#broppy keep an eye on that one hell try and take over the world
valsnonsense · 3 months
Prince Blueberry of Pop
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"Okay! A dash of lavender, a hint of topaz, aaaaaand a pinch of moth wing dust should do the trick! Huh... Is it supposed to be bubbling like that? Oh... Oh it's on fire now-"
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Brother), Oran (Brother), Lemon (Brother), Lime (Brother), Grape (Brother), Iris (Younger Sister)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Genre: Pop
Voice Claim: Brendon Urie (Panic! At The Disco)
The fifth of the Rainbow Brothers. Inquisitive, curious, with a touch of mad scientist for fun, Blueberry wants to know everything about everything. Why does music magically play around us when we sing? How were the strings truly made? And what happens if he took some fuzz from a Wooferbug and mixed it with hydrogen peroxide?
Blueberry works as a potion maker/alchemist in Trollstopia. From healing tonics to little prank potions, Blueberry loves to push the boundaries of magic and science. Unfortunately, when one pushes the boundaries of the universe, they often don't have much self preservation. Blueberry has blown himself up on SEVERAL occasions.
Blueberry doesn't sing much, as he mostly spends time in his lab, but when he does, he's as Pop as a Pop Troll can get. He does blast music in his lab while he's working, to the chagrin of his quieter siblings.
Despite the mad scientist in him, Blueberry is very friendly and cares deeply for his friends and family. He does his best to make time for social events, and enjoys going to loud, crowded parties.
Blueberry currently resides in Trollstopia alongside his family
Fun Facts!
- Blueberry only attempted to make a love potion once. He found the recipe in an old scrapbook and traveled all over the world gathering the obscure ingredients. What he failed to read was the warning at the bottom saying it had never succeeded, and wound up blowing off part of his ear. He wasn't allowed back in his lab for months after that
- Blueberry is currently dating a Puppet named Cosmo, who works on Vacay Island. He met him while visiting Bruce and his family, and was immediately smitten over his performances. The two love partying together when they visit one another
- Blueberry LOVES geology. Rocks, gems, minerals, the whole shabang. If he's not in his lab or out with friends, he's down in a mine digging up rocks. He has a very extensive rock collection
- Blueberry uses lots of plants and small insects in his potions, much to the distress of Lime and Strawberry. He often has to sneak around them when bringing home ingredients, cause they'll try to stop him from "killing them" ("the plant died the moment I picked it and these bugs only live for like a day caLM DOWN-")
And that's Blueberry! He didn't go through too many design changes. He was originally a jeweler, making jewelry and such, but I wanted one of the Broppy kids to be a mad scientist lol.
But I kept his love for rocks, he just collects them now
Also a Puppet is my personal name for the Vacationers, cuz they're just freakin puppets hdbshdbd. Cosmo's profile, like Penelope's, will come later xP
Voice Example: High Hopes (Panic! At The Disco)
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-3
THIS CHAPTER! Gaaaahhh!!! It felt like it goes on forever even though it doesn't because I just couldn't get the right words to come out! So, sorry if it seems rough in places I was trying to work through my slight writers block. More slice-of-life like stuff will start next chapter as I attempt to drag this out a little bit rather than just skipping all the way to the Broppy goodness like I want to. (Also we need some of that mutual pining I promised all of you heehee~)
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.net
The next day after morning classes found Poppy skipping her way up to Branch's soon to be old building to help him collect his things. The day was bright and sunny, a sure fire sign that it was going to be great and she couldn't wait to have her new roommate all settled in. Humming a cheerful tune, she glanced around the hallway as she found her way to Branch's door and thought the place could really need a new coat of paint and maybe some pictures of puppies and kittens, everyone loved seeing puppies and kittens! Glancing at the slip of paper Branch had hastily wrote his apartment number on, she found the correct door and knocked in tune to her song.
She heard a muffled 'In a minute' and figuring he had all however many extra locks locked up -he could be so paranoid the dork- leaned against the wall with her phone to wait for him. Making a quick post on all her accounts to tell all her wonderful followers about the excitement happening, Poppy started to scroll though her feed to pass the time, swaying in time to her humming. After a few moments a shadow was suddenly looming over her and she glanced up to see a large man standing next to her.
"Well hey there, Girly~ Never seen ya here before." He said, leaning a hand on the wall.
"Hi! I'm Poppy!" She beamed, "I'm just here waiting for my friend."
"Heh, well how 'bout I...entertain ya till this friend shows up, eh?" He leered closer, musty breath fanning into her face, "The backroom of the lobby is nice and cozy."
"Back off, Griff." Branch's familiar growl echoed as he suddenly appeared between Poppy and the man.
"Oh-ho! Why should I? She ya girlfriend?"
Branch sputtered, "What?! No!"
Poppy smiled and placed her hands on Branch's shoulders, "But I am his friend! And his new roommate! I'm here to help him move!"
Griff snorted, "Shackin' up with a girl, huh? Heh, sure she ain't ya girlfriend?"
Branch growled and tried to fight down the blush he felt rushing to his cheeks, "Just leave us alone, alright? I'm moving just like you wanted."
"Che, whatever. Good riddance." Griff then lumbered off down the hall leaving the new roommates alone.
"Bye! Have a good day!" Poppy cried after him.
Huffing, Branch grabbed her arm and dragged her into his apartment, "You do realize he was trying to come onto you, right?"
"Psh, oh please, Branch." Poppy said, flapping her hand in the air, "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself and would've been fine. And can't you just be nice for once?"
Heaving a fond sigh and rolling her eyes, Poppy glanced around the fairly barren apartment, seeing nothing but a few boxes and an old mattress, "Oh...wow. This, uh....this all you have?"
"Pretty much." He had to sell whatever secondhand furniture he had to make rent sometime ago.
"Well...At least it'll only take us like one or two trips to get in loaded in my car!" She proclaimed, finding the bright side of things, like always. "Say, what's in here?" She asked suddenly, going to open a lid of a box.
Branch slammed his hand down on the lid, "Nothing important."
"Aww, come on, Branch. Let me see! I promise not to tell if it's embarrassing~"
It was embarrassing but like hell was he going to let her see it was his collection of all the invitations she had given him, "It's just personal stuff, alright?"
"Fiiine." Poppy pouted before glancing at the some of the other boxes, "What's all these?" She grabbed an unopened can of beans and grimaced at the date, "Dude, these are all expired, you know that right?"
"They are not." He tapped the top, "Those are just the purchase by dates, they haven't been open so they're still good. As for what this is all for, is provisions of course. Food, water, medical supplies all in case of an emergency."
Poppy snorted, "What kind of emergency? Zombie Apocalypse?"
"Maybe. You just never know."
Giggling, she placed the can back in the box, "Okay, fine. You can bring your 'Emergency Supplies' but you're going to have to freshen some of the stuff up."
Branch rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple boxes, "You'll be grateful for them when there's a zombie outbreak, just wait."
Poppy merely laughed in response as she lifted some boxes and started taking them out the door.
It had been easy enough to fit Branch's minimal possessions in Poppy's hot pink Volkswagon Beetle before leaving the decrepit apartment building behind and Branch couldn't help heaving a silent sigh at finally being out of that place. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all? Minus having to keep his feelings in check and to try to not watch every little thing she did with that adorable passion she had and to keep from spouting all the poetic words that wanted to spill out right this very moment for giving him this opportunity and-Nope! Branch growled to himself to stop thinking like that and stared out the window, trying to ignore the way Poppy bopped her head to the music playing on the radio and sang along.
He watched the old, grey and crumbling buildings of his old neighborhood meld into the better part of the city as they drove to Poppy's apartment complex. Bright shops and businesses flew by and Branch made a mental note to work out a new bus system for himself now that he'd be living somewhere new. Soon they turned into a parking lot and parked in front of a cheery, tall white building with sparkling windows and vibrant foliage surrounding it. Branch quietly appreciated it's curb appeal as he got out of the car, this was defiantly a place fitting for the pinkette dancing around the front of the car.
"Ok, so! Do you want to see the place first and then come back for stuff? Or start taking stuff up now?"
"Might as well start taking things. Get this over with."
Poppy gave him an exasperated look as she gently smacked his arm, "Oh, stop acting like this is the end of the world. This is gonna be great!" She weaved around him to go unlock the trunk before grinning wildly and jumping up and down, "Creek! Over here!"
Branch's almost relaxed state vanished as he turned with a scowl to watch the person he disliked most casually walk over. Creek Ophir, who wore bright, eye burning yellow pants, sandals, had the worse combination of teal and green ombre hair and was always spouting something about 'spiritual enlightenment' had been a thorn in Branch's side since middle school. He hadn't even done anything to him, they just never got along and it never did Branch's poor heart any good to see just how happy Poppy became in the presence of the 'guru'.
"Why the hell is he here?"
Unlucky for Branch, Creek had heard that, "Why, I simply came over to help Poppy move in her new roommate of course. No need to be so hostile, Mate." He then smiled at Poppy, "And hello, Poppy."
"Hi~!" She chirped, "And, Branch, chill. This will go faster with three people verses two."
Branch scoffed and reached inside the tiny car to grab the few boxes they fit into the backseat, it wouldn't have taken them that long, he barely had anything! Grumbling to himself and wishing Creek would just disappear, Branch followed Poppy as she skipped up to the building, leading the way into the lobby and to the elevator. A short ride later found them on the sixth floor and Poppy led the way to her apartment.
Dropping the boxes in her hands by the door, the pinkette danced in placed as she rummaged around in her sparkly teal purse for her keys. Laughing in success, she pulled out a keyring full of mostly silly keychains and jiggled them as she unlocked the door. Dropping them back into her purse, Poppy picked the boxes back up and bumped open the door with her hip as she declared brightly, "Ta-dah! Welcome to your new home, Branch!"
Rolling his eyes at her dramatics, Branch followed in after her and took in where he'd be living for an indefinite amount of time. The front door opened into a small foyer overflowing with Poppy's shoes and a cluttered end-table before leading out into the open concept living room and kitchen. The kitchenette was small but not cramped and looked like it had pretty good counter space between the oven and fridge, with a little more on the other side where the sink sat in the island/bar. Branch set his boxes on the table that was butted up against the island and covered in various magazines and colorful binders as he looked at the living room portion.
Cozy and warm were the best way to describe it with it's pale blue couch (overflowing with multi-colored cushions), bright pink armchair (was that a giant stuffed animal peeking over the top?) and beanbags sitting around a scrapbook and glitter covered coffee table. A decently sized wide-screen TV sat across the wall, surrounded by game consoles and racks full of movies and games. Shelves and pictures covered the walls, each overflowing with bits of Poppy's personality and her love for her friends. Branch couldn't help but feel a little out of place in this brightly colored apartment as he looked around at Poppy's life.
"Soooooo," Said young woman drawled as she watched her new roommate look around, "What'cha think?"
"It's...bright." He grimaced, "And do you ever clean up around here? There's clutter everywhere."
Poppy placed her hands on her hips, "Excuse you, it has a healthy lived in feel, thank you very much!"
"Now, now, let's not let any negativity ruin such a...fun occasion, shall we?" Creek said as he sat a large box on the counter, "Branch, mate, there's no need to be so judgmental. And, Poppy, Love, you have a very unique way of letting yourself be captured in everything you do. Don't let anyone ever tell you to do different."
Poppy giggled as she grinned at Creek, "Oh, I know~ But thank you for saying that."
Branch gagged before gesturing to the small hallway he could see, "I'm going to go put this in my room."
"Oh! Right!" Poppy grabbed her boxes again and flounced down the hall, "This way~!"
"I think I could've found it on my own, Poppy."
"Says the one that couldn't find me when we played hide n' seek when we were kids ever."
Branch blinked at the sudden callback to their childhood but didn't let that stop him from replying, "For your information I let you win." She never had to know he actually had the worse time finding her and she was as good as she thought she was.
"Ha! Sure~ Anyway!" She hip checked the door at the end of the hallway open, "Here you go!"
The room was decent size, able to fit the full-sized bed in the corner plus the dresser and desk already in there nicely. The bed was made with soft looking periwinkle sheets and the window had some gentle blue curtains framing it. There was also what looked to be some overflow of Poppy's craft supplies in there but all in all it was a nice looking room, it was just missing a bookcase. Although it was shockingly bare compared to the rest of the apartment.
"I'll get the rest of my stuff out, don't worry." Poppy said as Branch sat his stuff down on the bed.
"That would be good." He snarked instead of saying thank you like a normal person would.
Poppy stuck her tongue out at him before turning around, "Let's go get the rest of your stuff, yeah? Then you can 'Branch' up the room to your liking."
"Haha." He replied as he followed her out and back down the picture filled hallway glancing into both the bathroom and her room as they went by. A lot of pink was all he managed to see.
They came back to the living room to find Creek plucking cans out of Branch's ration box and placing them on the counter. He looked up with that stupid condescending smirk of his when he noticed them, "You do know most of these are expired, yes?"
"That's what I told him."
Branch rolled his eyes, "And I told you they're rations and as long as they aren't opened or the cans dented they're fine. Those dates are just when they should be sold by. Now let's go get the rest of my stuff."
As Branch stormed out the door, Poppy couldn't help shaking her head, "He can be so touchy about things."
"Well some people are just like that. The thing to remember is to not let their life choices effect yours." Creek smiled at her, "And do be sure not to eat anything is these cans, I don't want to hear you've gotten sick."
"Don't worry, I'm gonna make sure they get replaced." Poppy giggled. She then bounced up and kissed him on the cheek, "And thanks so much for helping today~"
"Not a problem, Sweet~"
Giggling some more, Poppy skipped out the door with Creek following to go catch up with Branch at the elevator. He frowned at them before pressing the down button and waiting for the doors to open. Once inside, Poppy bounced and sang softly between Creek and Branch before suddenly exclaiming, "Oh!"
"What?" Branch asked, without thinking.
"I almost forgot!" She pulled her phone out of her pocket before suddenly wrapping her arm around Branch's neck and smooshing their faces together, "Selfie~!"
She snapped a picture just before Branch could pull away, "What was that for?!"
"Duh, to commemorate the occasion." She said as she typed away on the small screen, "Gotta post an update on the moving day for the followers."
"Don't you follow social media, Branch?"
"No. I use the computers at school for homework and real news." And maybe some conspiracy video's now and again, just to know what to look out for.
Rolling her eyes, Poppy pocketed her phone, "Social media is news. Oh! We should make you an account on Instagram or Twitter! Wouldn't that be fun? You could follow me and the rest of the Snack Pack!"
"Aw, come on. You'd love it."
"No, I wouldn't."
"Yes, you would."
Creek chuckled at their childish banter, "You know, Branch, Poppy's right. I'm sure you could find something pertaining to your...unique tastes."
Glowering at Creek as they exited the elevator, Branch growled, "No."
"You don't have to be such a stick in the mud, Branch. Posting is fun! And so is vlogging!"
"Ah, yes. Poppy is quiet the known vlogger. She's fairly popular on Youtube, then again it is very hard not to love her."
"Creek~" Poppy giggled.
Branch gagged again as he went toward her brightly colored car, "You do know that there could be anyone behind those so called 'followers' right? Serial killers, rapists, sicko's with a weird fetish! And you're just giving away your personal information like it's nothing!"
"Oh please, you worry too much. And I know not to trust everything on the internet, I'm not stupid, Branch. Also I'm surprised you know what a vlogger is."
"I've heard Bridget and Gristle gush about it before." And he wasn't a complete idiot, just because he wasn't into keeping up with social media didn't mean he hadn't seen a vlog or two. He just didn't get them. "Let's just finish this up."
Another trip up to the apartment was all it took to finish getting his things in and Branch was ready to unpack and to try and ignore the personified sunshine he now lived with. However, Poppy had other plans as she stopped him before he could retreat into his new room.
"Before I forget again..." She started before pulling something out of her pocket with a flourish, "Dah! Dah! Da-dah! Your key! You are officially my roommate now."
She dropped the key into his hand and he couldn't help tilting his head as he looked at the wink face emoji key cap she had added, "...Thanks."
"No problem~" She giggled.
"Well, as fun as this has been, I'm afraid I must be going." Creek spoke up, "I have a yoga class to get to."
"Oh! Of course!" Poppy skipped over to him, "I'll walk you out. Be right back, Branch. No disappearing into your room yet! We're gonna do some roommate bonding when I get back!"
"What?" He asked but they weren't listening as they walked out the door.
Rolling his eyes and deciding to ignore whatever 'roommate bonding' Poppy had in mind, Branch turned to head down the hallway but something on one of the shelves lining the wall caught his eyes. Wandering over, Branch stared in disbelief at the old, dingy and dinged up cowbell that Poppy had kept with her all throughout elementary and middle school. He couldn't believe she had the stupid thing, he had thought she had finally grown out of it in high school but apparently he was wrong.
Now sort of curious, Branch looked though her collection of pictures, seeing snapshots of her life. Most of them had her main group of friends in some variation, while others held her and people she clearly had charmed with her sunny personality. There were shots of people partying, playing games, her dad of course, Branch was even surprised to see one of him and her. Her seven year-old self was smiling widely, freckles gleaming in the sun with arms wrapped tightly around his ten year-old self, who was smiling just as brightly as he held onto her with one arm, the other holding a first place trophy from the science fair he had entered. Branch let himself remember that moment for a second, back when things were happy and uncomplicated but snapped out of it as he heard Poppy come back inside.
"Hey~ What'cha lookin' at?"
Unwilling to admit what he been thinking about, Branch picked the most random thing he saw sitting innocently before him, "This. Why the hell do you have a dressed up troll on your shelf?"
"Hey!" She came over and picked up said troll, cradling it gently in her hands, "Don't diss Princess Poppy. As princess of the trolls she has to look her best."
Branch snorted, "You named it after you?"
Pink hair flew around her as Poppy shock her head, "No, you did. Don't you remember that you gave her to me?"
Now that she mentioned it, he did vaguely recall presenting a younger Poppy with the toy, "Not really, no."
Rolling her eyes, Poppy placed the treasured item back in her spot, fluffing the hair a little, "Well I do. And she's still one of my favorite gifts from you. Along with these~" She gave the rainbow bangles a little shake to call attention to them, "Anyway~" She sang, "I was thinking since it's still pretty early in the day why don't we go to the store as our first roommate bonding experience?!"
Branch gave her a deadpan look, "I'd rather unpack."
"Aw, come on!" She whined, twirling around him and tugging on an arm, "You can unpack later, we need groceries! Cause let me tell you, mister, I am not sharing my Lucky Charms with you." She playfully wagged a finger at him.
"Like I would touch that sugary junk."
"Exactly! We gotta get you some boring cereal. And some bread...chocolate chips...eggs...maybe some mayo, I gotta check."
Branch stared at her as she fell into thought, finger poised by her chin, "When was the last time you went grocery shopping?"
"Eh, it's been a little while yet. Hence why it's a good time to go!"
"So you're using 'roommate bonding', as you call it, as an excuse."
"No!" She crossed her arms and pouted at him, "I think this'll be a fun first experience for us, I've always had fun going with my previous roommates. Plus come on, when was the last time you ate real food?"
"I eat real food!"
"That didn't come from a can!"
"Uggg!!" Branch groaned before throwing his hands into the air, "Fine, we'll go!"
"Yes! This'll be great! Trust me."
A little while later, they returned burdened with more groceries than Branch thought they'd get from a very...eventful trip to the store. After Poppy had managed to force him on camera to introduce him to all her 'wonderful subscribers', they had gone from practically corner to corner of the store as Poppy kept remembering things she either wanted or they actually needed. Branch had tried to stick to just a few things but after a brief argument over wither getting just canned soup counted as grocery shopping or not, he had relented and actually picked a few things he hadn't allowed himself to have in a few months.
He'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't just a little happy to have fresh pears and peaches again, plus the small chocolate bar he snuck past his new roommate.
Getting everything put away now was an even bigger event as Poppy, who just couldn't seem to slow down for a second, put on some bubbly pop song and was dancing around the kitchen as Branch tried to figure out where she liked to put things. Her cabinets were a seemingly random host of things that had no rhyme or reason to being stored together. Branch made a mental note to reorganize everything soon so it would be easier to find certain things, for both of them.
"Show the room what you can do, Prove to them you've got the moves, I don't know about you, But I feel better when I'm dancin, yeah, yeah~" The pinkette sang before hip checking Branch, "Come on, Branch! Sing with me!"
"No. I don't sing."
"Oh please, you use to sing all the time when we were kids." She responded as she tossed a boxed of cereal into the cabinet.
"Well I don't anymore."
"Gah! Such a spoil sport." Poppy groaned before suddenly jumping in place as her phone rang, interrupting the music, "Hello? Oh, hi Satin! Really?! A party?!"
Branch rolled his eyes, wondering if there was ever a time where Poppy wasn't excited about a party, and continued shuffling groceries into their places. At least he'd get a few hours to center himself in this new place since she was sure to go.
"Of course I'll be there! When am I not?!" She nodded along with whatever Satin was telling her before replying, "Okay~! Meet ya at your place in twenty!" Then as she hung up, she grinned at Branch, "Branch. My man. How would you like to go to a party tonight? Eh? Eh?"
"No." He was not going to let her drag him to any parties anymore now than before their living arrangement.
"Pleeeease?!" Oh god, she was trying to puppy dog eyed look again.
"No, Poppy." He growled, glaring at her, "No parties means no parties!"
"Oh fine." She pouted before glaring back at him, "Gesh, I was just trying to get you to lighten up a little. As your friend and now roommate it is my duty to make sure you're living life to it's fullest!"
"No, it's not." He waved her off toward the door, "Now go. I'm looking forward to unpacking in peace."
"Fine, fine." She sighed, rolling her eyes before rushing into her room to grab her make-up bag before flying to the door, "Bye~! Happy to have you as my new roommate even though you're still a grumpy troll~!"
"Don't come back drunk!" He shouted but the door had already slammed shut behind her.
Sighing, Branch finished putting away their food before wandering to his room and sliding down to the floor, back against the bed frame. Tilting his head back, he groaned and wondered how he was ever going to survive living with the tornado that was Poppy Meadows. Reaching for his backpack after a moment, he grabbed a notebook and opened it to a blank page and begun to pen down the words that had been swimming in his head since seeing that old picture of the two of them. That woman just had no idea what she did to him and now he'd have to be extra careful not to let any of his unrequited feelings show. She believed them to be friends and he wasn't about to ruin that with his stupid, messy feelings.
Groaning once more, Branch really hoped he wouldn't regret living with her.
I swear I either focus too much on certain details and then not enough on others but then again maybe it's just me as the beta has given this chapter a pass *shrugs* I don't really wanna write Creek I be honest but he's necessary for what little plot I have so.... Also the Snack Pack will be coming in next chapter! I have not forgotten them! I'll also make sure to try and add more snark between Branch and Poppy, like I said still getting the hang of them. c:
Read and Review!
Song Credit: Better When I’m Dancin’-Meghan Trainor
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wolfdancer333 · 6 years
Haters Gonna Hate Trolls Human AU
……..I take literally no blame for this. If anyone must be blamed, blame @honeynutfeelios77 for that stupid catchy song :p So all credit of those lyrics and the song go to her! I only wrote the Broppy and the words! Bring on the hate Tumblr. You can’t rain on me! ^_^ 
Branch may or may not have been surprised – was he really, though, knowing Poppy? - at the furious clacking of keys he heard from the bedroom. He shut the door with his foot and dropped the bag of groceries - “Braaaaaaanch, I want pickles!!” - by the door as he followed the sound, confused and a bit curious. It was borderline 1am and Poppy loved to sleep. She was always passed out by 11 usually and he struggled to contain his smirk.
Which evaporated the moment he saw the bedroom door come into focus. Okay, he had not been expecting in any universe to see the multitude of white, blank printer paper floating around the living room. It was everywhere and he blew a piece back before it could smack him in the face. Okay, yeah, this was weird. Weirder even for Poppy. Sighing, he quietly made his way to the culprit sending flyaway papers into the air. The door to the bedroom was open and peered inside. Well, answer received.
The window next to the desk was wide open, a cold breeze billowing in and sending the printer paper next to the laptop all around the room, out into the hallway, and then into the living room. But as he moved inside, his gaze fell strongly on the woman of his frustrations. His fiance was a hell of a girl, and usually left him in some sort of state involving happiness and a fond annoyance, but she left him completely bewildered this time.
He would be lying if he wasn’t slightly, amusingly aroused to see the paper tornado billowing around his furiously typing fiance though. He was a guy, and he loved her, so what?
Her fingers were moving so quickly over those keys, he couldn’t even see them move. He did, however, catch a glimpse of the webpage – Tumblr, really? What is she, some teenage wannabe? …..Yes, yes she was – and he groaned. Then moved a bit closer as he came to a realization. Poppy was oblivious to the world, to the breeze causing the goosebumps he saw on her skin, oblivious to his presence which he wasn’t sure he was too happy about, and oblivious to the way she had left the front door unlocked and could have gotten raped or murdered!
But here she was, a messy pink bun piled atop her head and focused on the laptop, keys clacking angrily. And he felt his heart plummet. Because Poppy was never angry without reason, and when she was angry…..She was usually hurt first. Which meant she had cried, probably, at one point or another. Feeling a cold anger – no one hurts his Poppy and gets away with it damn it – he leaned over his oblivious fiance, making sure to stay out of her lines of sight, and read the on-screen Tumblr page.
It was a simple post. But even Branch, Branch the asshole, was a bit unnerved at the hate flying around. There was a lot of ridicule and hate and of course Poppy felt she had to make a statement but his eyes scrunched together in confusion. She was angry so…..Not a happy statement? His eyes flickered to her post she was writing so intently and he felt the hot burst of warmth and love for this woman.
Yeah, okay, so she was defending their relationship – yes, their, she had officially adopted the Troll personas as their counterparts so Broppy Trolls was Broppy them – on Tumblr. And her rant was pages long, he could tell by the way the scroll wheel on the side was almost a thin pinprick. He felt he should probably stop her before she created more problems and he leaned back, trying to think of a way to appease her.
Okay, so, haters…..She was dealing with haters on Tumblr and if he were a teenage boy again trying to cheer her up, what would he do?
……..Wrong analogy. He glared up at their ceiling. He hadn’t been the nicest person in the world to her, and why she was marrying him was still a mystery to him, so he needed an example, a joke, a –
He grinned. Ah ha. Poppy loved a lot of things – her friends, her Dad, sometimes him when he wasn’t being an annoying ass to her, dancing, hugging, glitter…..And singing. He looked down at her messy pink head and softly, sweetly smiled. Who needed glitter when you had a literal ray of sunshine in your bedroom?
He stepped back, swallowing and making sure his throat was clear, and closed his eyes. He knew as soon as he started, he was going to blush. But it was for Poppy. And he would do anything for Poppy.
“It’s okay, to not like things.” His voice was a bit too low and not as peppy as Poppy’s usually was but her head snapped up at the sound. And there goes the blush. “It’s okay, but don’t be a dick about it.”
She spun in the chair to face him and it didn’t matter about how she had left the door unlocked and could have been killed – well it did but he would confront that later -, it didn’t matter about the cold breeze causing goosebumps on both their skin or their paper tornado, and it didn’t matter about his embarrassment or the haters on Tumblr. All that mattered was the joy in those bright, wide magenta eyes, the sparkling cheeks, and the slowly spreading grin that could melt the Sun.
“It’s okay, to not like things! Don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.”
His eyes went wide when he saw the pink blur shoot towards him and he would deny the yell of surprise to his last breath. She skidded to a halt before him, the office chair spinning behind her, and grabbed his cheeks to pull him down. She smooshed their noses together so tightly, they were both cross-eyed trying to look at each other. His hands automatically fell to the spot on her waist he loved and he tried to calm his pounding heart.
Poppy blew that out of the water. “I love you, you big sensitive dork! Sing it again, sing it again, sing it again!!”
She was bouncing now and Branch tried, he really did, to not let the grin out that was threatening his face. But Poppy must have noticed – she noticed everything – and she stopped bouncing, her smile turning gentle. And Branch knew he was done for. Those eyes, that smile, her. He leaned down to kiss her and she met him half-way, a passionately sweet kiss that washed away the hate in their lives. As they fell back onto the bed, the Tumblr page on the laptop screen lie forgotten.
Because haters could keep on hating. There was too much happiness and life was too short - “Awww, Branch, my man, that’s my poet!” - to care about anything they had to say. So what if it was Breek or Broppy or Chuki or any other pairing on that little web-page? As Poppy’s hands traveled to places she had mapped, Branch, trying to get his breath back, simply grinned and, with a squeak, turned her over, leaned down, and kissed her like she was the Sun.
Life really was cupcakes and rainbows. And not even the rain or storm clouds or Tumblr hate could change that.
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