#blood test lab in thane west
vaidyaslaboratory · 18 days
Comprehensive vs. Lab Health Checkups: Why Full Body Screenings Are Essential
In an era where health consciousness is rising, the value of comprehensive health checkups cannot be overstated. At Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory in Thane, we specialize in full-body health checkups that go beyond standard medical lab tests, offering a deep insight into your health and helping prevent diseases before they start.
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The Importance of Comprehensive Health Checkups
Comprehensive health checkups are an essential part of preventive health care. They provide a detailed overview of an individual’s health, detecting potential health issues early. These checkups are especially crucial for identifying silent killers like hypertension, diabetes, and cancers that may not show symptoms initially.
How Comprehensive Checkups Differ from Basic Lab Tests
While routine lab tests are important for diagnosing specific conditions, they do not provide the holistic view that a full body health checkup does. Comprehensive checkups include a variety of health screening tests that assess vital organ functions, risk factors for chronic disease, and more, offering a complete picture of health and well-being.
Benefits of Regular Health Screenings
The benefits of regular health screenings include:
Early Detection of Diseases: Catching diseases early can lead to better management and treatments.
Cost-Effective: Preventive health checkups can save money in the long run by avoiding costly medical treatments for advanced diseases.
Customized Health Advice: Based on the results of a comprehensive checkup, physicians can offer tailored advice on lifestyle and health management.
Choosing the Right Health Checkup Package
At Dr. Vaidya’s Lab, recognized as the best laboratory in Thane for comprehensive health checkups, we offer a variety of packages tailored to meet different needs. Whether it’s a preventive health checkup or a more specific targeted checkup based on family history and personal health concerns, we have you covered.
Dr. Vaidya’s Lab: Your Partner in Preventive Healthcare
We are committed to providing the highest standard of diagnostic services. With state-of-the-art diagnostic centers across Thane, we ensure that each test is conducted accurately, providing you with reliable and timely results.
Opting for regular comprehensive health checkups at Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory ensures that you are taking a proactive approach to maintain and improve your health. Book your health checkup today and take the first step towards a healthier life.
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nurvinaari1 · 2 months
HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY: What to Do and What to Expect? Why to Worry?
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High-risk pregnancies sound daunting. It is common in women with a medical history, a chronic illness, substance addiction, and other mental or physical health conditions that put the mother at a higher risk of miscarriage or pre-term labor. So, what exactly is a high-risk pregnancy? Does it mean you are supposed to seek help from the best obstetrician-Gynecologist in Thane West? Does it mean your child is at risk of abnormalities after birth?
Causes of High-risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most beautiful yet unpredictable phase in a woman’s life. But, things get pretty complicated for those diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy. To protect yourself and the child, you need to be extra careful with your medication, diet, health, and lifestyle. But, what exactly causes high-risk pregnancy, and who is at a higher risk?
Women above 35 years
Alcohol or drug addiction, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle
Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, irregular thyroid levels, kidney diseases, heart diseases, asthma, or an existing infection
Complications during pregnancy, such as abnormal placenta position
Women carrying twins
Prior pregnancy complications, such as a history of miscarriage or premature birth
Some women might have a healthy pregnancy in the first trimester but may experience complications later. So, it is important to stay in touch with the gynecologist to monitor your blood sugar level, blood pressure, and thyroid levels. In addition, regular health checkups every few weeks are highly recommended for pregnant women.
How Can You manage High-risk Pregnancy?
High-risk pregnancy doesn’t mean you cannot have a healthy pregnancy or a healthy child. It, generally, implies you need special care and regular health monitoring. Here are a few things to consider to manage high-risk pregnancies.
Plan Your Pregnancy: A planned pregnancy can save you and your child from many pregnancy complications. It isn’t only for women exposed to high-risk pregnancy, but every couple trying to conceive should visit the maternity care in Thane to discuss their health with the gynecologist before getting pregnant. The doctor will recommend health supplements, especially folic acid, so you can gain weight before you get pregnant.
Get Regular Prenatal Care: Prenatal care is important for pregnant women, in general. But, it is a necessity for women with a high-risk pregnancy. Your gynecologist may refer you to a specialist to monitor your and the fetus’s health.
Avoid any Harmful Substance: Alcohol, drugs, and smoking increase your risk of miscarriage and pose a health risk for your child. Your gynecologist will give you a list of the items you need to avoid during and after the pregnancy to keep your baby safe. These mainly include alcohol and drugs. You should also aim to follow a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious and balanced diet.
Are Special Tests Necessary?
The doctor recommends additional tests for women with a high-risk pregnancy. It includes:
Targeted ultrasound
Prenatal screening
An ultrasound for cervical length
Lab tests
Invasive genetic screening
Biophysical profile
Note that certain pregnancy tests, like amniocentesis, should be taken only if prescribed by a gynecologist.
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mythanecity · 3 years
3 Best 24 Hour Blood Banks In Thane
Our experts' opinions The Bloodline Charitable Blood Bank in Thane is one of the most reputable blood banks. This innovative approach is aimed at improving global health. The bank has a dedicated team of professionals who are specialists in blood transfusion. 
They have the latest technology to separate blood types and assist individuals. The bank's automated system can quickly transfuse blood when someone requires it. They offer immediate access to donors in Mumbai, seven days a week, 24 hours a year.
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SPECIALITY Storage units, Collection, Voluntary Services Packed Red Blood Cells Testing Blood, Blood Donations Testing Blood, Blood Components, Delivery, Donor Testing Fresh Frozen Plasma Apheresis and Platelet.
Our experts' opinions Navjivan Blood Bank and Lab are the most prominent blood donation centers in Thane. It is located on Gokhale Road, next to Cosmos Bank, Naupada, and Thane West. The staff is fully trained and accepts blood donors. 
They are available 24/7 and can provide reports within 24 hours. The Navjivan Blood Bank can be reached for assistance three times a week for sixty-five days.
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SPECIALITY Single Donor Platelet, Packed Blood Cells, Apheresis, Collection, Frozen Plasma, Pathology Labs, Storage, Whole Blood, Separation, Donor Testing, Other Products, & Autologous Donations
Our experts' opinions Triumph Blood Bank is a well-organized bank that provides excellent customer service. The bank's staff is highly trained in the treatment of thalassemia patients and blood transmission services. 
The bank keeps an inventory of each blood group and monitors how much blood is being used to aid the patients. Triumph Blood Bank also has a daycare center for such patients, where more than 70 children receive blood transfusions at no cost.
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SPECIALITY Donations, components, whole blood, storage units, blood products, Donation Camps arrangement, storage, autologous donations, packed red blood cells, collection & platelets
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Most trusted Diagnostic Center and Pathology Lab in Mulund West & Thane. NABL standards, Sonorgaphy, X-ray, Blood, 2d ECO Test at affordable charges.
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aadhirabisht-blog · 5 years
Masrani Hospital | IVF Centres in Mumbai | Elawoan
Masrani Hospital
Masrani Hospital For Women is a Women Care and Gynecology Center in Andheri, IVF Centres in Mumbai. It was set up in the year 1971. The Hospital for ladies and MIMAS ( Mumbai Institute of negligible access medical procedure) gives an unprecedented blend of laparoscopic medical procedure, obstetrics and fertility treatment with extraordinary patient consideration and climate. Masrani Hospital For Women gives all the essential and propelled care required in the administration of ladies' wellbeing in all age gatherings. Therapeutic administrations given by Masrani Hospital are Complete Infertility Work up, IUI, IVF, ICSI, Semen Processing, Donor Semen, Donor Egg IVF and ICSI cycles. The emergency clinic is visited by Dr. Makrand R.Masrani (Gynecologist).
In vitro fertilization (IVF) assists with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation, so you can get pregnant.
How does IVF work?
IVF represents in vitro fertilization. It's one of the more generally known sorts of helped conceptive innovation (ART). IVF works by using a combination of medicines and surgeries to enable sperm to prepare an egg, and help the treated egg embed in your uterus.
To begin with, you take drug that makes a few of your eggs develop and prepared for fertilization. At that point the specialist removes the eggs from your body and blends them with sperm in a lab, to enable the sperm to prepare the eggs. At that point they put at least 1 prepared eggs (embryos) straightforwardly into your uterus. Pregnancy occurs if any of the embryos embed in the lining of your uterus.
IVF has numerous means, and it takes a while to finish the entire procedure. It in some cases takes a shot at the primary attempt, yet numerous individuals need more than 1 round of IVF to get pregnant. IVF definitely increases your odds of pregnancy in case you're having fertility issues, yet there's no assurance — everybody's body is unique and IVF won't work for everybody.
What's the IVF procedure?
The initial phase in IVF is taking fertility drugs for a while to enable your ovaries to deliver a few eggs that are develop and prepared for fertilization. This is called ovulation induction. You may get standard ultrasounds or blood tests to gauge your hormone levels and monitor your egg generation.
When your ovaries have created enough develop eggs, your specialist expels the eggs from your body (this is called egg recovery). Egg recovery is a minor surgery that is done at your specialist's office or at a fertility clinic.
You'll get medicine to enable you to be loose and open to during the system. Using a ultrasound to see inside your body, the specialist puts a thin, empty cylinder through your vagina and into the ovary and follicles that hold your eggs. The needle is associated with a suction gadget that delicately hauls the eggs out of every follicle.
In a lab, your eggs are blended with sperm cells from your accomplice or a giver — this is called insemination. The eggs and sperm are put away together in an extraordinary container, and fertilization occurs. For sperm that have lower motility (don't swim also), they might be injected legitimately into the eggs to advance fertilization. As the cells in the prepared eggs partition and become embryos, individuals who work at the lab screen the advancement.
Around 3-5 days after the egg recovery, at least 1 embryos are put into your uterus (this is called embryo exchange). The specialist slides a thin cylinder through your cervix into your uterus, and inserts the embryo straightforwardly into your uterus through the cylinder.
Pregnancy occurs if any of the embryos connect to the lining of your uterus. Embryo exchange is done at your specialist's office or at a fertility clinic, and it's normally not painful.
Plan on resting for the remainder of the day after your embryo exchange. You can return to your typical exercises the following day. You may likewise take pills or get day by day shots of a hormone called progesterone for the initial 8-10 weeks after the embryo exchange. The hormones make it simpler for the embryo to get by in your uterus.
What amount does IVF cost?
IVF will in general be entirely costly. A couple of states have laws that state medical coverage organizations must cover a few or the majority of the expenses of infertility treatment in the event that you meet certain prerequisites. However, numerous insurance plans don't offer any fertility treatment inclusion whatsoever.
You can find more information about insurance inclusion of IVF and other fertility medicines at The National Infertility Association.
The charges for 1 cycle of IVF include medicines, methodology, anesthesia, ultrasounds, blood tests, lab work, and embryo stockpiling. The definite expense of a single IVF cycle changes, however it tends to be up to $15,000 or more.
Dr. Ridhi Doshi
Dr. Ridhi Doshi is an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Specialist and has an encounter of a large portion of 10 years. She is situated in Mumbai. She is a MBBS graduate and a post-move on from MGM therapeutic school, Navi Mumbai and Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune separately. Her claim to fame incorporates Fertility improving endoscopic medical procedure, Pregnancy Care, PCOS/PCOD and Oncofertility. She is by and by rehearsing at Bavishi Fertility Institute, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai. You can get her contact subtleties on www.elawoman.com
P D Hinduja Hospital
P D Hinduja Hospital is a Multi Speciality Hospital in Mahim, IVF Centres in Mumbai. It was set up in the mid 1950's under the initiative of the late Shri P.D. Hinduja. P D Hinduja Hospital's vision is to convey quality human services to its patients. It is a ultramodern tertiary consideration hospital in Mumbai, India. A portion of the administrations gave here incorporate Radial Approach Angiography, Chest Pain Treatment, Pacemaker, Cardiovascular Disease, Angioplasty and Stenting, Coronary Angiography, Heart Scan and Electrocardiogram (ECG). Dr. Kusum Zaveri who is a barrenness expert and obstetrician, rehearses Infertility Evaluation, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Gynecology Laparoscopy, Endoscopy, Hysterectomy in this hospital. Eminent barrenness expert, Dr. Indira Hinduja additionally rehearses at PD Hinduja Hospital. Snap on the guide to achieve P D Hinduja Hospital.
Spandan Clinic
Spandan Clinic is a Gynecology center in Andheri West, Mumbai. The facility gives different administrations, for example, Infertility Evaluation, Infertility Evaluation (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Dilation and Curettage, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Abdominal and Vaginal Hysterectomy, and Maternal and Menopausal consideration. The center is visited by an eminent gynecologist named Dr. Veena G. Shinde. Spandan Clinic intends to give world class benefits regarding quality and reasonable expenses also. The whole group at Spandan Clinic is cordial, learned and positive towards their patients. The specialists and staff are worried about the wellbeing and money related status of the patients. Snap on the guide to realize the right bearings to reach Spandan Clinic.
Jilla IVF Centre
Jilla IVF Centre is an Infertility Hospital situated in Krishna Building, Link Road , Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra. The facility is represented considerable authority in DNA Fragmentation Test, In Vitro preparation (IVF - Test Tube Baby),Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Diagnostic Laproscopy, ICSI and numerous other barrenness treatments. They have over 20 years of experience and have effectively helped in excess of 10,000 couples in considering their babies.The point of Jilla IVF Center is to give the best patient consideration administrations to the patients. Dr. Manju Jilla, an accomplished Gynecologist and Obstetrician, is a professional at Jilla IVF Center.
Dr Bapat Urologist
Dr Bapat Urologist is a Multi-Specialty Clinic with a mastery of 30 years. It is arranged in Panch Pakhadi, Thane (W), IVF Centres in Mumbai and has a group of particular specialists and well-prepared staff to guarantee total patient consideration. Bapat Urology Center has the specialists and propelled gear to perform different barrenness treatment and pregnancy care administrations, for example, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF - Test Tube Baby), Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), Freezing of Sperms/Embryos/Oocytes, Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgery. Dr. Lekshmy Rana an Obstetrics and Gynecology master with more than 16 years of experience is related with the hospital. Other particular specialists who practice at the hospital are Dr Bapat Urologist  and Dr. Sonali N. Tawde. Them two have a gigantic involvement in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), Obstetrics/Antenatal Care and Reproductive Endocrinology.
If you have any double about IVF Centres in Mumbai. You can contact us  
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
IVF Centres in Thane at Elawoman
Currae Hospital is taken into consideration the excellent Gynecology and Infertility Clinic located in Kavesar, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra. They have huge revel in in infertility instances and are specialized in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF - Test Tube Baby). The medical institution is equipped with the trendy clinical devices and skilled workforce to make certain the first-class care and Treatment to sufferers. They follow modern-day approaches of treatment which meet the worldwide requirements. IVF, IUI, ICSI, PESA, LASER HATCHING, and Embryo freezing are all achieved in-house. Dr. Manasi Gore, an expert in Gynaecology & Obstetrics is likewise related to the health center. She is a consultant in infertility Treatment and might carry out High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) without any complications. An acclaimed call in his field, Currae Hospital in Thane West, Mumbai is one of the maximum prominent and identified practitioners inside the orthopaedics discipline of drugs. The doctor offers with the issues associated with the musculoskeletal device that is worried with the correction of spinal and bony deformities in children in addition to adults. This clinic is located at a handy region in Thane West. Ghodbunder Road is famous landmarks inside the sanatorium near location that make recognizing the establishment as an alternative smooth. The physician, with his revel in inside the area, has been practicing for a extensive quantity of years. Having obtained specialised training from several eminent national and international clinical centres, the medical doctor owns gigantic credibility.
An orthopaedic representative, Currae Hospital in Thane West has been practicing seeing that 2011. The medical doctor is also a stem mobile transplant surgeon who has received education in orthopaedic surgical procedure and stem mobile transplantation from a number of the most prominent institutes. In addition to being called one of the maximum diagnosed stem mobile therapy docs that the us of a has, additionally accomplished an in depth variety of knee replacement surgical procedures. The physician is also regarded for carrying out physiotherapy sessions that constitute an vital a part of any orthopaedic manner because it helps in restoring the movement of the concerned frame component.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Ghodbunder Road, Thane
Rating :- 2.6 / 5
IVF Centres in Thane Aarush IVF And Endoscopy Centre is a certified surrogacy and IVF middle located in Malad West, Opposite Orlem Church, Off Marve Road, Mumbai. The clinic has a well-maintained infrastructure with fantastic medical centers like Separate Andrology lab, IVF lab, Ovum choose up OT, Embryo transfer room & IUI room. The service they offer consists of Consultation & examination Of each Husband & Wife, Ultrasonography, Hormone evaluation & any other routine blood take a look at, Endoscopic surgical procedure for ART(hysteroscopy & laparoscopy), Pathology lab assessments and plenty of greater. The sanatorium is managed via green group of workers and fantastically experienced docs like Dr. Shilpa Saple, Dr. Simi Kawar, and Dr. Mukesh Agrawal. Dr. Shilpa Saple is one of the great obstetrics & Gynaecology professionals appearing Endoscopic Surgery, Embryo Donation Program, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Dr. Simi Kawar, a reputed Obstetrics & Gynaecology expert with over 22 years of experience, is likewise related to the Aarush IVF and Endoscopy Centre. Dr. Mukesh Agrawal, an Obstetrics & Gynaecology expert, is also quite skilled in infertility Treatment.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Mira Road East, Thane
Rating :-  4.5 / 5
Bethany Hospital is an Urology Clinic in Thane West, Thane. The hospital is visited with the aid of pediatrician like Dr. Neeha Kokate,Dr. Rishikesh and Dr. Sachin Mithal. The timings of Bethany Hospital are: Mon-Sat: 00:00-23:55. Some of the services supplied by using the Clinic are: Isolation NICU,Stress Test,Endoscopy,ICU and Laparoscopy and so on.
Bethany Hospital is thought for housing experienced Urologists. Dr. Shivaji Mane, a properly-reputed Urologist, practices in Thane. Visit this scientific fitness centre for Urologists recommended through ninety one patients.Customer service is furnished by means of a incredibly educated, professional group of workers who look after your consolation and care and are thoughtful of some time. Their consciousness is you. Bethany Hospital is a Multispeciality centre positioned in Thane West, Thane. The operations of the Bethany Hospital have been started out inside the year 2011. The health center affords a wide range of services which include Medical offerings, Surgical services, Cancer care, Pediatric care and affected person training as well. The treatment offerings supplied at the centre contain Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Egg and Sperm Freezing, and Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA) techniques. Dr. Sushma Gunjotikar, Dr. Kavita Menon and Dr. Ashalatha Menon are the Infertility Specialists, Gynecologists and Obstetricians training at the sanatorium.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Lok Upvan Phase 2, Thane
Rating :- 4.3 / 5
Snehal Hospital is a diagnosed name in affected person care. They are one of the famous Hospitals in Naupada-Thane West. Backed with a vision to provide the best in affected person care and ready with technologically advanced healthcare centers, they're certainly one of the imminent names within the healthcare industry. Located in , this health facility is easily reachable by using various approach of transport. This medical institution is also placed at Adjacent To Mango Stationery - Naupada-Thane West. A group of well-educated medical team of workers, non-scientific staff and experienced clinical technicians work spherical-the-clock to provide numerous offerings that consist of Diseases In Pregnancy . Their professional services lead them to a fashionable Hospitals in Mumbai. A group of medical doctors on board, together with experts are geared up with the know-how and understanding for handling diverse types of medical instances. Snehal Hospital is a Multispeciality Centre located in Thane West, Thane. It become established within the year 1984. The health center is likewise popular as Karkhanis health center. Snehal Hospital provides diverse offerings which encompass Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Testicular Biopsy, Hysteroscopic Surgery, and Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA) procedures. This centre has been providing services to its sufferers for the past 3 many years. It gives best hospital therapy to its sufferers at an low priced fee. The medical institution contains of numerous departments consisting of Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery and G.I. Surgery, Pediatrics and Neonatology, Pathology, and Ultrasonography. Dr. Rajalaxmi Walavalkar, with an revel in of a couple of and a 1/2 decade, practices at this hospital. She has finished her MBBS and MD in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Rajalaxmi is likewise a member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRCOG in London.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-  Naupada, Thane
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
Akruti Fertility Center is an IVF Clinic placed in Thane West, Thane. The crew at the centre is serving sufferers for almost three decades now. The centre affords precise centers including State of artwork IVF laboratory, Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopic Surgery Centre and Sonography Centre. The Treatment offerings presented on the centre consist of Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOS) Treatment, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Sperm Functional Assessment, Freezing of Embryos and Oocytes and DNA Fragmentation take a look at. Dr. Manik Kale practices at the centre. Dr. Manik is an IVF specialist and Reproductive Endocrinologist working towards at the centre. She has extra than 3 a long time of revel in incorrectly treating patients within the area of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:- Cine Wonder Mall, Thane
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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Top Infertility Doctor in Kolkata | ElaWoman
Find out about Gynecologists
Gynecologists are specialists who represent considerable authority in ladies' wellbeing, with an attention on the female reproductive system.
They manage a wide scope of issues, including obstetrics, or pregnancy and labor, feminine cycle and fertility issues, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs), hormone issue, and others.
In the United States, a few ladies like to visit a well-lady center as opposed to a family specialist for general medical problems. The gynecologist may then allude the patient to another master. A qualified gynecologist has something like 8 years of preparing and ought to be confirmed by an analyzing body, for example, the American Board of Gynecologists (ABOG) and enrolled by an expert association, for example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
Quick actualities about gynecologists:
Here are some key Centre about gynecologists. More detail is in the principle article.
A gynecologist is a specialist who represents considerable authority in the strength of the female organs.
Many ladies begin visiting a gynecologist from their initial adolescents and keep on going to a well-lady facility for general medical problems as well.
Ladies are encouraged to visit a gynecologist yearly for a checkup, and whenever they have indications that worry them.
A gynecologist ought to be guaranteed and enrolled with an expert body, for example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
What is a gynecologist?
A gynecologist treats patients with female reproductive organs, regardless of whether they distinguish as ladies. An obstetrician is a sort of gynecologist who works in pregnancy and labor. To wind up a gynecologist, an individual must train first as a specialist for a long time, at that point practice for an additional 4 years in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Passing a further examination will empower them to be confirmed and enrolled.
About IVF
In vitro fertilization (IVF) assists with fertilization, incipient organism improvement, and implantation, so you can get pregnant.
How does IVF function?
IVF represents in vitro fertilization. It's one of the more broadly known sorts of assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF works by utilizing a blend of meds and surgeries to enable sperm to prepare an egg, and help the treated egg embed in your uterus. Initially, you take prescription that makes a few of your eggs develop and prepared for fertilization. At that point the specialist removes the eggs from your body and blends them with sperm in a lab, to enable the sperm to prepare the eggs. At that point they put at least 1 treated eggs (incipient organisms) straightforwardly into your uterus. Pregnancy occurs if any of the developing lives embed in the coating of your uterus.
IVF has numerous means, and it takes a while to finish the entire procedure. It in some cases takes a shot at the principal attempt, yet numerous individuals require more than 1 round of IVF to get pregnant. IVF certainly builds your odds of pregnancy in case you're having fertility issues, however there's no assurance — everybody's body is unique and IVF won't work for everybody.
What's the IVF procedure?
The initial phase in IVF is taking fertility prescriptions for a while to enable your ovaries to create a few eggs that are develop and prepared for fertilization. This is called ovulation acceptance. You may get standard ultrasounds or blood tests to gauge your hormone levels and monitor your egg generation.
When your ovaries have created enough develop eggs, your specialist expels the eggs from your body (this is called egg recovery). Egg recovery is a minor surgery that is done at your specialist's office or at a fertility center. You'll motivate drug to enable you to be loose and open to amid the method. Utilizing a ultrasound to see inside your body, the specialist puts a thin, empty tube through your vagina and into the ovary and follicles that hold your eggs. The needle is associated with a suction gadget that tenderly hauls the eggs out of every follicle.
In a lab, your eggs are blended with sperm cells from your accomplice or a benefactor — this is called insemination. The eggs and sperm are put away together in an exceptional compartment, and fertilization occurs. For sperm that have bring down motility (don't swim too), they might be infused straightforwardly into the eggs to advance fertilization. As the cells in the treated eggs isolate and move toward becoming incipient organisms, individuals who work at the lab screen the advancement.
Dr. Latha N
Dr. Latha N is a main pro in infertility, ultrasound and laparoscopic medical procedure with more than twenty years of experience, and has a broad preparing in ultrasound and laparoscopy at Bangalore Endoscopic Surgery Training Institute and Research Center, Assisted Reproductive Technology course for clinicians from CREST, Singapore. Dr. latha N is one of the best Top infertility doctor in kolkata, Ultrasound in OBG from Dr. Nagori's Institute of infertility, Ahmedabad. Her broad experience reaches out in Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy, Infertility the board, ultrasound-guided methods, IVF strategies, infertility and high-chance pregnancy.
Dr. Manik Kale
Dr. Manik Kale is good Gynecologists in Mumbai and Thane. She is the Head Clinician for Akruti Fertility Center. She is the main female Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Dombivli and Thane who has specialization in the field of insignificantly intrusive medical procedure. Dr. manik is the best Top infertility doctor in kolkata, Dr. Manik Kale has been rehearsing for over 28 years and has set numerous ways breaking patterns in Gynecology rehearses in Dombivli. She is outstanding for her cordial and sweet voice alongside her master learning which makes patients feel truly great.
A group of 9 Doctors is working under close supervision of Dr. Manik Kale and she is the Head Clinician for five extremely Fertility Hospitals. Dr. Manik Kale is the Co-trailblazer of Proprietary Customized Advanced – IUI process, This Advanced – IUI process expands the pregnancy achievement rate by 200% when contrasted with a typical IUI.
She has played out various IVF systems, IUIs and innumerable laparoscopic medical procedures, and now she is driving the Team of 9 Doctors performing different strategies under her nearby supervision and Guidance. Her greatly benevolent nature with the patient with total devotion towards the consideration of the patient truly separates her from the rest. Her vision needs to lead the Hospital to offer a best in class IVF Clinic, IVF Laboratory, Sonography Center, Laparoscopic Surgery and maternity care all under one rooftop, which makes it amazingly advantageous for the patients and their relative along these lines killing the problem of running starting with one healing facility then onto the next with no coordination.
Dr. Sushma Gunjotikar
Dr. Sushma Gunjotikar is a Gynecologist,Infertility Specialist and Obstetrician in Thane West, Thane and has an ordeal of 30 years in these fields. Dr. Sushma Gunjotikar rehearses at Bethany Hospital in Thane West, Thane and Gunjotikar Nursing Home and IVF Centre in Naupada, Thane. She finished MBBS from Karnataka University, India in 1988 and DNB - Obstetrics and Gynecology from National Board Of Examination in 1991.
Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Archana Agarwal is an infertility expert, gynecologist and reproductive endocrinologist (infertility) in Marathahalli, Bangalore and has an affair of 21 years in these fields. The specialist finished MBBS from MLB Medical College, Jhansi in 1991 and DGO from MLB Medical College, Jhansi in archana is Top infertility doctor in kolkata, 1997. Dr The specialist is an individual from Karnataka Medical Council, Delhi Medical Council, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Dr. archna agarwal is best gynecologist and she is working at Mannat Fertility Clinic in Bangalore. Infertility frequently makes a standout amongst the most upsetting life emergency that a few has ever experienced together.  Mannat Fertility Clinic in Bangalore as fertility specialists surely know their enthusiastic perspective and give a moral and careful research based way to deal with fertility treatment. We highly esteem our capacity to offer every one of our patients the specific best consideration.
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 7899912611
Visit Website  : www.elawoman.com  
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richabinani-blog · 6 years
Glucose — Fasting Blood Test in Thane
Glucose is in like way prescribed as glucose, blood glucose, or pee glucose. The inspiration to check the glucose is to take a gander at if the sugar level in the blood is kept up at a required level. The glucose test moreover help the ace to disconnected and segregate the parameters, for example, prediabetes, diabetes, erratic state of glucose (hyperglycemia), low level of glucose (hypoglycemia), and glucose level in the pee.
A glucose test is a kind of blood test used to pick the whole of glucose in the blood. It is on a to a great degree major level used as a touch of screening for prediabetes or diabetes.Patients are denounced not to drain an option that is other than rather water in the midst of the fasting time span.Caffeine will correspondingly reshape the results. In case the individual eats in the midst of the period in which he or she ought to have been fasting then they may show glucose levels that may impact his or her ruler to think the individual has or is at increased risk of having diabetes. In people starting at now having diabetes, blood glucose checking is used with visit decreases up the relationship of the condition.
Right when all is said in done, the glucose test in blood is proposed if:
You are 45 years old
Have two or three responses of diabetes
You are pregnant
You have two or three appearances for high or low level of glucose
In two or three events, the pee glucose test is done as a basic piece of a pee test.
(1) Fasting glucose (FBS), fasting plasma glucose (FPG): 8 or 12 or 14 hours following to eating
(2) Tolerance test:continuous testing
(3) Postprandial glucose test : 2 hours in the wake of eating
(4) Random glucose test
The running with are the boggling degrees for blood glucose in the wake of fasting:
The standard accomplishes demonstrate 70 mg/dL to 99 mg/dL
The prediabetes make ranges show 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL
The diabetes manage accomplishes exhibit 126 mg/dL or more
Fundamental regard level of the test is between Rs.40 to Rs.150 subordinate upon the areas of city, quality and availablity.
On the off chance that your glucose level in the blood is high, by then it shows the closeness of diabetes. It is what’s more major to watch that for a couple of bothers and other repairing conditions, the glucose level in the blood stays high. In the event that you have hyperglycemia or on the off chance that you are with signs and appearances of diabetes, by then a sporadic blood test (with no fasting) test that outcomes in 200 mg/dL or all the more, by then it demonstrates diabetes.
The running with are the attracting degrees for blood glucose in the wake of fasting:
The typical degrees demonstrate 70 mg/dL to 99 mg/dL
The prediabetes oversee degrees show 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL
The diabetes form ranges demonstrate 126 mg/dL or more
Obstructions OF GLUCOSE TEST
If you are ousting the glucose test from the blue, by then it is grasped not to eat or drink anything for no under 8 hours before giving the blood test. You can continue drinking water. If you are starting at now being dissected for diabetes and being seen with the glucose levels, by then the blood test ought to be given when dinners. For the glucose security test, you need to brisk before giving the case and after that you need to give the case again in the wake of having a drink that contains glucose.
Shree Pathology Laboratory — Ulhasnagar, Thane
Shree Pathology Laboratory ( Dr Lal PathLabs ) is a well known diagnostic laboratory situated in Ulhasnagar, Thane. Shree Pathology Laboratory ( Dr Lal PathLabs ) offers a wide range of diagnostic tests for both blood and urine, with a total number of 58 tests including tests like SGOT AST Aspartate Transaminase, BETA HCG Total Quantitative Maternal, ABO Group and Rh Type Forward and Reverse Grouping, Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN and Sodium Serum, C Reactive Protein CRP. It also provide complete body scan and major scans at highly competitive prices.
SRL Diagnostics — Vasai West, Thane
Now you can get away with the trouble of finding an accurate diagnostic lab, SRL Diagnostics is now available in Vasai West area, Thane. With accreditation from and a number of well experienced staff and technicians it gives you accurate and detailed reports.
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vaidyaslaboratory · 21 days
Aarogya Vaidya Summer Special: Essential Health Checkup
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Invest in your well-being with our Health Is Wealth Profile at Dr Vaidya's Laboratory. Comprehensive tests and personalized insights for a proactive approach to your health with Aarogya Vaidya Summer Special: Essential Health Checkup.
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vaidyaslaboratory · 4 months
Your Guide to Finding the Best Pathology Lab Near You for Blood Tests | Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory
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Discover expert tips for choosing the best pathology lab for your blood tests. Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory, with over 40 years of experience, offers comprehensive diagnostic services near you. Explore a wide range of blood tests and Aarogya Vaidya Health Check-up Packages for holistic healthcare solutions.
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vaidyaslaboratory · 7 months
Senior Citizen Health Check-Up: Essential Tests for Every Senior
Navigating the golden years of life comes with its unique health challenges. It’s a time when health becomes the wealth that truly matters. The essence of senior citizen health check-ups cannot be overstated, serving as a preventive strategy that uncovers hidden ailments and aids in managing existing health conditions. By opting for a comprehensive health check-up, senior citizens in Maharashtra, especially in localities like Mumbai, Borivali, Thane, and Ambernath, stand a significant chance to live a life brimming with vitality.
Why are senior citizen health check-ups important? Routine health check-ups serve as the cornerstone in maintaining optimal health among seniors. They facilitate early detection, and adequate management of chronic diseases, and prevent complications, ensuring that seniors lead a thriving lifestyle throughout their ageing process.
Explore our Aarogya Vaidya – Senior Citizen Health Package Essential Tests for Senior Citizens
Complete Blood Count (CBC): A pivotal test that gives insights into one’s overall health and detects a variety of disorders such as anaemia and infection.
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): These tests offer a look at the body’s chemical balance and metabolism, providing a wealth of information about the health of your kidneys, liver, and other vital organs.
Lipid Profile: A must-have test that gives detailed insights into the types and levels of cholesterol in the body, helping to evaluate heart disease risk.
Blood Pressure Test: Regular monitoring is imperative as hypertension is common in seniors and comes with significant health risks if not managed.
Urine analysis: A simple test that can uncover a multitude of disorders, such as kidney disease and diabetes.
Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): Essential for detecting minute amounts of blood in the stool, a potential indicator of colorectal cancer or other gastrointestinal abnormalities.
Vision and Hearing Tests: Regular screenings help in managing and preventing the loss or impairment of these vital senses.
Dental Exam: A critical part of maintaining overall health, as it can affect digestion and cause discomfort.
Immunizations and Cancer Screenings: To prevent diseases and manage risks effectively.
How to Prepare for a Senior Citizen Health Check-Up What to Expect and Where to Go Choosing the best lab, like Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory, ensures you’re in trusted hands. Located strategically across Mumbai, with centres in localities such as Naupada, Vartak Nagar, Borivali West, and Ambernath, accessibility is seamlessly integrated into quality service delivery.
Benefits of Senior Citizen Health Check-ups
Early Detection of Health Issues: Problem Identification: Health check-ups help identify potential health issues before they become severe. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases can be diagnosed early, enabling prompt medical intervention. Prevention: Through regular check-ups, potential health issues can be identified early, enabling timely intervention to prevent the progression of diseases.
Effective Management of Chronic Conditions: Continuous Monitoring: Check-ups allow for the ongoing management of existing health conditions, ensuring that they don’t worsen over time. Medication Review: Regular health check-ups facilitate the review and adjustment of medications, enhancing the effectiveness of management plans.
Guidance and Health Counselling: Professional Advice: Seniors receive advice and guidance from healthcare professionals regarding lifestyle adjustments and medication management during health check-ups. Personalized Recommendations: Tailored advice based on individual health conditions and risks are provided, allowing for a more personalized health management approach.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Holistic Well-being: Regular health assessments contribute to improved overall well-being, allowing seniors to lead a more active and fulfilling life. Stress Reduction: Knowing that their health is being monitored and managed reduces stress and anxiety related to health uncertainties.
Prevention of Complications: Reduced Risk: Regular screenings can catch conditions like cancer early, reducing the risks and complications associated with late diagnosis. Strategic Prevention: Understanding one’s health risks allows for strategic lifestyle changes to prevent potential complications.
Informed Decision Making: Health Insights: Regular health check-ups provide insights and information that help in making informed decisions regarding health and lifestyle. Proactive Planning: Seniors can plan and make decisions proactively, considering their current health status and risks.
Promoting Healthy Aging: Encouragement of Healthy Habits: Health check-ups promote awareness and the adoption of healthier habits and lifestyles. Long-term Planning: Ongoing health assessments promote long-term planning and strategies for healthy ageing and longevity.
Aarogya Vaidya – Senior Citizen Health Package Senior citizen health check-ups are integral in promoting a proactive approach towards health and well-being. They not only facilitate the early detection and management of diseases but also enhance the quality of life, promote informed decision-making, and encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyles, steering towards a path of wholesome ageing. Remember, prevention is always better and more cost-effective than cure. So, make health check-ups a priority in the golden years of life. The significance of health check-ups magnifies as one steps into the senior phase of life. Such check-ups are not merely diagnostic tools, but they’re bridges to a healthier, more fulfilling life, driving one’s journey towards well-being.
This blog was first seen at https://www.drvaidyaslab.com/senior-citizen-health-check-up/
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vaidyaslaboratory · 10 months
Comprehensive Guide to Pathology Tests at Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory: A Trusted Name in Thane | Mumbai
In the bustling city of Mumbai and its neighboring Thane, the importance of health and well-being cannot be overlooked. Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory, a renowned pathology lab in Thane, Mumbai, offers a wide range of health screening and diagnostic services. A trusted name for more than 30 years, they’ve made pathology tests easy to understand and accessible to everyone. This guide will dive into the essential aspects of pathology, how it’s transforming lives, and why Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory is considered one of the top 24-hour pathology laboratories in the region.
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1. Understanding Pathology Tests
Pathology tests are vital in diagnosing and managing various diseases. At Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory, experts ensure accurate results with an array of tests, including blood tests, COVID-19 lab reports, RT-PCR tests, ECG at home in Mumbai, and more.
2. Convenient Blood Tests at Home in Mumbai
One of the flagship services of Dr. Vaidya’s Lab is the blood test lab near you with the home collection. It provides a convenient option for those unable to visit the lab due to various reasons. The trained professionals at Dr. Vaidya’s Lab ensure safe and hygienic blood collection in the comfort of your home.
3. COVID-19 Testing at Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory
The pandemic has increased the need for reliable and accurate COVID-19 testing. Dr. Vaidya’s Lab offers RT-PCR testing labs near you, delivering results swiftly. They are committed to fighting the pandemic with accurate COVID-19 lab reports.
4. 24-Hour Pathology Laboratory: A Game-Changer
The 24-hour pathology laboratory at Dr. Vaidya’s Lab in Thane ensures that essential tests are available around the clock. This service sets them apart as it meets the immediate needs of patients at any time of the day.
5. The Technology Revolution
Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory embraces the latest technology. With labs online, view lab results from anywhere and anytime. This seamless access to lab test reports has changed the way patients interact with their health data.
6. Blood Pressure at Home in Mumbai: A Lifesaver
Heart health is crucial, and timely diagnosis can be a lifesaver. Dr. Vaidya’s Lab offers Blood Pressure measurement at home in Mumbai, providing convenience and professional care. This service makes them a preferred choice for many.
7. Comprehensive Health Packages
From pathology labs to laboratory test packages, Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory offers a wide range of services to cater to different needs. These include various blood tests, sonography, ECG, and many more, all at competitive prices. Book an Appointment for Health Packages
8. A Trusted Name in Pathology
As one of the leading pathology labs in Thane, Borivali West, Ambernath, Vartak Nagar, and Mumbai, Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory has built a reputation as a reliable and trusted name. Their commitment to quality and accuracy sets them apart.
In today’s fast-paced world, health cannot be neglected. Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory offers a comprehensive solution for all your health screening and diagnostic needs. Whether it’s a regular blood test or specialized RT-PCR lab reports, they provide quality service with the convenience of home collection. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and patient satisfaction makes them a preferred choice for pathology services in Mumbai and Thane. Visit the laboratory near you or book online for a personalized health experience.
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sanchiblood · 3 years
Get Your Blood Test Done Today & Keep A Check On Your Body!
A blood test is one of the basics of medical needs, and one cannot deny its’ significance, because it helps in checking what is going on inside the body. The top-notched Blood Test Lab In Thane is providing individuals with all types of pathology tests that too at economical prices. Blood helps in delivering oxygen to every cell within the body, and four components comprise blood. If you are one of those individuals who want to get the blood test done, then you don’t have to worry anymore, as the best blood test center is here to deliver the best. 
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Regular Blood Test is essential for keeping track of overall wellbeing, and also one can visualize that how their body is functioning. As the Blood Test Center In Thane West, Metropolis Lab always assure that everything is done as per the pre-defined guidelines. 
Top Blood Tests, Which You Should Get Done Regularly 
Complete     Blood Count (Hemogram) 
Electrolytes     Panel 
Liver     Panel 
Lipid     Panel 
Thyroid     Panel 
Diabetes     Panel 
Vitamin     Test 
Inflammatory     Test 
Orthopedic     Test 
If you or anyone you know wants to get the blood test done, then you don’t have to worry anymore, as the best pathology lab is here to deliver you the best as per your requirements. How Often Should A Person Get A Blood Test Done? 
If     you are facing any unusual symptoms, then you should get a blood test done     to check the condition. 
To     keep a check on the diseases, which are there in your family     history. 
To     reduce the risk and complications of the problems from which you are     suffering. 
Routine     blood test for keeping a check on the body. 
So, what are you waiting for? Get your blood test done today, under the supervision of experts available at the top testing lab in the city. 
About Sanchi Blood Collection Center (Metropolis Lab) 
Sanchi Blood Collection Center also known as Metropolis Lab in Brahman is one of the top-notched labs in the city. The center has access to the best infrastructure, with the help of which they deliver the best to everyone. The team of professionals who are associated with them do everything as per the medical norms and assure that the patient is in a comfortable state. They are also known for offering a service where they collect blood samples from the home. Visit them today, and get your blood test done under their supervision. 
Source: https://penzu.com/p/270c20f6
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sanchiblood · 3 years
Looking For Blood Test Center? Here Is The Best One!
It is the 21st century, and the medical sector has gained a lot of advancement in every department. We are one of the renowned Blood Test Lab In Thane, as we are providing individuals with authentic blood testing services at nominal prices. The success rate of our service is very high because the team of doctors associated with us are professional and follow proper medical guidelines.
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One cannot deny the significance of blood tests, because it helps in identifying the problem within the body of the individual. With the right blood test reports, the doctors decide the course of medication and the treatment required. We have years of experience in this domain, which is why we have become the top preferences of individuals all around. We have access to the latest technology, with the help of which we are always successful in delivering the right services to everyone.
As the Blood Test Centre In Thane West, we assure that the patient knows about the do’s and don’ts before the test because there are various blood tests where the body needs to be prepared for accurate results. Name the test, and we have got it all for you right under one roof. If you are one of those individuals, who is searching for a reliable blood test center, then you don’t have to search for it any further, as we are the destination for you.
The infrastructure of our blood test center is designed in such a way, that it has everything for the patients’ comfort, and we follow all the COVID protocols as well for everyone’s safety. So, what are you waiting for? Get your blood test done under the supervision of experts and get the right treatment for a better life. Its' an assurance, that you won't be disappointed with the services at all.
Source: https://sanchiblood.blogspot.com/2021/11/looking-for-blood-test-center.html
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sanchiblood · 3 years
Need To Get A Blood Test Done? Here Is The One-Stop Destination For You!
Blood Test holds a lot of importance in the life of the individuals because it is a way of keeping a track of overall wellbeing of a person. We are one of the top-notched Blood Test Lab In Thane, as we are providing individuals with all types of blood tests at nominal prices. Our success rate is very high, because we never compromise with the standards of the services, and always assure that the patient is well informed about the tests.
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 We have a team of professionals who do everything as per the medical norms and assure that the patient is in a comfortable state while getting the blood test done. If you are looking for the Blood Test Center In Thane West, then you don’t have to search for it any further, as we are the destination for you. We are delivering the service in this domain for years, which is the reason why we have become the top choice of the people. 
If you or anyone you know wants to get the blood test done, then you don’t have to search for a reliable center anymore because we are the destination for you. 
About Metropolis Lab (Sanchi Blood Collection Center)
It is one of the renowned names, which is providing all the pathology tests at economical tests. The center is designed in such a way, that it has all the latest diagnostic equipment and technology. Whenever a patient comes to them, they guide them regarding the do’s and don’ts’ as per their test. For them, patients’ safety and health are a top priority that is the reason why they have become the first preference of people in Thane. For getting your blood test done, you can get an appointment with us today, and we will collect the samples from your residence. 
Source: https://sanchiblood.blogspot.com/2021/10/need-to-get-blood-test-done.html
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sanchiblood · 3 years
Looking For Reliable Blood Test Center? Here Is The One!
Blood Test holds a lot of importance in the medical system because it helps the doctors in identifying the issues with one’s body. Blood is a fluid, which consists of four elements, and it is responsible for carrying oxygen from one body part to another. We are one of the renowned Blood Test Lab In Thane, as we are providing the patients with excellent quality blood tests at nominal prices. We understand the significance of blood tests, that is the reason why we never compromise with the quality of the services, and always assure that everything is done as per medical standards. 
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Whenever patients come to us for a blood test, we ask them about the symptoms and if they have any doctors’ prescriptions, and then move forward with the procedure. We have access to all types of a blood tests, that is the reason why we have become the first preference of the individuals all around. If you are looking for a reliable Blood Test Center In Thane West, then you don’t have to look any further, as we are the destination for you. 
We have access to the latest technology equipment, and with a team of professional medical experts, we deliver the right services. We are serving in this domain for years, that is the reason why we have become the top preference. We always provide authentic results and also have a service where one can get their blood test done at their residence because we have a service to collect the samples from the residence. 
If you want to avail of the service where you can get the required blood test done at your home, then you don’t have to worry because we are here to deliver you the service at your convenience without compromising with the norms.
Source: https://sanchiblood.blogspot.com/2021/09/looking-for-reliable-blood-test-center.html
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