#btw this is trans inclusive author is nb
inkskinned · 1 year
we really didn't get violent enough about roe v wade being overturned. but and also - you're one person. you donated money. you went to the protest. you did what you could, which felt like doing basically nothing.
recently some big paper published an op ed (why did you even read it? you knew you'd get upset) about how it's gross that men can't find a partner because women don't want to suffer bad dates - they'd rather go to yoga class. you actually laughed - well, yeah! and it was funny until it wasn't, because something about it made your stomach churn. this is the thing, you want to say, but you don't have the words for what the thing is. just that men being bad at dating is your fault.
the thing is also on instagram. you don't know if it's a setting or algorithm thing, but these days, the most hurtful comments always seem to skim the top. simple reaction is don't read the comments but - you're human, so you're curious. you want to respond to every weird, sanctimonious one with replaying something a million times to find evidence they're lying about their gender is literally sexual harassment you shouldn't be proud of this or maybe get a fucking life you absolute dickhead but you've gotten into enough of these battles as a kid. nothing ever resolves. it just makes you upset.
your father was radicalized. the thing is - you go to therapy about it and yet never find the words for exactly the way that one hurts.
the other day your sister predicted that a commercial that aired during the superbowl was going to cause trouble. you wanted her to be wrong about that. this morning, while scrolling, you saw someone post exactly that - he got so angry i had to leave. it was terrifying. it reminds you, however bleakly: there are entire swathes of people who do not worry about domestic violence. who have no idea why you would put keys into your fist. who do not understand "it's better to be rude than dead." who have never googled am i being gaslit.
the other day you found out there's a bill that would make it so if you have a uterus and are braindead, you could fulfil your cattle purpose and carry a fetus to term. you think about the fact that the leading cause of death for pregnant people is murder. you think about ongoing and informed consent. you think about how, out of fear, if your ex boyfriend had pressured you, you absolutely would have said yes to it. in the comments, you write there is no way that these documents wouldn't be immediately forged. this is going to be misused. and then just delete it, sighing. get up and go to work.
the other day they overturned roe v wade. we weren't nearly violent enough about it. somewhere, a clock is ticking. it's been ticking a long time. you want to say it's time, but it's been time for a while, hasn't it.
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akashgame · 4 years
Hi! sorry if you’ve already been asked this, but I was wondering if there are trans elementals and how the other elementals typically react towards them. Love the game btw^^
I haven’t answered this but I’m happy you asked. 💖 We weren’t able to cover it in-game because unfortunately when I’d written it some... five to six years ago now, my ideas then about gender were quite binary, but we mentioned in the author’s note (and I’m happy to expand here) that there are in fact trans elementals. They are treated with the same respect and dignity as any cis elementals, and undifferentiated from their cis counterparts in society. 
You can find our larger post about gender in elemental society here.
On another note, we are deeply grateful for the love and support of our trans and NB fans--please know that while our story may be quite bound up in the gender binary it is not a statement as to the validity or rightness of the binary, it’s only a story that reflects the narrowness of its author’s previous worldview. It’s my intent for our next project to demonstrate more inclusivity and understanding in this area. 💛
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atreefullofstars · 6 years
As a cis person, you do NOT get to evoke TERFs as a trump card as if you don't have a massive role in transmisogyny and as if cishet aces don't have a massive role in transmisogyny. "I'm going to pretend that I care about trans women by advocating that EVEN MORE cis people be added to the LGBT community." Do you hear yourself? Anyways, you are speaking over LGBT aces. LGBT aces are telling you we are NOT oppressed for being ace, that cishet aces DO oppress us, and that they are just as 1/2
Straight as cishet non-aces. PLEASE do ACTUAL LGBT research. "Gay and lesbian" ALWAYS included trans people and biseuxal people because "gay" was an umbrella term. Trans and gay were not differentiated identities, neither were bisexual and gay. You are erasing SIGNIFICANT trans and bisexual figures by saying they were added into the community in the 80s and that is BIGOTED of you. Don't erase historical figures because you want to tell LGBT aces they are wrong to hate cishet aces. 2/2BTW please get your information on LGBT history from better sources than "google." Open a book sometime. 
“As a cis person, you do NOT get to evoke TERFs as a trump card as if you don't have a massive role in transmisogyny and as if cishet aces don't have a massive role in transmisogyny.“Exclusionist rhetoric is TERF rhetoric. I’m not “evoking them as a trump card,” I’m stating a known fact. It’s the same arguments relabeled (They don’t experience homophobia! Their history is separate!), and those arguments have no more merit the second time around than they did the first. I agree that as a cis person I am complicit in transphobia insofar as I don’t actively fight it, and that I benefit from it regardless. If you’re going to argue that means I don’t get to notice or care about the parallels between the way trans people have historically been treated in the community and the way ace people are currently treated--that to be truly respectful of trans individuals I have to abandon aces--you can take a long walk off a short pier. It’s not transphobic to be an ace ally.
“"I'm going to pretend that I care about trans women by advocating that EVEN MORE cis people be added to the LGBT community."“LOL at it being transphobic to “add cis people” to a community which is already largely cis by default. Are you listening to yourself? I mentioned earlier, you’re welcome to create spaces which are specific to trans people or nb people or aces with additional queer identities or any intersection of identities, I will happily concede a need for those spaces, but that doesn’t change who’s welcome in the community as a whole.
“Anyways, you are speaking over LGBT aces. LGBT aces are telling you we are NOT oppressed for being ace.”  “LGBT aces” are NOT telling me they’re not oppressed for being ace. YOU’RE telling me YOU’RE not oppressed for being ace. I have been told differently by many aces of all stripes who are not you, both those with other queer identities and those without. If you don’t feel oppressed on that axis, that’s great for you! Your experiences are not universal though. This isn’t even an intracommunity discussion on whether aces are oppressed, this is a difference of experience between individuals and you don’t get to speak for people who have already spoken.
“They are just as straight as cishet non-aces.”A) the Straights disagree with you. B) Other aces disagree with you. C) You’ve made it clear you’re not a “cishet” ace and that you consider them a whole separate identity, so you are not an authority on the experiences or the identity of that group. You’re talking over them.
“"Gay and lesbian" ALWAYS included trans people and biseuxal people because "gay" was an umbrella term.“There has been quite a lot of historical discussion about and resistance to including trans and bisexual people in the community, in the interest of respectability politics, which is why the name/acronym of the community has changed to be explicitly inclusive. This despite the fact that these groups have always been here, always been participating, and, further back, history doesn’t make the distinction. Hmmm, does that sound like any other groups we’ve been talking about?
“You are erasing SIGNIFICANT trans and bisexual figures by saying they were added into the community in the 80s.”You’re misinterpreting what I said. I agree they’ve always been here and always played a significant role. Same as aces. The question was whether the rest of the group included/wanted to include them.
“BTW please get your information on LGBT history from better sources than "google." Open a book sometime. “I have and I continue to do so. You, on the other hand, could benefit by broadening your pool of sources and checking your opinions against the rest of reality.
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