#but I’ve mostly caught up and here’s a gauche piece I did from one of the promotional pictures!
ghostbergara · 11 months
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✨mystery files✨
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((OOC: Don’t have a title for this one, but it was inspired by a short piece my friend @crooked-tarot-rp sent me one day XD It features Gotham AU Kenny and two of my friend’s characters---Alder the elf and Aeschylus the cambion---and also some hypnosis and slight foot domination, so fair warning!))
It had been easy enough for Alder to break into Kenny's office while it was unattended. The hard part, he was discovering with growing frustration, was getting anything out of it to make even that slight effort worthwhile. There had to be something, he kept insisting to himself. All of these rich, eccentric types always had something to hide. And Kenny was very rich and very eccentric---with more emphasis on the latter, in Alder's opinion. Nobody could be that obsessed with snakes and be a well-adjusted human being. The trouble was he couldn't find any evidence that supported that theory; no lurid photographs, no documents detailing embezzlements, no credit card statements with incriminating purchases. Hell, apparently the man didn't keep a spare cell phone or even a laptop to do business on in here. He was well beyond annoyed at how fruitless his search was becoming. "Looking for something?" Alder gave a start; the voice that had spoken from the doorway had been soft and sly, but it might as well have been as loud as a gunshot. Alder's heart thudded uncomfortably in his ears for a moment as he turned around to face Kenny standing there, but reassembled his composure quickly. His eyes twinkled, lips curling into a smirk. "Was that not obvious?" he purred. "Oh no, I just thought I'd help tidy things up a bit. After business hours, of course. Speaking of which: shouldn't you be at home, getting ready for bed? Work must be so exhausting for you, after all." "Heh, not really. I do a lot of napping up here, mostly." Kenny's expression and demeanor were disarmingly amicable, but Alder couldn't help seeing something else there as well. He thought back to when he and Aesch first met him and Alder had tried his persuasive methods on him; it hadn't worked, which annoyed him (in fact just the memory of it now was making him flush a bit), but there had been something altogether more worrying in the man's eyes. A cunning glint that seemed almost inhuman. Alder thought he was seeing it now, too. Kenny began walking toward his desk, gesturing to the chair in front of it while he went to sit down in the faux leather wingback behind it. "Well, since you're here," he said cheerfully, "grab a seat and let's have a chat. I've been meaning to have a one-on-one with you, actually." He folded his hands over his desk and smiled at him expectantly. Alder blinked incredulously for a moment, then snorted. "Aha....a chat, is it? You haven't....you know, called the police with a panic button under your desk or anything?" Or have a gun concealed on you that you plan on using at some point? Because I really don't like that smile of yours, no matter how handsome you happen to be, he thought uncomfortably. Kenny's smile became one of wry playfulness. "Nope. Cross my heart." He drew an 'X' over his chest with an elaborate flourish, then pointed his finger out, beckoning. "Come here." His tone was soft, lilting, though Alder thought he detected a casual air of command. He felt his cheeks flush as a roiling tide of irritation rose in him for just a moment. He wasn't someone who allowed himself to be bossed around like a truant employee, but then again he was the one in a compromising position; the thought of the police getting involved didn't bother him, but the thought of Kenny possibly saying something about this to Aesch certainly did. He wondered briefly if that had occurred to Kenny at all, and got his answer looking into that prehistoric shark smile. Of course he had.
"Hmph," he grunted, begrudgingly parking himself in the chair across from Kenny. "Very well. What's on your mind, then?" Besides snakes, that is, he thought with sardonic satisfaction.
"Actually," Kenny replied, his tone unchanged, "I'd like to discuss what's on yours." His eyebrow arched knowingly. "You think I'm hiding something, and you want to know what it is so you can blackmail me. Do I have that right?"
Alder flashed back a self-assured smile, though small alarm bells were ringing in his head. Careful, old boy. This one's not as dumb as he looks. "Getting straight to the point, are we?" He ran a hand flippantly through his hair. "I'm just looking out for my friend. Making sure he's not involving himself with someone....well...." He chuckled, and instead of elaborating he tipped his hand back and forth, letting that speak for itself. "My snooping around shouldn't bother you if you don't have something to hide though, don't you think?" His eyes glittered slyly. "Mmm, it doesn't bother me," Kenny said, and there was nothing in Kenny's voice or expression that suggested the contrary. "I find it more than a little flattering that you've taken that kind of interest in me. You must care very deeply about your friend to go to all this trouble." He swung his legs up onto the desk with self-possessed nonchalance, propping one foot atop the other. Penny loafers, Alder noticed, not bothering to disguise a slight smirk of amusement. Without socks, no less. How gauche. Then he noticed that knowing look was back on Kenny's face, and realized what he had been insinuating. He laughed out loud.
"What, you think I'm jealous? Please." He tilted his head wryly. "I do love Aesch, but I'd never interfere with his love life out of wanting him for myself. In this case, I'm doing some light investigative work to protect him. Because, quite frankly, you're suspicious as hell." He said this last bit with every ounce of conviction he had while maintaining his languid smugness.
He had expected maybe touching a nerve with that, but Kenny remained unflappable. In fact, he gave a laugh of his own; a throaty, pleasant chuckle that sent an involuntary shiver down Alder's spine. "Really?" he asked, his dark eyes twinkling with mirth. "Interesting. What do you find so suspicious about me, exactly?" He nestled comfortably in his seat and folded his hands over his chest, as though he was about to listen to some exciting news. He knocked his shoes lightly against each other to a rhythm only he could hear.
"The snakes," Alder said immediately. He wasn't about to let that go, he figured he'd get that out of the way up front. "I mean, come on."
Kenny tilted his head and looked at him slyly. "You don't like snakes?" His voice was a silky purr.
"I'm indifferent towards them, personally. You, on the other hand, seem to be unreasonably infatuated with them. One might even say obsessed." Alder crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his seat slowly. "And I refuse to believe someone living and working in Gotham isn't aware of the implications of that. Considering how colorful the city's criminals are."
"And I suppose you also find me suspicious because I didn't react to your attempt to sway me earlier?" The shell of Alder's smug confidence cracked a little, his cheeks flaring brightly in surprise; the remark was so casual and unexpected.  "I, w-well, that is, er..." He cursed himself inwardly as he tried to find his footing again.
"Mmhmm." The cunning shine in Kenny's eyes was back. Clunk, clunk went his shoes against each other. "Because it really should have worked, shouldn't it? If I was just another rich, flaky executive type, that is."
Alder opened his mouth, about to form an acerbic response, when Kenny hooked his right shoe against the heel of his left and gently kicked the loafer cleanly off his foot. It thumped to the carpeted floor, unregarded. The other shoe followed suit shortly after. Kenny hadn't broken eye contact the entire time; now he was leaning his face against his hand, his expression vaguely sly and almost seductive, his bare toes slowly flexing up and down to the same unknown rhythm as before.
Alder was uncharacteristically stunned by this bizarre turn, completely apropos of nothing. Well, no---a nasty bolt of embarrassment struck him. There was no way he could know about that, though....could he? His eyes drifted from Kenny's face to his bare feet propped upon the desk, and maybe lingered there a little too long before snapping back to their original position. He gave an incredulous laugh, though it was somewhat strained. "Interesting interrogation technique," he said dryly. "Though I think you may be taking the phrase 'smelling someone out' rather broadly."
"Do they smell?" Kenny replied, his eyes shining with intense amusement. "I like to think I do a pretty good job making sure that they don't. At least not in a way that's offensive. But perhaps you're a better judge than I am, since you're closer." His foot drifted to rest directly in front of him, toes wiggling playfully. Alder flinched away, eyes narrowing, trying to hide his blush behind a look of annoyance and disgust. His second toe is longer than the others. The thought lit up unbidden in Alder's mind. Flame foot.
"What--I--what are you even--" He huffed, eyes flashing with indignance. "Would you be so kind as to get that out of my face?" His uneasiness was becoming more pronounced the longer Kenny's feet were in front of him. He was trying very hard not to inhale, though he had caught the faintest whiff of something: smoky, masculine, rustic. The faux leather of Kenny's shoe.
"It just so happens," Kenny said idly, as though Alder hadn't spoken at all; his feet remained firmly where they were, propped and crossed in front of Alder's flustered, disgruntled face, while Kenny lounged back farther into his chair, arms behind his head, "I'm not unfamiliar with your methods of persuasion. In fact...."
His feet slowly shifted out of Alder's line of sight---Finally, thought Alder with chagrined relief---but the withering glare Alder planned to give him fled from his face almost immediately at what he saw in Kenny's sly, hooded eyes.
"....I must confessssssss to doing something similar."
Kenny's eyes were full of colors; rhythmically pulsing colors that radiated outward from his pupils in a never-ending pattern. They were stunningly hypnotic; Alder realized with mute bewilderment that he had looked into them for a full thirty seconds, mouth slowly becoming slack, before he was able to wrest some kind of control over himself and try to force himself to look away. His mind reeled from resisting the blank, relaxed feeling that had threatened to overtake him. "What....y-you...." he said in a tight voice as he made a Herculean effort to tear his eyes away, and managed to get one eye closed. Alder found that he was still somewhat capable of self-righteous anger at the nerve of this smirking barefoot cretin attempting to hypnotize him of all people, and he weakly held onto it, though it seemed to be rapidly evaporating into a muzzy, docile fog the longer his blue eye looked into Kenny's kaleidoscopic ones. "Unh, you buh-bastard...." "Mmhmm." Kenny's voice was a smooth, playful purr. "I thought you might be a ssssssslippery customer." He seemed to fix him more intensely with his gaze; the colors in his eyes pulsed faster in a dazzling, dizzying display.
Alder tried to protest, but only an unintelligible garble escaped his lips. Both his eyes widened beyond his control to hungrily absorb the profoundly hypnotic undulations before him. The colors, those eyes. Such power he'd never experienced before. He was losing control fast, he had to think of something while he still had the capacity to do so. He found with a gauzy feeling of dismay that his muscles refused to work; he couldn't even stand up, let alone walk out the door. The urge would light up feebly in his head, but his legs were much too comfortable where they were, thank you very much. He desperately tried focusing on something else. His mind reeled again like a fish struggling on a hook; he managed to lower his head, uttering an involuntary sigh, and began to drift his eyes with difficulty to the small snake plant perched at the corner of Kenny's desk.
"Ah ah ah. Pay attention, pleasssse." A gentle, cajoling rebuke. Kenny's foot drifted close, pressing itself against Alder's cheek, and then slid a slow, sensuous trail to rest beneath Alder's chin. It lifted his head back up, toes pointing, guiding Alder's gaze back to Kenny's eyes. Alder was defenseless against the supernaturally lush smoothness of his skin, and the suddenly intense bouquet of scents: shoe leather, cinnamon, coffee, cloves. His head swam. His eyelids drooped but didn't fully close---couldn't. Kenny's fascinating eyes rippled and eddied without end, dominating his vision.
"Better. Good. Now, you're sleepy, I know, and I'll let you sleep in a moment." Kenny's velvet, soothing voice slithered in lazy loops and figure eights in his ears, through his mind. "But first, you're going to listen. And then, you're going to answer me when I want you to. Listen--answer. Very sssssimple. Do you understand?"
Alder sluggishly fought the urge to reply "yes"; he wouldn't give him the satisfaction. It wasn't fair, him being in this position, one that he had rather enjoyed being on the opposite end of on some occasions. This was nothing like what he did though, he thought defensively through the dense fog. This was diabolical. This was insidious. This was.....was.....
Well...maybe it wasn't all that awful, really. Now that Kenny had ensured he look at nothing else, he had to admit that Kenny's eyes were rather....beautiful. And this drowsy, fuzzy feeling coming over him, winking his thoughts away like so many candles. It felt...pleasant, actually, to not have to think.
Kenny tilted his head slightly, arching an eyebrow. "Hmm? Cat got your tongue?" he asked slyly. "Maybe we can do something to loosen it."
The toes holding up Alder's chin slid out with smooth, deliberate slowness, inching upwards. The large oval of Kenny's big toe softly touched the furrow of his mouth, lingered a moment, and gently pushed down on the ridge of his lower lip, parting it slightly. Alder could just barely taste the toe on the tip of his tongue; oh gods was his last coherent though as he shivered with helpless pleasure, the bliss of Kenny's power now gripping him completely.
"I like your friend," Kenny said. The sly playfulness had somewhat left his voice, replaced by something more contemplative. His toes had retreated back down under Alder's chin. "I like him a lot. And I want to like you, too. But it's hard to do that when you seem to have it in for me. Spying on me. Snooping around in my business. Uncharitably belittling my.....interesssssssts." He hissed this last with particular emphasis, a grin spreading across his face, revealing his teeth. "You want to know why I like snakes so much, hmm? That's easy enough."
Through his dreamy trance Alder became vaguely aware that the foot beneath his chin seemed to be.....changing. The toes elongating, fusing together. Kenny slowly crossed his legs, which also seemed to fuse into one shape, growing thicker. Huge, powerful cylindrical shapes looped and curved around the desk and chairs, filling the space around them, shifting furniture gently in their wake. Scales glistened, coils slithered, and Kenny grinned among them. He brought Alder's face closer, the tail beneath his chin cupping his face.
"I trusssssst this clears that up for you?"
"Mmn....mmhmm...." Alder's right eyelid slowly slid closed, then languidly made its way back up to half mast. His voice was slurred, thick with drowsy rapture. "Yes.....it does...." Why, it was more than understandable to Alder; it was positively fine and dandy. Never mind the fact that he was now surrounded on all sides by huge, shifting masses of scaly muscle that were once masquerading as Kenny's legs.
"Good," Kenny chuckled. "I'm glad. I hope this means you won't be so suspicious of me anymore, now that I've been honest with you. And that we can be friends from now on."
As he slowly leaned closer over the desk, he brought Alder's face even closer with his tail; Alder was leaning completely forward now, his arms hanging limp at his sides, lolling like a marionette. Kenny hovered just close enough for his soporific whisper to reach Alder's ears. "Sssssleeeeep," he hissed.
"ALDER! Don't do this, please, I swear if you---"
Aeschylus burst into the room with a combination of righteous anger and hand-wringing nervousness. He had taken five steps before the scene that met his eyes could really register: a huge slithering mass of snake coils, with Kenny and Alder at the center of it. Kenny was blinking at him in wide-eyed bewilderment. Alder seemed to be completely asleep with an enchanted smile on his face (that was so unlike Alder that it gave Aeschylus particular pause), precariously supported by what could only be Kenny's tail; his head slowly slid to meet the desk with a dull thunk, but he did not awaken.
"Oh!" Kenny's face lit up cheerfully. "Hello, you! Come on in, I was just finishing up!"
"Uh.....huh." Aeschylus looked from Kenny to Alder, to the lot of Kenny's coils enveloping the room, and then drifted back to Kenny again. He awkwardly cleared his throat, adjusting his collar and tie. "Ahem, I see. Alder, uh.....is he....?"
"Oh, he's fine. We just chatted, he admired my feet for a bit, and now he's having himself a little lie-down." Kenny's tail stroked Alder's blonde hair gently. "I did intend for him to be more comfortable than this, but---" Kenny trained his dark, cunning eyes on Aeschylus with a seductive smirk. "---I suppose he can wait his turn for now."
"Ah....aha. Right." Aeschylus watched as Kenny unfurled himself from behind his desk and began to come toward him; he found his languid slithering movements rather mesmerizing. He realized mutely that he had been so busy watching Kenny himself that he neglected to pay attention to what his tail was doing; presently it was making a slow ascent up his legs, wrapping him in the velvety scales.
Hang on....Aeschylus frowned suddenly. "Did you say he was admiring your feet?" he asked incredulously.
The tail paused mid-loop around his waist at this. Kenny smiled innocently. "Just having fun with him on my part, really," he purred slyly. He glided around to Aeschylus's side, leaning close to his ear. "Although, he didn't seem to mind...."
Aeschylus snorted as Kenny drifted away behind him and the tail continued its path around his body, squeezing him gently at regular intervals. The image of steely-eyed smug Alder with someone else's feet in his face was too outlandish to believe. But then again, he'd found himself believing a lot of outlandish things lately. Not the least of which was how much he enjoyed being squeezed by a certain handsome naga's coils...
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