lyannablackbeak · 6 years
Nessian Fic <3
LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH <3 @foxboy-lucien 
Here is your very own Nessian fic, I hope you like it!!!!! xoxox
The Calm Before the Storm
Part One: Training 
Word Count: 3084
Cassian was fidgeting.
He was a ruthless soldier, alive for over five hundred godsdamned years, and he was fidgeting.
The living room of the townhouse seemed stuffier than usual. Cassian nodded to himself, desperate for any excuse that would fit. But as he adjusted his collar for the fifth time, his eyes caught Azriel’s from where he stood across the room, smirking.
Cassian flashed his brother a rude gesture while he fought to keep his hands still. It wouldn’t be much longer now. He could do this.
Mercifully, before he had any room to doubt this questionable resolution, laughter sounded from the kitchen.
Mor, Elain and Feyre emerged, laughing amongst themselves while they balanced plates of food and bottles of liquor. The bottles were taken from Rhys’s personal collection, Cassian noticed with a grin.
He took no small pleasure in watching Azriel straighten suddenly at the presence of the females. Cassian silently wondered whether Mor or Elain caused the abrupt crack in Az’s armor…
Later, he resolved, he would mull that over later. He had enough to be worried about at the moment.
It had been a few months since their final battle with Hybern. The time had somehow dragged and flown. There had been much to do, and so much that still needed to be done. Recruiting and training the Night Court’s legions had taken near all his time, keeping him from Velaris for weeks on end. But he wasn’t the only one. While Feyre, Rhys and Mor had stayed behind, Mor spending most of her time protecting the city from the Court of Nightmares newfound presence and Feyre and Rhys busy with seemingly endless meetings with our allies. The rest of them had been away, tied up with various duties and responsibilities.  
Amren had volunteered to help rebuild the Summer Court. Azriel, in between recon missions, had spent most of his time helping Elain hone her seer abilities. They spent the majority of the past few months in the Dawn Court, experimenting with various inventions in an effort to enhance her powers. Lucien had gone with them as well, for protection.
Cassian wondered how that was going.  
As if he heard his thoughts, Lucien sauntered in from the back garden.  He and Azriel exchanged glances, ever the gentlemen, but at his entrance Elain fumbled with place settings, seeming very deliberately busy.  Cassian questioned whether she would hand Lucien the plate of food, or ask her sister to do so.  
They had all been away from each other for so long, but it many ways it felt like nothing had changed.
But if he was being honest, some absences weighed heavier on him than others. He hadn’t seen Nesta since the day after the final battle and their last interaction still ate away at him. Since then, Nesta had surprised everyone with the severity in which she took her position as emissary. In the months since the battle, she had formed her own coalition, an embassy of sorts, made up of delegates from their various alliances. High Fae, humans, and other Fae species, including Seraphim, Illyrians, and apparently even a Water Wraith, if reports were to be believed. The group was all female, a fact Cassian was more thankful for than he would care to admit.
Whatever the coalition was doing, it had kept Nesta busy. While she had returned to Velaris on several occasions, she never lingered. All business, she only stayed long enough to report to Feyre and Rhys. And each time, Cassian had been away. Part of him couldn’t help but wonder if this was intentional. But today, any minute now in fact, they would all be reunited.
Five days from now, the leaders of Prythian would hold a meeting and Feyre and Rhys had asked the inner circle to return to help prepare.
“Anyone care for a drink?” Mor’s blonde hair flashed in the corner of his vision as she twirled around the room.
Before he could answer, a rush of wind filled the living room and a cat like voice broke through the breeze. “What are my options?”
Cassian fell into an easy smile as the room turned its attention on the tiny arrival and her towering escort.  Amren, skin slightly bronzed from her time at the Summer Court, regarded her family with a serpentine smile. Varian stood beside her, hand resting on her lower back as if it was his most natural stance. Perhaps it now was, Cassian realized.
“Afraid we’re all out of blood, Am. Can I interest you in a glass of wine? Red, of course.” Rhysand stood at the living room threshold, his eyes full of a quiet joy as he surveyed us all.  
Feyre approached her mate, slipping under his arm. “There’s is a stray cat that’s been lurking in the garden, in case you’re desperate.”
Cassian barked out a laugh, nearly spilling the glass of wine Mor had slid into his hand. But Elain barely stifled a gasp, her eyes wide and full of horror. Cassian noticed Azriel flinch.
“Relax, seer.” Amren cooed, with more warmth in her voice than Cassian would have expected, “My tastes have changed.”
Varian smiled down at her. The look they exchanged was charged enough that Cassian turned his attention to the floorboards.
“Well,” Feyre cut in as she poured a glass for Amren and Varian, “I don’t have to tell you how good it is to see you all. We certainly have our work cut out for ourselves this week, but before we get to any of that-”
Cassian didn’t hear the rest of the sentence. Instead, his entire body went taut. He could feel his heart pounding as elegant steps approached the front door. Rhys’s eyes met his, before turning towards the entrance.
This is it.
Cassian started fidgeting again. Until Azriel pointedly cleared his throat, giving him a look that seemed to say: Be cool, man. Be cool.
Easier said than done, Shadowsinger. But Cassian took a deep breath, counting the seconds as Rhys opened the door.
Rhys reappeared first. The look on his face made Cassian go still.
“Nesta!” Elain exclaimed, as the eldest Archeron sister emerged into the living room.
She wore Illyrian fighting leathers and a black cloak, the hood drawn over her face. But Cassian didn’t need to see her. He could feel it. His thoughts blurred as he struggled to remain calm.
In response to her sister’s greeting, Nesta drew back her hood. It was as if the entire room, even the walls themselves, gasped.
Her soft brown hair was wound back into braids that disappeared in a complicated knot behind her head. Her face was as rigid and breathtaking as ever. But the right side… 
All around her right eye, her normally flawless porcelain skin was a deep purple. Her cheekbone and eyebrow were still slightly swollen and a large cut ran from her hairline to just above her eye. Despite her Fae healing, the gash was gruesome enough that Cassian wondered if it would leave a scar.
Before he could help it, he was moving. In less than two strides, he cleared the space between them. This close, his body roared around her, surging with longing, concern and earth shattering anger for the one who caused her injuries.
The room was as quiet as death, quieter. Cassian’s voice was tight with restraint when he said “How?”
She met his eyes, her gaze full of fire and steel. But there was something else there too. Something so unexpected that Cassian nearly reached down to trace his fingers along her face. But she didn’t answer him. Instead, she turned towards Feyre, who at some point had appeared at his side.
“We received intel that the human queens have been kidnapping children and transporting them to a fortress outside the capital.”
Feyre, still wide eyed from her sister’s appearance, shot Az a look across the room. He gave a curt nod in response.
“We learned of a transport, scheduled to leave the night before last, carrying fifty children.” Nesta hesitated then, and though she intentionally kept her eyes from Cassian, he could feel her stare all the same. “We were disguised as bandits. It was supposed to be a quick job, unlock the caravan, disengage the guards. We were told there would only be 10 of them, there were more.” 
Her eyes met Cassian’s briefly then, and as their gazes locked a charge of lightning went through him. 
“We failed.” Nesta’s voice was a whisper filled with fury.
“How could you be so reckless??” 
Cassian nearly jumped at Feyre’s tone. He had been so fixated on Nesta that he failed to notice the fury building in her sister.
Nesta slowly turned back towards her, any lingering remorse now gone. No one in the room was breathing.
When it was clear Nesta had no intention of responding, Feyre continued, this time her voice slightly softer, “You could have been killed.”
“I am emissary to the humans, Feyre. I am responsible for them. Did you expect me not to do my job?”
“I wish you had come to us first,” Rhysand cut in, sensing the tension. “Azriel has been monitoring the situation. This issue will be addressed at the meeting with the High Lords.”
“I’m sure the fifty children now imprisoned in that fortress will applaud your restraint.” Nesta bit back.
Cassian could feel her anger rising. The room crackled with tension. Elain stood to the side, worried eyes never leaving her sister. Mor downed a glass of wine before quickly pouring another. Only Amren seemed to be enjoying herself.
This reunion was not going well.
“I’ll train you.” The words left his mouth before he even had a second to consider them. Everyone, including Nesta, turned toward him.
“You’ll what?”
“I’ll train you.” Cassian said, “If you insist on trying to get killed, you should at least know how to defend yourself.”
The immediacy of her response hurt more than he would have expected. Cassian changed tactics, his eyes finding his High Lady’s. Feyre regarded him, her anger fading into an unreadable expression. She and Rhys exchanged a glance then, a wordless conversation whirling between them.
“He’s right.” Feyre turned to Nesta, her shoulders back and face calm, every bit the High Lady. “I can’t stop you from risking your life. But if you insistent upon doing so, you should be prepared.”
“You can’t force me to train, either.” Nesta reminded her, her posture stiff and ready for a fight.
“I’m not forcing you.” Feyre answered, her eyes falling on Elain. “I’m asking you, as your sister.”
The response seemed to surprise Nesta, because for a moment she was quiet. The entire room waited on baited breath as she stood there, unmoving. Only once the tension had reached a boiling point, did she answer.
Not a second later, Nesta turned and climbed the stairs. Even the walls seemed to sigh in relief at her departure.
“Well,” Amren purred, from where she sat draped across Varian’s lap “that was fun.”
Cassian blew out a heavy breath, the aftershocks of the encounter hitting him in waves. He couldn’t decide whether the conversation had been a roaring success or an utter disaster. He settled for both.
Nesta hadn’t come to dinner.  Afterwards, he lingered outside her bedroom door, tempted to knock.  Instead, he settled for a note under the door.
House of Wind. Nine O’Clock. See you then, Nes.
The ninth bell chimed through the night air as Cassian paced across the training ring. Still no sign of her.
Did you really have to call her Nes? Cassian thought, cursing himself.
If she didn’t show, he would just fly back to the townhouse and drag her here himself. His High Lady had demanded she train. But even as he said it, Cassian knew would do no such thing. If this had any chance, if they had any chance, it would need to be Nesta’s choice.
He was beginning to run through plausible excuses to return to the townhouse when a rush of icy flame coursed through him. He forced himself to take a calming breath before turning slowly.
Cauldron boil him.
Standing there in the starlight, Nesta was a vision. Even with the injuries. She was a steely, soul crushingly beautiful, vision.
She removed her cloak and he saw that she was still in her fighting leathers. The outfit clung to her features like a second skin. The sight alone nearly undid him.
He wanted to tell her that she was the most gorgeous creature he had ever laid his eyes on. He wanted to confess that not a moment had gone by since they parted that he hadn’t thought of her. He wanted to say so many things.
Instead, he said, “You’re late.”
Nesta didn’t even blink. She merely took a step forward, tossing her cloak to the side “You’re lucky I came at all.”
So this is how it’s going to be? Cassian could feel his temper rising. Why did she always insist on being so difficult?
Cassian crossed his arms, his mouth curling into an edged smile “When I left, Mor and Az were going dancing. I’d hardly call myself the lucky one.” It was a cheap comment, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.
Nesta merely cross her arms as well, “Then go.”
Cassian watched her watch him, their standoff seized with tension. He knew his irritation was a placeholder for something else. The desperate frustration that overcame him whenever he was around her was enough to drive him insane.
But no matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to stay away. No matter what he said, there was nowhere he would rather be.
He took a step towards her. Their bodies, faces, lips, now only inches apart. This close, he could feel her heartbeat, the heavy rush of her blood coursing through her veins. He wondered if she could feel his.
So close, yet there was still so much space between them.
How had that happened? He knew what she felt. Not a day went by where he didn’t think back on that moment with the King of Hybern. The moment where Nesta offered her life to protect his.
It was there, it was all still there, he could feel it. But her walls had come up, harsher and stronger than before and he didn’t know how to break through.
His eyes fell on her lips and he felt her pulse shudder. What would happen if he tried? If he just said fuck it, and took her in his arms. His body begged for it, the need so fierce he could hardly see straight.
Instead, he met her eyes once more, his voice slightly unsteady “Pick your weapon.”
He was more than a little impressed when Nesta wordlessly selected two large fighting axes. She scoffed when he removed the shirt he was wearing, but she didn’t look away.
He gave her a smirk as he tied back his shoulder length hair. He could have sworn he caught a slight blush spreading across her cheeks.
Then, they began.
She was both faster and stronger than he remembered. Her time in the field had turned her into a weapon. Not for the first time, he wondered about that power that dwelled inside her. He had not seen or felt any sign of it, but as sword clashed with axe, Nesta spinning and slicing, meeting him blow for blow, he knew it was there.  How she could keep it buried, keep so much buried, he could not understand.
They had moved from defensive maneuvers to offensive strikes when he finally got up the nerve to ask, “Why didn’t you tell Feyre and Rhys about the mission?”
Small beads of sweat lay across her brow, her fingers twirled axes in both hands.
“There wasn’t time.” She answered simply.
That was bullshit and she knew it. But he didn’t want to fight he wanted to talk.
“Why so eager to put yourself at risk, Nes?” This may have been her first injury but it was hardly the first time she had been in danger. More and more of her missions had involved the human queens’ territories. But Cassian always seemed to learn about them after they had happened.
“Why do you care?” Nesta bit back, her weapons slashing and spinning.
Cassian stilled, pulling back from the exercise.
“You know why, Nesta.” His voice was low but firm.
Nesta straightened too, her posture suddenly defensive. When she looked up, her gray eyes burned with steely fire.
All at once, he couldn’t take it.
His sword clattered to the ground as he closed the space between them.
“What is going on with us?”
Her eyes bore into his, full of resentment, fear and something else. His resolve cracked all around him. He wanted to shout, to storm off in frustration, but more than anything, he wanted to take her into his arms and never let go.
“I know you feel it too.” It was almost a plea.
“What if I don’t want to?” 
Cassian drew back as if from a physical blow. The pain from her words was so strong he nearly brought his hand to his chest. He didn’t know what to do, how to react.
All he could think of was: Why?
He was so lost in thought that her voice surprised him.
“BECAUSE YOU ALMOST DIED!” She screamed, her tone unlike anything he had ever heard from her. “Because they all die! And if it was you- I couldn’t. Because, I couldn’t survive it.” Her words were heavy sobs; coming so fast Cassian could tell her shock was the same as his.
But it was the seconds that followed. The moment Cassian saw Nesta realize that he hadn’t asked the question aloud, that truly shook her. Her lips parted, her eyes a sea of panic as the implications began to set.
He knew. He had known for a long time now. Had she?
“We’re done here.” She whispered. The icy calm returning to her voice.
Before his mind could form a response, she turned and disappeared inside.
Cassian wasn’t sure how long he stood there. The cold wind wound through him as his frantic thoughts struggled to take shape. All he knew was he had five days. 
Five days to reach her. Five days to break through.
He wouldn’t fail.
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duartesjude · 6 years
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Tumblr Book Club Secret Santa for @shadowleopard
You’re brothers?” The Illyrians looked similar, but only in the way that people who had come from the same place did.
Rhysand clarified, “Brothers in the sense that all bastards are brothers of a sort.”
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queen-archeron · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas
This is my gift for @lyannablackbeak for secret santa! I hope you enjoy, and of course, it’s elriel because you’re my fellow shipper!😊
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Elain and Azriel were spending their Christmas in their brand new house, which had been bought a few weeks ago. The inner circle had invited the two to join them, but Azriel had planned the whole evening out, and he couldn’t have anything go wrong.
Elain was unwrapping one of her gifts that lay under the Christmas tree, and Azriel watched with a grin on his face. He didn’t think he could ever get tired of seeing that joyous look in her eyes—the look that made him fall in love with her in the first place.
“Azriel,” she beamed, opening the box to reveal a pair of rain boots covered in a floral pattern. She had been talking about those exact ones for months, and when Az had seen them in a store downtown, he didn’t hesitate to pick them up.
“Thank you,” she smiled, standing from her spot on the floor to walk up to him. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down so she straddled him on the couch, and she turned into a giggling mess.
“You’re welcome,” Azriel murmured, pressing his lips to her neck. “But I see a few more boxes down there with your name on them.”
Indeed, there were three boxes left—all for Elain. One particular box was pushed as far under the tree as it could get, because Azriel wanted her to open that one last. By the look on her face, she had absolutely no clue what was waiting for her, and by the end of the night, he was sure she would be a cheerful mess.
“You didn’t have to get me so many things, Az.” She kissed his forehead gently, giving him a small smile. Azriel chuckled and nodded at the opened gifts that were scattered on the ground.
“I’ve only given you four, and I saved the best for last.”
Elain rolled her eyes playfully and stood from his lap, returning to her seat on the floor. She kept an eye on him as she grabbed the next gift and began to unwrap it. Azriel’s phone vibrated in the pocket of his jeans, and he took it out to see a text from Rhysand.
Have you done it yet?
Azriel glanced at Elain, who was so focused on the gift that she didn’t see his phone. He quickly responded.
Only a couple more gifts. She has no idea.
He turned his phone off and slid it back into his pocket, laughing when Elain’s eyes widened. “Azriel!”
She lifted the lingerie out of the box and scanned it over twice. He knew she would react this way, and that made it even funnier to watch.
“Don’t worry,” he chuckled, leaning forward to place his elbows on his knees. “You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want. I just wanted to see the look on your face, which was priceless by the way.”
Elain smirked and turned her attention back to the lace in her hands. “But what if I want to wear it?”
Azriel stared at her for a few moment, deciding if he heard her right or not. Elain was very timid when it came to sex, but tonight she seemed to be far more comfortable than she’d ever been.
“Well, if you want to,” Azriel drawled, looking at her with a lustful stare. “I would not object to it.”
Elain bit her bottom lip but placed the lingerie back into the box it came in. “Maybe once we’re done with gifts I can try it on.”
He nodded in agreement, but froze when she reached for the far box he had tried to hide. He lunged off the couch and grabbed her wrist before she could touch it, causing her to gasp in surprise.
“Not that one yet,” he said quickly, pulling her wrist away slowly. “I saved that one for last.”
“You’re ridiculous,” she chuckled, but grabbed the other box instead. Azriel hoped his face didn’t reveal how relieved he was, because inside his heart was practically pounding out of his chest.
She started to unwrap the next gift and kept her eyes on him. The closer she got to the final box, the more Azriel panicked.
What if she wasn’t ready? What if she said no? He tried to erase the possibilities from his mind and focus on her, but it was hard when he had so much doubt.
Her squeal brought him back to reality, and she carefully lifted the small bunny he had gotten her out of the box. Of course, he had poked some holes in it to it could breath, and he had also left a carrot so it was occupied. He had gotten the bunny a few hours before, so he was glad she liked it.
“You got a bunny!” She was hopping up and down where she sat and he could have sworn tears lined her brown eyes.
“Of course I did. You’ve wanted a bunny for years, so it’s about time,” he laughed, watching her bring the bunny up to her face to give it a kiss.
“Hello there little one,” she spoke in a high pitch voice. “Welcome to the family.”
At the mention of family, Azriel’s nerves came crashing back down again. He knew every guy would be nervous in his situation, but that didn’t make him feel anymore prepared.
“I think we’ll name it Shadow,” she grinned, looking up at Az for approval. He rose his hands and chuckled.
“It’s your pet. You name him whatever you want.”
She placed the bunny on the ground gently, and finally looked at the last box under the tree. It was a medium size, which he had done to throw her off. He was pretty sure there were seven smaller boxes in the big one, all leading down the the finale.
“Am I allowed to open this one now?” She teased, reaching for it and bringing it to her lap. He couldn’t form words, so instead he nodded eagerly.
She unwrapped the first layer to reveal a big white box, which she opened to show another box, only smaller. She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled. “Is this going to be one of those annoying things where I open a million boxes to get to the actual gift?”
Azriel laughed and shrugged. “Why don’t you keep going and find out?”
She shook her head but removed the next box and began to unwrap that one. The only sound in the room was the tearing of paper, but Azriel could hear his heart beat in his ears because it was pounding so fast.
“Another box,” she grinned, taking out the next box to start unwrapping it. There were five more left, and at this point Az was tapping his foot on the ground nervously, which drawled Elain’s attention to him for a second.
“Az, I’m sure I’ll love whatever’s in here. Why are you so nervous?”
Gods she’s oblivious, he thought, but nodded at the box for her to continue. He couldn’t speak.
She unwrapped the next two quickly, clearly excited to reach the final box. She opened the next one and started on the final part. The wrapping paper fell to the floor, and Elain opened the box to reveal a small black box. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him in awe.
He cut her off before she could go any further. “Elain, I love you. I’ve loved since the day I met you, and you’ve made my life a thousand times better. You’re my best friend, and I want to spend every day with you for the rest of my life. For the rest of our lives.”
He reached forward and took the box, shifting so he could kneel on one knee in front of her. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring, one he had bought a year ago in preparation for this day. Her hands moved to cover her mouth, and a tear slipped down her cheek as her eyes searched his.
“Elain Archeron,” he said, voice cracking as he tried to hold back the emotions built up inside him. “Will you marry me?”
Elain was silent for a moment, and Azriel cursed himself for being so straightforward. He should have planned this out better, and asked her about marriage and—
He froze, and she leaned forward to cup his face in her hands. “I love you, Azriel. Of course I’ll marry you.”
She didn’t have the opportunity to say anything else because then Azriel’s lips were on hers, and everything around them disappeared. Her hands dove into his hair, and he pushed her until she was laying on her back, with him hovering over her. For long minutes they stayed like that, kissing under the Christmas tree, marveling at the fact that they would soon be married.
Shadow interrupted them when he pounced into Elain’s golden brown hair, and she pulled away from Azriel to release a laugh. He could listen to that sound forever, and now, he would get to.
“Here,” he murmured, taking the ring out of the box so he could slide it on her finger. Her breath hitched as she took it in, and her eyes found his once again.
“It’s beautiful.”
He grinned down at her and brushed some hair out of her face. “Just like you.”
She reached up and kissed him again, and the rest of that night was filled with laughter and pleasure. Azriel didn’t have to think to know that Christmas was the best he’d ever had. Elain managed to make every day better than the last. She was the light of his life, and would be forever.
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ponyjockey · 6 years
Book Club Secret Santa - Feysand Fic
A Place By the Sea
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Happy Holidays Emily!!! @highladyfxyre
Feyre was waiting in the living room of the townhouse. Her bag was packed with a strange array of dresses, tunics, and pants. If Rhysand would have just told her where they were going she wouldn’t feel so anxious, but it was her birthday and Rhys loved to surprise her. The look on his face each year when he revealed whatever crazy plan he at etched was always Feyre’s favorite part of the surprise. Last year Rhys had thrown her an incredible ball with beautiful music and all of their friends and family dancing until dawn. It had been a hard year with their son, Eiles going off to the Illyrian camps for training and their daughter Eisha deciding she would rather live out of the spotlight of the High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court and moving in with Mor.
It had been three months since Eisha moved out and Feyre was finally getting used to it, well sort of. She still saw her daughter for dinner and training occasionally, but it wasn’t the same. Feyre always imagined that when she had children she would be the type of mother who her children wanted to be around all the time. She wanted to be able to care for them and teach them and nurture them the way she wasn’t when she was a child, so Eisha turning against that and deciding to leave was horrible. Feyre felt like she had failed as a mother. Rhys had taken it hard as well and was especially hard on Mor for offering to take Eisha in. He was all for tying their daughter down and making her stay at home, but that’s not how this parenting thing works. It was temporary. Their daughter would be back and Eiles came back to visit from the camps any chance he could. It would be alright and today on her birthday Feyre just wanted to relax.
She could feel Rhys enter the room before she saw him, a massive grin on his face and his overnight bag slung over his shoulder.
“Are you ready Feyre, darling” he said as he stepped in to kiss her on the cheek. Even after so many years, his lips on her skin still instantly brought her blood to a boil.
“Yes, I suppose I’m ready for anything since I have no idea what I’m meant to be ready for.”
“Well, that’s the fun isn’t it. Happy Birthday Feyre, now let’s go.” Rhys chuckled and pulled Feyre into an embrace. The next thing she knew he was winnowing them both away. Winnowing when you don’t know where you are going is extraordinarily disconcerting and Feyre could barely hold on to Rhys as they moved through space.
When they reached their destination Feyre stumbled, but Rhysand was there in an instant to catch her and pull her into a kiss. When he pulled away Feyre was able to take in her surroundings. The smell of salt water wafting into her nose and she turned to see the sea. Summer, they had winnowed all the way to summer. Feyre didn’t even know that was possible.
“How did you? Where are we? What is going…?” she stammered as Rhys grabbed her hand and laughed leading her to a small house right next to the beach. It was the only house in sight. In fact as she began to settle into the fact that they were in Summer she noticed that there was nothing else in sight at all. Only this house, the beach, the ocean. They were on an island. A tiny island. It was absolutely breathtaking. She didn’t know any place like this existed.
“Rhysand, where are we?” she said finally turning to look at him. Rhys was beaming down at her with such love and devotion. He always looked at her with love, but it had been strained pressured looks these last few months. It had been so long since she and Rhys had really felt free.
“We are on Jamana, though you can change the name if you like since it’s yours. Happy Birthday Feyre darling.”
“It’s mine? What do you mean it’s mine” Feyre asked as she continued to take in the beauty surrounding her.
“Tarquin sold it to me, although he said he would like to commision a painting from you of the island, other than that it’s yours to have whenever you need a little time by the sea. It’s unusual for a High Lady to have a house outside of her Court, but you my dear were never one to be usual. I know you like the warmth of Summer and I thought it might help to have an escape that was just yours. Of course you can invite whomever you wish here and I do up Eisha and Elies get to see it one day, but that’s all up to you. “
“Rhys, it’s perfect.” Feyre replied simply unable to muster up anything else to say. It was perfect. She loved Velaris, but sometimes her duties as High Lady weighed down on her and she needed somewhere to be alone.
“You haven’t even seen the house yet” Rhys said still giddy with excitement. “Let’s go”.
Feyre followed Rhys to the door of the quent beach house. As Rhys flung the door open he scooped Feyre into his arms, carrying her across the threshold. The house was just as perfect as the island it was on. Light poured into the main room, which was outfitted with a simple kitchen and living area, but what drew Feyre’s eye was the room just to the left of the entryway. A studio. A real art studio built exactly like she imagined it would always be. She had converted a room in the townhouse into a makeshift studio a few years ago, but this was different. She was built for her.
The light in the studio was perfect and on a large work table paints and materials were laid out precisely just waiting for her to pick up a brush and work. Feyre had always thought she would one day have a studio like this, but with the children and being High Lady she barely had time to paint, but this was absolute perfection. Feyre ran her hand along the table in awe at what Rhysand, her mate, her husband, the father of her beautiful children, had given her. This was place to be Feyre again; not mom, or High Lady, just Feyre.
“Rhys, thank you. This may be the best birthday yet” Feyre said as she looked into Rhys’ eyes, which were gleaming with delight.
“You say that every year, but I think you might be right. I love you, happy birthday. Now, would you like to paint, or would you perhaps like to see the bedroom?” Rhys said coyly as he stroked the back her her wrist.
“What a silly question, you know the answer to that.” Feyre replied pulling him in for a kiss before leading the way out of the studio and up the stairs to “see the bedroom”.
Lying in Rhys’ arms as the sun rose the next morning Feyre finally felt at ease for the first time since her daughter left. This male was the most amazing male in the world and he was hers. Together they could get through anything and they would make it through this too, together.
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acomafxtog24-7 · 6 years
Book club: Secret Santa!!
For you @dreamilyzealousbird…. I really hope you like this gift, I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it longer though!! But i really hope you have a lovely Christmas, and enjoy
A short fluffy Nessian fic~
“Cassian, shut up for a second,” huffed Nesta, as she cautiously layed Feyre’s baby son down. Cassian abruptly stopped his coaxing and cooing to the baby and bravely snorted at Nesta’s grumbling. Who knew getting a piece of clothing on a 3year old could be so hard? “Neswa, I wan mummy— he stopped to play with his feet— …. and daddy.” Xavier said, he still struggled a bit with speaking, but it was expected from an adorable little 3year old. Even though he was quite a smart and strong child. Xavier reminded Nesta of both Feyre and Rhysand — in so many ways possible. I wonder what my baby will look like? Will it look more like Cassian and me? Are we even ready? Nesta’s emotions were a mess right now, so even that small thought had the capability of clogging up her throat with emotion.
As Nesta finally buttoned up his tiny trousers, she took his small, delicate hands in hers and told him, “ I promise mummy and daddy will be back soon,” — she stood Xavier up from dressing him— “ you see, your parents are very busy with work. Otherwise they would be with you every second, little blob.”
From the corner of her eye, she could see Cassian’s face relax and lighten as a soft smile trickled onto his soft, full lips.
“What’s wrong?” She sent down the bond to Cassian.
“ I definitely want children now, sweetheart.” He whispered back down the bond.
“ Well… i haven’t been taking the… tonic, so we’ll see.”
“What?!” Cassian blurted out loud. “You mean to tell me this now?”
Nesta chuckled at the blush spreading down his face and neck, but, especially the surprise that so clearly lined his face. She took Xavier and lifted him into Cassian’s arms.
“I’ve changed and fed him, it’s your turn now.” Nesta pecked Cassian’s lips and turned away, but before she could go any further, a hand shot out and wrapped around her waist. Pulling her directly into Cassian’s mouth. He kissed her with soft passion, all while rocking Xavier on his other shoulder. A moment later Nesta pulled slightly back, and play-hit his muscled arm. “What was that for?” She whispered as he leaned his forehead against her. “Just a reminder, that I love you.” Cassian grinned and a cocky expression washed over his face as she started to smile brightly and a faint blush set over her cheek bones. Even though it had been years since they had properly mated, he still had the power to make her blush…
As a soft snore sounded in both of their ears, they turned towards Xavier, who was niece fast asleep on Cassian’s shoulder.
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Rowaelin Christmas
@ponyjockey !! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!
Warnings: none
It was finally Christmas, lights were being hung, a tree had been placed in the ballroom, and mistletoes were dangling from each room. Aelin hated the bite of winter, but she could never get rid of the feeling of warmth Christmas made her feel. She would look around the room at her friends, her companies through everything. She couldn’t help but feel grateful for each and every one of them. The sacrifices each made for her, she could never repay. And Rowan, oh gods, Rowan. Her mate. Hers. She would never love anything more. He awoke something inside her she didn’t know existed. Through everything, she would hold onto him. She would always come back to him.
Christmas meant peace, it meant everyone could take a break. No matter who was dying or what war was being fought Christmas meant peace. Not just for her kingdom, but for everyone. Even Maeve seemed to take a break from making everyone’s life miserable to celebrate the season.
“You look deep in thought.” Aelin didn’t have to turn to recognize the voice. She continued to stare out on the balcony.
“I will admit, I am.” She knew Rowan would be able to read her body even if she tried to lie.
“Anything I can help with?” She felt his arms wrap around her, she could never help but to fall back into his scent. Aelin pondered for a moment, unsure how to describe her feelings.
“I’m just trying to decide what to eat first…” She gave him a pointed look, a growl was his only response, “…or join the others and have some of Lys delicious ham.” She couldn’t help but smirk and awaited his response.
“Why don’t we enjoy the ham for now, and maybe save some room for desert.” Rowan seemed to glide over to Aelin. Rowan mirroring Aelin’s smirk.
“I think that sounds like a grand idea.” They left hand in hand to join the others.
The ballroom was everything Aelin had hoped. Candles hung from the walls, each seemed to dance with one another. The smooth black marble reflected the gigantic tree that stood in the middle of the room. The tree seemed to stand over everyone and reflected a grandeur only the Queen of Terrsen could have accomplished. But nothing was on the tree, for it had become a tradition for Aelin and Rowan to combine their fire and ice and create a tree that no mere mortal could create. It was a surprise the tree never burnt down, no matter how powerful or hot Aelin’s fire got, Rowan’s ice always seemed to control and cool it. Guests from all over (Elriea) came to see Aelin and Rowan’s display of power and beauty. But they decided to do something new this year. Dorian had finally decided to visit, and Aelin wanted his entrance to be dramatic (Like always).
As Aelin and Rowan descended the stairs, Choal slipped outside unnoticed by any of the awaiting guests. Rowan glanced over at Aelin;
“Ready, Fireheart?”
“Always Buzzard.”
They stepped around the tree as if caught in some kind of dance, their eyes never leaving the other. In unison, they lifted their hands, and then began the real dancing. Aelin’s golden fire ran around the tree as if trying to escape some unseen enemy, with Rowan’s ice quickly following. Both disappeared for a minor second before meeting at the bottom and swirling their way up. Aelin’s fire quickly changed to a simple unforgiving blue, that quickly turned on Rowan’s ice. The two crashed and exploded into a fiery ice display. Aelin and Rowan began to move around the tree, neither dared to look away. Icicles began to form on the tree, followed by a goldish glow. One would think the fire would have melted the icicles away, but the King and Queen had another idea in mind. Fire began to swirl around the ice as if to protect it, but soon the ice was battling the fire in attempts to protect it. This protective fight continued for some time until Aelin and Rowan decided enough was enough and let go, leaving the fire-icicles on the tree. Rowan came to Aelin’s side.
“We gave them quite a show,”
“I could have sworn you were going easy on me Whitehorn.” Aelin smirked, Rowan shrugged.
“Some might think I have caught your heart, now we cant have that.” Aelin smirk became unbearable to Rowan.
“Well then looks like I can never do this again.” He swept her up in his arms, pulled her head closer to him and waited, glancing between her eyes and lips. Aelin couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful male in front of her. Finally Rowan kissed her. It was one of promise. Promise of the future. Promise of the past. Promise in the now. Rowan promised never to leave. He saw all the parts of her, and he was not afraid.  
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lyannablackbeak · 6 years
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HAPPY SECRET SANTA KAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!! @rowaelinsmut
I’m not much of an artist but here’s a pic of your favs! Hope you like it!
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