#breast growth kink
beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
"I think my boss really likes me, guys..... Look at these massive tits. I feel so gross having boobs so big. People look at me like a perv just for having them. Women ask me every day if I consider getting a reduction, telling me how ridiculous they look. Men constantly ask me if I do porn and play with them without asking.... I don't really mind, I guess. It's kind of fun getting groped in public, in a naughty way. Maybe I should do porn? I bet my boss would love that.....
So, I started my new job as a waitress at this fancy restaurant connected to a hotel by the waterfront. One day I mentioned to my boss that I'm not getting great tips, I was blaming the rich people for being stingy..... He laughed and handed me a bottle of pills. He said to take two a day, and I'll get way better tips. I thought they were uppers or something..... The bottle is unlabeled but I looked up the pills. They're a fertility drug that greatly increases breast size and libido. Everyone that takes it says the effect on libido clouds judgment and makes anything pleasurable feel so good you don't want to stop..... I can safely say that part is true.
I went from almost flat-chested, hating to flirt with customers or random guys, to having these.... giant things, and constantly wanting attention and sex. I rub up on guys, I flirt, I bounce my breasts for customers, I even flirt with other girls.... I get amazing tips, and even end up selling my body to a lot of clients. They ask me to join them in their hotel rooms. They take one look at my body now and assume I'm a whore, so I happily validate their assumptions..... I fuck so many men, even outside, in restrooms, in their cars in random parking lots....
Sometimes we get found out and the men never get in trouble. The cops handcuff me and roughly push me against their squad cars. I usually just have to get passed around by the precinct for a couple hours, then I'm on my way.... Fuck, I used to be such a pure, smart, normal girl..... Now I'm a total trainwreck, but at least I have money. This libido just isn't doing me any favors. I just decided to throw out my birth control. Why? Because I 'want to see' how I'll look with a belly full of sextuplets or maybe even more. I don't want to be a mom, I just want a giant mountain of a belly full of kids. God I'm turning into such an idiot, I love it soooo much. ❤️"
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hucowvicky · 10 months
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Your mom literally doesn’t stop growing … I’m so full it hurts. Please drain my enormous fat udders!
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growingfunwithaimain · 4 months
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Sarah drifted off to sleep, dreaming of having large breasts. As she slept deeper, something magical began to happen. Her flat chest slowly grew until it was the size of giant melons and covered her whole torso and abdomen.
At first, Sarah didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She was simply enjoying a peaceful night's sleep. But as she slept deeper, she felt herself becoming more and more aware of something strange happening in her chest. It was like someone had stuffed two huge pillows under her arms!
Sarah tried to shake off the feeling, but it only grew stronger with each passing moment. She couldn't help but feel a thrill of pleasure every time she felt herself growing larger and more powerful. And as the night passed, Sarah drifted off to sleep, completely unaware of the magical transformation that had taken place beneath her sheets.
As she slept on, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at what was happening to her body. She knew that this was something special and couldn't wait to see what other changes would come with having such large breasts. And as the night passed, Sarah drifted off to sleep, completely unaware of the magical transformation that had taken place beneath her sheets. But every now and then, she would moan in her sleep, a soft sound escaping from her lips as she felt herself growing larger and more powerful with each passing moment.
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lorddimitrescu1 · 5 months
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“‘I, uh, just umm’” she taunted you you a smirk, “what is it? Do I look a little…. Taller?”
“Hahaha you can barely speak! Well I guess my presence is a tad…. Overwhelming.” She hung on the word, biting her lip seductively.
“You know, I’m really enjoying my little mmmhhh growth spurt” Her body seemed to swell with each heaving breath, as her large breasts strained the fabric of her bra.
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makethemmilky · 7 days
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an you sit there and honestly say to me that any one of these women looks better without a baby bump? Can you look at how much softer and feminine they’ve become and say to yourself that you’d prefer it if their breasts were smaller or their thighs more slender?
If you’re a straight man, you’re programmed to want your woman looking like this. If you’re a straight woman, you’re programmed to want to look like this. If our species wasn’t designed to think that pregnant women are superior we would have died out long ago.
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Writing Prompt: Not all girls grow when they cum, but all girls cum when they grow.
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inkkaycee · 3 months
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Kaycee's losing her mind. She's definitely packed to the brim. Limits readily pushed. If she gets any bigger there's no doubt those eggs will start finding a way out... But I don't think she wants to start laying yet.
She's past the point of no return no. Those eggs are gonna want out soon, but how big can we make her first? How big will she let us make her? I have no doubt you guys are going to break whatever goal we set out for, so come one come all, there's at least two more full images I have planned for Kaycee's time as empress and I hope to see you all for it really soon!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
"Mmmm, I was always warned by my doctors that with my genes I have a 90% chance to develop debilitating macromastia if I were to get pregnant. Gestational Gigantomastia, he called it. It was really drilled in my head not to take this lightly so I tried my hardest to not go out and get pregnant. But my hormones are wild. By 20, I just couldn't stop myself anymore. I started hooking up with random guys at the club and finally got my womb filled with quadruplets. First try! I'm such a baddie..... My belly looked ready to pop, and men loved my body even more! Guys are such pervs, never knew how many groped and tried to force their cocks on pregnant girls..... It was so exciting!
I gave birth a month ago and I've got to say, I'm not seeing the big deal! My mom is worried, so's my doctor, but look at these giant things! From a D-Cup to a K-Cup in one pregnancy. Not bad, I'd say! Am I greedy for wanting to go bigger? I want to carry at least sextuplets this time and watch my breasts double or triple in size again. I want them hanging down to my knees! What's the big deal if I'm immobilized by them in a few pregnancies? I don't mind being a massive pair of tits connected to a womb and a few holes for men to have fun with. Honestly.... the thought really turns me on. I think being a pair of tits first, a womb second, a few wet holes to fuck third, and a woman fourth, way below the others, sounds like a good description of what I should be. My boobs should definitely be the most important thing about me..... the main thing that matters. I don't know why anyone's worried. I want to be immobilized by my breasts.... Sounds like a dream come true!"
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safetystars · 3 months
The Intervention
Rooftop. Now.
I send the photo along with my message. If my text wasn't enough already, I know this will have you running up here as fast as yours legs will carry you. After all, a man can only resist so much.
I look out over the city. Up here, it's so far beneath my feet. This is how the world should look all the time.
I wonder how you imagined I'd be content growing to just 5'7''?
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Out of habit, I turn on my camera to check my makeup.
"Perfect," I whisper. My azure eyes smoulder with a smoky, piercing intensity, and the arch of my eyebrows is enticing and dangerous. I note the contouring on my cheekbones, and my bronzer and blush - all to die for. Even more so are my lips, their natural hue enhanced just a little.
I don't even need to check my outfit. As I feel the wind tousle my hair, blow dried into perfect curls, every inch of the lingerie hugs my delicious curves.
Feeling the tightness arouses me, and I look down at my phone again, sitting on my palm, its bottom edge touching my wrist, the top going just past the end of my fingers. 'This thing will soon be useless', I think, not bothering to read your message as I let the device tumble off the edge of the building.
I shiver in anticipation, and then I hear the roof door creak open.
"How did you get in-" you start. I smile as I hear you gasp, as words fail you at the sight of me in the flesh.
And who could blame you?
"So baby, this is basically a fucking intervention."
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I turn, meeting your eyes.
"I’ve brought you up here from that hole you work in to show you an idea...to give you a taste... of how things... how I could be."
I don't break eye contact, but shift slightly, letting a ripple of movement make my ass cheeks quiver, my stockings and suspenders straining.
"Oh yes?" you ask, smugly. You haven't understood the situation yet, but you're practically drooling already. I sigh, stoking embers of lust.
"I'm here for more..."
"Is that so? Well-" you start to say, but I turn slightly, letting you see the the fishnet struggling to contain my breasts. Your cockiness dies as my next sigh hints at a moan, accompanied by the groan of the latex straps.
"Wow" is all you can force from your lips.
"Well, that's an understatement," I purr, as the door swings behind you and you take a few steps towards me, "and soon... any words you have will fall short of me."
Your eyes are practically popping out of your head. Just like me from this lingerie. I figured wearing this little number would work.
"This used to fit so well... until..."
I pause, biting my lip as I feel a heat deep within me as I recall that feeling of growing - power and pleasure, and my pulse quickens.
The reverie forces me to work to keep my face and tone relaxed, as I slacken the line, reeling you in slowly, but there's nothing I can do to hide my nipples perking up... Good, I hope you see that.
"But that's not enough... Just imagine it, baby. Me, as tall as this skyline. As big as- bigger than this city!"
I run a hand along my thigh and up my ass, letting my hand rest at my hip.
You open your mouth, your mind struggling to formulate words, overcome by me.
Unblinking, I croon, "And you know you can do it."
"You shouldn't be here-"
My voice is soft and deadly: the subsonic growl of a tiger, a steel dagger sheathed in velvet.
"-You know."
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Your attempt at sternness is endearing.
No mercy. I press - more fuel to the fire.
"Now, take a good, long look at me before we go down to the lab together."
Soon, only one part of you will be left with any firmness at all.
I crook a finger, beckoning you one step, then another. As you get close, I raise a hand, my freshly manicured nails glinting as I signal you to stop just in front of me. In the past, that might not have dissuaded you, but now I've got you wrapped around my finger... Soon, that won't just be figuratively.
I point down, motioning you to kneel. I can't stop myself grinning as you do, like a willing subject. Except, I don't want you to be 'like' a subject, nor should there be any question of 'willing'. I want to be utterly irresistible... even more than I already am.
Holding on to the railing, I stick my ass out and lean towards your face below me. This is making me so wet, and it only feels better as I hear a couple of stitches tear.
I lower myself until I feel your hot breath between my thighs. The heat and aroma of me must be overwhelming, even with the wind. My body is telling you how turned on I am, how much I want- no, need this. My thong feels so tight... I can't wait for it to explode off me, even harder than the last one.
"This is so hot..." you groan.
I start to slowly rise, gradually straightening my legs.
"Fuck..." is all you can murmur.
"Soon, pet," I reply, stroking your face, dragging my nail over your lip.
I lick my lips, and my voice becomes more excited, heightening along with me.
"I want you to picture me stretching out, growing taller. My legs will be getting longer, and I’ll slowly rise beside you, sliding up to match, then surpass your height. Not only that, but I’ll be thicker than you can dream; hips so wide you won’t even be able to wrap you arms around them."
When I feel your hand touch my thigh, I turn quickly. Your hand falls away with the motion, and I look down at you from on high, smirking, before leaning forward, letting my chest breasts against your face for a moment before I lift them just out of reach. Your eyes watch them sway from the momentum.
"God..." you say, and my eyes glint in satisfaction as I see the erection pushing fervently against your trousers.
"Yes?" I reply, raising an eyebrow and arching my back, hands on my hips, sticking my chest out. It strains against the bra further, and I my pussy aches as I feel a thread snap. A nipple is sticking out from one of the gaps in the netting but, truth be told, it's too big to easily fit through the hole, and is fraying the already worn bra further.
"This was my favourite lingerie. It's almost a shame it'll soon be totally and utterly destroyed... almost."
The pressure and the roughness feels incredible, and the heat inside me pulses, growing... just like I want to. I want to be touched, by myself or you, but first...
"I've already..." you protest.
"I want my chest to stick out a fucking mile," I interrupt matter-of-factly, moving back an inch. My voice and look are far off, as if I can see and am conveying that image, my flat sincerity letting you know I'm not being the least bit hyperbolic.
"W-we can't!" you whine. I would chuckle if I weren't so fucking horny.
Teeth gritted, I look straight into you, both imploring and commanding - wanton above all else.
"I need it," I say, moving my arms closer to my body, my elbows slowly pushing my breasts together, deepening my cleavage, mesmerising you, "...to feel my bra tightening, digging in as my boobs grow bigger and bigger."
Fuck, I can't resist. I grab my boobs, marvelling once again at how they already spill from between my fingers. I imagine how amazing it will be when they're even bigger. That thought makes me moan and I lean closer.
I'm briefly thankful I got new boots - I'd never have been able to balance in my old, smaller pair... Plus, I'd never had any as sexy or as high as these.
Sweat beads and cools on my brow, as I press my breasts against your face. There's plenty of them to share... While I knead them, your tongue is there, ready and waiting to serve. I moan again, louder this time, as you latch on to my nipple.
"Oh yessss... I want to feel my nipples growing in your mouth, filling it..." I say, leaning against you heavily, now pressing my breasts to cover as much of your face as I can. "...while my tits get heavier around you."
"Yes..." you echo. An admission, as your will crumbles. You will be mine.
First the carrot, now the stick.
With one hand, I grab the railing, lifting myself a little. Your tongue strains to reach my aching nipple, and I cup your chin, holding it in place, just out of reach. I lift myself a little more and rest my breasts on top of your head. For a moment, I let you grope me - partly to give you some relief, and partly because I'm struggling to resist just fucking you right now.
My panting turns to a smirk as I slowly muster myself, letting your urgent reverence to my tits continue, stroking one of your hands gently. Then, feeling balanced, I let go of the railing. I'm still cupping your chin, and my other hand stops and holds both of yours as I straighten.
"Of course, I’ll pick you up when it gets too high," I consider, casually. I rise to my full height, raised even further by my heels, and look down at you through my heavy lashes, my expression cold.
"Well... the lab is empty today apart from me."
As if I didn't already know that.
Warm, affectionate, I beam at you. "I'll hold you safe in my arms against my chest..." I gush. I stifle a triumphant laugh, letting it come out as a girlish giggle, "and I'll even let you lick my titties!"
"...While my tattered lingerie falls among the wreckage..." I finish huskily.
Towering above your kneeling form, I release you, watching your hands go slack.
"Maybe we could... but only a few more inches..." you whisper.
I turn away, concealing my smirk of disbelief at that testament.
I face the city, looking down at the tiny people... So far beneath me.
"They’ll worship this ass," I muse, taking your hand and letting you stand beside me. With these boots, I'm only a couple of inches shorter than you. I place your palm on my ass and squeeze your fingers tight against a handful. "Mmmm... but it’ll always be you who made me enormous," I say.
You look troubled, but there's no resistance as I lead you back and through the door, nor as I open the lift and pull you in after me.
The lift begins to move.
"The real clincher though?" I hiss, pressing you against the mirror and kissing you savagely. "Do you have any idea how horny this alone is making me?" I gasp, my tongue lolling at the taste of your lips.
It makes me want... "More..." I groan.
The numbers on the interface sink lower and lower, and so do I, as I press my face against your crotch. The heat and hardness are just what I want from you... I kiss your cock through the material, it pulses, straining for more, your hips bucking involuntarily. I press harder, feeling my new muscle work to keep you still.
Your ragged breathing is turning me on so much, and I shimmy, letting my sensitive nipples drag against the cloth, moaning softly. I'm louder as I grip your bulge hard, standing again. I look into your eyes, just above mine... 'For now,' I think, grinning, as I move close to you again.
I see your gaze flitting between me and the security camera pointing at us. I could have found a way to disable them, I suppose, if I'd cared.
"Soon, that won't matter anymore," I whisper, as my mouth finds your neck.
You groan. Between nipping and sucking, I murmur, "You think it's good now, don't you?"
"Aha..." is all that you can get out, as my embrace tightens, my lips and nails leaving lovemarks all you over you.
"Just imagine what I’ll do when it really starts..." I growl.
My voice is low, and it seems to echo for a moment until a 'ding' brings the lift to a stop.
"Well, big boy... Here we are..." I say, strutting confidently into your laboratory.
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I move past several pieces of equipment towards the back, where I know the apparatus is.
I resist running my finger across the cool metal and glass and, with a deliberate slowness, I lean forward against the wall.
I wait, but I don't hear the machine working. I turn to look at you, my lips slightly parted, gazing into you.
"Do you like me like this?" I ask, my voice insipid with faux innocence. There's the faintest echo, and I can almost hear your heartbeat speed up.
"I... do."
You rearrange your glasses. Your nervousness is cute, and it's only riling me up further.
"Really?" I continue wryly, before putting on a higher-pitched bimbo voice. "So... You like me with bigger boobs and a huuuuge ass, with reaaaally thiiick hips and thiiighs too, riight??" I wink, wiggling from side to side, making my curves jiggle.
"Of course, it's just that-"
Your fingers are on the apparatus, unconsciously moving towards the button. I follow up, now comforting.
"That's great! And I bet you love me being tall too, huh, baby?"
I see you sweat.
I press against the wall, letting my breasts smooth and spread against the cold tiles, stretching on to my tip toes. I allow myself a light moan.
"I already said I'd make you grow more, okay?"
I beam inside, but I make sure my concern seems genuine as I reply, "Hey, what's the matter? We both want this right? Don't you think you deserve to get what you want?" I croon, then lighten my voice. "Don't I deserve that too?"
You're silent for a moment, your eyes flicking from me to the apparatus.
"It's just... fuck it." You sigh.
My chuckle of triumph is masked by the loud hum of the machine coming to life, and a light glow envelops the room.
"Indulge yourself... Indulge me," I purr, running a hand up my leg, pausing at my hip. As the hum becomes louder and the glow brighter, I feel my nipples harden against the cold tile, and I move my fingers to my vagina. The sound is heightened, and my breathing becomes a series of ragged, high-pitched gasps in time with the machine, moving faster as it speeds up, and so do my fingers in my clit.
"I hope you're-- ahh-- ready," I say, turning my head and winking at you.
The machine whirs faster.
"Yes... Yesss..."
My legs are shaking, and I can barely contain the anticipation. I want to wait until it starts before I come, but I'm so close already. I can hardly take anymore, I want to grow and come so bad. The sight of your hand on your cock... The smell of my own juices... The cold tiles against me... The pulsing yearning as I finger myself... The feeling of my tits dragging against the wall, higher and--
It's started.
Ohhh... "Fuuuck!" I cry, feeling the energy pulse through me. I turn my head away from you pumping your cock, watching myself as I slowly rise higher from the ground.
My breasts are still pressed against the wall, but it's as if they have a life of their own, pushing back, nipples slipping from their prison, which is only tightening more and more around the rest of the engorging breastflesh.
The latex at my waist twists and groans, stretching to accommodate my hips. I squeeze my legs together, aching from horniness as they elongate and thicken.
"You're getting so much taller and thicker..." you say faintly, overcome by wonder.
"Mmm..." Is all I can reply, as my panties gain several more rips, and my boobs strain the bra to its utmost. I can feel my shoes tightening as I gain a couple more inches in height.
"Ahh... I want more..." I moan, fingering myself faster. The feeling is incredible. I feel stronger, sexier, taller, more beautiful... "BIGGER!"
Before I know it, I'm right on the edge, about to climax...
"Yes! Uhhhh..."
The machine's vibrations suddenly die.
I turn, as from within throes of pleasure, alarm and upset emerge.
"Hey! Why'd you stop?" I demand, panting.
I look down at myself.
"Holy shit!" I'm astounded by the size of myself. Even not accounting for the extra boost from my straining heels, I can tell I'm several inches taller. I look over my humongous breasts, feeling a small rip from my bra as I try to shift my boobs to get a better look at the boots, which I can feel have been ripped a little by my enlargement. However, as I grab them, I yelp at how sensitive they are. I catch myself as I stumble, and my nipples slide once more against the tiles. Suddenly I feel the warmth of your hands as you strain to steady me.
In the wake of my growth, the touch feels electric, and I squirm, turning to lean against you, my breasts making me groan again as i brush you.
"I'm so sensitive..." I whisper, looking... Straight into your eyes. I'm still in heels, but sight of this makes me so wet. I feel massive as I look straight into your eyes. It's all I can do to stop myself going on to my tip toes to try and look down at you. Instead, I feel you stroke me, as my breathing slows, relishing in being touched.
"You look amazing," you say, your hand on my cheek. You seem to be trying to be a gentleman, but I feel your hand moving closer to my tits each time your hand goes from my neck to my collarbone, and closer to my ass as it moves down my side.
"Don't I just?" I murmur, leaning against you. I enjoy feeling of you have to steady yourself, not something you'd have had to do before when I was smaller, even if I'd have jumped fully on to you. Well, now...
"Touch them. I want you to explore the work of art you've made..."
You freeze, and I feel your grip, and something else, stiffen.
"Look how far we've come, mister." I say, lifting a thick thigh to brush your hip, before setting it down again. I move my face towards yours, and you reciprocate. Your lips are rough against my plump soft ones.
"Mmm... I feel good like this don't I? Better than before..."
My voice tickles your ear, sultry as I slip your fingers over my curves. My fingers feel longer, and though my hands aren't as big as yours, there's a strength to me that's new as I push your digits to close around generous handfuls.
"Fuck... I can't even hold your tit anymore," you breathe, and I shiver. As my lips move to your neck, I reply, "I like seeing you try nonetheless..."
I shudder as your hands grope me. It feels so good, so right, being so... big. But it's not enough.
You start to try and remove my bra.
"Tut tut. None of that, now..." I pull your hand away, and you don't resist.
"Why not?" You reply, grinning, your heart beating hard against your ribs, unable to contain the excitement in you.
I move closer, pressing against you, enjoying it as you take a step back at my advance. I kiss your fingertips one by one.
"Wouldn't you rather see it explode off me instead?"
Your face grows serious.
"Look, I said no before--"
"Mmhmm..." I nod, my kisses lowering from your neck to your collarbone.
"--and I've even made you grow again now!" Your voice rises in pitch as I approach your stomach, slowly slipping to my knees.
"A-and..." You stutter. I unzip your pants.
"Mmm..." I sigh, pulling your cock free.
"It's just not-- a-- goooo--" you falter, as my lips engulf your manhood. Back and forth, I move my head, my hair falling over my face as I suck your cock.
"Fuuu-- ohh, that feels so good..." I move faster, my licking more intense, running over your hardness. "H-how-- W-wha--" you groan, and I feel the veins throb in your dick.
"Jus' 'ook wha' I can do 'ow..." I murmur around a mouth full of cock.
"Deeper..." you groan, and I shake my head. You try to pull my head closer, but I pull back.
"I can't... You're still too big." I mewl. That'll get you going.
I begin to feign tiredness, gasping between licks, raggedly sucking. I can feel your frustration, and I keep my tits just a little out of reach of your desperate hands.
"Unnghh!" You groan, your hips bucking, and your fist hits the wall in frustration as I continue to edge you, again and again. I can taste your precum, feel your cock pulse every time you're close to coming. I've never sucked your cock this long or well - I doubt anyone has, but it's driving you mad.
"Please..." you groan, and I shake my head lightly, the sensation of the movement only titillating you further.
I pant more, affecting a high and worried voice. "I can't do it... It's just too much!" I whimper, though I'm grinning inside.
I move back, unlocking your fingers from my hair. Then raising myself a little, I push my breasts together around your throbbing manhood.
"Don't you just love my huge jugs? Look what I can just manage now..." I giggle, as I spit to lube the head of your cock more, and begin bouncing.
"Aha," you reply, thrusting hard. The heft of my new tits is incredible, and it feels intense. They're aching to grow more, and I find myself getting lost...
My movements are calculated and deliberate for the most part, but it's hard to maintain control, and I get close to making you come many times. 'All the better,' I think to myself, seeing you grow more desperate.
"I wanna taste you again, but my jaw hurts..." I whine, as I slow down again, looking up at you.
"We could always fuck..." you suggest playfully, but I stand up, shaking my head.
You're still breathing hard, and your cock looks fit to burst. I enjoy a moment of looking down at you on your knees.
"Wow, so soon?" I tease, poking you playfully on your cheek.
"Babe, it's been ages. I wanna-- NEED to fuck, to come..." you plead, standing up. I could swear I'm already a little taller, as your eyes meet mine.
"We could..." I consider, stroking your cheek.."But, you know, I'm having some trouble handling all of this..." I muse, idly stroking your cock. "Might be better if I rest for a while..." I trail off.
My voice doesn't sound the slightest bit tired, but you clearly don't notice.
"But, the energy from the machine, it should have made you--"
I stretch, seeming taller, and my huge breasts brush your chest. Your eyes widen.
"Well, maybe it's just a little fluke, perhaps if we just gave you a little more, then--"
"Yes!" I snap in excitement, shimmying over to the wall and laying against it, striking a seductive pose. I'm losing control, and am being way too obvious, but luckily, it seems you're pretty far gone. You're already cranking the machine to life.
"Ohhhh..." I pause, struggling to remember your name. All I can think about is growing more. "...You're going to love this." I moan, then more softly, I whisper, "and so am I..."
The light flashes, and I'm blind for a moment, overcome with pleasure.
I can FEEL it.
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Feel myself growing, stretching up and out, getting bigger and bigger!
I scream in pleasure, unable to hold back, doubling over as I feel leather and latex shred under the force of expanding flesh.
My bra rips clean in half, the shreds flying, leaving my pendulous tits to quake, bigger with every movement. I seized and begin to fondle them, biting my lip as my nipples force my own fingers apart relentlessly.
"Mmm... Ohhhh!!"
The euphoria intensifies, and I groan as I feel my ass snap the elastic of my panties, trapping the thong in between my burgeoning asscheeks.
"Fuck... Grow!"
I move a hand down, roughly caressing myself, eliciting more screams of pleasure from my lips. My fingers trail swelling thighs, feeling a stocking tense, more and more, as I gain inch after inch in all directions. I take a ragged breath. Then, they snap, smacking my buttocks and sending a rippling pang of pleasure, making me gasp and go weak at the knees.
However, I have little time to sink, as my stockings begin to shred. As I feel the material rip, the tightness in my shoes is unbearable. It's painful, but I'm so turned on that it only adds to fuel to the fires of my lust.
I try to scrunch my toes, only to exclaim, "Fuck, there's no room!"
I grit my teeth, and my fingers move faster, trying to keep up with the rhythm of my growth.
"I-- d-don't--" I say, feeling the leather beginning to rip, and exposing the backs of my calves.
"-NEED YOU ANYMORE!" my yell becoming a shriek as I come violently. I feel my beautiful new boots tear open beneath my swelling feet, ankles and calves.
My footing is unsteady on the remnants of the boots, and I grab at the wall behind me, my fingernails digging into the tiles, holding me up. Muscle ripples beneath my sweat slickened curves as my strength multiplies. As I lean back, I feel my ass pushing me forward, and my back sliding further and further up the tiles as I get taller. The remnants of my boots beneath my feet, tiny and almost forgotten, groan and start to buckle under my weight.
'How much am I growing!?', I wonder, my hands fondling my swelling tits as coherence is obliterated.
"So biiig..." I can't even tell whose voice that is echoing anymore.
I can vaguely make you out, getting lower and lower, standing behind the machine. Watching you crane your neck up and up and up turns me on, but not as much as watching you disappear as my tits, which, like the rest of my curves, are growing faster than the rest of me, block you from sight. They're so big I can even see my feet, each larger than my head, and counting. My hands move to my hips, the lower part of this perfect widening hourglass. My thighs quake and flex, as if aching to crush something. I can hear my own voice, announcing every time I come again. And still on I grow...
"No... More..." I shiver, shaking as the thrumming slows to a halt once again. I find my fingers deep in my pussy, but I can't bear to remove them.
"Babe... you look incredible!" Your voice sounds far off and scarcely registers, as I look down, marvelling at my body, gasping.
I can hear you flicking machine switches, but I can't even see you anymore. I'm leaning against the tiles, much higher than before. I lean forward, craning to peer at you over the biggest breasts I've ever seen... My breasts. I inhale in excitement, and they seem to swell even further, though the machine is off. My heart is still thumping as your hand moves nearer to the dial. I wonder- hope you'll press it again. A craving settles over me, stronger than before when you close the control panel and stand. I almost say something, but I'm momentarily distracted at how much smaller you seem now.
You stare at me, open-mouthed. I can't wait for everyone to look at me like that...
"You're huge!" That pleases me, and I smirk.
"I know..." I whisper, as I examine my hands. My fingers are longer, and I see the band of a ring, stretched open. "Soon, that'll snap right off," I muse.
I hear your footsteps approaching... tentative, though, not quite afraid... Yet.
My gaze continues down my arms, sleek and soft, but I feel a strength, and undercurrent of power beneath the surface, ready at any moment to seize whatever I want. I already know exactly what that is, but first...
I look down at my cleavage. In between, I spot you below me, staring up at it too.
"Nice, aren't they?" I growl softly. I part them slightly, testing their considerable weight. Each one is huge, bigger than my head, and huge compared to yours.
You're stood a couple of paces away, but you don't come any closer.
I consider smothering you with them, but instead merely say, "Want to feel for yourself?" as I take a step towards you. The broken shoes flap annoyingly beside my feet, and I am tempted to rip them off, much like the shredded bits of my panties still clinging to my waist.
"I... uhh..." you say, and I peek through my breasts, nodding expectantly at your mesmerised expression.
I stop, looking down, and release my tits, feeling them slap the top of your head and your forehead. You seem stunned and, despite the feelings of confidence and power surging through me... so am I for a moment.
'How tall am I?' I wonder, trying to guess. You're about 6'2'', so I must be... 7? 7 and a half? "No... I don't even have the shoes beneath me anymore... I must be about-"
"-8 feet tall," you finish. I hadn't even realised I was speaking aloud.
"Wow," is all I can say. I didn't expect you to make me grow this much, not yet at least... I figured it'd take way more persuasion than that.
We're both silent for a moment. I look down at my tits. I can feel them brushing your forehead. I place my hands on your shoulders. They don't feel so broad anymore. I jiggle my breasts lightly... Tingly. I want more, though. I bend my knees until I feel my boobs brush your eyelids, obscuring your vision. Your breath is hot and fast against my torso. Your hands move to my hips. The smell of my perfume is heavy, but the air carries a faint metallic tang from the apparatus. I look at it again, the source of my ascension, and I shiver. No doubt you think that's your doing, as one of your hands squeezes a hopelessly thick buttock and the other finds my pussy... Well, well, that does actually feel pretty good... Perhaps a little palate cleanser before we continue...
"You know, knowing how much you want me to grow... It's- it's really turning me on."
You freeze and I wonder if I've said too much and if you'll spook again.
"I just... want you to touch me right now," I sigh unevenly, bending the long way down to kiss you, letting my breasts brush against your body as I descend. I need to coax you closer, tighten the snare even more...
I linger, letting your smaller lips work over mine, my fingers tracing light circles over the shirt covering your back, feeling your small hands brushing my arms. I shiver, and continue behnding until I'm kneeling. I'm so tall now that, as I do, my forehead is level with your chin.
I look up into your eyes.
"You made me grow so much that last time..." I say, conveying innocent wonder.
"Yeah... I may have got a little carried away..." you murmur, wrapping your arms tight around me. There's so much more of me in your arms. Your tone is nervous and your pulse quick as you say "I... umm... It's okay, right? I didn't give you too much right?"
"Too much doesn't exist..." I reply softly, tilting my head to look up at you. I feel your heart beating even faster, and your erection presses harder against my expansive cleavage. My nipples strain, in need of a good sucking...
"You're loving this, huh?" I ask, carefully unbuttoning your shirt and kissing your chest. I'm not used to bigger fingers, and I just want to tear it off your body and have my way with you now, and I'm sure you'd like it... But it might make it take longer to persuade you to grow me bigger.
"I really am," you confess, your cheeks tinged red.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of." My voice carries certainty, as does my tongue, as I pull your shirt off. My hands explore your back muscles, and I breathe in your scent. Your hands are in my hair, slowly rubbing my scalp. You feel so good at this size... But you're going to feel even better when I'm bigger.
"I've never come so much as just now when I grew..." I whisper, looking up and into your eyes. "You did that."
"Maybe I can give that machine a run for its money..." You still sound nervous, but there's an eagerness.
"Let's find out... You have a go, and then we'll see how the machine holds up against... This..." I say, as I unbutton your trousers, slipping them down and pressing my palm against the hardness in your boxers before you can think about the implications of what I've just said. I elicit a satisfying groan, telling me your focus is successfully occupied.
Your hips buck, and I squeeze your ass with one hand, unable to help myself, grinning, and I press my hand harder against your crotch, making your cock twitch again in your boxers.
"I can't wait to finally be able to fit you fully," I say, and you moan in agreement as I rub, making you tent even further. My finger is in the waistband, tantalisingly close, and your hands grip my hair tight. I playfully kiss your chest again, letting my tongue loll and slide down you. I feel so fucking powerful... But I want more. I want to literally have you in the palm of my hand.
Speaking of palms - I squeeze your ass again, maybe a little too tight, and you wince, but I see you like the pain. I slap your ass, not with my full strength, but maybe a little more than I intended. That grimace is accompanied by a groan, and you pull my hair...
Fuck it. I grab handfuls of the boxers and pull hard. The sound of the cloth shredding makes me so wet.
"There it is... My monster," I say bending down and letting my hot breath run over your cock. I start to work up some saliva, and gently kiss your balls. I can't believe how low I have to bend for this.
"These are full of a special something for me, aren't they?"
"Yeah, you want..." Your confidence trails off as my fingers wrap around them, but what silences you is my mouth, in one swift, fluid motion, taking your entire length.
'This feels so much better at this size,' I think, feeling the heat from your cock, my tongue exploring, as if for the first time, the veiny hard surface of your dick. I move back and forth, coating your cock, then lingering at the head, my tongue lapping your precum. You gasp, but I won't let you move, one hand pulling your tight ass close, the other fondling your balls. Like you fucking want to move anyway...
I feel you swell and I know what's coming. Part of me wants to keep going, but it's nothing compared to the rest of me that wants to keep growing. We won't be risking any post-nut clarity... Not yet at least.
Slowly, deliberately, with a loud sucking sound and a pop, I release your cock. You groan.
"Keep going," and I look up at you, one eyebrow raised. "Please..." you say, your voice cracking. I shake my head silently, and your hands release in my hair. You are desperate and at my mercy.
I let more saliva drip down on to my massive tits. They're too big for me to lubricate them properly like this, but it'll do. Not that you'll complain. As if you ever thought you'd be lucky enough to have an Amazon like me even kiss you... Let alone...
I feel my own arousal growing as I lift my breasts. They're so fucking heavy... the tautness of my arm muscles feels almost as good as they do. But your cock between them... I moan as we both stare at your huge cock completely disappear. Before all this started my little boobs could even close around it. When I'd arrived here, after the first couple of goes with the apparatus, you'd made me just big enough to get my tits to form something for you to fuck. A few minutes ago... Who fucking cares.
Now, my tits are so fucking huge that your cock is drowning in them. I don't need to prompt you to start fucking them. I feel your ass muscles clench against my hand as I push you to fuck harder. I say it anyway - I want your every thought bent to me and making me grow.
"Fuck these tits -" slap slap
"-these titties you've made so round," slap slap slap
"so full," you're groaning with every thrust. I let go of your ass, letting you thrust freely, and you redouble your efforts, trying to match the power that just my hand gave to your hips.
I pinch my nipples, looking at you and drawing ina breath. "-so sensitive," I pant.
Then my eyes move down, drawing your gaze.
"-soo BIG... That you're gonna make even..."
I gasp, moaning. You're so hard, and you're hanging on to my every word.
"-even" I let the word escape, then moan, as if I can't finish my sentence.
There's a tension in you. You need to hear it.
"-eeeven..." I say, rubbing your hard cock faster. My tits are so big that your cock doesn't even touch my torso.
"Bigger!" you grunt, and I feel you about to come, but I'm so turned on that I drop your cock and I immediately lie down, spreading my legs. 'Fuck it, I'll risk it.' This was supposed to drive you nuts with desire, but you coming at the thought of me growing is hotter than I could have imagined!
"Fuck me!" I moan, mashing my tits together, my pussy dripping.
I feel your hands on me, so small, so eager... Then they're gone. I look up, confused.
You're moving away.
"What are you doing?!" I cry out, frustrated and horny. I begin to sit up, but only get as far as on all fours before I hear that coveted hum.
I don't even have time to gasp before it hits me.
My ass.
My tits.
My pussy.
My entire body.
My tits swell, pooling on the ground, and I feel the weight and curve of my ass and hips increasing. I spread, taking up more space, stretching...
Everything seems silent in the din of my moaning. All I can see is you edging yourself again and again beside the machine, and I see stars as I feel myself grow, and grow, and grow.
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Eventually, but all too soon, the pleasure of the pulsing expansion slows. I watch, mesmerised, as my tits continue to spill over my hands as my breath begins to even out.
I compare myself to the nearby railing - 10 feet or so, I recall from the lab plans. My shoulders and calves stick out beyond each end. I shiver again, coming at just the realisation of this. The things I can do with this body... I slip a finger into my pussy, gasping at the wetness and sensitivity - an echo of the ecstasy of growing. I begin to make circles, slow and rhythmic, like the pulsing of the apparatus, and I let my fantasies run wild. "Bigger..." I whisper, as my panting slows enough for me regain the ability to speak.
I don't need to look at you to know what you're doing. I hear your grunting, the slick sound of hand against meat. I listen, all the more turned on knowing you must not be able to take your eyes off me.
And who could fucking blame you?
I'm enormous... Each of my tits alone must be the size of your torso. My ass could cover half your body or more. I look at my reflection in a screen I must have accidentally shattered as I grew. My face is that of a serene demi-god. I flex, watching my body ripple, curves and muscle. I feel so strong, so alluring, so powerful...
As the growth slows to a stop, I turn.
"I don't know how many times I've just come... but I feel hornier than ever."
I look to your cock, glistening with your own cum, but still rock hard. Then my eyes travel upwards to meet yours, and I wink.
"Bet you wanna make me bigger."
Your pumping increases.
"Bet you'd love to see these hourglass curves swell even more, wouldn't you?" I ask huskily.
"Faster," I whisper, licking my lips.
"Just imagine... fucking me as I grow bigger and bigger, coming all over your cock with this giant pussy, putting my massive tits in your face, so heavy you can't even lift them... Till you can't even handle all of me..." I moan. This is definitely to persuade and entice you further, but I'd be lying if I weren't incredibly turned on by the idea of this too.
"Aha..." you grunt, jerking yourself off. I pinch my nipples, nodding in encouragement.
"Do it for me. Come as you pull that lever again and make me grow. Cover my gigantic ass as it grows!" I gasp.
You keep pumping, biting your lip.
"Yesss..." I hiss, almost there myself.
The veins in your cock are standing out. You're almost there.
"It's time, little man. Get ready for me to rock your world." I groan. I can almost feel the sensation, a hair beyond reach.
"Unghhhhh!" you groan, at the edge.
"What are you waiting for? Turn it on, now!" I moan, desperate with anticipation.
Your hand hovers in the air a moment, then moves back down to your side. A troubled expression crosses your face, but then you focus on pumping.
An unexpected anger flares within me for a moment, and I extend a hand, reaching and knocking aside your fingers from your cock. You stumble a little. Whoops...
"Do it now," I say, firmly. Your brow creases, and I lighten my tone. "Then you can finish that!" I wink, licking my fingers intent to begin to returning to touching myself.
"Babe... we can't..." You sound parched.
"I thought you were a real scientist?" I mock, fluttering my eyelashes, trying to keep a cool head, though something inside me boils. I take a deep breath, focusing on enjoying the sensation of my huge chest propping me up, smiling as I think about how much more I will soon be.
You've taken a step back.
No mercy. I press - more fuel to the fire. I trail a long finger along your quivering thigh, flicking your erect cock lightly. You wince. You look painfully horny. Good.
"I-I am a real-- I just... Look isn't this enough?!" You say, gesturing wildly at me.
I remain expressionless, letting your eyes roam over me, my huge bubble butt, pooling tits, thick hips and thighs, and the rest... all of which I'm struggling not to touch - I repress a smirk, imagining how much worse it must be for you. It must be almost as hard as your cock, this attempt of yours to be rational - you're obviously failing, or you'd know you lost this battle the moment you picked up your phone this morning...
I let you keep staring, looking for words, before you realise I haven't replied. I let my eyes bore into you, giving you the answer you already knew.
If I stood, I think I'd be about twice your height. Still, it wouldn't do to resort to unpleasantries - not when this fun game can continue. "You wouldn't leave a wanton woman waiting, would you?"
I gently rub my thighs, and I'm surprised as a scent wafts from me, potent, raw, and sexual. The pulse at your neck quickens.
"I mean, you grew me so much just now without me even asking... Why is that? Did you want more of me? Don't you still?"
I lift my leg, showing the ruins of a heel hanging from foot... tiny. I feel so strong, so powerful... I want you to worship this body.
"You know, no one's stopping you going further, getting what you want - what we both want - what we deserve." I croon, as you gulp. I reach out, carefully stroking you.
"Or perhaps you'd like to savour this? Work yourself up towards growing me even bigger?"
I stroke faster, gently bumping him towards me with my other hand.
" Hmm... You know, if that's it, perhaps an interlude might be fun."
"Babe, I want you so bad..."
"I know, believe me, I can feel juuust how badly you want all of this..." I say, gripping your cock, "and more," I add in a whisper, and I feel your cock pulse. There's only so long till you activate that machine again - we both know it.
I leave one hand rubbing your shaft, but move the other towards myself. With painful slowness, I start pulling the ripped tatters of my thong from between my asscheeks, loosing a long, light moan as I do so.
"Fuck... I can't believe this is real - that this is actually happening," you gasp, as I slowly spread my legs and begin to raise myself.
"As if you could ever dream anything this spectacular," I chuckle, smacking my ass. I sigh, and pull you in for a kiss. Your lips move against mine, and your hand caresses my face. Your touch feels more delicate now, more reverential. I like that... You trace your fingers over me, and I shiver. The sensation makes me realise how much I've changed. My features feel different, more exquisite and beautiful, as if even more refined. "Mmm..." I purr. "Very nice... But your mistress is impatient... and wants to be fucked." l shove you backward towards my ass. The number of steps you have to take to get there sends chills down my spine. I am so fucking big. I continue to lift myself on to my knees as you walk. "Get your ass back there, boy. There's a whole lotta woman who needs a whole lotta fucking now."
I stop lifting myself as I feel your cock against my vulva. It feels more intense than I could have expected, and I smell my juices before I even feel the wetness. I look back as your hot hardness moves into me, making me cry out. I'm so big... I can't believe how good your cock feels though.
"So-- sensitive--" I manage to choke out between gritted teeth as you start to thrust.
Your hands feel so good on my hips, your arms spread and resting on the shelf of ass in front of you. I push back against you, almost bowling you over in my fervor before I exhale deeply, trying to keep calm and let you do the work.
"Ahh... Yes! Juust like that!" I find myself saying. "You feel so big and hard in me," I moan, as you keep thrusting. Every grunt, every thrust, your smell mixing within mine, the roughness of your hands gripping piles of me and my curves... It's all so much. "H-how can it feel soo... Uhhhhhh! GOOD!" I cry, biting my lip and closing my eyes, unable to focus on anything else.
"Mmm... your pussy feels so amazing. I love pushing up against your ass!" you say, smacking my booty.
"You like all this?" I ask, desperate to for the words of worship.
"Yes! I love your huge, gigantic ass, swollen and round against me, too much to handle!"
"You will fucking handle it if I say so!" I growl, pushing back against you, almost bowling you over. Your cock only seems more eager as I push harder against you.
"Yes!" you answer quickly, compliant and horny.
"I want you to fuck and worship every-- Ahh-- inch of me!" I say, my voice a shaky rasp, as I pinch my nipples.
"I will! Yes!" you pant.
"And it'll be difficult, because there'll soon be even more of me to praise, isn't that right?" I retort, reaching to help you thrust harder into me.
You don't reply, and I feel an anger rising.
"Isn't that right!!" I repeat, pushing you as deep as you can fit into me. It's too much - the sensation overwhelms me, and I scream in pleasure, coming and letting go of you. I shiver, my pussy on fire. You haven't stopped thrusting, but I come even harder as I hear your voice.
"Yes..." you groan, and I feel you on the edge of coming. Your cock is so full, so hot and hard inside me. Delicious...
I have to force myself to pull away, away from that cock, that cum I want soo badly inside me.
I pant, moving further away from you as I feel you trying to put your cock back in me.
That petname is starting to irk me. You should be addressing your better by a more appropriate title. I shouldn't let that slide--
"I really want to. This is like my fantasy come to life, but--" you start.
With a simple move, I pull you forwards, and you trip, face first, into my pussy.
"If you want to be forgiven for that, you'll put your tongue to better use for me. Now, worship me. Seek redemption, and perhaps I'll let you come."
You don't even protest, but begin to eat me out doggedly and thoroughly.
I let you keep going, and you know better than to let up for longer than a breath of air. As you pleasure me, I squeeze my thighs, just a little... it wouldn't be a good idea to crush you now... I need you for that machine.
Finally, I relent.
"You have my permission."
You don't stop immediately, your face buried in my cunt. This has never felt so good, but I don't mind as you stop. However, as your cock touches my pussy, I turn fully around towards you, raising myself to a sitting position. Even like this, I'm much taller than you. The feelings coursing through me - pleasure at the literal manifestation of a god complex... it's distracting.
"Who said you could fuck me?"
I raise a stern eyebrow.
"But, you said..."
"I said you had permission."
"Yeah... so why aren't you letting--"
"You thought to fuck?" I grin cruelly.
"Well, yes..." you say, confused.
My other eyebrow raises.
"Yes, Mistress."
"Better. No, that wasn't permission to fuck, though you've done an excellent job." I can't hold on any longer to the pretentions of meekness. I'm losing it by the moment, with every inch of growth.
"So, Mistress, what do I have permission to do, please?" you say meekly.
"I think we both know..." I say, looking at the machine. behind me.
A word escapes your lips.
"No?" I ask, as if I can neither believe nor understand the statement.
"Look... this is fun, but... It's getting... dangerous!" Your voice is panicked, and you look around, as if someone else will back you up - be the voice of reason. There is no one but me. I am your world now.
"I know what's best," I reply. My voice is level, but unbending. This is a statement, not a correction - reminding you of an established axiom. There's reassurance there too, an undertone telling you to give up, because nothing is in your hands any longer, and soon, the same will be true of the whole world.
You try to start speaking.
I put a finger to your lips, and bring you towards me, in an embrace.
I smother you in my breasts. They're literally inescapably massive now, and almost your entire body seems to fit between them. Just then, I feel a quiet pulse, and I'm unable to suppress a moan at the sensation... or the sight. My tits just grew bigger. All by themselves.
"The time is long past that you could say no," I say. My voice is calm, but we can both feel me getting wet again. I kiss the top of your head, and feel another pulse. A low moan escapes me, and I shift, feeling myself expand again. It's not as powerful as the apparatus' effects, but it's stronger than the last burst I felt a few moments ago.
I regain most of my composure.
"I don't even mean because I could physically make you do it now - and we both know you'd have no chance," I say, feeling a creeping flame lending further and further strength to my muscles, and pouring fire to my loins.
You shiver, but your cock flexes. My nipples harden as they expand a fraction more.
"No. The moment you found out that I wanted to grow even an inch, and you knew you could give it to me, that was it for you, wasn't it?" I whisper, stroking your cheek and hair, my breath shallow as I feel my heart thumping just like the humming of the apparatus. My ass knocks over a cart covered in electronics as it swells. My curves seem to still be growing a little faster than the rest of me.
You say nothing.
"And that's why you're so special. You saw a glimpse of what I could be, how much more..." I falter, as I see my legs begin to lengthen. I try to hold back a scream of pleasure... It feels so good. I continue.
"You're just --holding back because the idea of your ultimate dream has begun to manifest... and that scares you." I wonder if you've realised yet... That I'm growing even without the apparatus now.
"It-it does," you admit; a small voice of a small man, but with big purpose.
"Good," I growl lightly, pressing my breasts together. I feel the air exit your lungs, and I hold for a moment before relenting, then let you take another breath.
You look up at me, your expression wild with fear and confusion.
I do it again, feeling you seem to shrink as I grow, and my tits grow even faster. Inch my inch, my boobs swell till they can cover your whole body.
I look down, then raise you higher towards me, reaching to bring you to my lips. I kiss you as you pant, then turn you and let my hot breath wash over your ear as you shake like a leaf.
"Fear is something you'll need to become accustomed to, my little subject. All of you will."
"What do you mean?" You ask, your dread only thinly masking fascination and... longing. It must be obvious now that I'm growing, as I lean back, holding you with ease in one hand, my breasts gradually closing the distance between us.
I look into your eyes, watching my face slowly shift, my features ever more refined.
"We both know the answer to that. You're going to use that apparatus, one last time. And you won't switch it off. In fact, you're going to disable to override switch."
With one quick motion, I raise your body to my lips, and lick the cum off your cock.
I linger, gently sucking your cock, my huge tongue gently working your shaft until I feel another rush of cum.
"Mmm... you taste so good." I murmur, setting you down.
"You can hardly stand, can you? But hurry now... make me a Goddess."
You begin to turn the dials on the machine. I can hardly focus on looking at you, hardly notice you at all as you work.
I'm growing faster now, and my expanding body has started to knock a few things over. It feels at least as strong as the first few beams from the apparatus. I can't even imagine what it'll be like once it starts... once my apotheosis commences.
The beginnings of a familiar hum. My focus snaps to attention as I see the apparatus begin to glow. Gently, I pick it up, and place it deep within my cleavage.
You stand there, and we both listen to the hum. Any moment now...
"Babe?" you ask.
I ignore the infraction, and I begin to lower myself until I am as close to eye level with you, practically lying to the floor.
"Remember me," you whisper.
My lips hover, inches from yours, and you lean in to kiss me, before a sudden rumble echoes through the room, and I feel my growth slowly accelerate. The burning lust within my heightens.
One last time, I look down at you.
"I've already forgotten your name," I respond - not an unkind sneer, but a simple statement of fact. I have no time, nor inclination to see your expression nor hear anything you might say, as the apparatus comes to life, nestled within my chest.
The word burns into me, making me...
'Finally...' I think to myself. I vaguely recall someone had once imagined I'd ever be content to stop growing, and I laugh at the notion.
Then, the thought fades, as I continue to ascend, the pleasure overtaking me, and the world, and beyond.
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hucowvicky · 11 months
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I’m constantly swollen and aching these days.. I desperately need my nipples sucked and my giant mom udders drained, daily.
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growingfunwithaimain · 4 months
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Amidst the rainbow of sweets, Lily hesitated over a single candy. Its shell shimmered with a mysterious blue hue, calling to her like a siren's song. With a flick of her wrist, she snatched it off the shelf and brought it to her lips. The instant she bit down, her senses were assaulted by a burst of flavor.
But the surprise didn't end there. As she savored the delight, her skin began to transform. Starting from her fingertips, a wash of indigo washed over her limbs, spreading like ink through water. By the time she finished the last crumb, her entire being had been dyed a rich shade of midnight blue.
Yet, the crowd within the candy shop carried on as though nothing had changed. Their laughter echoed against the glass cases, their voices mere background noise to the surreal tableau unfolding before them.
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Just when Lily thought things couldn’t get any more interesting, her hips decided to join the party. They began to widen, expanding like a balloon filled with joy. Soon, they were rounder than ever before, hugging her frame with a confidence that matched her newfound color scheme.
Meanwhile, her thighs grew thicker, like two ripe melons ready for plucking. The denim of her jeans clung to her legs, emphasizing every muscle and curve. Even the most stoic customer couldn’t resist the urge to ogle her backside.
In the midst of all this, Lily found herself reveling in her new form. She twirled around, watching the reactions of those who dared to look. Some turned away in shock, while others openly admired her figure. For Lily, it was a moment of pure euphoria, a celebration of her own beauty.
And so, she stood tall, proudly displaying her metamorphosis to anyone brave enough to catch a glimpse. After all, what better place to showcase one's newfound glory than inside a candy store?
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With each passing minute, Lily grew taller, stretching towards the ceiling like a beanstalk reaching for the sky. Her abdominal muscles flexed beneath her skin, creating ripples that would make even the strongest gym rat jealous. And just when she thought she couldn’t possibly expand anymore, her shirt gave out, exploding in a shower of confetti.
Beneath the rubble lay her bare bosom, nipples standing at attention like sentinels guarding her treasure trove. The sheer audacity of her outfit malfunction drew stares from every corner of the shop. But Lily wasn’t fazed—she knew exactly how powerful she looked.
Her gaze locked onto a young man who had been eyeing her since the beginning. He blushed furiously, his cheeks turning redder than the cherry lollipops he held. Without saying a word, Lily extended her hand, beckoning him closer. With a nod of consent, he approached, his steps hesitant yet eager.
Together, they left the candy store, arm in arm, heading toward whatever adventure awaited beyond its doors. As they walked down the street, Lily felt invincible, knowing that wherever they went, they would turn heads and start conversations. Because sometimes, the best kind of candy isn’t something you eat; it’s someone you can take home.
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Another request for @realmofgoddesses! I think this has been my favorite request to work on so far! It was a lot of fun and took a long time to get it the way i wanted it but that's why im taking requests! to learn more and improve!
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growth-crazy-girl · 6 months
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It felt like pressure from purposely creating a vacuum with your lips in a jar, pulling on tissue from every direction causing it to expand. Except this was my entire chest and it felt amazing
As the oil slowly finished absorbing into the skin of my boobs, I felt them continue to slowly press outwards
My now massive mammaries swayed gently in rhythm as the growth sped up slightly. I was burning with desire and need, my nipples now bigger than thumbs and incredibly turgid. Finally I felt the growth slow, after growing nearly the size of a jumbo watermelon each.
I saw your hand reach out and I wimpered for release, begging you to squeeze and grope all the sensitive new surface area on my gargantuan tits…
But instead, your hand reached for the bottle of oil…
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holyparadisenightmare · 2 months
"Gotcha!" Mother Susan exclaimed. She grabbed my wrist with a firm grip and pulled me over. I squealed as she pulled.
"Let go!" I cried.
"Not this time," she said with fire in her eyes. "You've been stealing deserts for months. You won't get away so easy."
She flicked her free wrist and dropped me to the ground. "Now you'll know how it feels like to be a desert."
I scowled as I dusted myself off, ignoring what she said. I looked up at her with a mix of anger that I had been caught, and fear of what else she'd do to me. Her steely gaze gave way signalling my queue to leave.
I was filthy. Looking down at my messed up uniform, I knew I couldn't go to class like this.
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I retired to my dorm. Luckily my roommate wasn't home yet.
I looked myself once over in the mirror as I got ready to shower, a fresh uniform already laid out. I wondered what that nun thought her punishment was. What she thought would happen. I felt fine, and she was so weird with her hand.
But as I climbed into the shower and the water touched me, I realised something had changed. My breasts were so tender. They were warm to the touch and my nipples were hard as a rock.
That was when I noticed how much bigger they were.
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Not by a lot, but as I moved around to clean myself off, I began to notice the extra weight.
Trying to grab the soap, I brushed my nipple against the cold tile walls. It sent a shiver down my spin. A fire burnt in my belly. Like something had been ignited.
I yelped at the sensation, once again grateful I was alone. But that feeling lingered.
There wasn't much time before my next class, so I quickly dried off and returned to my room. The thought that maybe my body was growing circled my mind like sharks going for the kill.
But as I go to get dressed, I get stuck.
My shirt wont button up past my tits. Trying to squeeze them in did nothing. They had grown so big and soft. In fact, my whole body had gotten softer. My belly begun to stick out. My theighs jiggled when I walked.
I feel to the ground as the shark sink their teeth in. I watched as my titties grew larger by the second
I was eager to see what this new weight could do, playing with them in my hands. I twisted each nipple between my fingers as i steadied myself against the wall behind me. Leaning forward, I felt how heavy i was getting.
I moaned as I struggled to lift myself back up, my back reluctant to help.
Yet, i craved more. My hand shot between my legs as I eagerly waited to grow.
My body pushed harder against my arm as I tried to play with myself. My hips grew wide and my belly grew heavy. Over the next few hours, I watched helplessly as my muscles struggled to keep up. Growing heavier and heavier, it was beginning to get hard to stand.
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My knees buckled as i fingered and fondled myself. I came hard, panting and moaning as sweat dripping down my face.
But as I grew, so does my appetite. Eventually my hands alone weren't enough. Toys buzzed into nothing. I felt my body grow around me, but nothing was able to satisfy the urge that grew with it.
Then I heard my roommate close the front door. A great hunger filled my thoughts as I groaned to my feet and waddled into our living room. I leaned against the wall as I waited for Rose to noticed by voluptuous body.
When she saw me she jumped. I could see she didn't know how to react, but my mind was lost to sexual hunger. I craved her now more than ever. I strumbled forward and pulled her in tight. I kissed her deeply and sweetly. Slowly her apprehension faded into excitment.
She reached her hands out and touched my breast, feeling the weight slowly increase.
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"I didn't know you felt this way." She whispered into my ear.
My thoughts weren't coherent. I drooled at the thought of her, my eyes struggling to keep focus. "I need you." Was all that escaped.
I unbuckled her belt and pulled her pants to the ground. Dropping to my knees, I lapped at the front of her panties. I was a good girl. I needed to be a good girl.
She recoiled in surprise, but quickly ran her fingers through my hair. After a minute she pulled me free. I looked up at her with wanting eyes. She rolled hers back at me.
She offered me her hand and i stumbled awkwardly to my feet. Then she led me into her room.
I noticed just how huge I looked beside her. My previously, same size housemate was now dwarfed by monstrous tits and a soft body. I stood and played absently with the breasts and belly that surge out in front of me.
But as I looked into her room and I saw her spinning a pair of handcuffs around her fingers, i lost all doubts.
She tied me to the bed, arms splayed out, my eyes fluttered. She pulled from under her bed a large black strap. Fastening it to her now naked frame and climbed on top of me, my body ached for her. I strained against my restraints as i tried to reach closer.
She leaned in close. I felt the hard cold plastic of her dick. My body, still slowly growing, pressed harder and harder into her as she pulled herself in for a deep kiss.
Finally she pulled my legs apart, and positioned herself on top of me. Thusting deep inside me, my body filled with the warmth it had been craving. My eyes roll into the back of my head as my breath gets shallow. I was lost in ecstacy.
I grip the sheets, as i try to focus on her. Trying to hold onto this feeling. Trying to not come immediately. But as i tried to hold myself back, Rose grabbed a handful of my now enormous breasts and says: "You're my sweet creampuff."
My whole body tensed as her words entered by mind. That pleasure was all I knew. It built inside me as she thrusted into my soft body, my body quivering against her every action. Until finally, I come.
As I come I notice that the feeling of growing seemed to stop. I was panting as I looked across my body as Rose who was wearing only a smut smile. The strap has been dropped and she had begun climbing over me.
With a grunt and a groan she dropped her legs on either side of my face, sitting in my enormous chest, and presenting her pussy. Still dizzy from before all I heared her say was "You've been so good. No its my turn."
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pppppppppppt · 6 months
Imagine every time someone cums on your chest, your breasts grow. The first time you notice it, its just a little but of cum that dribbles from your mouth down to your chest. They don't change much, but you can feel them swell. And decide you'll test it later. The guy wakes up to his cock down your throat and seconds away from busting. He moans and with a shake of his hips, he cums but you quickly pull it out and he sprays your chest with a thick layer. Then you feel it, a hear building, and you both watch as your bust grows rapidly. Jumping two, three cup sizes. He stares as you fondle your new cum covered breasts. Soon enough, he's hard again and you've got your tits wrapped around his cock. The head barely shows now and soon enough, he's cumming again, the entire load between your improved assets. And once again, you watch them swell even more this time. His cock disappears in your cleavage, but you hop up and run to the bathroom to admire them in the mirror. They're massive and heavy, cum still dripping from them, you rummage around for a measuring tape. Your bust is almost a full foot bigger around, and you look back into them room. He's exhausted, but you can see him throbbing still. Pouncing on him once again, you envelope him i the folds of your massive chest and for a fourth time, he coats your cleavage. This time them don't grow quite as much, maybe another 3 cups, but you can feel them getting heavier and fuller. You close your eyes and blissfully play with them. Until you feel a wet spot forming on the bed. You open your eyes to see milk dripping from your enormous tits. You smile, grab his exhausted head and shove both your quivering nipples in his mouth he drinks greedily. Soon enough you feel something poke your ass, and you shift off his torso. Keeping one tit in his mouth, you reach your other hand to his twitching cock and begin to stroke it. You want to be even bigger so you point it at your chest, but before you can start you feel it throb powerfully in your hand. You watch as his cock starts to grow. Soon your hand can't even reach around it and the length is incredible. The more he drinks the bigger his cock grows and soon its well passed his belly button and dripping precum. You lose yourself in the pleasure of his mouth and the throbbing growth of his cock. Soon, it can nearly your your mouth if you lean down a little and the girth is insane. You try to measure with your hands, but he keeps growing and it quickly passes 6 hands stacked one on the other. You pull yourself free from his mouth, and sit your dripping pussy on his face, taking the massive cock in hand and trying desperately to fit in in your mouth. His touch goes to work and at the same time, his hips start bucking, forcing the gargantuan cock further down your throat. As this rate there'll be no way to pull it out and direct the blast to your chest, so you pull away and let him fuck your chest for a while. Finally he unleashes a torrent of cum on your chest. And you immediately feel it swell again. They don't sag much, they're so full of milk but they still reach your belly button. Your areolas are palm sized and your nipples stand out clearly. You finally get off his face and stand above him, directly his cock to your dripping hole. Even with how wet you are and the precum, its still incredibly hard to fit it in. He's thicker than a bottom of soda and incredibly long. As you lower yourself down, he starts thrusting, your chest bounces with every movement and you can see the bulge he makes. Your knees start to give out when you're only 1/3 of the way down, and before you can catch yourself, the collapse and the entire length slams into you. You recover from the shock after a minute, and are greeted by the sight of his cock buried so deep it pushes against your breasts, you can see the outline clearly, sticking out away from you. And before you know it, he's thrusting again. His enormous cock pounding in and out of you until with one last thrust, you feel him swell inside and a hurricane of seed fills you. There's a part 2 if you want
Omg yes more I love this🤤❤️😍
Im gonna draw something for this🥰
(Ok I quickly sketched this, she’s based off me btw🐮😘)
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So! @postmodernbody seems to have deleted their blog, so I’m going to scrape up any archived posts/captions! If you guys have saved them anywhere, let me know so I can boost them!! To start, I’m looking for the the REST of this specific caption:
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“Normally, Naomi’s husband, the thick-cocked bastard who could satisfy her, would alleviate her near-insatiable needs and settle her supernatural hormones. Unfortunately, he was away on a ‘business trip’, leaving Naomi alone with her condition to gradually grow bigger and fatter with her increasing horniness…”
Let me know if you find it!!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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"Uhhhh, how much bigger did you say?" Ashley asked her dad, Oliver.
"I know, I said you'd just need to go up a few cup sizes, that might've been a little white lie."
"What did you sign me up for, exactly?"
"Well, it is a clinical trial for breast growth pills. I didn't make that up."
"I'm sensing a but...."
"So, I wanted you to join, because the money they're paying would really help us pay off the house. I just, might've slightly undersold what they'd be asking you to do."
"Which is....? Going up three or four cup sizes and getting paid? Why not. Of course I'll do that to help you guys out. What exactly is this? Be honest, Daddy."
"Well..... this clinical trial is about stress testing this new medication. They need you to take it, er, until medical intervention is required."
"What in god's name does that mean?"
"Well, they need to test the limits of their meds, period. I signed you up to take them until your boobs grow so big they pose a health risk, and the doctors will log what that risk ended up being, at what size and weight it occurred, and what measures could be taken to ensure it doesn't happen again, if a girl wanted to go bigger than you."
"Wait, so you're telling me my boobs are going to get so gigantic these doctors will basically have to end up removing them? Or reducing them? Or what?"
"They might have to, or just remove a blood clot, ulcerated skin, or tumors or whatever else might develop! They don't really know, and you'll be the guinea pig! Don't look so glum, sweetie. You'll look incredible with breasts so big they barely fit in my truckbed."
"Daddy!!! Seriously!? My boobs are going to be how big? Like the size of that beanbag chair in your study?"
"Probably bigger. You'll definitely be immobilized. But don't worry, if your health is ever at risk the doctors will do whatever it takes to make sure you come out A-OK, even if you wind up with no boobs."
"B-But Daddy! That's not fair! You better tell them to keep my boobs no matter what. I don't care if I'm immobilized by them or my spine ends up snapping like some monster-breasted TikTok girl. You better not let them get chopped off, Daddy....."
Oliver hugged his daughter. "It's OK, sweetie. We'll try to keep those breasts growing and healthy as long as we can. I'll tell the doctors your concerns. OK?"
"Good! So.... you better take good care of me once these tits get too big for me to walk or get dressed. Hmmmm, I wonder if my nipples will be so big you can stick your cock in them? That might be fun....."
"Hmm, I bet lots of guys would pay to do that. Damn, you're right, Ash. I've got to make sure those titties stay big and healthy, we might be able to pay off more than just the house."
Ashley giggled. "See? I'm glad they can be of use....."
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