#btw just wanted to apologise for the lack or posts i've just been busy lately but i promise i'll be more active now
derkillerfisch ยท 8 months
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been thinking about kawoshin a lot lately
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silverhallow ยท 2 years
I'm really sorry you're feeling a bit low and don't know what to do or if you should keep on doing what you like(d). I'm pretty sure the momentary lack of response has nothing to do with you or the quality of your work though! I can only imagine how lonely it can feel out there in the virtual world/social media and every missing like, comment or reaction might seem like a rejection or dislike. Please don't forget there might be a 1000 different reasons... part/1
... (that have absolutely nothing to do with you!) why you don't get this or that reaction. People might be too busy, stressed out, have work/family problems or are going through a little rough patch. I get it, we got so used to measure success with likes and comments that a lack thereof can seem like a failure. But it is not! Try no to worry too much about it, treat yourself to a little 'me-time' taking care of you and wait a bit before you get back to it all. part/2
Who knows, maybe tomorrow or in a few days or next week everything falls back into place and people are ready to show you their appreciation. Btw, posting how you feel instead of disappearing without a word is so important so I applaud you for that! Thank you for this little reminder to show our appreciation and gratitude more vocally. part/3
So, since I'm already here, I'm gonna use this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do! Every single one of your fics/AUs is such a joy to read and it amazes me how you keep on coming up with new stories and ideas. Don't ever doubt yourself or dare to think anything is boring or dull! Your great๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜˜(was looking for a bowing emoji but alas didn't find one, hence the crown๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚) part/4
Wow Nonnie, thank you for such a long ask! i think this might be the longest one i've ever gotten!!
i totally understand that people are busy and have far better things to do than read my work. I think i'd just gotten so used to have at least one comment the following morning that when i didn't it sort of made me confuse and wonder if it was me. Like never apologise to me for not reading my work yet... i get it. I post like a machine and you guys have lives (and yes i am human... May I can practically see you screaming that I am a robot...)
Because of the way that things had been going, there was less engagement in my asks unless people were wanting sneak peaks and I was doing the rose game... or it was me asking you guys for things, made me honestly wonder if I was the problem.
Work's been a lot lately, and not even because i'm busy but because of the opposite. i've got a lot of pressure on one case i'm working and it's stressful and people don't seem to be supportive of that but cause I'm not actually in my usual department it's even harder.
I am very much alone at work. the nearest person to me that does the same job to me is a 110 miles away.
I used to measure the success of my stories on hits and kudos and the likes but after a minor meltdown over a year ago I stopped caring about them. I was getting interactions for a set of regulars (some of whom no longer comment on my work but I think still read it...) and that was enough.
but because i'm feeling so out of sorts with my professional life, i've thrown myself into this a bit more and it's...crept in here.
seriously like sometimes to a writer just the one comment can lift their spirits. we do this for free... like I spend a lot of my free time doing this, (and not free time as I write at work as well) so when the comments and the interactions stop... it makes me wonder why i'm doing this.
I don't have my comments moderated and i allow guests to post comments, and I have my asks on Anon so that people can share without feeling shy.
I am always grateful for the interaction and it's what makes it all the more worth it.
I am not the sort of person who can keep in her feelings, it will either show on my face or i have to get them off my chest or they will actually consume me. i've had so many issues in the past with no opening up and sharing so it's why I will sometimes have these little wobbles and rambles about it but usually below a cut because not everyone wants to read about my anxiety and my issues.
but i think we all need the reminder, I used to be so bad at it but I have to practise what i preach, it's why I will send my favourite author's asks about their stories, wanting to know some of the minor details, wanting to know more.
its why i will reply to people's posts and why i will ALWAYS reply to comments! even if its a thank you for reading because it's so important that people know we've read them!
But thank you so much for your lovely and sweet comments in part 4. it is wonderful to know that people aren't sick of me yet... I couldn't do this without you guys because I've spent enough years with the stories in my head and not writing them down and you guys constantly wanting new AUs and new stories is the reason I am still doing this and i am onto my 284 Bridgerton Story...
Thank you for reaching out and saying all these lovely things and to everyone else who reached out yesterday. I am feeling better... not masses but a bit. it's good to know that you guys still appreciate me.
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