#but Akari gradually becomes attached to him anyways because she can see how lonely he is
waywardstation · 1 year
Title game is still going strong, I like it! There are some gems in between and we’ve already gotten a very good fic out of it!
So here are my suggestions:
"You can’t miss something you don’t remember, can you?"
"Lost Souls and Found Family"
"Melli knows best?"
"Behind a Smile and Beyond a Frown"
Take all the time you need!
Thank you so much Anon!! ^^ so sorry I took so long to get to this, but thank you for the patience!!
You Can’t Miss Something You Don’t Remember, can you?
[TRAIN OF THOUGHT AU] As Akari makes her way through Ingo’s mind station with Irida, MG (Mental Guardian) Emmet, and MI (Mental Image) Lady Sneasler, she gets to see more and more of his missing memories, locked away from his mind in disconnected memory traincars.
Happy memories, full of people who seem to really care about Ingo just as much as he cares about them.
Outside of his mind station, Ingo begins to feel an immense aching in his heart, one that forces tears to well up - he had no idea how badly he could miss the people he loved, until he remembered them.
Lost Souls and Found Family
When Akari first met Ingo, she saw a tall, imposing man with a crooked posture and intimidating demeanor. She was not sure she would like going up the mountain with him. But as they traveled, and she started to get to know him better, she realized he was not someone to be scared of - he was simply as kind as he was lonely, and even more lost.
Akari couldn’t leave him like that. She knew how that felt, here in Hisui.
Melli Knows Best?
When Ingo sprains his ankle while trying to get one of Lord Electrode’s voltorb down from a sheer cliffside, Melli begrudgingly offers to help take care of it for him - if only to repay Ingo for what he did.
Though, he’s constantly forgetting Ingo can’t put weight on it. Or that ice helps the swelling. And that trying to massage the area will only make it worse. It seems like Melli has no idea what he’s doing, even if he swears he does - Ingo suspects Melli’s never dealt with a sprained anything in his entire life.
Behind a Smile and Beyond a Frown
Middle school transfer student Elesa doesn’t think the things that other kids are saying about the twins Ingo and Emmet are very fair. She’s never talked to them, having only been at the new school for about a week, but she certainly doesn’t think Emmet comes off as a tryhard with his constant smiling. And she never felt like Ingo was being rude by talking to everyone with a frown. Didn’t people ever notice how genuine and kind they both were?
When Elesa bumps into Emmet while with a group of kids she’s trying to fit in with, the group is quick to push Emmet away. Elesa immediately bristles, deciding she’s trying to fit in with the wrong crowd, and leaves them to go hang out with Emmet. She’s promptly introduced to Ingo, who’s grateful that she stuck up for Emmet, and she quickly decides these are the friends she wants.
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