#but Hughie's room has a lot of stuff going on it in because they probably needed stuff in there for him to destroy
nofacednerd · 1 year
rewatching s1 of The Boys again (because I’m insane) and I was pausing to look at the set design bc I think in general it’s interesting and occasionally very funny
and 1. theres so many pictures of Hughie and Robin around his room but one that they focus on was very obviously taken on set on the day they shot the first scene asdhffgsd??? also he’s got a wooden hand that he made to flip people off
2. my god. they really said he’s an audiophile and ran with it because he has like 4 different record players stacked on top of each other, several stacks of vinyls, random pairs of headphones around the room, 2??? massive amps??? (I can’t see any instruments in the room that he would be using those for so. I guess he just has them), so many speakers just sitting there for some reason. His neighbors must hate him so much
3. theres a bunch of misc wires on his desk that I thiiink might be a soundboard but im not 100% sure (update: it might be a disassembled music box???)
4. I noticed the assortment of gaming controllers on his desk but i did not notice the novelty cup collection he has (he immediately destroys this .2 seconds after you first see it)
5. There’s a giant stuffed snake hanging on the wall behind his door
6. and my personal favorite detail is the coat rack he has in his room solely for his flannels. this man is bisexual and you can’t convince me otherwise.
conclusion: he’s a massive nerd and the sterility of his apartment with annie in s3 is representative of how his grief has consumed him so much that his old interests and hobbies are nearly invisible now (something something trauma changes you irreparably)
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