#bind  //:  (  gwinnetts / maccready :: i will keep you safe and you will keep me still  )
shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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@gwinnetts​ said ➔ "you can dust my cookies any time, big boy" (robert joseph maccready is the reason why we can't have nice things) no
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“So, honest question.  Do you...Think.  At all.  Before you open your mouth?  Or do the words just kind of fall out on their own.”
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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tunamac @gwinnetts​ / sent me a ship and-
Who asks the other on dates: honestly real talk mala, do you...have they ever actually been on a real date?  bc i don’t know that i count digging through prewar ruins as a date.  i mean they might think it’s a date but it’s really not.  are they ever gonna go on a date where they gonna go we just don’t know.  it’s not like the wasteland has...you know, a lot of opportunity for that. 
Who is the bigger cuddler: tony runs hot and he requires cuddles at all times, this is a fact.  mac has no choice in the matter, it’s just how it is, and he’s gonna have to deal with it like an adult.  it’s terrible in the summer, because if you ever get tony to actually go to sleep he’s not waking up, and with the suit in his bones, he’s heavy.  rip robert joseph maccready, we knew ye well, you little possum man.
Who initiates holding hands more often: tony’s a hand holder.  sorry, mac.  guess this is just your life now.  he must have one hand being hold at all times, and it’s your job to do it.
Who remembers anniversaries:  tony can’t remember if he had breakfast this morning, he’s like...only halfway going to remember something like this.  we’re gonna need mac to keep on his toes and do that, because it’s not coming from this end.  not with everything else tony likes to pile on his to do list.
Who is more possessive: i wouldn’t call it possessive, maybe, but i’d argue that mac’s a solid backbone when tony’s a little beaten down.  you know, being the no that needs to be said when tony won’t do it.  you know what i mean.  i mean who else is gonna make sure they don’t starve to death bc tony is stupid about taking caps.  but i wouldn’t call anything possessive...maybe...?
Who gets more jealous: you know what i think.  i think they both have a jealous streak.  but i also know that tony’s translates more into withdrawal and saying nothing because we bottle up those feelings and keep them inside and never say a word about any of it.  he’s not going to be outwardly jealous, he’s just going to pout about it for literally ever.
Who is more protective: honestly, i’m gonna say tony.  and i say this because mac is very fragile because he is very human, and tony is particular and funny about that considering he’s made himself something more than human, and therefore has no issue putting himself between mac and harm.  and drive maccready absolutely batshit with doing it, because let’s be real, we both know it does.  it’s a tony thing, he’s never gonna get him to change that.
Who is more likely to cheat: uh, i’m kinda hoping neither, bc i know tony won’t.  and i don’t think mac will.  they’re, you know, stupid and gross and in love and junk.
Who initiates sexy times the most: i’m gonna say it’s probably about 50/50 here.  like we know mac’s got that younger libido but lbr tony’s is strong and healthy, so.  and even split feels about right to me, tbh, they do that.  they do this whole half and half thing in just about everything but housework (bc what’s washing a dish tony just don’t know).
Who dislikes PDA the most: this is such a weird question to me for the simple fact it seems very...young.  and i know mac’s a lot younger but even then he’s so practical and level headed and mature that...i don’t...see pda actually ever being an issue bc of how he is and how tony is.  at least not as pda.  at home, though...rip mac.
Who kills the spider: it’s less who kills the spider and what do they use to do it.  welcome to the wasteland, where you’re probably gonna pull out the rifle for that.
Who asks the the other to marry them: honestly, didn’t we...didn’t we decide it was more like...being in diamond city and walking past the chapel of all faiths and just deciding to get hitched?  bc i distinctly remember that being the case but you know.  it tracks, tony’d never get around to asking anyway, and it’s pretty much like the rest of their relationship, lbr here.  leave to get supplies in dc, come back married.  it’s the tunamac way, ig.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: oh good, i get to expose a whole new group of people to this.  like i mean i figure it goes both ways, tony’s more practical in this sense, bc mac is so practical all the way around, but we all know that mac gives tony rocks.  so many rocks.  so, so many rocks.  there’s a story behind said rocks that i’ll tell you if you ask real nice, but it’s kinda become their thing.  if they have an argument or mac just happens to see a pretty one or whatever, he gives tony rocks.  tony pretends to be mad about the rocks.  sometimes he’ll throw the rocks and then go back and scour until he finds it again and puts it in his pocket.  he has a whole box of them - like one of those blue plastic crates?  full of rocks mac has given him.  some of them have little smiley faces on them, it’s cute.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: the one relationship where uh.  they both...already...have a kid.  so for those not in the know, mac has a son by his late wife lucy - duncan - who later gets brought to the commonwealth.  tony has a son - quinn - by mala’s sole survivor, zetta.  so put them all together and you got...it’s not a nuclear family.  it’s literally more like a commune.  i wish i were kidding.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: congert!  all the parents in this ship are dead!  which isn’t, you know, great, but there’s none of that awkward impress most of the family thing.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: tony will 1000% sleep in his lab if he’s mad.  he won’t even feel guilty about it.  he has a cot in there specifically for that purpose, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.  it’s hilarious, too, because it’s literally right down the street from his house.  seriously, two blocks and he could sleep on his own couch but he won’t do it.  he also has a habit of locking down the elevators into fort hagen if he’s angry, too, so no one can pull him out but...then...there’s elle...
Who tries to make up first after arguments: well it’s not gonna be tony.  (i’m kidding, it may sometimes be tony.)  if he doesn’t (especially if he feels like he’s in the right about something) he’ll just sit in his lab and sulk, or go do work around a settlement or three and sulk, or find something else to do and sulk until one or the other of them sucks it up and begins the i’m sorry here’s a rock dance.
Who tells the other they love them more often: a thing i have noticed is that they don’t really say it very often, they’ve got a love language less focused on words and more on actions but uh.  to be honest considering everything they both could probably stand to say it a little more often, i’m js.
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
and while i’m talking to mala right this very second as we breathe, i need you to know tony has literally, never, in his life.  called robert joseph maccready.  former mayor of little lamplight.  former gunner.  current merc for hire.  only squeeze in the private version of the fallout verse.  anything.
outside of mac?  or some horrible pun on his last name.  ever.  except for the one time.  he full named him.  for slapping his ass so hard.  he accidentally threw his pliers.  across his workshop.
thank you.
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
“I’ve never been so happy to see you.” / macwheezy                             @gwinnetts / some meme idk
His helmet is retracting before his boots ever hit the broken pavement.  He hasn’t even been gone that long - not in the scope of things, he’s had trips that have stretched on for far longer than this one has - but the ghosts of New York have followed him all the way back to the Commonwealth, despite the lack of care he’s used in getting back, clocking top speed, already breaking the sound barrier before he’d ever even crossed the Hudson.  He’s thought, knowing he has home to come back to, that going back there will be easy.  That stepping back into the remains of the tower will be easy, because that’s not where he is anymore, that’s not where his life is anymore.
He’s been wrong, of course he’s been wrong, when has he ever been right about that kind of thing, but it hasn’t been easy to accept that fact, that that place is and is going to remain, for him, haunted.
So yeah, if he hits the pavement hard enough to crack it a little more, it’s fine.  It’s all going to shit anyway, and eventually it might be smart to start patching it, as best as they’re able.  There’s a lot to be said about the lack of road maintenance in the last two hundred plus years, it’s a tragedy, what are they even paying road crews for these days.
But as soon as he’s boots on the ground, the suit recedes, back under his skin, back into his bones, and he’s already reaching for MacCready like he’s the best thing he’s seen in his life.  For the last week or so?  He definitely is.  He’s warm and solid and alive, and it’s a good anchor to tell him he’s finally home.  Oh, it’s been good to check up on the settlements in New York, to see how they’re coming along (actually...better than expected, without him there to micromanage the fuck out of them, shockingly), but he’s come to the conclusion that this place - Boston, or what’s left of it - is where he wants to be.
“Not so bad looking yourself, Shortstack.”  There’s a hilarious disconnect between the flippant answer, and the way he’s latched on like he’ll have to be pried loose to get him to let go, but it’s fine.  It’s all fine.  “And...Please.  Tell me this surprisingly warm welcome’s not because someone broke something?  Because I am literally - literally - dead on my feet here.  If...If it’s Fiddler’s Green and their fucking plumbing because they won’t listen to me, too bad.  I don’t care.  At all.”  He does care.  A lot.  “They can deal with a clogged shitter for tonight, alright?”
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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