#bold words from someone who’s half biped
varokai · 1 year
BOOP - Dec 11th
given the circumstances, why not instead make a new friend?
"Okay. Technically..."
That Bronze thing couldn't help but look up to Dek and Boop.
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"Boop?" Boop suggested with a sly wink.
"What?" Dek shrugged. "I did what he asked to the letter. It's like he doesn't appreciate ANY help."
What one first defines as 'complete' is usually lacking the minutiae of important details. When left to a stranger's [hands?], it is important to ask politely, be specific, and take whatever you are given. Maybe it's all you needed? Maybe you can try again later?
"Ohgoodness," huffed the Bronze thing. "Is it at all possible for your primitive brain to take any of this seriously?"
"Would you like my very serious answer?" traded Dek, taking advantage of another rhetorical.
"Or is it that you fools simply require..." Bronze grunted, "SIMPLER instructions to do these simple but gravely important tasks?"
Even the purposes of the grandest of works cannot be made inherently obvious. As of yet (and as far as anyone could tell), Trust had not descended from the caves looming above.
"Baby steps, huh?" Dek clarified.
"Boop!" Ha, Boop got it. Such a bright, full laugh!
Oh right, it was the 11th: Slough... WHUMP! Tinkle. Odd new shapes and bold new colors! It was refreshing.
"Please tell me what this is supposed to be," said Dek, picking up half of an orange cylinder, "And you're not allowed to use esoteric references."
What is a souvenir to a desert? Boop poured the rest of the [cocoon?] onto the waiting snow, scattering the pieces in a neat pile at their feet.
"Exercise caution with those!" barked the Bronze biped. "They are precious and irreplaceable, you walking blasphemy!"
It was not an answer. It was not necessary or helpful. But at least it was prejudiced, genuine, and almost original.
"Boop," Boop booped, crumpling the empty cellophane.
In all things, Boop gave back better more than Boop received.
Dek took a deep breath and began sorting the detritus without turning to address that nameless Bronze thing.
"Why do you talk like someone threw a bible in a blender?" Dek asked.
It began a monologue because of course it would.
"See the gaping maw behind you?" it started.
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"Herewith, my tasked duty for time immemorial hath been to shepherd and assure that the Walls shall remain the firmament upon which order shall multiply. I am the culler of those wicked and winged dreamers who would see it torn asunder."
Everyone needs a hobby.
"Uh huh, I think you're using some of those words wrong," replied Dek, stepping through the trash. "What's your name, anyways?"
"The words must be true!" the Bronze thing retorted. "Why else would those before you call me 'Wing Cull' ?"
"Okay. Nice to meet you, Winkle," greeted Dek overshoulder.
Winkle paused for a moment as he fumbled with the 11th chart.
"It... sounds strange when YOU say it," he said, squinting as well as he was able.
"Must be my accent," Dek muttered.
"Oh, sorry," said Mr. Winkle.
He righted himself and hoisted the Assembly chart up to his chin.
"But as such, I demand that you Assemble the 11th form in all proper accordance," he demanded.
Dek had been considering the possibilities of the more unusual pieces. Calmly turning, this became a simple fact.
"Sorry, Mr. Winkle," Dek confessed, "But I see this place a little differently than you seem to."
Boop watched in proud wonder as Dek built something different.
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"Boop!" Boop squealed in delight as a delightful form took shape.
Dek carefully adjusted one of the odder wedges.
Mr. Winkle was horrified.
"But... I have the Assembly chart right here..." he stammered, "...it could have been so easy..."
"And the 'Assembly' was stupid," Dek riposted, carefully pronouncing each syllable, "So I made a little guy."
Mr. Winkle buried himself behind the neglected chart, eyes darting frantically from the lifeless and rigid diagram to the cheerful abomination animating before him.
"...and you gave it wings it wasn't supposed to have..." he whispered in shock.
"Well, Mr. Winkle, I kinda HAD to after all that spooky nonsense you felt the need to share," Dek admitted, satisfied that all the pieces had found adorable places. "What do you think, Boop?"
They all stepped back as the new little guy took a few furtive steps and gazed at his new home with wide, confident eyes. Boop almost couldn't find the words, but desperately wanted to say anything.
"Boop." Boop kept it short, but always profoundly sweet.
A warm [hand?] softly rested on Dek's shoulder.
"Thank you, Boop," cherished Dek. "I feel like I had some good inspiration."
And all of their eyes: Tearfully proud Wide and confident Calm and bright and in the back, frozen in terror.
A happy birthday!
"Ohgoodness," lamented Mr. Winkle, "You've doomed us. You really have."
"Boop!" cheered Boop.
"Hayup!" agreed Dek. "Welcome to the Big City, Little Doom Guy."
"Bwomp!" bwomped the Little Doom Guy. "Doom."
words echoing across eternity ;)
DEC 12th:
in which questions are answered out of order and maybe set aside for a little while. Isn't that right, little guy?
or just start over?
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