#building off some themes and shit. mb some surnames lol
isaacathom · 7 years
also almost hundred percent that Tsitas’ ancestor (not the condesce - Tsitas isn’t the Heiress. mostly because i dont want to fuck with that) had a very strong relationship with Endlyn’s. 
Endlyn’s (The Lawmaker, at present) did what you’d expect - Made Laws. This is because she’s fairly middle on the spectrum, low enough that she understands low blood thinking, high enough that the blue bloods stand her. But she has limited reach - she’s basically completely restricted to Lowblood Policy. That is, until Tsitas’ ancestor (the Director? Eminence? idk which) finds her. A lowblood notable for her extreme loyalty is a prize indeed, and what better claim for a high blood? She essentially sponsored the Lawmaker, allowing her job progression unlike any of her caste, while making it clear she was her pet. The Lawmaker was hers to command. What the Director wanted as law, was minted as such. It’s likely this sort of activity is what got the Lawmaker killed - while following the Director’s instructions, she stepped on the toes of another highblood (likely Iliyas’ ancestor), perhaps ordering him to do something for her. It didn’t sit kindly. The Director had much blood on her hands when she was finished taking revenge for the murder of her ‘pet’. The relationship was likely somewhat closer than that - it would have been publicly restricted by the perception of caste distinction. The most the two could ever have been is moirails, leaning on and aiding the other. The Lawmaker was a shoulder to cry on, an unjudging soul - how could she judge those of such high status? The Director was a bringer of unholy vengeance. They worked perfectly together.
Meanwhile Iliyas’ ancestor is his damn near inverse in terms of personality. Iliyas’ selfishness and exploitation of others brought to the forefront, made truly manifest. A greedy seadweller, a Conqueror (but that /doesnt fuckign fit/. Champion?), who took what he desired and cared little for its effect. Such was his mistake to take the life of the Lawmaker, unaware she was the Director’s property, only aware that the possession of the life of they who writes law was a treasure, indeed. Before this fatal error, he likely took from many of the other ancestors. Rhiana’s would be a strong contender for that position - perhaps she too was slain at the Champion’s hand. But in that instance, it was likely the event that gave him this title - her ancestor was almost certainly a rebel, however minor. (I want to say Guerrilla, but with Serren’s quirk combining double r’s? for an 8 set). A leader? Unlikely so high. But she had influence, she had power, she had appeal to the people. Her death - and the subsequent deaths of those who had aided her - made him a Champion. She was not a martyr, however, for she had as yet done little. An idea. Her death was quiet, a nameless among many. A ghost of what could have been. That, or perhaps she HAD succeeded - the Lawmaker, responsible directly for a lot of suffering through what she wrote, slain by a vicious rebellion. Rightful retribution from the Champion. Which then begs the question - how does the Champion fall? Perhaps this is where Lyndel’s ancestor comes in. A long and twisted revenge for a lowblood lover. A straight forward slaying and self banishment, a soul never again seen by the law and indeed by the stars.
ok how about the flowery leaves. lets make it simple. So, the Director takes in the Lawmaker as a sort of sponsor, allowing the Lawmaker a great amount of power. As a figurehead (and comparatively vulnerable), the ‘Guerrilla’ slays the Lawmaker as part of her rebellion. This backfires, as the Director sends her Champion to wreak retribution. The Champion is then likely himself slain by Lyndel’s ancestor, in a display of absolute back stabbing fuckery rarely seen. What power. She excuses herself from proceedings and is assumed to die alone in the wastes.
so thats 5. that leaves three - Junzha, Dahnte, and Zekari. There’s more to the Director’s lifespan (shes nigh fuschia, after all) but. yknow. fuck em.
You’d assume Dahnte would be her Champion, and perhaps thats how Dahnte actually envisions himself - as Tsitas’ Champion, since Iliyas is so.... lackluster. but that was not his ancestors role. Dahnte’s ancestor was himself the lackluster one, a weak highblood who formed relationships with lowbloods in order to survive. He surrounded himself with the psychically superior, safe in the knowledge that they couldn’t affect him personally, but that they could hurt his enemies. Among these is almost definitely Zekari’s ancestor, who isn’t a particularly powerful telekinetic, but strong enough to attract the attention of the needy. Whether this also includes Junzha’s ancestor, im unsure, though to figure that out i need to figure out what the fuck power Junzha actually has now. lets assume Yes for now.
SO he has this squad of powerful lowbloods to defend him from people who would do him harm. It is then not difficult to believe that he gets cocky with his army, picks a fight with someone he shouldn’t (perhaps Champion, perhaps Director herself?) and his group is summarily completely destroyed. He flees. He is, at this point, the Recreant. A coward, a fool. What happens once he flees is unclear - perhaps he encounters the Apostate, Lyndel’s ancestor. Though if we have it be that the Recreant attacked the Director (and got one or both of Zekari and Junzha’s ancestors killed), i think that the Guerrilla’s campaign should be for their justice. Rhiana is a spirit of vengeance. this is why her ancestor isn’t a martyr - theyre a reactionary, and theyre just as violent. Slaying the Lawmaker. leading to the Champions subsequent mass slaughter of bronze and burgundies. Leading to the Apostate to swap sides - she relates to the Guerrilla’s struggle, even if she had disagreed with the method. She openly betrays the Champion, killing him in his own hive, in his own base of power. It’s a fucking powerful move. And then she flees.
So like, woulllld they meet beyond that point? The Apostate and the Recreant, alike as traitors but distinct by their courage. They both basically disappear from history at this point, so its not IMPOSSIBLE. its also not impossible that the Recreant already had his shit pushed in before that point. like in the gap between his army’s defeat and the betrayal of the Champion is completely possible that he just fucking died somewhere. the Apostate seems far more capable, though her death likely comes swiftly as well - she won only through subterfuge.
ok, so say thats their ends. Junzha and Zekari. whats up, lads.
i think a god idea for Junzha’s is a man conscripted into the Recreant’s foolhardy gang. His talents lie not in combat, but in civility, in aiding the restless and the weary. It allows him to protect himself, but few others, when the Director’s fury rains down. He rises amongst the bodies of his fellows, alone. She claims him as a trophy of her conquest, and he is given new purpose. His talents bolster the Director’s own forces, ease their sufferings. But never his own. His soul is always black, and further still when the Champion claims it was his capture that caused the death of the Lawmaker. he is the Catalyst. he allows others to act, causes it. but he is confined, constrained. his service is loyal, but not out of love, and he is the one ancestor who dies of completely natural causes - alone but for his work. he is sometimes known as the Destroyed - for naught remains of his mark, except the knowledge that it never existed.
which leaves Zekari. i think, perhaps tie him back into the lawmaker. something she had done directly, which might invite the Guerrrrrilla’s vengeance. a law she passed. was it on the Directors command, or her own deduction? its unclear. whatever it was, it put his ancestor into hot water. the sort of hot water a high blood patron can rescue you from. A noble Indigo blood, perhaps? It was desperation that forced him to join the Recreant’s ill fated guard, and he certainly never enjoyed the position. but were he to leave, what would be left? Jail, culling, or a position in a worse army, that of the Director or Condesce herself. She had a place for telekinetics like him, and he wanted no part. So he played along, followed this would be captains orders, and found himself at the end of the Directors weapon. The wrong end. the Dead end. Forced for no other choice, slain by his only other opportunity. He would have found use in the Directors army, but he would have been equally unfulfilled by his role as the Destroyed became. poor souls. The Desolate, perhaps. ofc it does sorta depend what he did to end up in a situation where his only option was to becoming the Recreants whipping boy. Based purely on Zekari’s character it makes sense for it to have been him trying to help - trying to help someone. Who, specifically? hmm. doing it for the Destroyed could be an interesting idea - an extension of Zekari <> Jun. and also how the Desolate ultimately fails, because the Destroyed ends up in the army with him, ends up seeing him die, and ends up withering away in some back tent for another army. yknow. cause you fucked it. nice going, homie. he basically loses time and time again. perhaps he caused someones death? that could be fun. basically killed a guy to save the Destroyed’s life. but, of course, its a high blood, and on the Lawmakers respect for the hemospectrum, this is a crime of an extreme degree. the punishment? oh, they vary, and the Lawmaker almost salivates at the thought of all that could be wrought upon those who do not heed her words. thats fucked up. holy shit.
so yea. The Desolate kills a high blood. unrelated, just. some guy? some asshole. probably just straight up flattens him. lift, drop, splat, instant warrant for arrest/culling/what have you. so how does he get away? by basically signing away his life to the nearest highblood willing to employ his services, who promises not to work him to the bone. he doesnt have much choice. if he can claim being in the employ of someone, its a substantially lesser crime, or something like that. at that point, its just High Blood Business. all for ol Destroyed over there, who is then promptly recruited himself for his general skills, to the Desolate’s dismay. had he known the fate he was going to give his friend, he’d have let the highblood kill them, and then exacted revenge. 
ok. lets say thats all good. thats, in descending order by blood - The Director, the Champion, the Recreant, the Apostate, the Lawmaker, the Desolate, the [a bunch of screams], and the Destroyed.
ok, naming the Guerrilla. it doesnt work with her quirk, purely because i cant think of any good reason to combine the two rs, even though Serren has two rs as well? it doesnt make sense to me. lets find something else. the Fugitive? describing how she spent a nice chunk of her time on the run. it also makes her sound more guilty, which i like (how often you got an innocent fugitive, yknow). i think i like that ok, The Fugitive she is. nice.
ok, thats all of them? now the big one - how does the Director die? she’s nigh fuschia (high enough to enjoy status, NOT high enough to be killed by the Condesce YET). lives long time. she cannot die naturally, unless all these ancestor events are so positively ANCIENT shit. so she has to die somehow. from what? the ideal candidate for bloody murder is the Apostate, since her whole deal is that she was on their side and betrayed them following the culling of the Fugitive and those /remotely/ connected to her. but she cant kill the Director quickly - that interferes with the Destroyed’s slow death in her service. unless she bides her time. which i do kind of dig. but if she bided her time and then slew the Champion in his own hive (or office, i guess), theres still the issue that its..... highly unlikely she could overpowers the Director, just by pure virtue of being a Teal Blood vs a Nigh Fuschia. the raw strength is just off the charts. especially for a desk pushing Teal whose main job in the Director’s service was to pass messages. Errand boy. so it would require EXTREME planning, like beyond cosmic coincidence, to give her to chance to kill the Director. perhaps this is a confrontation that passes wholly into myth - all that is known is that the Director died. whose to say the Apostate didn’t expire in causing this? it is only assumed that she escaped and lived free the rest of her days. Maybe she beat her in a battle of wits. maybe she blew them both up. maybe she tricked the Director into a building and levelled it on top of her. who knows? both ‘died’ that day, one way or another. for the Director lay slain and bloodied by the side of her Champion, and the Apostate was noone to be seen. perhaps the two died together, the Champion to the end fighting to defend his ... yknow. thingo. theres a word. charge? fuck it. He died defending the Director, a round, loyal success. in contrast to his descendant, whose loyalties would skew to the other end of the hemospectrum. nice.
that works.... well enough??? nice.
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