Something I just realized most people aren’t taking into account re: Richard’s mood…
This is his first tour since his bio-father passed. And not only is that bad enough on its own, but who knows what kind of childhood trauma that’s dredged up on top of it. :(
That indeed happened not too long ago, only earlier this year. His dad who gave him the nickname Scholle passes away in january (if i'm not mistaken) 🌺
I don't want to find 'excuses' (let's look ahead, we've seen them play two evenings now and in the second one he was definitely more at ease so let's hope it will only get better from here on), but loosing a family member, especially a parent who you are reasonably close too (and luckily they reconnected when Richard was an adult) can be a life-changing event...at the very least it will make you think about your own life and what you have been doing with it.
Let's take heart that Olli managed to get Richard to LOL in those boats (first time ever i think 😊), who knows or Richard will actually do some boatsharing somewhere in the future and surprise us all 🌺
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sailbox · 4 years
SOMMERAKTION nur noch wenige Tage bis 31 August. Jetzt Mitglied werden und sparen 275 CHF. ➡️www.sailbox.ch/sommeraktion #boatsharing #moceanboats #sailbox #swisssailing #segeln⛵ #segelnlernen #schweiztourismus #ferieninderschweiz #sailboats⛵️ #segelntrotzcorona #mocean #tdsvoile #sailboxofficial #segelnschein https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUx2NygZEU/?igshid=a8bie6k92tug
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colourman72 · 5 years
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This antique turquoise and diamond ring displays clear and full hallmarks and is dated 1893. Presented in fabulous condition with particularly clear diamonds. DM for best . #turquoiserings #diamondring #antiquering #turquoisejewellery #antiquejewels #vintagegems #oldcutdiamond #rotd #ringlight #oldrings #finerings #boatsharing #victorianrings #early20thcentury #turquoiselove (at The University of Manchester) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H6d05lzeh/?igshid=18wi0xo7rhthm
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medboatsharing · 6 years
Stai pensando di vendere la tua barca? Non devi farlo per forza!
Quando si acquista una barca abbiamo fatto una delle più belle scelte della nostra vita ma ci siamo presi anche un bell’impegno. Abbiamo realizzato un desiderio che magari covava da anni, abbiamo perso molti giorni per capire come la volevamo, a vela o a motore, piccola o grande, comoda o performante. Ci siamo informati, l’abbiamo cercata, nuova o usata e quando finalmente l’abbiamo trovata, presi dall’entusiasmo e dall’emozione l’abbiamo comprata. E’ bellissima! Adesso è tutta nostra, possiamo montare a bordo e salpare tutte le volte che vogliamo, invitare amici e parenti, navigare lungo la costa e andare a scoprire nuove calette dove ancorare e rilassarsi al solo suono del vento e del mare.
Ogni cosa però ha il suo prezzo. In questo caso non solo quello della barca stessa, ma anche quello dell’impegno, del tempo e del denaro che questa richiede ogni anno. Ci sono i costi del Marina e quelli della manutenzione senza contare quelli  per spostarsi dalla città al porto in cui abbiamo ormeggiato la nostra “barchetta” per la visita di controllo. Ma questo lo sappiamo, abbiamo messo tutto in conto, pur di averla e poter uscire in mare siamo disposti anche a questo.
Poi spesso accade che dopo un po’ di tempo, a volte troppo poco, gli amici con i quali facevamo le gite in mare diminuiscono, i parenti pure e di conseguenza diminuisce anche la frequenza delle nostre uscite, ma le spese no, anzi, più passano gli anni, più queste si fanno sentire.  L’entusiasmo della nostra passione viene sopraffatto dai conti fino ad arrivare alla decisione drastica di doverla mettere in vendita. E’ un vero peccato!
Ma cosa succederebbe se trovassimo qualcuno che la prende sotto la sua custodia, tenendola pulita, facendo tutta la manutenzione e addirittura coprendo tutte le spese ordinarie (posto barca, assicurazione, manutenzione ordinaria) oltre a garantirci l’utilizzo della stessa per 84 giorni l’anno? La metteremo comunque in vendita o valuteremo di darla in gestione?
Questo è quello che fa Medboat Sharing, valuta e prende la tua barca in gestione e non la mette in Charter, ma col suo sistema esclusivo di Time Sharing trova altre 6 persone che la utilizzeranno durante l’anno. Ti sembra un buon compromesso?
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A private boat, unlike a ferry, offers the benefit to move at any time during the day without following the fixed public service timetable, share the boat only with your friends and take you own luggage on board!
Web Site: https://goo.gl/nInyVK
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boatsharing · 5 years
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ARMATORI!! IL MOMENTO PER INIZIARE IL BOATSHARING È ARRIVATO. E’ arrivato il momento di provare il Boatsharing!Gli armatori hanno iniziato a chiamarci … e hanno fatto bene.
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yachtingboat · 6 years
RT CCIRiviera: It is our belief that we open up opportunities for boat owners and boat seekers by connecting them on boataffair https://t.co/8V0Hinev0q boataffair #Monaco #yachting #Riviera #boatsharing #stTropez mys_monaco https://t.co/98zDgQ9KEn via https://t.co/YsSrxO9O3i
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skyguyed · 5 years
Pleased to see that the Witcher 3 has a nice boatsharing program. Byrd whomst?
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ukboatsales · 6 years
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eBay: Fairline Squadron 52 - Boatshare / Private Syndicate. 1/8th share now availabl http://rssdata.net/Qt8qW3
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sksmedia · 6 years
RT @FreedomBoatClub: Making reservations has always been easy, but with the Freedom Boat Club Custom Proprietary Application for iPhone or Android, reserving a boat has never been easier! Learn more about the FBC App here: https://t.co/D7c4L6Y3OS #boating #boatsharing https://t.co/JOlYJvE41x
Making reservations has always been easy, but with the Freedom Boat Club Custom Proprietary Application for iPhone or Android, reserving a boat has never been easier! Learn more about the FBC App here: https://t.co/D7c4L6Y3OS #boating #boatsharing pic.twitter.com/JOlYJvE41x
— Freedom Boat Club (@FreedomBoatClub) September 20, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/SKSMedia
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Rammstein - Paris 2019-06-29 - After Engel
The one and only Paulchard boatshare on the tour (I think Paul would have done “Scene from Titanic” with him, but Richard just wants the boats to be over asap ;-) )
Original vid: Youtube account AAZ Production
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sailbox · 4 years
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. Weswegen nicht mal an den Walensee Segeln gehen? . Die Sailbox-Yacht ⛵️ist jetzt verfügbar. . www.sailbox.ch/unterterzen . Noch nicht Mitglied? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ www.sailbox.ch/info . #sailbox #swisssailing #moceanboats #segeln⛵ #schweiztourismus #hellyhansensailing #segelnlernen #segelnschweiz #segelntrotzcorona #walensee #boatsharing https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHFipeAWCe/?igshid=vv8ib9yr4v89
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nick-vuepeer · 6 years
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We Feel Like Boats Don't Get Enough Love In The Winter. Experience More Spend Less #Boatsetter #Miami #Travel #BoatSharing #SharingEconomy #PeerToPeerTravel #PeerToPeerBoats #DayOnTheWater #SummerTimeInTheWinter — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2B94a41
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boatsharing · 5 years
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NUOVA BARCA IN BOATSHARING – NOVEMBRE 2019 Dufuor 382 di 11,25 metri, immatricolato Agosto 2017, in condivisione di spese annuali all’Argentario nel porto di  Cala Galera (Porto Ercole – Grosseto) con la formula “una settimana al mese”.
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sailbox · 4 years
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Testen des neuen mOcean Spinnaker 58sqm mit Daniel Schrof (North Sails) am Ponton vom Lago in Zürich. #sailbox #moceanboats #swisssailing #boatsharing #segelntrotzcorona #northsails #schweiztourismus #segelnlernen #herbstsegeln https://www.instagram.com/p/CHALPjngpgs/?igshid=1lf0dsjzfcbk3
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sailbox · 4 years
Great team spirits und fun at Sailbox Cup 2020. #sailbox #sailboxcup #moceanboats #swisssailing #regattasailing #herbstsegeln #boatsharing #mocean #sailboxofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHJtPggrHJ/?igshid=l89hsjfejaou
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