#but N E wayz ive noticed more and more recently that bbh and the french are *the predator handshake* together
unfortunatelyreturned · 8 months
i cannot overstate how much i adore the relationship bad has w the french gang
like, he may be family as pommé's dad, but he is also just their family. straight up. they all stick up for him so readily and hes a part of the team. bad and baghera are siblings. pierre took the waystones bc he was upset about how ppl were treating bad about the furniture disappearance. antoine may joke but he is on bbh's side every time i can remember. etoiles is the only one on the island that really understands how strong bad is and my god does he want to see it in action.
no matter what thats their bebou!!! it just really makes me
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also i really fucking love the mental image of these fuckers rockin up to the island via planecrash and maybe one of them is human at most but they all see the literal grim reaper and go "ur nickname is now baby ^_^" and now he is forever their bebou
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