#biggest clown in elisabeth das musical is death bcs WHATEVER way u look at his character or motives
paarthursass · 1 year
i think it’s funny that death is, technically speaking, the only other person “present” with lucheni as he tells the story.  everyone else is just a shadow, an illustration that lucheni is painting.  but death is there, too.  he shows up in the prologue.  but he’s silent, he doesn’t offer commentary (aside from his solo in the opening number) and just plays his role.  and i think that’s very funny of him.
luigi’s undoubtedly an unreliable narrator but death does NOT speak up to confirm or deny ANYTHING lucheni’s saying.  either death’s had to do this song and dance a few time before an is INCREDIBLY bored with it and doesn’t feel like putting in more effort than he has to, or he’s bored and playing along for the lolz and just nodding his head in agreement.  lucheni could say ‘and then elisabeth fought attila the hun’ and death would just be like ‘yep. that happened.  what do you mean he died 1400 years prior.  he was there i saw him.’
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