#boimler knew to bring up what he did wrong and apologized (and was okay with showing more remorse)
beaulesbian · 1 year
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Mariner & Boimler in Lower Decks 2x5 || 3x10
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mandareeboo · 3 years
[Drabble Prompt] Every year Mariner makes it a point to light a few candles, for the crew who weren’t as skilled or as lucky.
"Are those real candles? Like, not replicated- actual, physical candles?"
"No shit, Boimler," Mariner said, wiggling them onto metal posts one by one. The reek of old wax and vanilla is suffocating, but she doesn't seem bothered. "Gotta bring the good stuff to the post."
Boimler looked up and shivered. Calling it a mortuary would be kindness. Names and names piled onto a dusty holograph board, settled into a sort of nook. They have them in the middle of every ship, Boimler's been told, but he only has two as evidence. He knew they can't exactly keep records on rocks in Starfleet- so many accidents, so many chances of it getting lose and crushing someone- but it feels so... piddly compared to a tombstone.
But people always find ways to grieve, he supposes. Candles and flowers and photos were carefully erected around the damn thing, making it look a bit like an object of worship. Layers of wax clung to everything- side effect of running a big ship that gets shot at; liquids get everywhere- and as Mariner pulls out her lighter he can't help but feel like he's back in his grandma's sunday church.
"You really come here every year?" Boimler asks, trying to go for teasing and light. "What is this, a holy day for you?"
"First time someone died on me was today."
"Oh. Oh, shit, Beck, I'm-"
"Dude. Don't apologize. I wouldn't share if I wasn't cool with it." Mariner flicked her light closed. She had requested a zippo, mostly out of the need to look cool. "I was a 3rd class on my... third day? Fourth? Dumbass thought it'd be a smart idea to take off his mask and huff a strangely colored gas filling our ship during an emergency to see if it was safe."
Boimler's jaw drops open. "What was he on?"
"Knowing him? Probably some bland Earth shrooms." Mariner leaned her front hands on the stone in front of her, hovering over the gently burning candles. "You know, I never see you here."
"You only come once a year."
"I only bring candles once a year. I visit before every major planned mission."
"That's a bit excessive, isn't it?"
"It's good luck. Maybe you oughta try it sometime."
He tilted his head back again. The list went on, and on, and on, and he knew every small scribble was someone who died on the Cerritos, but he'd be hard-pressed to read any of them with the font they used. "I just... don't like being here."
"You're scared," Mariner guessed, correctly, "You don't wanna end up on here, huh?"
"I want my name to mean something more to people than a shitty bulletin written in, like, .05 size font. There's nothing wrong with that," he asserted.
"Hey, man, I get it. Everyone wants to matter." She turned and leaned back on the stone, the better to look at him with. Boimler privately feared she'd set her shirt on fire. "But this is space, dude. You know how many names up here were future Captains, but then they fell into a weird warp, or they hit the wrong button in the airlock, or they died in brutal conquest by other aliens?" Mariner pokes him in the chest. "You gotta be okay with this, just in case."
"Just in case," he echoed, and scoffed. "Like you have to worry about this."
"Boimler," Mariner said, surprisingly serious, "if I get some fancy burial because of nepotism, you better desecrate me so damn hard."
Boimler can't quite stop himself from spluttering a laugh, putting his hands on his knees while he rides it out. Mariner gave him her typical I-did-that-on-purpose smirk as he cleared his throat.
"Betcha I could outlive you," he said finally.
"No deal," Mariner said, but she seems relieved by his settling. As if she'd been hoping this trip would help him look at life a bit more objectively. "Captain pulls me aside all the time tellin' me how I'll definitely be on the next yearly release. We start a pool and chances are good she'll start making attempts."
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