#brooklyn jurrrasic world camp cretaceous
daisydoo90 · 3 years
Alright I’m rewatching season 3 finally so here are my extra notes (I’m writing these as I watch)
•Idk Id be down to make a human catapult
•Kenji being happy to be in Sammy’s top five favorite people is super sweet but also kinda sad if you look into how Kenji hasn’t really been anyone’s favorite person, so even being a candidate for it makes him happy.
•Ben immediately assuming he’s being pranked because someone is showing concern for him is just-so sad.
•”you said you’ll be fine, which means your not fine right now” Darius, I love you
•God I love Dinostar
•Bumpy has her priorities straight just “This girls got food so she’s my favorite”
•Also Ben trolling Sammy is great
•Why did Mitch and Tiff have so many of those light up candles??
•Kenji really called his penthouse the p house and thought people would take him seriously
•Darius maybe after the first harmless dinosaur got aggressive, you should be a bit more careful with the second seemingly non aggressive dinosaur
•Bens face after drinking the diamond filtered water-
•Kenji drawing a mermaid has gotta mean something
•I like the subtle ways they show how Yaz being an athlete means she more agile than the rest of the group, like her being unaffected by climbing the flight of stairs or her being the only one to land on her feet after falling out of the vents.
•Idk why Kenji cares about that statue but I’m assuming it’s something angsty
•Compy’s the dinosaur equivalent of pigeons and I love that
•I feel very seen with Yaz being obsessed with theme park deaths. Me to Yaz, me to.
•Ben is tired of his boyfriends antics
•Darius finally kinda gets a break
•Honestly I don’t think Ben needs to ask permission to leave camp, but I can understand Kenji and Yaz’s worry.
•Yaz is a Benji shipper confirmed
•Ah Yaz, you dumb lesbian
•I love Kenji and Brooklyn’s interactions
•Kenji pretending to be a cow to comfort Sammy is just adorable
•Yaz stop breaking your ankle please
•Idk why but Darius and Ben getting into a physical fight feels so-weird? I understand that tensions are high, and I can maybe see Ben getting a little more aggressive. But Darius? I dunno, it felt kinda out of character.
•Ben got to blow shit up!
•everyone being disturbed by Yaz’s support is priceless
•I know I said in my first review that it makes sense for Bumpy to stay on the island and I still agree with that, but also I want her to go so she can be the groups support pet. Mb she could live on Sammys farm
•”Huh, Kenji forgot his hat”
•Poor baby!!
•The last two episodes are definitely my least favorite
•I forgot to talk about it in my last post, but I think the Darius vs Kenji argument is pretty complex, and I also think it speaks to Kenji’s character development. I understand both sides of the issue. Darius wants to do things efficiently, he wants to save Brooklyn and keep Dr Wu from getting the laptop. Kenji though, is more focused on saving Brooklyn then caring about if Wu creates another hybrid dinosaur. Kenji has gone from caring mostly about himself, to risking everything to save his friend. Personally, I feel both sides are valid in their arguments and I can’t pick who I agree with more.
This is less in depth than my last review, but I mostly wanted to get some of things I forgot in my last review.
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