#best schools in Greater Faridabad
manohardubey44 · 2 years
First day of Nursery and KG
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Twinkle, twinkle, little star. I have looked for you and here you are!
Today the little ones enjoyed their first day of school a lot. Students of Grade Nursery came with their parents. Parents enjoyed the hand print activity done by them with their children.  Read more...
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Choosing the Right Playschool in Faridabad: Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A
When it comes to laying the foundation for your child's education, selecting the right playschool is crucial. In Faridabad, Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A stands out as a beacon of excellence, providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where young minds can thrive. Here’s why Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A is considered one of the best playschools in Faridabad and Greater Faridabad.
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Why Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A offers a well-rounded curriculum that balances academics, play, and social development. Our program is designed to cater to the diverse needs of young learners, ensuring they develop essential skills while enjoying their learning journey.
2. Play-Based Learning: Understanding the importance of play in early childhood education, our approach integrates learning with play. This method helps children grasp fundamental concepts in a fun and engaging way, fostering a love for learning from an early age.
3. Experienced Educators: Our teachers and caregivers are not only qualified but also passionate about early childhood education. They create a warm, supportive, and enriching environment, ensuring that each child receives personalized attention and care.
4. Safe and Stimulating Environment: At Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A, safety is our priority. Our premises are secure, hygienic, and child-friendly, with well-equipped classrooms and outdoor play areas that encourage exploration and creativity.
5. Holistic Development: We focus on the overall development of our students. Our programs are designed to enhance cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills, preparing children for the next stage of their educational journey.
6. Parental Involvement: We believe in building a strong partnership with parents. Through regular updates, parent-teacher meetings, and various school events, we ensure that parents are actively involved in their child's progress and development.
Why Choose Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A in Greater Faridabad?
For families in Greater Faridabad, Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A offers an unparalleled educational experience. Here’s what makes us the best choice:
Proven Excellence: With a track record of successful early childhood education, Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A is recognized for its quality programs and outstanding results.
Community Focus: We foster a sense of community among our students, parents, and staff, creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
Innovative Teaching Methods: Our educators use innovative teaching methods and tools to make learning enjoyable and effective.
Enroll Your Child at Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A
Choosing Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A means investing in your child's future. Our admissions process is straightforward, and our friendly staff is always ready to assist you. We invite you to visit our campus, meet our educators, and see firsthand the vibrant and nurturing environment we provide.
For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact us at [91 9871521527, 8860661949] or visit our website at [https://kidzeefaridabadsec15a.com/].
Kidzee Faridabad Sec 15A – Where Every Child’s Journey Begins with Joy and Discovery!
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sgsfaridabad · 12 days
Choosing the Right Fit: A Guide to the Top CBSE Schools in Faridabad
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Faridabad, a bustling metropolis on the outskirts of Delhi, offers a plethora of educational options. But for parents seeking a well-rounded education for their children, CBSE schools stand out. Affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, these schools provide a standardized curriculum known for its rigor and focus on both academics and holistic development.
Choosing the ideal CBSE School for your child can be a daunting task. This comprehensive guide delves into the key factors to consider, explores the top CBSE schools in Faridabad, and empowers you to make an informed decision.
Visit here for more information  : https://cbseschoolsaraswatiglobalschool.blogspot.com/2024/05/choosing-right-fit-guide-to-top-cbse.html
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go4reviews · 1 year
Fee structure comparison of Neharpar Greater Faridabad schools
Neharpar or Greater Faridabad is a region which is still growing. More schools are choosing this as the go-to destination in Faridabad due to its ever expanding population which is no longer limited to flats now. Some big names of national repute have set up schools in the region seeing its potential. The schools that are established now are catering to both Faridabad and South east Delhi…
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faridabadmodern · 5 days
Summer Parenting Tips: Keeping Your Kids Engaged, Safe, and Healthy
As the summer holidays approach, parents often find themselves balancing between keeping their children engaged, ensuring their safety, and maintaining their health. The Modern School Greater Faridabad understands the challenges parents face during this time and offers comprehensive parenting tips to help you navigate the summer break successfully.Create a Structured RoutineEstablishing a structured daily routine is key to managing the summer break effectively for both parents and children.
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By designating specific times for waking up, meals, chores, and activities, you provide a sense of stability and security that can help reduce behavioral issues and foster a more harmonious environment at home. Additionally, integrating various learning activities such as reading sessions, educational games, or fun science experiments into this routine not only keeps children intellectually stimulated but also encourages them to explore and learn in a playful and engaging manner.
Encourage Outdoor PlayIncorporate outdoor activities such as nature walks, picnics, or trips to parks into your summer plans. Outdoor play is crucial for maintaining physical health, fostering socialisation, and promoting mental well-being among children. Prioritise safety during these outdoor excursions by applying sunscreen, providing hats and sunglasses to shield from the sun's rays, and supervising any water-related activities.
Take the opportunity to educate children about sun safety practices and the importance of staying hydrated while enjoying outdoor adventures.Limit Screen TimeEstablish clear guidelines for screen time usage on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, emphasising the importance of activities that promote physical activity, creativity, and face-to-face communication.
Encourage your children to engage in hobbies and games that stimulate their minds and bodies while fostering social interactions. The Best School Faridabad Utilise parental control features to monitor and manage screen time effectively, ensuring that it remains balanced and does not overshadow other essential aspects of their development. Healthy eating habitsDesign a nutritious meal plan for your children during the summer break, focusing on incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into their meals and snacks. Engage your children in meal preparation to instil healthy eating habits and teach them about making nutritious choices. Ensure they stay hydrated by encouraging regular water intake and limiting sugary drinks. Emphasise the importance of hydration, especially during outdoor activities, to maintain their energy levels and overall well-being throughout the summer.
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Foster CreativityEncourage your child's creative development this summer by including arts and crafts activities in their routine, providing them with supplies such as paper, paints, and clay to unleash their imagination and create unique artworks. Explore their musical interests by engaging in activities like learning an instrument, singing, or dancing, which not only offer enjoyment but also deepen their understanding of music.
Foster their storytelling and writing skills by encouraging them to write stories or keep a journal, fostering creativity and allowing them to share their thoughts and experiences. CBSC School By incorporating arts and crafts, music and dance, as well as storytelling and writing into their summer schedule, you can create a diverse and stimulating environment that nurtures your child's creativity and self-expression.
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billeyshah · 10 days
Top 10 cbse schools in greater faridabad
Discover the top 10 CBSE schools in Greater Faridabad, offering excellent education, state-of-the-art facilities, and holistic development for students. Explore detailed reviews, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities to find the best fit for your child's educational journey. Stay informed and make the right choice for their future!
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Discover the Top Preschool in Faridabad: Kidzee Sector 15A
Choosing the right preschool for your child is a crucial decision that can shape their early development and set the foundation for their future education. For parents in Faridabad, the search for the perfect playschool ends at Kidzee Sector 15A. Renowned for its exceptional early childhood education programs, Kidzee stands out as one of the best preschools in the region.
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Why Kidzee Sector 15A is the Top Preschool in Faridabad
1. Child-Centric Curriculum: At Kidzee Sector 15A, the curriculum is designed to cater to the unique needs of young learners. The school follows the proprietary ‘iLLUME’ method, which ensures that every child learns at their own pace and according to their own abilities. This innovative approach focuses on experiential learning, where children engage in hands-on activities that make learning both fun and effective.
2. Highly Trained Educators: The teachers at Kidzee are more than just instructors; they are mentors who nurture and guide each child with care and compassion. All educators undergo rigorous training to stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies and child psychology, ensuring they can provide the best possible support to every student.
3. Safe and Stimulating Environment: Safety is a top priority at Kidzee Sector 15A. The preschool is equipped with CCTV cameras, secure entry points, and a child-friendly infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious, well-ventilated, and filled with natural light, creating a cheerful and stimulating environment that encourages learning and creativity.
4. Holistic Development: Kidzee believes in the holistic development of children. The school offers a balanced mix of academic, physical, and extracurricular activities. From storytelling and art to music and outdoor play, children are exposed to a variety of experiences that help in their overall development.
5. Community Engagement: Parental involvement is highly encouraged at Kidzee. Regular parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and events ensure that parents are always in the loop about their child's progress and can actively participate in their educational journey.
The Best Preschools in Greater Faridabad
While Kidzee Sector 15A is a standout choice, Faridabad is home to several other noteworthy playschools that offer quality early childhood education. 
Selecting the right preschool is a critical step in your child’s educational journey. Kidzee Sector 15A, with its child-centric approach, trained educators, safe environment, and focus on holistic development, stands out as the top preschool in Faridabad. Along with other reputable preschools in Greater Faridabad, parents have excellent options to choose from for their child's early education. Investing in a quality preschool like Kidzee not only prepares children for academic success but also fosters a lifelong love for learning.
For contect:
Address: Kidzee Preschool and Daycare
Sector-15A, Near Bikaner
Landmark: Vidya Mandir School
+91 8860661949, +91 9871521527,
Go for more: https://kidzeefaridabadsec15a.com/play-school-daycare/
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commercialroplants · 11 days
Top Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Faridabad
In essence, a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water treatment or filtration plant is a treatment facility that effectively eliminates or get rid of a range of wide spectrum of pollutants or impurities, organic matter, & hazardous heavy (toxic) chemical compounds from raw feed water. The end product is fresh, safe, secure, & purified water that is acceptable & suitable to a desired extent or degree for approx. or nearly all industrial as well as few commercialutilizations or applications.
The leading producer of industrial & commercial reverse osmosis (RO) plants in Faridabad, Netsol Water provides you with the best equipment & an ISO-accredited (approved) RO system or facility.
We have the ability to reasonably modify the water plant systems & facilities we produce in order to meet the specific needs of our customers. We provide completely & semi-automated solutions to satisfy our customers' needs.  Commercial RO Plant is the best commercial ro plant manufacturer in faridabad at best affordable price.
Because our Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant is composed or made up of chrome steel & other high-grade strong elements-metals, the water plant system will endure longer (i.e., Lifespan, & Durability).
Currently, the company is manufacturing equipment for a Reverse Osmosis plant systems that can generate or produce water at a rate of 100 - 500 Litres per Hour (LPH) & is appropriate for utilizing in a range of industrial settings & companies.
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In Faridabad, Top leading Manufacturers of commercial Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants can be listed as:
Following is a collective list of the finest commercial Reverse Osmosis plant manufacturers in our nation, Faridabad, we will be guiding you with them as:
NETSOL WATER: One of the top producers of equipments, apparatuses regarding water & WasteWater Treatment Plant systems or facilities is Netsol Water. With its own production facility or unit located & headquartered based in Greater Noida, it began its journey & started its working operations in the year 2012.
It treats organic green waste, WasteWater, & water for a number of large enterprises, including Vedanta, NTPC, Sleep Well, & several additional business start-ups, hospitals, educational insititutions like universities, & schools.
COMMERCIAL RO PLANT: Due to the firm or company's lacking in providing with much more innovative & pleasing design, the COMMERCIAL RO PLANT’s Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifier has fallen from in ranking of being the finest water purifying plant facilities integrated with gadget or devices & systems that can recover & recycle water upto 75-80 % percent that are accessible in NCT including Faridabad.
Water plays an important role in everyone's life. Not only is it essential for people, but also plants & animals. However, freshwater levels are rapidly decreasing because of excessive water consumption & the release of industrial & domestic garbage.
For human utilities, it is consequently imperative to utilize other water sources, such as river water. The need for Netsol Water along with Commercial RO Plant's commercial RO plant purifiers arises because different types of water are wholly unfit for human consumption. Netsol Water & Commercial RO Plant are a commercial RO plant manufacturer located in Faridabad, assists with large-scale water filtering. It allows many approaches to remove various types of impurities from water.
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advertisement23244 · 22 days
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“Vikramaditya Academy” As the best Evening Sainik School Coaching in Faridabad, we are always available to support our students in beating the Sainik School entrance exam to get admission to the school of their dreams. There are many Military school evening coaching in greater Faridabad, but we stand out from the others because of our excellent facilities and the high caliber of education we offer to our students. Our primary goal is to give our students a top-notch education so they can pursue bright careers and the best education possible. Our evening coaching for sainik School entrance exam is an excellent educational system that equips its students both intellectually and physically to be the powerful defense officers.
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Kidzee Sector 15A - Your Trusted Play School & Daycare
Discover a nurturing environment for your child at Kidzee Sector 15A, a leading play school & daycare center. With a holistic curriculum, qualified staff, and strict safety measures, Kidzee Sector 15A ensures a positive learning experience for young minds.
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addindiagroup · 4 months
Prime Office Space Available in Noida: Elevate Your Business Presence
It's simple to find premium office space in Noida. Real estate investments in Noida have enormous growth potential because of its appeal to large international corporations and close proximity to the country's capital. Noida is home to several office towers and hubs for information technology. Commercial neighbourhoods including Film City, Sector 62, Sector 18, Sector 16, Sector 125, and others are home to prominent news networks, large MNCs, start-ups, and well-known Indian enterprises. Because of this, Noida is now home to a number of well-known builders who assist in locating the premium office space in Noida. They provide contemporary, cost-effective housing options that meet the needs of prospective Noida homeowners.
The extensive social infrastructure of Noida consists of several parks, schools, and hospitals. Compared to Gurugram and New Delhi, Noida is a more reasonably priced neighbourhood. The Noida Metro Blue Line, which links several Noida districts to Delhi, and the Noida Metro Aqua Line, which connects to Greater Noida, offer convenient metro connections. Finding the premium office space in Noida is a great idea because of its well-planned infrastructure, fantastic connectivity, upcoming airport, and abundance of work opportunities.
Sector-18, Noida
Sector-132, Noida
Sector-62, Noida
Sector-125, Noida
Sector-75, Noida
Sector-16, Noida
Below are 6 flourishing commercial districts where you can locate premium office space.
Given that Noida is expanding and changing, now is the perfect moment to invest in and find the premium office space. The perfect location needs to be chosen with consideration. In case you're not sure where to put your money in Noida, these are the top 10 possible real estate investments:
1. Sector-18, Noida
locating the premium office space in Noida's Sector 18. Sector 18 is the hub of Noida and the primary shopping area. There is a metro stop there that connects the area to Delhi and Noida. Furthermore, Sector 18 is bordered by affluent neighbourhoods, which makes it possible for companies to locate offices here in order to draw in the best workers. It also enjoys excellent road access to nearby National Capital Region (NCR) locations. Most of the offices in Sector 18 are prepared for occupancy. Depending on the features and carpet area chosen, the rates may increase. The majority of these offices are equipped with contemporary conveniences like conference rooms, cafeterias, and elevators, among other things.
Finding premium office space – Wave One, Chokhani Square, and Ocean Plaza
Facilities Nearby:
Institutes: Amity International School, Apeejay School, DPS, Amity University
Hospitals: Max Hospital
Market & Shopping Areas: DLF Mall of India, The Great India Palace, Atta Market, Wave Mall
Transport: Sector 18 Metro Station, By Road
Wave One, and Ocean Plaza
2. Sector-132, Noida
Sector 132 has convenient access to the Yamuna Expressway and the Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad Expressway, and it is located next to the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway. The business community estimates that over 50% of the city's office leasing occurs along the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway. Because of this, Sector 132 is developing into one of the region's major business hubs, and several more commercial hubs are in the works. The average cost of an office lease in Sector 132, Noida, is about Rs 70 per square foot. Finding the premium office space in Noida is made easier by the numerous projects that have started to sell commercial inventories, with prices ranging from Rs 7,500 to Rs 13,000 per square foot.
Premium Office Space Available – Urbtech Trade Centre, Orion One 32, Logix Technova, ATS Bouquet and Express Trade Tower
Facilities Nearby:
Institutes: Genesis Global School, Step By Step School, Somerville International School
Hospitals: Felix Hospital, Jaypee Hospital
Shopping: Orion One32, Paras One33
Transport: Metro, By Road
Urbtech Trade Centre, Orion One 32, ATS Bouquet and Express Trade Tower
3. Sector-62, Noida
Finding the premium office space in Noida's Sector 62 is simple. Sector 62 in Noida is a significant hub for IT/ITeS. It has several Grade A office buildings and is located next to National Highway (NH) 24. A dedicated metro station on the Delhi Metro network adds to its prime position and business boom. Reputable businesses have discovered that the site is ideal for data centres. Furthermore, the Blue Line extension of the Delhi Metro would offer a direct route from this region to Ghaziabad's Indirapuram, Sahibabad, and Vaibhav Khand. It is also anticipated that this will cause the commercial real estate in Sector 62 to shift north. locating the premium office space, with average monthly office lease prices in the vicinity of Rs 60 per square foot.
Premium Office Space – Okaya Centre, Masters Capitol Avenue, and Bhutani Cyber Park
Facilities Nearby:
Institutes: Aspam Scottish School, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Symbiosis Noida
Hospitals: Fortis Hospital, Max Hospital
Market Place: DLF Mall of India, Local Markets
Commute: Metro, Public Transportation
Premium Office Space and Business Hubs: Okaya Centre, Masters Capitol Avenue, and Bhutani Cyber Park
4. Sector-125, Noida
Sector 125 is well-located for locating the premium office space because it offers quick access to the Yamuna Motorway, the Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad Expressway, and the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway. Industry estimates place the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway at the centre of almost 50% of Noida's office leasing. As a result, Sector 125 is developing into one of the region's key business districts, and other commercial centres are planned.
Premium Office Space available – Add India Centre, Add India Tower, Add India Heights, Club 125
Facilities Nearby:
Institutions: Mayoor School Noida, Amity Global School, Lotus Valley International School, Amity University
Hospitals: Max Multi Speciality Centre, Jaypee Hospital
Market Place and Shopping Complex: DLF Mall of India, GIP, Gulshan One29, Wave Mall
Public Commute: Okhla Bird Century Metro Station, Botanical Garden Metro Station, Via Road
Business Spaces and premium office space: Add India Centre, Add India Tower, Add India Heights, Club 125 Source Link : https://addindiagroup.com/prime-office-space-available-in-noida-elevate-your-business-presence/
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manohardubey44 · 2 years
Mother's Day Celebration
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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~ Helen Keller
The Modern School believes in the quote and endeavours to nourish it with its values, perseverance and ethics.
Keeping the same in mind, school organized The Mother's Day celebration on May 6, 2022 to honour the most sacrificing and loving souls. Read more...
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Exploring Excellence: Kidzee 15A, the Best Playschool in Faridabad
In the bustling city of Faridabad lies a gem of early childhood education - Kidzee 15A. As parents, choosing the right playschool is paramount, and Kidzee 15A stands out as a beacon of quality, care, and holistic development for young learners. Let's delve into what makes Kidzee 15A one of the best preschools in Greater Faridabad and a top choice for parents seeking excellence in early education.
The Kidzee 15A Difference
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
At Kidzee 15A, we believe in nurturing young minds through a comprehensive curriculum that blends academics with creativity and play. Our programs are designed to foster a love for learning while building essential skills such as language development, numeracy, social interaction, and problem-solving.
2. Experienced Faculty
Our team of educators comprises experienced and dedicated professionals who are passionate about early childhood development. They create a warm and engaging atmosphere where every child feels valued, supported, and encouraged to explore their potential.
3. Safe and Stimulating Environment
Safety is our priority, and Kidzee 15A is equipped with modern facilities and security measures to ensure a safe learning environment. From CCTV surveillance to secure entry points, parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are in a secure setting conducive to learning and growth.
4. Innovative Learning Methods
We believe in the power of hands-on learning and exploration. Our classrooms are equipped with interactive learning tools, age-appropriate resources, and a rich variety of activities that stimulate curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in children.
5. Parental Involvement
We value the partnership between parents and educators. Kidzee 15A encourages parental involvement through regular communication, parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and events that foster a strong sense of community and collaboration.
Programs Offered
Playgroup (Age 1.5 - 2.5 years)
Our playgroup program introduces young learners to the world of structured learning through play-based activities, music, art, and sensory experiences. It lays the foundation for socialization, communication, and motor skills development.
Nursery (Age 2.5 - 3.5 years)
In the nursery program, children engage in hands-on learning experiences that promote language development, early literacy, numeracy, and cognitive skills. They explore themes, stories, and concepts that ignite their curiosity and imagination.
Junior KG & Senior KG (Age 3.5 - 5 years)
Our KG programs focus on preparing children for formal schooling by enhancing their academic skills, social-emotional development, and independence. Through a blend of structured lessons and interactive play, children build confidence and readiness for the next educational milestones.
Enroll Your Child at Kidzee 15A
Choosing Kidzee 15A preschool in faridabad means providing your child with a nurturing and enriching early learning experience that lays the groundwork for future success. If you're looking for the best playschool in Faridabad or Greater Faridabad, Kidzee 15A is your destination.
Contact us today to schedule a visit, learn more about our programs, and enroll your child in a journey of discovery, growth, and excellence at Kidzee 15A.
Contact Information:
Address: Kidzee Preschool and Daycare , Sector-15A, Near Bikaner Landmark: Vidya Mandir School
Phone: +91 8860661949, +91 9871521527, +918800406055
Website: https://kidzeefaridabadsec15a.com/
Join us in shaping a bright future for your child at Kidzee 15A, where every day is a new adventure in learning and discovery!
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sgsfaridabad · 14 days
Greater Faridabad's CBSE Champs: Unveiling the Diamonds Beyond the Rankings (A Saraswati Global School Perspective)
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In the bustling heart of Greater Faridabad, the quest for the "perfect" CBSE School consumes many parents' minds. While securing a coveted spot in a top-ranked institution is a natural desire, the constant focus on rankings can obscure the true gems within the educational landscape. Here at Saraswati Global School, we believe every child deserves a learning environment that ignites their individual spark, fosters holistic growth, and prepares them for a bright future.
This blog post isn't just about Saraswati Global School (although we'll share our unique approach later!). It's about empowering you, the parent, to navigate the diverse world of CBSE schools in Greater Faridabad.
Read Here for more information:https://cbseschoolsaraswatiglobalschool.blogspot.com/2024/05/greater-faridabads-cbse-champs.html
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go4reviews · 2 months
Best schools in Faridabad for Academics
We have more than 100  established private/public schools in Faridabad and Greater Faridabad. These schools go to different board examinations every year. The Board results for 2022-23 for CBSE were declared in May closely followed by ICSE and later by Cambridge and IB curriculums. Based on the outcome of the performance of students of various top schools in Faridabad in 2023 board examinations,…
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faridabadmodern · 18 days
Embracing Diversity With The Inclusive Learning Programme at The Modern School, Greater Faridabad
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, inclusivity has become more than just a buzzword; it's a cornerstone of effective education. The Modern School, Greater Faridabad stands at the forefront of this movement, offering an inclusive learning program that caters to the diverse needs of every learner. Inclusive Learning Approach At the Modern School, inclusivity isn't just a concept; it's a way of life. The Best School Faridabad The enrolment procedure is designed to assess various domains of a child's academic, behavioral, and socio-emotional needs through careful observation.
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This evaluation sets the stage for crafting a personalized learning journey for each student.The school employs a specialized curriculum that targets the development of skills specific to children with special needs (CWSN). Various approaches, such as in-class support and pull-out sessions, ensure that every child receives the necessary assistance to actively participate in classroom activities. Moreover, the curriculum is modified according to the child's progress, paving the way for a phased transition to mainstream learning as they grow and develop. In-class support is a cornerstone of inclusive learning strategy. It involves providing direct assistance to students within the classroom environment, ensuring they can complete their notebook work and actively engage with the lesson.
This approach not only supports the academic progress of CWSN but also fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging among all students. Pull-out sessions are another vital aspect of the school’s inclusive approach. These sessions offer one-on-one assistance to students based on their individual needs. Whether it's additional support with a specific subject or targeted interventions to enhance learning skills, these sessions are tailored to ensure that each child can adapt well to the curriculum and achieve their full potential. The modified curriculum at the Modern School, Greater Faridabad is a testament to its commitment to personalized learning.
Instructors adapt the curriculum based on the needs and progress of each child, ensuring that learning goals are achievable and meaningful. Assessment processes are also tailored to reflect the child's performance accurately, providing valuable feedback for further growth. As students progress, they are gradually recommended for a phased transition to mainstream learning, ensuring a smooth and successful educational journey. Personality Development Programs (PDP) The Modern School Greater Faridabad recognizes that education extends beyond academics; it encompasses the holistic development of a child. Personality Development Programs (PDP) are integral to the school's curriculum, focusing on critical thinking, public speaking, and social skills development.
Critical thinking skills are essential in today's complex world, and the school places a strong emphasis on nurturing these skills from the foundational years. Top schools in Faridabad Through interactive activities, problem-solving tasks, and discussions, students are encouraged to think critically, analyze information, and develop informed perspectives.Public speaking programs are another highlight of PDP initiatives. Effective communication is a crucial skill, and the school provides ample opportunities for students to hone their public speaking abilities. Whether it's through debates, presentations, or storytelling sessions, every child is given equal opportunities to express themselves confidently and articulate their thoughts. Social skills development is also a key focus area. Through role plays, group activities, and collaborative projects, students learn to work effectively in teams, communicate ideas clearly, and build positive relationships.
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These experiences not only enhance their social competence but also contribute to their overall personality development. School assemblies play a significant role in fostering a sense of community and belonging. Students actively participate in assemblies, showcasing their talents, sharing experiences, and celebrating achievements. This platform not only boosts their confidence but also instills a sense of pride and belonging in the school community.
Value-Based Learning Education at the Modern School transcends traditional boundaries, emphasizing curiosity, knowledge acquisition, and values. Educators encourage students to ask questions, think creatively, and appreciate diverse perspectives. The school's rich heritage of respect, empathy, and kindness is woven into every aspect of learning, fostering openness, and overcoming barriers to learning. Values are an integral part of education, reflecting the ethos of respect, empathy, and kindness. These values are instilled through various initiatives, including value-based lessons, storytelling sessions, and experiential learning activities. Students learn the importance of respecting others, empathizing with different perspectives, and being kind and compassionate individuals. The school's system facilitates openness to the expression of thoughts, ideas, and emotions.
Students are encouraged to share their views, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions. This open dialogue promotes a positive learning environment where students feel valued, heard, and supported. Regular counseling sessions and workshops further support students' emotional well-being, ensuring they can harness their full potential. Best school in Faridabad Trained counselors provide guidance, support, and intervention as needed, addressing a wide range of emotional, social, and psychological concerns. Workshops on stress management, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence equip students with essential life skills, enabling them to navigate challenges effectively. Collaboration with parents and community organizations strengthens this support system, creating a nurturing environment for young learners. Parent-teacher partnerships play a crucial role in student success, with regular communication, feedback, and collaboration ensuring holistic development.
Community engagement initiatives, such as outreach programs, social projects, and volunteer opportunities, instill a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement in students, fostering empathy, and compassion for others. 21st Century Skills In preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century, the Modern School Greater Faridabad focuses on building essential skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and responsibility.
Students are actively engaged in tasks that promote independent thinking, creativity, and innovation.
Through project-based learning, collaborative activities, and real-world simulations, students develop critical skills that are vital for success in today's dynamic world. Problem-solving skills are honed through hands-on activities, case studies, and real-life scenarios. Students learn to identify problems, analyze information, explore solutions, and make informed decisions. This practical approach not only enhances their problem-solving abilities but also fosters resilience, adaptability, and creativity. Decision-making skills are also a focal point of the educational approach. Students are encouraged to make choices, evaluate options, consider consequences, and take responsibility for their decisions. This empowerment cultivates confidence, autonomy, and leadership skills, preparing students to navigate complex challenges with clarity and purpose.
Responsibility is a core value instilled in students. Through various responsibilities, such as classroom duties, leadership roles, and community service projects, students learn the importance of accountability, reliability, and integrity. These experiences nurture a sense of ownership and commitment, shaping responsible and conscientious individuals who contribute positively to society. In conclusion, Modern School Faridabad The Modern School, Greater Faridabad's inclusive learning programme is a testament to its commitment to providing quality education that embraces diversity and nurtures every child's potential. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, personal development, and value-based learning, it is shaping future leaders who are not only academically adept but also socially responsible and empathetic global citizens. Through a holistic approach that encompasses academic excellence, character development, and 21st-century skills, it empowers students to thrive in a complex and interconnected world, making a positive impact and shaping a brighter future for generations to come.
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