#btw I have 1829 notes
cha1cedony · 9 months
I was just looking through my Notes app and remembered I wrote down this dream I had a couple of days ago. I fixed the grammar because it was mostly incoherent due to my writing it at 5:27 am. Hope you enjoy
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Blog recap post for 2017
Or whatever it was that I’ve been calling these.
It’s been kind of a quiet year for me, I haven’t done as much as usual. Some general notes first: I’ve been in two readalongs this year but didn’t finish either of them. The first one being the new Brick readalong and the other one the Count of Monte Cristo one. I really do want to finish the latter at some point! (For the record I’m leaving my CoMC posts out of this list because I’m a bit lazy but you can check the CoMC17 tag if you’re interested.)
I’ve also still more or less kept the Les Mis group watch going although it’s been a bit more difficult this year because we kinda ran out of adaptations that already had subtitles and because I’ve been busier on weekends lately. I already posted about it earlier.
I made a back up blog which I should definitely update again one of these days: https://vapausystavyystasaarvo.wordpress.com
Anyway, onto the posts! (apologies for the length, I’m kind of trying to prove to myself that I’ve been productive this year despite the major slump I’ve been having for the last few months, so I ended up including a lot of stuff that probably isn’t really worth including)
Brick Locations / map posts:
Faverolles, Valjean’s home village
Some houses in Faverolles that could be Valjean’s home
Valjean’s sister’s apartment in Paris
Meaux, Lesgle’s home town (as in “Lesgle de Meaux”)
The Necker Hospital (where Combeferre interned) (also check out this post)
Montreuil-sur-Mer (not really mine but I just found this video)
Real life barricades in the Les Mis barricade area and some map nerdery
Cour des Miracles and the Saint-Merry barricade (reply to an ask)
Late night rambling about Lutetian limestone aka the main building material in Paris
Why you can’t find Café Musain in Assassins Creed Unity
- The church (videos)
- Saint-Merry map posts (sorry, I’m getting too lazy to list them all separately... apologies to mobile users)
Map resources:
- Petit Atlas Pittoresque de Paris (1835)
- Catacombs of Paris
- Fan-makers in Paris in 1829
- (see also this post with a link to the addresses of the printers and this one about the Société d’Horticulture)
Other Research:
Canon era letters and addresses (this is not a great post but I decided to include it anyway since it is informative at least)
On the significance of colours in Les Mis from The Novel of the Century: The Extraordinary Adventure of Les Misérables By David Bellos
A translated excerpt from the Saint Merry trial transcript
Combeferre, the dictionary definition of “polytechnique”
Charles Jeanne resources post
Les Mis Adaptation stuff:
Le Théâtre de la Jeunesse and its Les Mis episodes:
- About the adaptation & first episode recap
- TdlJ clip: the Gorbeau affair (subtitled)
- TdlJ clip: Éponine and the Triumvirate visit Marius (subtitled)
- related to above: an explanation of the Marius/Cosette plot in this series
- TdlJ clips: Montparnasse scenes (no subs)
- TdlJ clip: Corinthe (subtitled)
- TdlJ clip: Preliminary Gayeties p1 (subtitled)
- TdlJ gifs: Les Amis
- TdlJ gifs: Montparnasse [p1] [p2]
Les Mis ‘82:
- Myriel’s intro from Les Mis 1982: part 1 & part 2 (Greek subs)
- The “yellow” passport in Les Mis ‘82
- The colour palette in Les Mis ‘82
- Les Amis death scene from Les Mis ‘82
Other French adaptations:
- Guillaume stanning for Thénardier from Les Mis 1995 (subtitled but not by me (the post includes my commentary tho))
- Les Amis in Les Mis ‘34 (this was supposed to be a series of posts but... uh... it didn’t happen)
- Les Amis in Les Mis 2000 (I guess this is almost like a continuation of the series... kinda)
- Actors who have been in multiple Les Mis adaptations: Dominique Zardi & Lucien Nat
- liveblogging the 1979 cartoon
- some ‘72 silliness
- more of a parody than an adaptation but here’s “Les Miséroïdes” with subtitles
English language adaptations:
- Les Mis 1978 covers and their weird obsession with ~Vengeance~
- Monsieur Madeleine’s office in English language adaptations
- The Basic Anglophone Les Mis Adaptation Formula (+an addendum about the ‘78 film)
- Vampire Commie Enjolras from Les Mis 1935
- Gifs from Les Mis 1935 (Marius and Enjolras comparison)
Other adaptations:
- The translated character names from the 1950 Japanese movie
- List of film adaptations that are online and where to find them (I should update this post btw NOTE TO SELF)
- My ideal adaptation (I need to work on this too)
- Original 1980 French version of the musical (link post)
- The original duet between Marius and Éponine from the above and some discussion about it
La Bataille d’Hernani subtitles 
My review (or something) of Hernani
My not overly serious descriptions of Hernani characters
More Hernani “commentary”
More Hernani nonsense
Fanfiction (ish):
Trailing the Awkward Bonapartist (a Fallen London / Echo Bazaar AU) [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [all parts together]
Feuilly and Grantaire apartment hunting
Art (?):
Les Mis in Space
Random Hijinks:
Chalk graffiti in front of the School of Life
The Sock Debacle [p1] [p2]
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