following an invasion, but manage to miraculously survive regardless and come back to help finish the war.
I am looking with incredible respect at both of their character designs.
So, in conclusion, they should fall in love about it! QED, thanks for coming to my TED talk, until next time
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