#best streaming device in 2021
watchfreeone1 · 1 month
15 Best IPTV Player: The Future of Entertainment in 2024 and Beyond
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Cut the Cord and Stream Live TV with the Best IPTV Players for Android! Tired of expensive cable bills and limited channel options? IPTV offers a world of entertainment at your fingertips, letting you watch Live TV, Movies, and Shows on your terms. This guide will unveil the best IPTV players for Android devices, helping you unlock the full potential of IPTV streaming.
Unleash Your Entertainment with Top-Rated Players:
TiviMate IPTV: Reigning supreme, TiviMate boasts a user-friendly interface, support for multiple playlists, recording capabilities, and more. It's a premium option, but well worth the investment for a seamless viewing experience. (Paid) Flix IPTV: A versatile player gracing various platforms, Flix IPTV offers parental controls, theme customization, and a beautiful interface for smooth streaming. Enjoy a free trial before committing to the affordable one-time fee. (Free Trial, Paid) Kodi: This powerhouse media player goes beyond IPTV. With the PVR IPTV Simple Client add-on, Kodi transforms into a powerful IPTV player, supporting M3U playlists and XMLTV EPG URLs. Kodi's extensive device compatibility is a major plus. (Free) Explore Other Feature-Rich Options:
Perfect Player IPTV: Renowned for its user-friendliness, Perfect Player effortlessly streams your favorite IPTV service. Manage multiple subscriptions, enjoy various URL formats, and EPG support, all in one place. (Free) GSE Smart IPTV: Juggling multiple IPTV subscriptions? GSE Smart IPTV streamlines the process, letting you sign in with all your providers for centralized access. Import playlists or use supported URLs for a hassle-free setup. (Free) Smart IPTV: A one-time fee unlocks Smart IPTV's capabilities across various devices. Import playlists directly within the app and enjoy a stable user experience. (Paid) Additional Choices to Consider:
SS IPTV: While the interface might not be the most modern, SS IPTV offers a capable player with built-in partnerships with some IPTV providers, multiple language options, and more. (Free) MYTVOnline3: This app is specifically designed for Formuler Android TV Boxes, boasting a modern interface, recording capabilities, and a user-friendly layout for both Live TV and VOD content. (Paid) Finding the Perfect Match:
With this comprehensive list, you're well-equipped to choose the IPTV player that best aligns with your needs. Consider factors like features, pricing, and device compatibility to make an informed decision. Happy Streaming!
Important Note: While IPTV offers exciting possibilities, it's crucial to ensure you're using a legal service that complies with copyright laws.
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bizarrequazar · 11 months
Zhang Zhehan, 813, and Zhang Sanjian FAQ
I’ve been thinking for a while that I should make this as a starting place for people just learning about the situation. Please let me know if you have any corrections or anything you would like me to add.
1. What happened to Zhang Zhehan? / What is 813?
On August 13. 2021, a photo was spread by online water armies of Zhang Zhehan in front of cherry blossoms from a trip he had taken to Japan in 2018. This was accompanied by claims that he had been there to visit the Yasukuni Shrine—a politically controversial shrine which honors WWII war criminals—and that he held right-wing anti-Chinese sentiments. This photo was later joined by others, all either photoshopped or with falsified context, “backing up” these accusations along with further claims slandering him and his family.
In the days following, Zhang Zhehan lost all of his endorsements, had all of his past works taken down, had all of his social media shut down, and was boycotted by the private association CAPA without the chance to defend himself. His name and image were also later banned from social media, he was used as a negative example in schools and on exams, and his name is blocked from registration on some social media sites and certain devices. He and his family have been subject to intense harassment including death threats.
All of the accusations against him have been shown to be false and he is currently pursuing legal action, but he is still unable to speak or appear publicly in any capacity.
Further reading:  -  Talking points pamphlet  -  Wiki page
2. Who was behind 813?
The boycott was issued by the China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA), a private industry association that at the time held sway (but no official authority) over many social media and streaming companies. CAPA is heavily suspected of being the ones who orchestrated the entire incident and related events, see point 4 below.
2.5. Was Gong Jun behind 813?
No, he had no motive whatsoever, was still a small name in the industry at the time, has no industry sway, had his most popular show taken down because of 813, and was targeted by similar attacks in the months after. If he had not stayed quiet about 813, Gong Jun very easily could have been taken down by it as well. Please see point 7 below if you have this belief because of Zhang Sanjian / zhangzhehan_super3, and if you have this belief because of the Twitter account Justice for Zhang Zhehan please know that she is an idiot.
3. Was 813 caused by censorship / homophobia / the Chinese government?
No. There is no evidence for 813 having anything to do with censorship, it was perpetuated by private venture capitalism. The Chinese government had no known involvement—CAPA has no government affiliation, and both the NRTA and MCT confirmed after inquiry that they had nothing to do with Zhang Zhehan’s cancellation. Quite the opposite, it was said by Li Xuezheng that government officials were in attendance during the interview between him and Zhang Zhehan released 2022-01-01.
4. Why Zhang Zhehan? / What was the motive behind 813?
The exact reason is not known for sure, but it is heavily suspected that he turned down an exclusive endorsement deal with one of CAPA’s subsidiaries around March / April 2021. CAPA took this as a slight and, because he was heavily in the public eye at the time, they decided to make him an example of what they could do to people who refused to play their game.
Other smaller parties who participated in 813 were driven by industry competition, private capital, mob mentality, and/or because they’re shitheads who found it fun.
Further reading: Lead-up to 813
5. Does the lack of news about Zhang Zhehan mean he’s given up / he’s lost his case?
Absolutely not, and quite the opposite in fact. Avoiding the public eye is the best thing Zhang Zhehan can do to avoid media frenzy and the potential skewing of the narrative that that could cause. Due to the length of time it has been since 813, whatever Zhang Zhehan first does when he becomes public again is guaranteed to cause a stir, and therefore he has to be very careful about not saying anything publicly until he and his case are at a favourable point to do so.
Further reading:  -  Question about the length of the case  -  Breakdown of the legal process in relation to Zhang Zhehan’s case
6. Could Zhang Zhehan pursue a career internationally instead? 
Until his name is cleared, no. 
Zhang Zhehan did not have enough international recognition prior to 813 to realistically build a career overseas, and he has not shown fluency in any language other than Mandarin with which to do so. Even if he did pursue this, until his name is cleared he will always be associated with 813 and would struggle to find success with how he would be viewed by Chinese diaspora. 
As well, given the nationalistic nature of 813, seeking a career overseas would communicate guilt and/or giving up on his case.
7. Is Zhang Sanjian / the zhangzhehan_super3 Instagram account / the person releasing new songs Zhang Zhehan?
No. There is overwhelming evidence that Zhang Sanjian etc. is a scam using Zhang Zhehan’s name and image, utilizing photoshopping, deepfakes, and impersonators. 
The people behind this have known professional connections to CAPA, and the activities the scam has engaged in have consistently been aimed at further damaging his image. The Zhang Sanjian persona is characterized as having given up on clearing his name, being degrading and rude to both his fans and former costars, and giving up on his career in China to pursue international fame (see point 6 above). Practically every action made by the persona and related parties go completely against Zhang Zhehan’s character and/or make no logical sense for someone in his position.
Further reading:   -  Timeline of the IG’s early activity  -  Deepfake breakdown  -  Collected information about the Bangkok concerts  -  Wiki page for the IG account
8. Why doesn’t Zhang Zhehan speak out against Zhang Sanjian?
See point 5 above. It is likely that part of the original aim of Zhang Sanjian was specifically to try to bait him into saying something against it. The scam has been trying very hard to control the public narrative via buying public screens, commissioning tabloid articles, releasing a ridiculous number of songs and artificially raising hit counts on these, etc.
9. Why go through so much effort to erase Zhang Zhehan / continue the Zhang Sanjian scam?
For CAPA, Zhang Zhehan winning his case and overturning his boycott will heavily diminish their industry influence (not to mention jail time, hopefully). It could, in the best case scenario, even lead to the complete disbandment of the company under Chinese anti-monopoly legislation. (see the first point under [this post])
For the smaller players involved in the scam specifically, the motive is by and large personal financial gain. Many are known to be in debt / have been in debt but are suddenly now making lavish purchases (Sophie for example), some are known professional con men (Peter), and some are seeking other personal goals such as trying to get famous themselves (Lexus), to promote their own businesses (the Chens and the gym bros), or even for sexual gratification (Hewitt). 
As well, it’s important to keep in mind the financial scale of the extremely lucrative Chinese entertainment industry. The amount that has been spent on 813 and everything since is barely anything in the grand scheme of things.
Further Resources:  -  Zhang Zhehan wiki  -  Masterlist of my posts about Zhang Zhehan  -  My ZZH info tag
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newengen · 10 months
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Holiday 2023 Outlook for Consumers and Marketers
Inflation has been on the decline for over a year, and in June it fell to 3% - the lowest rate recorded since March 2021. Coupled with this is a steady rise in consumer confidence, which in June hit a high not seen since early 2022. And even though these trends are a step in the right direction, economic uncertainty is still expected to play a large role in the purchasing decisions being made this holiday season. Price-conscious consumers will look to cut costs by shopping the sale section, using coupons, downsizing holiday celebrations, and simply buying fewer items. With so many brands competing for share of wallet, it won’t be enough to differentiate on price alone. Instead, brands should make a concerted effort to secure share of mind right now so that they are top of mind during the holidays and beyond.
At a high level, the best way to accomplish this is twofold. First, it’s critical to embrace an audience-first, channel-agnostic mindset so that you are reaching the right audience at the right time. Once you’ve found your audience, it’s important to meet them with strong messaging that is centered on brand value. In this article, we make the case for programmatic channels as effective marketing avenues for expanding brand reach and, ultimately, nurturing long-term brand favorability (i.e., when the holidays roll around).
Changing the Narrative on Programmatic Advertising
Let’s start with some housekeeping - when we talk about programmatic, we’re referring to a method for buying ads on specific channels, including Display, Video, Audio, and Digital Out of Home. Within each channel, there are myriad ways to target audiences based on interests, behaviors, device, location, and demographics.
“When you bring up programmatic to a performance marketer, you might see their eyes glaze over - they’re imagining annoying banner ads placed on low-quality inventory that don’t drive results,” says Erin Morningstar, Director of Strategy at New Engen. This attitude is pervasive and, according to Erin, informs the two primary reasons that brands are wary of investing in programmatic advertising: concerns about brand safety and equity, and limitations of measurement. These reservations are understandable, especially if you believe that programmatic is strictly used for generating brand awareness. But Erin explains that "programmatic is more than banner ads or dynamic product retargeting - it’s the turnkey option for accessing the wealth of ad inventory outside of walled gardens and paid search."
Teka Phan, Associate Director at New Engen, adds:
It’s important to understand that programmatic buying is performance buying. It powers actionable insights into how this media drives actions and conversions across the entire marketing funnel.
The reality of digital marketing in 2023 is that brands can’t successfully grow on the Meta-Google duopoly alone (the aforementioned walled gardens). Instead, it’s essential to meet your customers, both existing and prospective, where they are. This begs the question - where are they?
Media Consumption is Changing (Rapidly)
The channel landscape is more diverse than ever, and consumers are increasingly discovering brands through podcasts, in-app ads, and music streaming services. eMarketer predicts that, by 2024, 20% of all time spent consuming digital media will come from audio. What’s more, CTV already constitutes more than 25% of the time consumers spend with digital media, yet accounts for less than 10% of digital ad spending in the US. To put this in context, Meta receives roughly 20% of ad investment despite representing just 7.6% of all digital media consumption.
This is precisely why we, as an agency, believe that brands can win on channels like digital audio, CTV, and yes, even display. It’s true that direct-buying channels are often part of a mature media mix for many brands. But the benefit of embracing a programmatic-first approach is that it allows marketers to keep an eye on performance at scale while maintaining a direct buy approach for branding-first initiatives.
The Benefits of Investing in Programmatic
Thought leaders at New Engen have identified four primary benefits to investing in programmatic:
Control: Despite some preconceived notions, programmatic ad buying affords marketers tighter control over targeting, placements, and optimization. This level of control enables measurement testing in the form of geo holdouts, known audience split tests, and platform lift tools. Such exercises are critical to proving the value of channels outside of last-click.
Flexibility: Budgets can be seamlessly moved around across channels and publishers on a daily or even hourly basis. In contrast, brands buying directly from multiple publishers are beholden to more rigidity driven by campaign minimums and contract terms.
Value at Scale: Not only are CPMs generally cheaper when buying programmatically, but DSPs often provide access to a variety of inventory types, formats, and audiences - in turn, this variation powers the development of diverse, mature programs. The inventory is virtually endless and continuing to grow as more platforms and publishers open their inventory to exchanges.
Actionable Insights: By investing in programmatic activations, brands can quickly gather learnings about what kind of inventory and formats are driving performance. While this may not be a unique function of programmatic channels, it’s differentiated by actionability - “Many people see programmatic as an upper funnel, impression-buy only. The value is that we can measure action (conversions, traffic, etc.) and then act on it in real-time,” Teka explains.
How New Engen Clients Have Found Success With Programmatic
Programmatic buying has driven strong results for New Engen clients, with brands finding synergy between their programmatic programs and other marketing channels, including Paid Search and Social. Below are two New Engen case studies that exemplify the benefits of incorporating programmatic into your marketing mix.
Unlocking Incremental Site Traffic Through CTV
In Q4 of 2022, our client, an outdoor apparel brand, tasked us with driving incremental site traffic through new channels. We first identified CTV as their target audience's top digital destination, then we built three rich consumer segments: in-market for outdoor apparel gear, recent competitor site and store visitors, and recent outdoor equipment purchasers. Ads were served across a variety of CTV platforms like Roku, Hulu, Pluto TV, and the Discovery Channel, and optimized based on insights from real-time incrementality studies.
Under this approach, our exposed audience was 2.5X more likely to visit the brand’s site than our non-exposed audience. What’s more, we achieved a 1.9X lift in checkouts. In other words, the brand was able to reach and capitalize on a more qualified audience through its CTV initiative. To top it all off, we identified a previously under-served audience as a standout performer - a learning that is pivotal to refining the program downstream.
Proving the Revenue Impact of West Marine’s Digital Video Awareness Media
In order to validate the direct revenue impact of digital video awareness media, we designed an audience holdout test for our client, West Marine. We activated precision media buys across CTV and YouTube in Florida, a key growth market for the brand. The audience segments included prospecting, retargeting, and lapsed customers, and were compared against national performance.
By the end of the two-week period, the target audience delivered a 1.7X lift in online lapsed user transactions and a 4.6X lift in in-store transactions. Omnichannel ROAS also improved, and West Marine measured a 1.4X increase in year-over-year omnichannel revenue from new-to-file customers.
Programmatic Advertising Best Practices for Holiday 2023
Whether you're bought into programmatic after reading this or just curious to learn more, we want to leave you with our recommendation for what to do next. Here's what New Engen leaders say are the most important steps to successfully incorporate programmatic into your Holiday 2023 strategy:
First and foremost, set clear objectives
→ Identifying what you want to accomplish and learn from your programmatic initiative is the most important step, as this will inform how to design your program. Before you can drive awareness with a new segment or increase AOV within an existing one, you’ll need to understand your audience - then, you can tailor your channels, targeting, and creative parameters to their specific needs. Once you’re aligned on the plan, stick to it.
Set expectations with your team
→ Know that every channel should have its own goals and benchmarks. Don’t track your programmatic performance against your Paid Search campaigns, because these are inherently different channels and so are their outcomes. Performance will even vary across, Podcast, CTV, and Display given their different mediums.
For example, a consumer who searches for “shoes” is more likely to make an immediate purchase because they are actively searching for the product. Programmatic channels, on the other hand, expose audiences to products before they are ready to purchase. So if that same consumer sees a CTV ad for a pair of shoes before they start their search, there’s a likelihood that they will have been influenced before their final purchase decision.
Launch early
→ We anticipate that the holiday season will stretch across Q4, and consumers will start their holiday planning and shopping early - you want to be there when they’re in the consideration stage. As a rule of thumb, you should be in market at least 4 weeks prior to your peak shopping period.
Anticipate different scenarios
→ As an agency practice, we create decision playbooks with our clients going into critical peak periods that allow our teams to move quickly when optimizing campaigns.
If you’re interested in chatting more about your programmatic strategy for the holidays or beyond, reach out to us at [email protected]. For more holiday insights and digital marketing news, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn.
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lenbryant · 11 months
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I rewatched two songs from that incredible Emmy-winning 2021 concert "Adele One Night Only" on my TiVo last night. (Yes, we have a TiVo; let the device-shaming begin.)
We recorded this concert two years ago. On CBS, I think. Anyway, Adele looked AMAZING in her dangly planet-Saturn earrings while she belted her heart out in front of Griffith Observatory as the sun slowly set behind her. The vast expanse of Los Angeles lit up in its infinite grid of twinkling lights while she sang about her heart being broken. The sky slowly darkened until you only saw a red/orange streak across Santa Monica in the distance.
She mentions it's the first time her young son had ever attended one of her concerts. Sweet. (She didn't self-censor her potty mouth between songs, but CBS did filter those out.)
I'm never deleting this recording off my antiquated device because it's apparently NOT available anywhere else. There are no DVD or Blu-ray physical copies to buy and no one seems to be streaming it. It's sad that such a special and award-winning concert special is just gone. Maybe the rights are tied up with Oprah's company, since her interviews with Adele are interspersed between the songs. Whatever, people. Call the Redstones. Work it out and give us a DVD. My TiVo's a workhorse but it won't last forever.
Also, Adele's older concert film which was recorded live at the Royal Albert Hall is also good and ON physical media. It's a spectacular, second best to this more elegant show.
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dykeyote · 2 years
i would love more cecil hcs mayhaps 👀👀 (nothing in particular but maybe some gender/sexuality hcs if you have any for him) but also more autism hcs? /nf
YES YES YES <3333 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ..... reverting to my 2021 self
okay for gender and sexuality (: i hc him as a autigender genderqueer trans guy >:) hes a man but in a weird way you wouldnt get it . there are layers . and sexualitywise i think he doesnt really label it hes arospec and queer its a case by case thing . he is VERY ADAMANTLY no surgeries no t no nothing he likes his gender being CONFUSING ans LOUD and BLATANTLY TRANS . i think he prefers transsexual to transgender and has a ton of xenos . freakboy
he wears exclusively slutty outfits with like zero skin coverage and refuses to change this for any conditions "to not change the brand D:!!!!!" but he also gets cold super easily so hes basically constantly shivering like a drowned cat any time it gets cold . he also refuses to wear any type of coat or jacket besides a: a cropped learher jacket he has or b: a fancy labcoat for the mad scientist vibes neither of which retain heat whatsoeverso even that wont help . juno feels bad for him and lends him his trench coat on occasion and cecil takes this as PROOF that juno and him are best friends maybe more foreva and eva and eva (this is untrue. him shivering like that is just a lkttle sad)
him and cass have game nights (: or used to anyway . they kind of stopped once they started growing apart but they used to have little board game and video game nights semi frequently . cecils very competitive and WILL cry if he loses (which is frequent) but its okay . they still have fun . sometimes juno joins to hang out and very VERY rately rita has joined on occasion
SPEAKING OF WHICH i think cecil and rita are kinda friends . not SUPER close bc cecil has like no friends but i think theyd get closer when/if cecil ever resolves some of his issues . they talk about tech together very excitedly and they watch streams together (cecil enjoys shittalking all the aspects hed have done better if it was HIIIIIS work and rita argues very hard to defend them from this SLANDER)
HE BITES TO STIM CONSTANTLY i think he has all his teeth sharpened for the vibes and he gnaws on shit constantly . he likes wearing chew necklaces for something to nom on when hes bored . he also has two parts of a matching best friends necklace dor juno (he has not yet accepted it) (cecil bought it four years ago) (it is possible juno will literally never own the other half) (he is still hopeful)
his special interests are genetic modification, cinematography, and ancient torture devices (: hence why he incorporates all of this into his work . generic modification and cinematography are long term ones and the torture devices is a newer one as of the seeies starting (: juno has a wealth of fun facts about them bc cecil infodumps aboht them to him constantly . he randomly drops weird niche specific knowledge about the intracacies of genetically modified animals and the whole carte blanche is like . how . do u know that
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nexusloading588 · 2 years
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More Than Just Free Screen Recording. Upload an existing video or record your own with the Vidyard Screen and Webcam Recorder. Embed your video on your website, send it in emails, or share it on social media with just a few clicks. Get notified the moment your video has been watched (and see who watched it, and for how long). そうやって盗撮された妹の着替え、お風呂、トイレ、オナニーの写真や動画をかき集めてみました。. パンチラやブラチラは言うに及ばず、さらに過激な部分が映ってしまってる映像も!. ロリコンでシスコンのあなたならきっとわかる家庭内盗撮の魔力. Supported OS: Windows, Mac. Price: Free but $30 for the PRO version. #5. Litecam HD. This is a great tool for recording your webcam and screen since it is designed to capture everything that appears on the screen. You can add your overlay in the settings. Pros.
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vikmonkey · 2 years
advice i keep passing around from when I had COVID in Dec of 2021:
When you start get the sniffles fucking blow your nose and lay on ur back. My dumbass played on my sides and sniffled alot. I got so congested that I had to breathe out of my mouth for 4 days and my lips were so dry I could hardly move them.
Hydrate!!!! Water, Gatorade, powerade, orange juice. Orange juice was the best fuckin thing especially bc I was in my dark ass room. Also vitamins!
Eat plenty. You won't feel hungry but it does help to boost your energy
Have your streaming services on a mobile device you will get bored in bed.
Try to stick to a reg sleep schedule. With the breathing thing for me it set me a few hours back to the point where I couldn't sleep until 5am.
If anyone wants to add to this they can.
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shopelectronics · 2 years
Buy iPads Online 2022 At Exciting Offers
iPads can give you better portability and comfort than larger screens like laptops. You can stream, watch, write, draw, read and play games on the iPad. The latest and best iPads are immensely popular for these reasons and more. Buyers can easily get the best deals on the latest iPad online.
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But if you are confused about picking one out of the popular iPads, read on for a comprehensive guide to iPad generations.
Find the Best iPad Models and Generations
iPad Air 5 (2022)
If you are looking to get some serious work done, like video editing or document editing, then iPad Air 5 is a perfect match for you.
Features & Specifications:
Size:     good sized 10.9-inch display, 359.2cm² 
Internal     storage: 64GB/256GB, 8GB RAM
Selfie     Camera: 12MP/12MP (ultrawide)
iPad     Air 5 displays the same     octa-core M1 chip as the 2021
model comprising     four performance cores and other four efficiency cores.
Compatible     with Apple Pencil (1st generation)
Available     at AED 2,499 and AED 3,099 etc.
Get     iPad Air 5 at the best eCommerce     stores offering discounts. 
iPad Air (2020)
The built-in features elevate the iPad Air 2020 to a worthwhile investment for customers. The new iPad Air 2020s performance will be incredibly quick thanks to the new Apple A14 Bionic chipset. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A14 bionic processor
Display     Size: 10.9-inch 
Display     Type: liquid retina IPS LCD
Storage:     64GB/256GB and 4GB RAM
Main     Camera: 12MP wide cameras
Resolution: Great display with 1640 x     2360 pixels
Impressive sound quality with the option to connect with stereo speakers.
Battery     Type: Li-Ion 7606 mAh
Price     dipped to AED 3,029
iPad Pro 12.9
The iPad Pro 12.9 is the best tablet in the world, and if you can use it to its fullest capacity, it is well worth the price! An improved Apple Pencil 2 with expanded features and a great screen size for drawings that appears to be bezel-less are the highlight feature of the device.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     M1 processor
Display:     Liquid retina 12.9-inch 
Storage     options: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB, 8GB RAM/16GB RAM
Camera:     12MP (wide), 10MP (UltraWide) main camera and 12MP (UltraWide) selfie     camera 
The     price starts at AED 4,399
iPad Pro 11 (2021)
iPad Pro's M1 chip has a great screen and super fast processing power that will be useful for running some demanding games and using certain apps like video and picture editing.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     Apple M1 processor
Display:     11-inch liquid retina
Generous     storage options: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB, 8GB RAM/12GB RAM
Camera:     12MP front and back camera
iPad Pro 12.9 inches (2020)
iPad Pro (2020) doesn't have the power of M1 processing but is still a cool-looking device with a keyboard that gives a laptop-like working experience. Although now we have iPad Pro 12.9 inches (2021) 2020 model is still an excellent performer.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12Z bionic
Display:     liquid retina 12.9-inch inches screen
Storage     options: 128GB To 1TB
Camera:     12MP wide and 12MP UltraWide camera
iPad Pro 11-inch (2018)
The iPad Pro 2018 is an incredible piece of technology and is undoubtedly worth the price. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12Z bionic
Display:     Liquid retina 12.9-inch screen
Internal     Storage: 128GB, 4GB RAM To 1TB, 6GB RAM
Camera:     12MP wide front camera and 7 MP selfie camera
Supports     2nd generation Apple pencil
iPad mini (2021)
The iPad Mini is not big, yet its screen is bigger than a phone. It provides a sizable portion of the screen to work on. It flows well and is simple to use. It is very portable and ideal for browsing and reading books.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A15 bionic
Display:     8.3-inch screen
Internal     storage: 64GB, 256GB and 4GB RAM 
12MP     main and selfie camera
iPad 10.2 inch (9th gen)
At its pricing point, the iPad 9th generation is already a great tablet offering excellent value for money. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     Apple A13 bionic
Display:     10.2-inch screen
Storage:     64/256 GB, 3GB RAM 
Camera:     Main camera-8MP, Selfie Camera-12MP 
Good     battery life—Li-Ion 8557 mAh 
iPad 10.2 (2020)
The Apple Pencil iPad supports iPad 10.2, and it offers a very realistic simulation of writing on paper and has virtually no lag. iPad 10.2 offers great value for money and includes all the essential iPad features.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12 bionic
Display:     10.2-inch screen
Storage:     32 GB, 128GB and 3GB
Camera:     8MP/12MP 
Thick     bezels: 8mm on the left and right and 20mm at the top and bottom
Why wait till black Friday sales when you can buy iPads at the best price throughout the year? Buyers can easily buy iPad at the best price online at low prices at Jumbo Electronics today. 
So head over to browse good deals on new iPad models and order one right now!
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dreamshop24 · 2 years
Best 3 Budget Smart Phone 2022
Motorola Edge | 2021 | 2-Day battery | Unlocked | Made for US by Motorola | 8/256GB | 108MP Camera | Nebula Blue
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Unlocked for the freedom to choose your carrier. 5G service available with 5G plan. 5G network coverage required; available only in select areas. Compatible with T-Mobile 5G and Verizon 5G. Ready for 5G on other select networks dependent on availability; contact your service provider for details. Compatible with all major 4G U.S. carriers, including Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. It also works with prepaid carriers, including Cricket Wireless, Metro by T-Mobile, Simple Mobile, Total Wireless, Tracfone, Net10, Mint, TracFone, Boost, and H2O.
Motorola One 5G Ace | 2-Day battery | Unlocked | Made for US by Motorola | 6/128GB | 48MP Camera | Hazy Silver
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About this item
Unlocked for the freedom to choose your carrier. Compatible with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon networks. Sim card not included. Customers may need to contact Sprint for activation on Sprint’s network. To use this Device on Verizon, first, provision your SIM through Verizon Wireless. Log in to your account on Verizon Wireless. Devices - activate or switch devices - activate.
Superfast 5G speed. Download your favorite movies in seconds, feel like you’re right there in video chats, and play games without lag time.
Over 2 days of battery life. Work and play to your heart’s content without worrying about recharging thanks to a 5000 mAh battery.
6 GB RAM Memory. Keep multiple apps open at once and move effortlessly between them with 6 GB of LPDDR4 RAM.
6.7" Full HD, Max Vision display. Watch your favorite movies and games come to life in sharp contrast and vivid, true-to-life color.
48 MP triple camera system with AI. Capture sharper low-light photos, vivid nighttime pictures, ultra-wide angle shots, and incredibly detailed close-ups.
Enhanced gaming with the latest processor. Immerse yourself deeper in epic games with faster performance from Qualcomm.
SAMSUNG Galaxy A53 5G A Series Cell Phone, Factory Unlocked Android Smartphone, 128GB, 6.5” FHD Super AMOLED Screen, Long Battery Life, US Version, Black
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About this item
LONG-LASTING BATTERY: Your busy life deserves a battery built for busy; Whether you’re taking a video call on your commute, catching up on your favorite show or with friends and family, your long-lasting, super fast charging battery* has your back
POWERFUL PERFORMANCE: The very best of Galaxy A Series gives you awesomely smooth streaming of your favorite content with the most powerful performance in its series and awesomely fast speeds to download shows and movies — all at the speed of 5G**
EXPANDABLE STORAGE: Galaxy A53 5G*** gives you the A Series’ biggest built-in storage and lets you enjoy more memories and entertainment; With an additional 1TB of expandable storage with a microSD card****, you can hold on to every smile and relive every epic vacay
INTELLIGENT CAMERA: Capturing content is as easy as pose, shoot and share with A53 5G’s*** intelligent camera; Single Take***** lets you capture video, pictures and more with just one tap, while image stabilization technology makes sure every clip is crystal clear
INFINITE DISPLAY: Whether you’re streaming short videos or kicking back to complete a whole series, the Galaxy A53 5G*** Super AMOLED display****** is built to keep you entertained, with incredible color clarity that translates into awesome resolution
MODERN DESIGN: Life happens, but Galaxy A53 5G*** provides a premium slim design that is built to last through those unpredictable moments; The body was engineered to endure, so you can worry less around water and dust*******
PRIVACY & SECURITY: Protect your data with multilayered Knox Security; Also, with Private Share********, you can set time limits and expiration dates on all shared files, revoke access at any time and ensure the intended recipient is the only one who can open your files — and that they cannot send or screenshot your stuff
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infactforgetthepark · 2 years
[Free Audiobooks] Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe & This is My America by Kim Johnson [Award-Winning YA Historical Fiction]
The annual SYNC Summer of Listening program continues, promoting literacy among teens by giving away YA-friendly weekly paired audiobooks—1 modern, 1 classic/drama performance—free for a limited time courtesy of the the participating publishers and sponsor AudioFile Magazine.
This 10th week's featured selections, free through Wednesday July 6th, have a theme of “Justice for All”, with stories showcasing casual and systemic inequality as seen from both sides of racial divisions in the US:
Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe, an award-winning professor of English at Brigham Young University, read by Victor Bevine from Listening Library. This is a YA historical novel centred around a teenaged white boy from Arizona visiting his grandfather in Mississippi, who is horrified to discover that a childhood friend may have been involved in the real-life murder of black 14 year old Emmett Till, and gradually begins to notice the deep-seated racism in his former hometown community as the trial unfolds. This won the 2003 International Reading Association Children's Book Award for Young Adult Fiction, the Jefferson Cup Award for best US historical fiction, as well as being featured on the American Library Association's annual list of Best Books for Young Adults.
This is My America by Kim Johnson, read by Bahni Turpin from Listening Library. This is a YA contemporary novel centred around a teenaged black girl in Texas whose family, already trying to maintain hope in the face of her innocent father facing a death sentence, is further stressed when her track star brother is accused of killing a white girl. The audiobook performance of this was a winner of AudioFile Magazine's own Earphone Awards as well as making the American Library Association's Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults 2021 list, and the print book was also an ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection.
The freebies are claimed via the Overdrive Sora app for iOS & Android or directly via the Sora website. You'll need to register just once with a valid email address and the signup code provided via the front page of the promotion and follow the instructions on the FAQ page to “Borrow” each week's featured selections for a permanent loan you can listen to anytime via online streaming on all devices or download for just the apps. NB: if you need to free up space on your device later, be sure to follow the FAQ instructions to ONLY delete the downloaded files and NOT “Return” which would remove your future access.
Offered free worldwide through Wednesday July 6th (until just before midnight Eastern Time), available directly from the Sora website and apps, and you can sneak peek the upcoming featured selections to see if there's anything you'd be particularly interested in.
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vijay01 · 4 days
What are the best cricket sites for betting apps players in India?
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Cricket holds a special place in every sports fan's heart in India, and the country has witnessed the rise of cricket betting popularity. With numerous top-notch sites and bookmakers catering to Indian bettors, 2024 brings a range of options that promise outstanding services. Whether you value a user-friendly platform, enticing bonuses, or a wide selection of betting markets, There’s a site suitable for your requirements and preferences.
What are cricket betting sites? 
Refers to online platforms that allow players to place bets on cricket matches and tournaments. These sites offer a range of betting options, including predicting the outcome of matches, individual player performances, specific events within a game, and more. Features often include user-friendly interfaces, live betting, live streaming, various payment methods, mobile compatibility, and robust customer support. Popular sites in India like Betway, 10Cric, Bet365, Parimatch, and Dafabet provide tailored experiences with generous bonuses and comprehensive betting markets to enhance the overall betting experience for cricket enthusiasts. 
What are the best cricket sites for betting in India? 
There are several top online bookies that offer exceptional cricket betting, and all of them are available here:  
It is among the most popular cricket betting apps in India and provides a wide range of sports betting options, including cricket and football. This site is known for its modern interfaces and extensive betting markets. Parimatch serves users around the world, including those in India. The platform offers competitive odds, attractive rewards, a 100% parlay boost bonus, in-play betting, live features, and regular promotions to enhance the betting experience. It also offers a seamless betting experience across desktop and mobile devices, supported by 24/7 customer support.
Mega Dice 
Mega Dice is an online betting platform that provides a compelling welcome bonus of 200% up to 1 BTC (bitcoin) along with 50 free spins (FS) and a sports free bet. This welcome bonus offers new users amazing rewards and benefits for joining the platform. Additionally, MegaDice boasts a gamified loyalty programme, allowing users to earn rewards as they engage with the platform. Users can enjoy the convenience of playing via the web or telegram, providing flexibility in accessing the platform. Moreover, this platform also offers amazing features like live streaming, which allows users to watch their favorite sports events in real life, enhancing the overall cricket betting experience. 
20Bet provides users with a user-friendly platform, convenient mobile app access, attractive risk-free bets, and features like cashout and boosted odds to enhance their overall betting experience. One notable feature is the availability of their Android betting app, which provides convenient access to betting markets on mobile devices. New users can benefit from up to ₹9,000 in risk-free bets, allowing them to explore the platform without the fear of losing their initial investment. Additionally, 20 Bet offers a cash out feature, enabling users to settle their bets early, and provides boosted odds on selected events, increasing potential returns. 
Casino came into existence in 2021 and has rapidly gained popularity as a premier site for cricket betting among Indian punters. New users are greeted with a tempting offer of 100% match on their first bet, up to Rs 8,000. Additionally, gamers and sports enthusiasts receive a 100% deposit match and an extra 200 free spins as part of the welcome package. Casino boasts an intuitive platform designed for easy use, ensuring that bettors can quickly find and place their cricket bets. It provides for millions of users around the globe through multiple languages and 24/7 assistance. 
22 Bet
22Bet stands out as a leading online betting app for cricket, offering a plethora of features designed to elevate the betting experience. With its Android betting app, users can conveniently access the platform on the go. The platform also provides up to ₹8,000 in Friday reload bonuses and a generous 100% first deposit bonus up to ₹11,000, enticing new users with added value for their wagers. Offering live streaming, in-play betting, live chat support, comprehensive statistics, and support for INR, Hindi, and Bitcoin transactions, 22 Bet caters to the diverse needs of users.  
Mostbet is an online betting platform that entices users with an attractive welcome bonus of 125% up to 45,000 INR along with 250 free spins. This substantial bonus provides new users with a significant boost to their initial deposits, enhancing their betting experience from the outset. With a wide spectrum of sports betting markets, including cricket, football, hockey, and others, MostBet provides a wide range of opportunities that users can explore and place their bets on. Not only that, the platform provides features like live betting, live streaming, and a user-friendly interface, ensuring an immersive and enjoyable betting experience. 
10CRIC, which was founded in 2013, is a well-known online betting platform that was specially designed for the Indian market. With a strong focus on cricket, it offers an extensive range of markets, including popular events like the IPL. What distinguishes 10CRIC is its deep understanding of Indian preferences, reflected in its localized features, payment methods, and exclusive promotions. With dedicated apps for both Android and iOS devices, along with a compact app size of 28.5 MB, 10CRIC ensures convenient access for users.  
With a variety of features designed especially for cricket lovers, leonbet has quickly become one of the top options for Indian cricket fans to bet on the game. Users get a big boost to their bankroll with a hefty welcome offer that matches 100% of the first deposit up to 11,000 improving their berting experiences from very beginning. The website offers a wide variety of cricket markets so that users can wager on different games and results, satisfying the needs of cricket fans. Furthermore, leonbet has gained players' faith and confidence by obtaining a casino license from Curaçao, which shows the company's dedication to security, safety, and fair play. 
The above provided details and information on the best cricket sites for betting app players in India. These platforms provide generous welcome bonuses, user-friendly interfaces, diverse cricket betting markets, and reliable customer support. Whether you are looking for live streaming, in-play betting, or attractive promotions, these cricket betting sites offer everything needed for an engaging and rewarding betting experience for cricket enthusiasts in India.  
What should I consider when choosing a cricket betting site?
When choosing a cricket betting site, consider factors such as the range of betting markets, bonuses and promotions, payment methods, customer support, and the overall user experience of the platform. 
What payment methods are supported for cricket betting sites?
These betting sites support a variety of payment methods popular in India, including UPI, NetBanking, IMPS, and even Bitcoin for some platforms. This ensures easy and secure transactions.
Are cricket betting sites legal in India?
While betting laws in India are complex and vary by state, many of these platforms operate under international licenses (such as from Curaçao) and accept Indian players. It's essential to check the legality in your specific region.  
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Hello everyone, this is Elena from team Cut The Cord. Like every year we are posting this news on Top IPTV Service Providers 2021.
In order to review services the information were collected from real users and our team is focused on trying and subscribing iptv services professionally.
IPTVGREAT has been proving the most dedicated iptv service so far. Since 2018 they were first launched, they was not down and neither the customers faced any trouble with their subscriptions. We found zero negative reviews about the service. The reason must be their utmost dedication to customer service and community.
IPTV App: NetGo (Available for Android Devices)
Customer Support: Yes (24/7)
Community: Yes
IPTVGEAR is another streaming service best for UK contents. Since they launched near 2017 they couldn’t yet upgrade the customer service, thus the negative reviews. But they are very dedicated in service quality.
IPTV App: IPTV MOD(Available for Android Devices)
Price Range: Euro 12.5
IMPORTANT: IPTVUNLOCK was shut down several weeks ago, but appears to now be back and accepting new customers. See our review below for more information.
IPTVUNLOCK is a good service but has limited resources thus they often need shutting down for maintenance.
IPTV App: IPTV Smarters MOD(Available for Android Devices)
From our experts and general audience, we reviewed the reports and seems obvious that IPTV Services need to be much more dedicated towards management, if they are willing to sustain in the market.
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jerry618 · 20 days
Which is Better for LED Video Walls: DisplayPort or HDMI?
WhatsApp & wechat: +86 18038197291
From home theater enthusiasts to computer gurus, you won’t find many electronics buffs who don’t applaud the advent of HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) connectors. In the days of analog audio and video, the end user was forced to send these signals separately to video displays and audio equipment, with video typically transferred via component connections and audio sent through multiple RCA cables. When digital audio and video arrived, hobbyists and professionals alike were able to connect devices in different ways, including through DVI, SPIDIF, coaxial and, finally, HDMI, the latter of which promised a new era of connection flexibility and installation ease.
And, make good on that promise HDMI did – indeed, finally there was a connection type that could pass all manner of audio and video signals over one cable, rendering home theater and commercial installation projects a proverbial cinch to complete while eliminating the proverbial rat’s nest of wiring previously associated with large installs. From A/V receivers and satellite/cable boxes to Ultra HD televisions, projectors and beyond, HDMI was often dubbed the best thing to happen to the connection cable world.
Yet as the HDMI spec evolved, so did its application blueprint, to the point that we’re now looking at which is better DP or HDMI for LED video walls, which is the topic of discussion for this article. We’ll be focusing on understanding both these choices, how to choose the right one for different applications, the difference between resolution and refresh rate and more.
I. Understanding DisplayPort and HDMI
HDMI and DisplayPort are two standards for connecting devices such as computers, laptops and game consoles to televisions, monitors and projection systems, and each come with advantages and disadvantages. While HDMI, as we suggested above, is the reigning king of compatibility and convenience, power users often cite things that are more appealing about DisplayPort.
These competing display connection standards transmit – as we also hinted at in the introduction portion – both video and audio signals over a single male/male cable to respective female ports on the source device/display, albeit with different “pin” patterns. They’re both physically sturdy and easy to connect, boasting backward and forward compatibility; HDMI uses standard and mini-connectors while DisplayPort uses DisplayPort, Thunderbolt/Mini DisplayPort and USB 3 connections.
DisplayPort wins the spec war over HDMI, even though not all ports and cables are the same for both, given that they have several version revisions. Let’s now take a brief look at some technical details for these connectors.
HDMI boasts four revision groups as of 2021:
• 1.0-1.2: 4.95 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p at 60 Hz
• 1.3-1.4: 10.2 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p up to 144 Hz and 4K at 30 Hz
• 2.0: 18.0 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p at 240 Hz, 4K at 60 Hz and HDR
• 2.1: 48 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 4K at 144 Hz and 8K at 30Hz
DisplayPort boasts five revision groups as of 2021:
• 1.0-1.1: 10.8 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p at 144 Hz and 4K at 30 Hz
• 1.2: 21.6 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p at 240 Hz, 4K at 75 Hz, and 5K at 30 Hz
• 1.3: 32.4 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports 1080p at 360 Hz, 4K at 120 Hz, 5K at 60 Hz and 8K at 30 Hz
• 1.4: 32.4 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports up to 8K at 60 Hz and HDR
• 2: 80.0 Gbps of data bandwidth that supports up to 16K at 60 Hz with HDR on and up to 10K with HDR off at 80 Hz
Another important factor to note before we move on is that an HDMI port can only connect to one screen, while DisplayPort features Multi-Stream Transport (MST) for multiple screens and daisy-chaining. Further, DisplayPort can connect to four screens at once – though because DisplayPort splits bandwidth between the displays, results will vary depending on the setup.
II. Comparison Chart of DP and HDMI
Release Date
November 2017
March 2016
Audio Support
Up to 23 Audio Channels
Up to 23 Audio Channels
Maximum Bandwidth
48 Gbps
32.4 Gbps
HDR Support
Number of Supported Displays
Up to Four
Audio Return Channel
Equipped with Enhanced ARC
Ideal for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
Ideal for PC/Casual Gaming
Widely Available 
Gaming and Workstations
Use Cases
-Computer Gaming
-Laptop Docking with Multiple Monitors (for two or more external screens)
-Workstation with Three or More Displays
-Apple Monitors (these devices don’t support HDMI) 
-Console Gaming
-Connecting Laptop to Projector/TV
-Laptop Docking for Single Screen
III. Choosing the Right Option Based on Application
The market availability of HDMI 2.1 – the latest spec – compared to DisplayPort 1.4 is a statement of its use case, market share and how likely you are to find it in retail stores. DisplayPort is readily obtainable in the market, but is limited to workstations and gaming for the most part; this is why it has been the ideal data transmission cable among gamers for years.
On the other hand, HDMI 2.1 can be leveraged for different use cases and settings, though it is also popular amongst gamers, workers and individuals running high-resolution monitors and televisions – including LED video walls.
III-A. Resolution and Refresh Rate
Knowing the type of resolution your preferred cable supports is an important factor that needs to be considered before purchasing any, especially if you already have a display technology you intend to utilize. To put it more succinctly, DisplayPort 1.4 supports 4K resolution at 120Hz and 8K resolution at 60Hz, while HDMI 2.1 supports these resolutions at better refresh rates with a maximum resolution of 10K.
When we speak of “refresh rate,” we’re referring to how often a display device shows an image within a time frame of one second. This figure is measured in “hertz” (Hz) and determines whether there will be lag and increased latency in a video output or not; for example, if a transmission tech boasts a refresh rate of 60Hz, it means it draws or displays 60 images every second. In the HDMI vs. DisplayPort debate, both have impressive rates, but as the resolution under consideration increases, the refresh rates drop significantly. DisplayPort max refresh rates exist in 1080p resolution, and as the resolution gets higher to 1440p, the refresh rate drops to 144Hz and to 120Hz for 2K; conversely, this is quite different from HDMI 2.1, which boasts an overall maximum refresh rate of 240Hz. The difference here is that HDMI 1440p max refresh rate is the same as 1080p and 2K, which is 240Hz, yet the HDMI 4K max refresh rate stands at 120Hz.
III-B. Content Source and Cable Length
The DisplayPort standard pegs optimum data transmission at approximately three (3) meters of cable length, however, the cable can be extended up to 20 meters while allowing, at the very least, a high-definition resolution. The HDMI standard does not specify exact dimensions and capabilities in terms of cable length, though generally they’re shorter than DisplayPort cables and normally come in two (2)-meter lengths for optimum performance.
DisplayPort may not be commonly found on mainstream devices such as gaming consoles, monitors, graphics cards and televisions, but its connectors are common in devices priced higher than average, such as gaming monitors and high-end graphics cards. HDMI connectors come in four sizes – standard, mini, micro and automotive – with each serving a unique purpose; standard HDMI connectors or Type A HDMI connectors are typically used by corporations and personal users. They connect source devices such as gaming consoles and Blu-ray/Ultra HD Blu-ray players to monitors, televisions and projectors.
III-C. Additional Features
DisplayPort connectors have 20 pins, with two sizes available, the standard DisplayPort and a smaller alternative made by Apple called Mini DisplayPort; the latter is the same port as the Thunderbolt variant. While HDMI connectors are typically comprised of 19 pins, the lesser-known Type B variant boasts 29 pins and is used for dual-link applications, whereas the Type E has a locking tab to keep the cable from vibrating loose in automotive applications.
III-D. Compatibility
A question we often hear is: “Can I connect a DisplayPort to an HDMI monitor?” and our answer is always the same – yes and no.
For the record, a DisplayPort signal is not compatible with HDMI, but if the DisplayPort output is a dual mode variant, it has the ability to recognize and adjust the signal to HDMI when a passive adapter cable is connected. From our experience, sometimes this will work and sometimes it won’t; if the DisplayPort graphics card is only a single mode variant, then you must use an active adapter or converter.
Both HDMI and DisplayPort technologies have improved dramatically in recent years, and that shows no signs of slowing down. Between HDMI 2.1 nearly tripling the data rate and bandwidth of version 2.0 – and doubling the capabilities of DisplayPort 1.4 – and expanding support for other visual enhancements like dynamic forms of HDR (Dolby Vision/HDR10+) for richer colors, variable refresh rates for smoother gaming, reduced latency for gaming, faster source media switching and enhanced audio, the future is definitely in the hands of these pin-oriented connectors.
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pranalipawargis · 2 months
Enhancing Connectivity: Insights into the Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) Market | Global Insight Services
Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) are additional services that can be accessed by mobile phone users beyond the standard voice and text messaging services. These services include things like mobile gaming, mobile banking, mobile music, and mobile TV.
VAS providers typically develop and deploy these services in partnership with mobile network operators (MNOs). MNOs promote and sell the services to their subscribers, while VAS providers handle the technical aspects of delivering the service.
VAS can be a great way for MNOs to differentiate their offerings and generate additional revenue. For subscribers, VAS can provide a more engaging and convenient mobile experience.
However, VAS can also be complex and costly to develop and deploy. Therefore, it is important for MNOs to carefully consider which VAS to offer and how to best market and sell them to their subscribers.
To Know More@ https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/mobile-value-added-services-vas-market/?utm_id=Pranalip
Key Trends
There are several key trends in Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) technology. Perhaps the most important trend is the move away from traditional SMS-based VAS to more data-driven VAS. This is being driven by the increasing availability of high-speed mobile data networks and the declining cost of data.
Another key trend is the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to power VAS. This is being used to personalize services and content for users, as well as to provide more targeted advertising.
Another trend is the increasing use of mobile VAS for social good. This includes using VAS to provide information and services to people in developing countries, as well as using VAS to help with disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts.
Finally, there is a trend towards more open, platform-based VAS. This is being driven by the rise of new VAS providers that are not tied to a specific mobile operator. These new providers are often able to offer more innovative and flexible VAS solutions than the traditional operators.
Key Drivers
The key drivers of the Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) market are the growing demand for mobile data services, the increasing number of smartphone users, and the need for operators to differentiate their services in a highly competitive market.
The demand for mobile data services is driven by the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, which are used for a variety of activities such as browsing the internet, accessing social media, and streaming video. The number of smartphone users is increasing globally, due to the falling prices of devices and the availability of affordable data plans. In addition, the use of mobile apps is growing, as they offer a convenient way to access a variety of services on the go.
The need for operators to differentiate their services is driven by the increasing competition in the mobile market. Operators are looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and offer value-added services that appeal to their customers.
The mobile value-added services market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.6% from 2016 to 2021, to reach a value of $62.4 billion.
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Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Market Segmentation
The mobile value added services (VAS) market can be segmented by solution, end user, vertical, and region. By solution, the market can be divided into short messaging services (sms), multimedia messaging services (mms), location-based services, mobile email & im, mobile money, mobile advertising, mobile infotainment, and others. By end-user, the market can be divided into  SME’s, large enterprises. By vertical, the market can be divided into media and entertainment, healthcare, education, retail, government, and telecom and it. By region, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Key Players
The mobile value added services (VAS) includes players such as  Beeline(US), DU United Arab Emirates(UAE), mobily(SA), MTN Group Limited(ZA), Oman Telecommunications Company(OM), Ooredoo Q.S.C.(QA), ZTE Corporation(CN), Orange S.A.(FR), STC(SA), Vodafone Idea Limited(IN).
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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SKRN IPTV – Over 1,000 Live Channels & VOD for 20/Month
Best Iptv Service Provider 2024 With 40k+ Channels And 100k+ VOD . 24/7 Suppport . Paypal Supported
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This comprehensive guide outlines SKRN IPTV, providing details about its channels, pricing, registration, and more.
Best Iptv Service Provider 2024 With 40k+ Channels And 150k+ VOD . Hurry Up
Is SKRN IPTV safe to use?  Is it legal to use SKRN IPTV? What channels are available on SKRN?  We respond to these questions and more in this article.
Recommended IPTV Service Providers
IPTVGREAT – Rating 4.8/5 ( 600+ Reviews )
IPTVRESALE – Rating 5/5 ( 200+ Reviews )
IPTVGANG – Rating 4.7/5 ( 1200+ Reviews )
IPTVUNLOCK – Rating 5/5 ( 65 Reviews )
IPTVFOLLOW -Rating 5/5 ( 48 Reviews )
IPTVTOPS – Rating 5/5 ( 43 Reviews )
We are interested in its legality because SKRN IPTV does not appear to be on popular app stores like Amazon App Store or Google Play. This could be a red flag.
Delivering over 1,000 live HD channels and multiple VOD options, SKRN IPTV is an IPTV Service. It also offers a 24-hour free trial for newcomers.
The standard subscription plan is priced at $20.00 per month and includes worldwide, sports, PPV, entertainment, news, and other categories of channels.
Five connections are included in this package, which is impressive for a basic plan.
It can be used on any device powered by Android, including the Amazon Firestick, Fire TV, Fire TV Cube, NVIDIA Shield, and many more.
For all these reasons, you can find this service in our list of Best IPTV Services.
For those unfamiliar with the concept of IPTV services, IPTV is an abbreviation for “Internet protocol television.” In layman terms, that is – live TV via the internet.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Iptv Assist does not own or control any IPTV service or streaming application. We do not host or distribute any applications. We do not verify the licensing of IPTV services or app developers. It is entirely the user’s responsibility for the media accessed through any device, app, addon, or service mentioned on our website. For a 100% legal IPTV service, Iptv Assist recommends IPTVUNLOCK.
IMPORTANT: We firmly recommend using a VPN with these unverified IPTV services. More information can be found at the link below.
Best VPN for IPTV
There are thousands of IPTV services, and SKRN IPTV is among the best available. It is a popular choice to traditional cable plans.
Below, you will find details about this IPTV service, including channels, categories, pricing, settings, registration, and more.
<img loading=”lazy” class=”alignnone wp-image-5558″ src=”https://iptvassist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/skrn-300×167.png” alt=”skrn” width=”200″ height=”111″ srcset=”https://iptvassist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/skrn-300×167.png 300w, https://iptvassist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/skrn.png 526w” sizes=”(max-width:
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dearbaongoc · 3 months
Video Games and Video Game Streaming During COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 outbreak has had a huge influence on how we consume entertainment. As lockdowns and social distancing measures were implemented worldwide, many turned to video games as a form of entertainment, social interaction, and stress relief. Video gaming is a social activity in and of itself since people have digital citizenship within video gaming, as well as specific games and game elements. A sense of community is frequently established through live streaming, which has a built-in, real-time chat feature, as well as other platforms such as Discord (a social platform that includes conversation channels) and social media such as Twitter and Facebook (Kowert & Daniel, 2021).
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, Among Us became widely popular because it was simple to grasp, accessible on various digital devices, and suitable for players of all ages and interests. The game gained traction due to its emphasis on communication and social interaction rather than complex mechanics like shooting and killing. Players engaged in the dramatic element of identifying the imposter. According to Ottesen (2021), the game's popularity extended globally, with players from Europe and Asia joining servers. Additionally, Among Us offered the option to add friends, enabling players to form connections, even during the pandemic. The VR version of Among Us enhances immersion and fosters more profound connections with crewmates (Erhard, 2022).
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Apart from video games, video game streaming has gained a burgeoning sector. During the pandemic, there was a significant rise in the global viewership of leading streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, increasing by 10% and 15%, respectively (Daniele, 2020). According to Twitch Tracker, in February 2020, just before the pandemic began, there were slightly over 5 million active streams on Twitch, the world's foremost gaming live-streaming network. By April 2020, when many parts of America were under lockdown, this number had surged to over 7.3 million. This spike in streamers coincided with a rise in the national unemployment rate, which reached 14.8% in the same month, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Palumbo, 2021). 
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Active Twitch Streamers and Number of Unemployed People Feb 2020 - March 2021
The "monetization" of video game live streaming is one of the most significant factors driving its growth. Indeed, video game streaming allows people to commoditise their lives by converting their hobbies - playing games - into commodities that other users would pay to see. Twitch enables streamers to earn at three levels: novice, affiliate, and partnership. Each level uniquely produces money, and as a person's following develops, so does their level and earnings (Palumbo 2021). While anyone can make money via video game streaming, few can earn a consistent and significant income from these sites. 
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In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the landscape of entertainment consumption, with video games emerging as a significant outlet for social interaction, stress relief, and community building during isolation. Moreover, the surge in video game streaming during the pandemic underscores the growing popularity of platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, offering individuals opportunities to monetize their gaming hobbies. While the pandemic has accelerated these shifts, it's evident that the fusion of gaming and social interaction will continue to shape our entertainment habits in the post-pandemic world, emphasizing the enduring power of digital communities and shared experiences.
Daniele , D. (2020, August 26). The rise of videogame streaming in a global pandemic. Social Media Law Bulletin. https://www.socialmedialawbulletin.com/2020/08/the-rise-of-videogame-streaming-in-a-global-pandemic/
Erhard, V. (2022, September 24). 12 Fun Online Games To Make Friends. Game Rant. https://gamerant.com/best-online-games-to-make-friends/#among-us
Kowert, R., & Daniel, E. (2021). The one-and-a-half sided parasocial relationship: The curious case of live streaming. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 4(4), 100150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2021.100150
Ottesen, K. (2021, March 9). “Among Us” proved to be the game we needed during the pandemic. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/the-game-among-us-proved-to-be-the-game-we-needed-during-the-pandemic/2021/03/04/0addd71a-64cf-11eb-8c64-9595888caa15_story.html
Palumbo, A. (2021). Video Game Streaming – A Pandemic Fad or a New Economic Trend? Cuny.edu. https://issuenumberone.journalism.cuny.edu/2021/05/18/video-game-streaming-a-pandemic-fad-or-a-new-economic-trend/
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