#blooming cetra--(aerith gainsborough)
hopeflower · 1 year
she steps outside with aerith , a hand lifting to cover her eyes from the sun and her gaze pointed upwards . ‘ the sky makes me feel so small from here , ’ tifa says quietly before glancing over to aerith . ‘ are you feeling alright ? I know it’s different from midgar … ’ a pause as a chuckle follows , ‘ bigger . ’
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     𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐥  𝐬𝐤𝐲  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐝  𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫  𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧;  and  yet,  this  moment  now  was  something  beyond  her  wildest  dreams.  the  warmth  of  the  sun  might  have  been  a  little  much  for  other individuals,  but  not  for  AERITH  GAINSBOROUGH.  no,  she  welcomes  it  with  all  her  heart!  she's  standing  there,  pink  and  red  clad,  basking  in  the  light  like  a  newly-bloomed  flower.  she  is  rooted  in  the  moment,  boots  planted  onto  the  ground  with  her  heart  open.  hands  rise  to  clasp  above  her  chest,  and  bright  greens  soon  disappear,  for  her  eyes  close  in  content.  a  tilt  back  of  her  head,  she  allows  the  sun's  rays  to  shine  upon  her.  the  cetra  relishes  the  moment  like  it  is  the  last  to  come;  and  as  if  gaia  responds  to  her  very  presence,  a  soft  breeze  rolls  along  by:  the  planet’s  way  of  saying  hello.   ❝  hmm,  ❞   an  inhale  and  exhale  follow  suit  to  tifa's  inquiry.  a  beat,  and  aerith  opens  her  eyes  again  with  a  smile.  greens  lock  onto  her  best  friend,  [  it's  safe  to  call  her  that,  right?  ]  and  the  brunette  gives  a  nod.  ❝  yeah,  way  bigger.  there's  so  much  to  see  in  this  world...  ❞   excited,  the  florist  hops  on  over  to  tifa,  arm  quickly  linking  with  hers.   
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    ❝  i'm  ready  for  it!  are  you,  tifa?  ❞
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@nibelfist 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗.
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A Conversation
The Forgotten City was beautiful. As she walked through it, admiring everything about it, she felt at piece with her choice. Part of her knew she was not coming back from here. She could feel it deep inside. The LifeStream was calling to her.
She paused a moment, feeling someone else nearby. She sensed him easily. A gentle smile crossed her lips as she turned to face him.
He was intimidating, she would give him that. She found herself looking up at him, though she kept smiling. “I should have known you would be here, too. Did you come to stop me?”
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answerfromtheplanet · 4 years
thanks for buying my flowers.
The first time Cloud Strife meets Aerith Gainsborough, she’s selling flowers in the midst of the chaotic Sector 8. She’s pushed to the ground but doesn’t look upset at all, getting up and dusting off her dress. She approaches our hero and asks him what’s going on. She gives us our first choice in the game; allowing us to buy a flower from her or tell her it isn’t safe here.
It’s such a strange moment in the game. A person playing this game blind in the 90′s would probably be intrigued. This is the first person, and she’s seemingly not involved in the plot at all, to give you a choice in what to say to her...
If you tell her nothing’s going on, you get the opportunity to say:
“Don’t see many flowers around here.” 
This (may) remind you of Barret’s earlier speech about mako and how Shinra is slowly killing the planet by sucking the energy out of it. It’s an intriguing story moment. It starts to make you wonder… what’s so special about this girl, then? Where’d she get the flowers from if they can’t grow in/around Midgar?
She responds, happily:
“Oh these? Do you like them? They’re only a gil…?”
Hmm… curious. If they’re so valuable, why’s she only selling them for 1 gil?
You get the option to buy a flower from her. It gets the player thinking about what might happen.
“Well... what could I use that flower for, I wonder?” You’re inclined to think about the consequences of buying a flower. It’s so cheap that you might as well, right? What harm could it do? So you do.
The flower girl thanks you and hands our hero his flower, happily walking off. You assume that’ll be the last you see of her and move on with your life. You give the flower you bought from her to either Tifa, Cloud’s ‘childhood friend’, or his employer, Barret’s, daughter, Marlene. This is the first choice that will decide whom Cloud will go on a date with later in the game. This flower is the catalyst.
Later, when Cloud falls from Mako Reactor 5 and into a church in the Sector 5 slums, he awakens to see our flower girl again. You’re lying in her flower bed, after all.
Cloud apologizes for falling into it and the flower girl says:
“That's all right. The flowers here are quite resilient because this is a sacred place. They say you can't grow grass and flowers in Midgar. But for some reason, the flowers have no trouble blooming here. I love it here.”
This is an incredibly important bit of information that you receive about this girl before she’s even introduced herself to you. We can tell that…
1. She “loves” it here, so she must come here a lot to tend to the flowers.
2. The flowers in the church are “quite resilient” due to being in a “sacred place”, in her words. (Though, a bit later, it’s revealed that Aerith, the flower girl, lives in a house surrounded by a giant garden of flowers. Is her house a sacred place too, then?)
3. Flowers and even grass can’t grow anywhere else in Midgar, but have no problem blooming in this specific abandoned church (and Aerith’s home garden). This is obviously due to Shinra sucking all of the mako out of the planet.
So what can we glean from this information? Well, it’s simple, really!
The only reason flowers grow in Midgar at all is because Aerith spends all of her time around them. Think about it… Aerith is the last of the Cetra, a race of beings who commune with the planet and all of the life on it. They’re naturally attuned to nature and can harness the energy of the planet.
The flowers only grow around Aerith’s home and in the church where she spends much of her time. This is why Aerith is cited as being represented by flowers. She is literally the only reason that flowers can grow in Midgar. So every flower within the story of FFVII is a symbolic representation of Aerith, her heritage, and her relationship with the planet (and Cloud!)
Don’t know why there has ever been any doubt about Aerith being the one who’s represented by flowers, though, considering she’s literally introduced as “Flower Girl”, but there it is!
After that, she asks if you recognize her. Obviously, you do. You remember buying a flower from her and giving it to either Tifa or Marlene. So you make Cloud tell her that.
“Yeah I remember you...... You were selling flowers.”
She’s “so” happy that you remember her and thanks you for buying her flowers.
Thus, a seemingly inconsequential meeting with a seemingly inconsequential girl... in truth, it tells you so much about Aerith as a character and sets the entire plot of FFVII in motion. 
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thememcry · 4 years
🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these? 🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel? 🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
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      thought provoking headcanons.
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🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these?
      a connection. willingness on both sides. aerith is such a lonely woman, it actually breaks my heart how alone she is in that world. i think that remake really pounded in how she’s just this individual standing with her back against the wall and nobody on any side of her in a room full of individuals mingling and interacting. if she’s not so lonely because of the circumstances of her childhood then it’s because of her status as a cetra and how often it’s pointed out and made an example of or reference to. it’s not for a lack of trying that she’s so lonely, either, she really did put herself out there as a kid once she came to midgar and began living with elmyra but it seems as if her position was relegated to lonely so consistently. it’s something i’ve touched upon in more than a few replies, referenced in more than a few threads, but with a question like this it bears more forward definition.
      at some point in her life, aerith stopped trying to make that connect with people. she’s still so incredibly willing to be there for others, to be their foundation or anchor, to be the backbone if they need a moment to bow or even break ... she’s just not willing to let anyone be hers for the simple notion that she assumes it will be a bother to them. she’s come to assume, or to at least believe with her whole self, that any sort of negative emotion she might have should only be shared with herself and in her most private moments, that anything more will be a burden on the other. she’s spent so many years since her childhood building and crafting a mask to paint that famous smile on her face because she’s unwilling to let anyone know just how much pain she’s in, be it from the planet or her own, though she is desperate to have some form of connect. it’s a catch-22 where she wants and even needs that understanding that it’s alright to break and be human, but she refuses to allow herself to believe that someone actually cares after being so alone for so long.
      so it would take a sincere connection for her to form any sort of meaningful relationship, and even then it’s not a promise that you’re even getting a quarter of the real aerith gainsborough. you’ll see glimpses, you’ll have a little breadcrumb trail to figure out some of the other finer details, but as a whole there’s just a large portion of her that she keeps so private and locked up that it would require the most sincere of attempts (and a whole lot of patience and love) to even get a droplet of that out. she will always be a giving woman, she will always care so deeply and wholly for others, that has never changed and it never will ---it’s just the allowance for herself to be cared for by another that changes based on the interaction and connection. which is to say: she does not form these relationships quickly at all, and most of even her closest friendships don’t count toward knowing the deepest parts of her.
      to date, in all of the conversations both in and out of character, i think there’s only two characters who reach a level of trust and understanding with aerith in which she allows herself to permanently take that mask off. and i am so fucking blessed for those two people in her life, that in writing they care enough and in person the muns care enough (in simply developing towards) to being that bastion for a woman who so sorely needs to understand what it’s like to be well and fully loved. (looking at you reeve & hmr / melissa & mari)
🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel?
      it’s a healthy mix between the two with aerith, depending entirely on the emotion in question. when it comes in terms of lighter emotions, she absolutely allows them to pour out of her like a waterfall. it’s actually impossible to stop her from feeling those good emotions as instantly and strongly as she does ---there are a million and one quizzes i’ve done in the form of dash games for aerith and the most common theme among them (typically the ones relating to love and all forms of that) is that they all pin her as a person who simply couldn’t keep herself from expressing her love or adoration for another even if she tried. it’s in the way she moves, the way she speaks, the way she performs her small tasks for the day, or the way she thinks about the people she cares for. aerith is, and i am so pleased to see this in canon, a woman who is utterly filled to bursting with all of the love and happiness, all of the caring and compassion that she can possibly carry in that tiny body of hers. you’d be completely forgiven for assuming that she’s actually a million feet tall and wide for how much of those things she stores in herself. 
      on the flip side, she tends to store and bottle all of those negative emotions in and only uncorks that bottle when she’s alone ---see the above answer for the reason why, but in short: she thinks it’s a burden for anyone to see her negative emotions. and we all know people who actually behave like that; the shitty friend who only wants to be around when you’re in a good mood but tends to get weird, cagey, or otherwise dodgy if you express any form or example of being human and feeling down. so she’s learned to temper herself and swallow down the negative until she was proper alone to release all of that and set the slate back to zero. but i think there’s one specific emotion that should bear mentioning that sort of presides in her all the time, happy or not, and has yet to be unleashed:
      aerith is an incredibly angry woman. she’s angry for what shinra did to her, she’s angry for what happened to her mother, she’s angry for what’s happening to the planet and how all of that responsibility is solely on her shoulders, she’s angry that she has no choice in the matter, and she’s angry that no matter what she does it’s never going to be enough (or at least it feels that way). she’s yet to express the anger anywhere, she’s yet to admit it out loud to anyone ... but she has so much rage inside of her that it’s actually terrifying. it’s aerith, and i know she’ll never do anything destructive with it, but eventually... eventually it’ll have to come out. rage is consuming, that’s a fact.
🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
      so there’s no one favorite flower, but there’s absolutely a top three. so anyone whose looking to earn major brownie points with aerith pay attention. (the real kicker here is, if you bring her these seeds she’ll love you more than she probably already does).
anemone. specifically purple in color, though she likes any purple/white hybrids. they’re beautiful flowers that are a fall-blooming breed.
lotus. again, the purple colored tend to be her favorite. she finds the way these ones bloom to be particularly beautiful.
orchid. probably her favorite of the three, and notoriously stubborn to grow and care for. she’d be a happy camper with any color but once again ... purple.
      there’s no set rhyme or reason why any of these are her favorite other than she enjoys their fragrance and simply the way they look in comparison to her own flowers. she doesn’t have any of these growing in her gardens. but honestly, if anyone brought her the seeds she’d probably owe you for the rest of her life.
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dansantcaparet · 5 years
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Aerith, unlike the city around her, was able to grow flowers. This unique ability, in stark contrast to the lifeless city of Midgar, made her seem otherworldly — one-of-a-kind. Unique & special. Aerith was the antithesis to Shinra, an organization stripping the Planet of the very thing Aerith could cultivate — life.
“They say you can’t grow grass and flowers in Midgar. But for some reason, the flowers have no trouble blooming here.”
As the last remaining Cetra, Aerith could speak with the Planet, grow flowers, and lead us to the Promised Land. This beautiful Flower Girl was the key to bringing life back to a city that desperately needed it.
Aerith Gainsborough was a rare ray of light & life in a city full of death & despair. The juxtaposition of these two contrary forces made me glad to have Aerith on our side. Without her magical Cetra abilities, our shot against Shinra seemed insurmountable.
Aerith also possessed a special materia from her biological Mother, Ifalna. Right when Aerith told Cloud it was “good for absolutely nothing,” I knew it held a power far beyond anyone’s comprehension. A power even Sephiroth viewed as a significant threat.
Though Aerith’s hidden power gave her a tragic past of being perpetually hunted by Shinra, and a pre-destined fate with death, she never let it dampen her spirits. She was a fun-loving, care-free spirit who just wanted to live life to the fullest and feel safe — secure. Something Cloud, her bodyguard, was able to provide her with… if only for a short while.
Throughout FFVII, Aerith was eternally optimistic. Even until the very end:
“Then, I’ll be going now. I’ll come back when it’s all over.”
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inmydrcams · 5 years
“[The flowers] only bloom here. The ones I have planted as well are growing quite well.“
Aerith “I don’t wanna be a cetra” gainsborough using her powers for flowers. no one is surprised 
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