fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
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Please send questions to our inbox.
Please send with this 📽️ so we know it’s for blooper Friday.
Go ahead and ask for bloopers for any of our works and we’ll answer them all on Fridays.
Please be specific on who you are asking about the bloopers. Me or Nat or maybe even both.
Asks for blooper Friday will be open all week except on Friday when we answer the ones we do get.
Questions To Ask
Blooper Friday #1
Blooper Friday #2 {Coming Soon}
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fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
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Was there a scene that you didn't originally plan to include?
Why did you decide it didn’t fit it in?
Was there a scene you wished you could have included?
Why didn't it fit in?
My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was ____.
What inspired it?
What was the easiest scene from ______ to write?
What was the hardest scene from ______ to write?
What is something you didn't expect people to notice or gravitate towards in the fic?
What is your favorite line that didn’t fit?
What was a funny deleted scene from any of your fics?
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
At what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
Or we encourage you guys to ask your own questions about anything you want to tell us or if you have specific questions about a certain part of a fic or just about the fic all around! Have Fun!!
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fandomgirlz01 · 8 months
📽 Fic: Don’t Leave Me Pt. 1 Ask: Faith and Nat! Questions: What inspired it? Were there more/scenes you wanted but didn't fit and if so what? And lastly, why would you leave us on such a cliffhanger!?!?!?! (jkjk i love it) Send you both hugs!💚
Blooper Friday Week One
Answered: Sat 23rd 2023 ✔️
My sweet sweet Kaylee, thank you so much for participating in Blooper Friday. It means the world to both of us. I'll probably have more to say then Nat will about most of these, but I will definitely include her on here. Also we are so sorry this is getting posted late. I {Faith} who does most of the posting worked very late on Friday night and was unable to post this for you until now. 
{Faith} What inspired it? With that being said to be completely honest with you I don't fully remember what actually inspired this one, but I will say that when I first got the idea it was after I had been reading a lot of Marcus fics plus I was also like on my fifth rewatch of The Mentalist so it was a little bit of probably both. Honestly this one was just an original idea that I got just out of the blue and a lot of my Marcus ones will be ideas I just got out of the blue. Also Marcus is one of my many guilty pressure men 😂 and he happens to be in a lot of my daydreams, and I daydream a LOT 😂 so it's really just my brain conjuring things up lol.
{Faith} Were there more/scenes you wanted but didn't fit and if so what? For part one there weren't really any scenes we cut, because it just flowed really. I mean there was definitely some dialog changed around to make it work better, but other than that part one really just wrote itself in a sense. Part two however definitely already has a scene I cut only because it didn't really fit as well as it just didn't flow with the attitude or "narrative" of the story. However, I will not be sharing that cut scene just yet, because well... It'll give a little bit of part 2 away and I wouldn't want to give much away for this one.
{Faith} And lastly, why would you leave us on such a cliffhanger!?!?!?! Honestly, it wasn't much of Nat's choice. I normally write and she just reads as she edits. So she gets just the same amount of shock as you guys do when she reads though and edits 😂. She always is leaving comments of her shock on the docs and it is just sometimes the absolute funniest thing ever (it's definitely a plus to have your best friend be your editor really). Also I love leaving people on the edge of their seats so a LOT of our fics you'll find cliffhangers. When we started this page we made a hard stopping point as well. We said each fic we wrote (or that I wrote...) we'd only write up to 5,000 to 6,000 words, only because I knew if I didn't have a hard stopping point I would write and write with no end in sight. So when I write I tend to write up to the 5,000 then me and Nat will discuss if we should keep it going in one part or separate it into different parts, more often or not they normally become more parts then one.
{Nat} As Faith said, I was just as surprised as you are to find a cliffhanger and I was just as upset 😂 But being editor has its perks as I usually get a sneak peek at the next part of the story. Cliffhangers are a fun little way for us to mess with the readers and keep them hooked. Also as Faith mentioned, sometimes we have to split up a story into multiple parts and don't have much choice but to end it in the middle of an intense scene. Trust me it'll be worth the wait.
Oh its always a good wait with me, I love to add in shock and awe factors to every story I write. I do love me so good angst 😂. Anyway, Thank you very much for being our very first Blooper Friday Kaylee, Lots of Love to you. Also 🤫 you didn't hear this from me, but I {Faith} will be posting pt. 5 to love uncovered very very soon so be on the look out guys 👀. If anyone else is interested in joining in on the next blooper Friday (this upcoming week) you can find a list of questions as well as our rules for this fun activity here. Or you can simply ask us a question from our A-Z here. Or even just ask us one of our many prompt get to know us questions here. We Look forward to hearing from you guys 🥰
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