#best general physician in dwarka
amitranjansultania · 5 months
How is Typhoid fever transmitted, and what preventive measures can be taken?
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Typhoid fever spreads through contaminated food and water, mainly due to the bacteria Salmonella Typhi. To prevent transmission, prioritize safe eating and drinking habits. Cook food thoroughly, consume clean water, and practice good hygiene. Handwashing is crucial to avoid bacterial transfer. Vaccination is a key preventive measure, providing protection against typhoid. Maintain a sanitary environment, and if traveling to endemic areas, take precautions. Simple steps like proper sanitation, vaccination, and mindful eating habits play a vital role in safeguarding against typhoid fever. Stay informed and adopt these practices for a healthier, typhoid-free lifestyle. Dr. Amit Ranjan Sultania, recognized as the best Diabetologist, General Physician in Dwarka, Diabetes Specialist, and Thyroid Specialist in Dwarka, emphasizes proper sanitation and vaccination. For a healthier community, follow his advice to prevent this infectious disease—stay mindful of cleanliness, opt for safe water sources, and consider vaccination.
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drashitabhtiwari · 5 months
Exploring Exceptional Mental Health Care: Uncovering Top Psychiatrists in Dwarka
In the bustling urban landscape of Dwarka, where life moves at a fast pace, it's not uncommon for individuals to face the challenges that come with maintaining mental well-being. Fortunately, the vibrant community of Dwarka offers a range of mental health resources to support those in need. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of seeking professional help and provide guidance on finding the best psychiatrist in Dwarka, without explicitly naming any specific clinics or doctors.
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Understanding the Need for Professional Support:
Mental health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, and seeking help from a qualified psychiatrist can make a significant difference in one's life. Whether dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or more complex mental health issues, a trained professional can offer valuable insights, coping strategies, and therapeutic interventions.
The Search for the Right Psychiatrist:
Finding the best psychiatrist for your needs involves careful consideration and research. Here are some general tips to guide your search without mentioning specific names:
1. Online Reviews and Testimonials:
Explore online platforms where individuals share their experiences with mental health professionals. Look for reviews and testimonials that highlight positive outcomes and compassionate care.
2. Referrals from General Practitioners:
Consult your primary care physician or a general practitioner for recommendations. They often have networks of trusted specialists and can provide referrals based on your specific needs.
3. Professional Organizations and Directories:
Check mental health professional directories provided by reputable organizations. These directories often list licensed psychiatrists, making it easier to narrow down your options.
4. Telehealth Options:
In the digital age, many psychiatrists offer telehealth services. Consider whether you would prefer in-person visits or if virtual appointments would better suit your lifestyle.
5. Community Support Groups:
Attend local mental health support groups or community events. Members of such groups may share insights into their experiences with different psychiatrists in the area.
Making the Initial Contact:
Once you've identified potential psychiatrists, take the next steps to contact them and gather additional information:
1. Phone Consultations:
Schedule brief phone consultations with the psychiatrists you are considering. Use this opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask about their approach to treatment, and inquire about their availability.
2. Credentials and Approach:
Inquire about the psychiatrist's credentials, experience, and preferred treatment approaches. This information can help you determine whether their expertise aligns with your needs.
3. Cost and Insurance:
Clarify the financial aspects, including the cost of sessions, accepted insurance plans, and any available sliding scale fees. Understanding these details upfront can help you plan for the financial aspects of your mental health care.
Prioritizing mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. By taking a thoughtful and informed approach to finding the Best psychiatrist in Dwarka, you can embark on a journey towards improved mental health and a more fulfilling life. Remember that the process may require patience and open communication to ensure a positive therapeutic relationship with your chosen mental health professional.
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Advancing Healthcare Excellence: Maharaja  Agrasen Hospital Dwarka - Your Trusted Partner in Wellness
In a world where health is paramount, having a dependable healthcare partner is invaluable. Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, located in Dwarka, has consistently stood as a beacon of hope, a sanctuary of healing, and a pioneer of medical innovation for the past 8 years. Today, we delve into what makes Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka a trusted name in healthcare and how it continues to deliver unparalleled services to the community.
 Caring Beyond Medicine
At Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka, the cornerstone of our philosophy is to treat each patient not as a case, but as a unique individual with their own stories, needs, and aspirations. Our dedicated healthcare professionals, from physicians and nurses to support staff, share a common goal: to provide compassionate care with a personalized touch. We understand that healing extends beyond medicine, and thus, we nurture an environment of empathy and respect, offering solace to patients and their families during challenging times.
 State-of-the-Art Facilities
One of the key strengths of Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka is its state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge medical technology. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our world-class facilities, including advanced diagnostic centers, modern operating theaters, and specialized treatment units. With a focus on patient comfort and safety, we continually invest in upgrading our infrastructure to meet the ever-evolving demands of modern healthcare.
 Leading Medical Expertise Behind every successful hospital is a team of skilled and experienced medical professionals. Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka boasts a roster of some of the finest doctors, surgeons, and specialists in the region. Our commitment to excellence extends to recruiting top-tier talent, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care and access to the latest advancements in medical science.
 Comprehensive Services
At Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka, we offer a comprehensive range of medical services, from routine check-ups to complex surgeries. Our specialties include but are not limited to 
·         Cardiology
·         Orthopedics
·         Obstetrics and Gynecology
·         Neurology
·         Pediatrics
·         Emergency Medicine
In addition to these specialties, we provide a wide array of support services, including physical therapy, nutrition counseling, and mental health support, recognizing the importance of holistic well-being.
 Community Engagement Our commitment to the community extends beyond the walls of our hospital. We actively engage in community outreach programs, health education initiatives, and partnerships with local organizations to promote a healthier lifestyle. We believe in fostering a culture of prevention and wellness, not just treatment.
 Your Partner in Wellness
At Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka, we take pride in being your trusted partner in wellness. We understand that choosing a healthcare provider is a significant decision, and we are honored that you have chosen us. Rest assured, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care, using our expertise, compassion, and technology to ensure your journey to health is as smooth as possible.
 From routine check-ups to life-saving interventions, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka remains committed to delivering excellence in healthcare. Our mission is not just to mend bodies but to improve lives, one patient at a time.
 Your health is our priority, and we look forward to serving you and your loved ones for generations to come.
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artbaby12 · 11 months
best female infertility doctor in dwarka
As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data or the ability to provide specific recommendations. However, I can provide you with some general information on finding a reputable infertility doctor specializing in female infertility. Here are a few steps you can take to find the best doctor for your needs:
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best female infertility doctor in dwarka
Consult your primary care physician or gynecologist: Start by discussing your concerns with your primary care physician or gynecologist. They can provide initial guidance, perform preliminary tests, and refer you to a specialist if necessary.
Seek recommendations: Ask friends, family members, or trusted healthcare professionals for recommendations. Personal referrals can be valuable in finding a doctor who has a good reputation and experience in treating female infertility.
Research fertility clinics: Look for reputable fertility clinics or reproductive centers in your area. Visit their websites, read patient reviews, and check their success rates in treating female infertility. Look for doctors who specialize in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Verify doctor credentials: Ensure that the doctor you are considering is board-certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Board certification indicates that the doctor has met specific educational and training requirements in the field.
Consider experience and expertise: Look for doctors who have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating female infertility. Consider their expertise in various fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), ovulation induction, or surgical interventions.
Schedule consultations: Once you have a shortlist of potential doctors, schedule consultations to meet them in person. During these appointments, ask about their treatment approach, success rates, potential side effects, and any other concerns you may have.
Consider compatibility and communication: Infertility treatment can be emotionally challenging, so it's important to find a doctor with whom you feel comfortable and can openly communicate. Choose a doctor who listens to your concerns, explains the treatment options clearly, and involves you in the decision-making process.
Remember, finding the best doctor for your specific situation may require some research and personal preferences. It's essential to consider your individual needs, location, and the resources available to you.
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Make Your Choice About Gynecologist Without Shying
It is recommended that women begin seeing a Gynecologist in Dwarka on a regular basis after the age of 18 or as early as they become sexually active. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, or suspect you have a sexually transmitted infection, you should start undergoing annual checkups. These are essential for your overall health and well-being, yet most women are ashamed or fearful of their initial appointment. It might be stressful not only to have an appointment, but also to choose a Best Gynecologist in Delhi. Here are some pointers to assist you make that critical decision.
Professional and personal referrals are the most convenient and effective way to find an excellent one. Most patients begin by consulting their primary care physician, but friends and family members are also excellent options. You should not be embarrassed to ask for a recommendation, even if it is tough. You don't have to divulge into specifics, and most people would respect your privacy and refrain from asking questions.
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Medical Coverage: Your healthcare insurance will most likely be one of the most important determinants of Best Gynecologist in Dwarka you visit. Some may require a referral from your primary care physician or a visit to a gynecologist in their network. Although unpleasant, health benefit constraints can sometimes help you narrow down your options to a more manageable variety.
Practice Size: Some gynecologists for Painless delivery in Delhi have a large practice and a long list of patients. They may have many offices or be made up of several doctors. Larger practices typically offer greater advantages such as extended office hours, simpler doctor availability, emergency services, and more overall care options. However, because gynecology is such a personal branch of medicine, smaller practices provide more comfort. You can get to know everyone on staff, and the environment is frequently less clinical and unpleasant.
Gender is often the first concern that comes to mind while deciding on one. Should you go with a man or a woman? Every doctor and their practiceare unique; you may feel at ease with one female doctor but uneasy with another, and vice versa with male doctors. It all boils down to what you think is best in the end. Choose a female gynecologist if having a male doctor makes you incredibly uncomfortable, to the point of fear or worry. Professionals of both genders are usually courteous and respectful.
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Convenience: The best gynecologist in the world who has been suggested to you by fifteen friends as well as your general practitioner will be useless if she lives fifty miles away and does not open on weekends. Some gynecologists are plain unpractical. Examine the practice's office hours, procedures, and any other relevant information. You'll want something that's a decent distance from your house, has an acceptable wait time for appointments, and has some versatility based on your specific circumstances.
If you follow these guidelines, you'll discover that finding the appropriate gynecologist isn't as tough as it may appear.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
IVF Centres in Pune at Elawoman
Vinod Memorial Hospital Vishrantwadi is a Hospital in Vishrantwadi, Pune. The clinic is visited through gynecologist like Dr. Kaishreen Khan and Dr. Akanksha Barthwal Thakre. The timings of Vinod Memorial Hospital are: Mon-Sun: 10:00-22:00. Some of the offerings furnished via the Hospital are: Atopic Dermatitis Treatment,Baldness Treatment,Fertility Conserving Procedures,Medical Vitiligo Treatment and High-Risk Pregnancy Care and so on. Click on map to discover directions to reach Vinod Memorial Hospital.
IVF Centres in Pune Vinod Memorial Multispeciality Hospital is an IVF centre situated in Vishrantwadi, Pune. The services supplied on the centre are Infertility assessment, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Gynecology Laparoscopy surgery, Follicular study, Neonatal and Pediatric extensive care. It is likewise guided and visited by Dr. Kashrin Khan, an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Dr. Kashrin makes a speciality of Normal Vaginal transport, High risk being pregnant care, and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) tactics. She possesses an enjoy of multiple and 1/2 a long time on this area.
Services:- IVF,IUI
Location:- Vishrantwadi, Pune
Rating :- 2.6 / 5
Pearl Womens Hospital and Yash IVF is a Multispeciality centre placed in Deccan Gymkhana, Pune. It turned into setup inside the yr 2003. The sanatorium is likewise called a Center of Excellence for Gynecology Surgeries with minimal invasion and Safe Motherhood. The offerings presented at the sanatorium include Infertility evaluation, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Laparoscopy, Ultrasonography, and Testicular biopsy, and Gynecology Ultrasonography strategies. It is also guided and visited by Dr. Chaitanya Ganapule who is an infertility professional and endoscopic surgeon. He specializes in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Gynecology Laparoscopy, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Treatment, Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), and Endoscopic Surgery methods.
Services:- IVF,IUI
Location:- Deccan Gymkhana, Pune
Rating :- 4.4 / 5
Orion Hospital is a Geriatric Medicine Hospital in Kasna, Greater Noida. The health center is visited via well known health practitioner like Dr. Bhupender Singh and Dr. Krishna Kunar Tripathi. The timings of Orion Hospital are: Mon-Sun: 00:00-23:59. Some of the services furnished by using the Hospital are: Hypertension Disorders,Orthopaedics,PCOS/PCOD & ladies related problems,Urine Cytology and Hemoglobin Test and so on. Click on map to discover instructions to reach Orion Hospital.
Established inside year 2018, Orion Hospital in Greater , Delhi is a pinnacle participant in the class Hospitals inside the Delhi. This well-known established order acts as a one-forestall vacation spot servicing clients both neighborhood and from other parts of Delhi. Over the course of its adventure, this business has installed a firm foothold in its industry. The notion that consumer pleasure is as essential as their services and products, have helped this status quo garner a significant base of clients, which maintains to grow by way of the day. This commercial enterprise employs individuals which might be devoted closer to their respective roles and installed loads of attempt to gain the common imaginative and prescient and large dreams of the agency. In the near future, this commercial enterprise targets to expand its line of services and products and cater to a larger client base. In Delhi, this establishment occupies a distinguished vicinity in Greater . It is an convenient task in commuting to this established order as there are various modes of delivery without problems to be had.
Orion Hospital is known for housing experienced Gynaecologists. Dr. Parag Hitnalikar, a well-reputed Gynaecologist, practices in Pune. Visit this scientific health centre for Gynaecologists endorsed via sixty eight patients.Our intention is to provide our patients, and all our community the maximum less costly, trustworthy and expert carrier to ensure your best health.
Established in the year 2018, Orion Hospital in Greater , Delhi is a pinnacle participant inside the category Hospitals inside the Delhi. This famous status quo acts as a one-prevent destination servicing customers both nearby and from other elements of Delhi. Over the path of its adventure, this business has hooked up a company foothold in its industry. The belief that patron satisfaction is as vital as their services and products, have helped this status quo garner a extensive base of clients, which keeps to develop by using the day. This business employs individuals which might be dedicated toward their respective roles and installed numerous effort to obtain the commonplace vision and larger desires of the employer. In the close to destiny, this commercial enterprise aims to increase its line of services and products and cater to a larger purchaser base. In Delhi, this established order occupies a prominent area in Greater . It is an easy assignment in commuting to this establishment as there are numerous modes of transport without problems available.
Orion Hospital is thought for housing experienced Gynaecologists. Dr. Parag Hitnalikar, a well-reputed Gynaecologist, practices in Pune. Visit this medical fitness centre for Gynaecologists advocated by means of sixty five patients.Our goal is to provide our patients, and all our network the most low-cost, honest and expert service to make certain your high-quality health.
Established within the year 1997, Dr. Punkaj Taneja (lifeline Hospital) in Dwarka Sector 12, Delhi is a top player in the class General Physician Doctors inside the Delhi. This well-known establishment acts as a one-forestall destination servicing customers each nearby and from other elements of Delhi. Over the path of its journey, this enterprise has hooked up a company foothold in its industry. The perception that consumer satisfaction is as critical as their services and products, have helped this establishment garner a widespread base of customers, which continues to grow by using the day. This business employs individuals that are committed in the direction of their respective roles and put in a whole lot of effort to reap the common vision and large dreams of the employer. In the near future, this business goals to make bigger its line of products and services and cater to a larger patron base.
Services:- IVF,IUI
Location:- Wakad, Pune
Rating :- 4.3 / 5
Lifeline Hospital is prominently positioned in Sector-12B, Dwarka New Delhi. Health care services are supplied by way of Senior Consultants of reputation ,properly-qualified Medical and Paramedical staff.
Lifeline Hospital is 35 bedded , multi-speciality Hospital fully air-conditioned with Stretcher lift and a 100% Power Backup.
Today Lifeline sanatorium is a multi-strong point health facility, with consciousness on specialization with perfection.
Lifeline Hospital is a Gynecology Hospital in Pune. The offerings furnished by means of the medical institution are Gynae Laparoscopy Surgery, Gynecological troubles Care, Infertility Evaluation/ Treatment, Hysteroscopy, Myomectomy, Pelvic Pain and Urogynecology. Their infertility management group has experienced Gynecologists, Embryologists, Ultra Sonologists, Urologists and Andrologists. Our fertility medical doctors have years of extra formal education past that of an OB/GYN and consequently are skilled to deal with each affected person successfully. Their group is also trained for numerous competencies and strategies related to diagnosis and Treatment of infertility. We additionally maintain steady interaction with Premier IVF and Research Centers globally and also are upgraded with the modern day development in this area. The doctors additionally attend normal international seminars and are a part of many researches, which helps us to treat our sufferers better.
Services:- IVF,IUI
Location:- Aundh, Pune
Rating :- 3.0 / 5
The Birth Company Fertility and IVF Centre is a Gynecology Hospital in Pune. The services supplied via the health facility are Gynae Laparoscopy Surgery, Gynecological troubles Care, Infertility Evaluation/ Treatment, Hysteroscopy, Myomectomy, Pelvic Pain and Urogynecology. Their infertility control group has skilled Gynecologists, Embryologists, Ultra Sonologists, Urologists and Andrologists. Our fertility doctors have years of additional formal training beyond that of an OB/GYN and consequently are skilled to deal with every affected person efficiently. Their team is likewise skilled for diverse abilities and techniques related to analysis and Treatment of infertility. We also maintain steady interplay with Premier IVF and Research Centers globally and are also upgraded with the ultra-modern improvement on this field. The medical doctors additionally attend normal international seminars and are a part of many researches, which facilitates us to treat our patients better.
Services:- IVF,IUI
Location:- Aundh, Pune
Rating :- 3.0 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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Worst Foods For Your Teeth from Dental Experts of Dwarka, New Delhi.
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A dental professional is a cosmetic surgeon who prevents our dental look after far better teeth. An oral surgeon rectifies the problem of cavities and periodontal, which can not be seen. The best dental clinic in Dwarka is likewise called a tooth physician. A dental professional always suggests preserving your oral care and wellness. Intro:Foods play a vital duty in living beings’ lives. It additionally plays a significant function in one’s moral life. Some foods that appear to be excellent, healthy, and balanced at first sight are the primary reason for oral issues as they consist of acids. “Avoidance is far better than cure,” As avoidance is the very best dental professional for your smile. To avoid oral troubles, the very best way is to brush with floss two times a day, along with seeing dental clinics. The role of dental care is to recommend you to keep your dental health and wellness. Poor oral health and fitness can impact your lifestyle. Much more truth regarding this can likewise be read up on online syndrome, an online website that helps centers in a fantastic method by the role of the clinic supervisor. Below are ten worst foods for your teeth advice by a dental expert: Sweets (sweet) — In India, New Delhi, sweets are highly sought after. As a result of this, the trouble of dental health and wellness goes to an extreme level. As sweet contains a high quantity of sugar in it, incredibly sticky or sour, it swiftly liquefies in your mouth and candy — engages with germs within plaque and releases an acid that breaks down enamel. This triggers cavities and the dental cavity. Product with alcohol: Alcohol is the most unsafe to humankind’s general health. Alcohol can likewise harm the teeth’ surface area due to the reduced PH degrees and acidity, triggering tooth cavities in the future. Ice — Ice appears to be excellent. However, do you know that it can additionally be dangerous for our teeth by eating it? Chewing on a hard substance can damage enamel and make you open up to oral emergencies. Acidic Foods: Foods that benefit your body are additionally good for your teeth. Some foods can wear down tooth enamel, also. These include tomatoes and also citrus fruits like oranges. Soda and also soft drinks- Soda consists of sugar, and also it causes tooth decay. Beverages like lemon soda, other sodas, and sports drinks create a sugar bathroom for your teeth, bringing about dental caries. Chips and bread: Some foods such as soft pieces of bread and chips can also stick in between teeth. Food that continues to be in these locations can catch bacteria, which causes dental cavity and oral problems. Chips and bread can quickly get stuck in the mouth. Coffee and also tea: In India, the custom of tea is prevalent. Drinking this regularly can result in discolored teeth. Citrus fruit: Citrus fruit is much better for you, yet something you need to consume in common. Also, lemon in your water will introduce citric acid to your teeth. It is dangerous for our teeth. Problematic foods for chewing- Enamel is tough. The hardest part of your body is enamel. Even it can not endure you chewing on hard foods. It is imperative to stay clear of food if it is hard to chew. Unhealthy food: It is so bad for dental health because it includes salts and sugar in a lot more amounts. It embedded the teeth and also acids integrated into the surface area of the mouth. It leads to tooth cavities and also tooth decay. Problems take place as a result of the routine of consuming harmful food: The diseases that happen by consuming these foods might be linked with overall health, creating a problem in future life. One of the most crucial points is to brush with floss regularly to stay clear of such issues. Consuming harmful food that is great in taste but negative for health and wellness might create dental caries, tooth decay, and periodontal issues at an early age, affecting dental and general wellness. These foods might be the reason for vanishing the teeth for a lifetime which affects our individuality and results in a lack of confidence. As we all have
listened to in childhood years, consuming chocolates can black your teeth and fall earlier, so one of the most usual is that the dental expert will suggest you prevent such foods for a healthy tooth. One of the most typical oral issues in India, New Delhi, Dwarka is the yellow-colored teeth and discolored the original color. Numerous issues that take place due to bad dental health can affect general wellness. As a result of such troubles, one can see your dental facility for routine examination.
By Saima Ansari #dental #oral health #foods # dentist
#care #best dentist in dwarka
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Best Kidney Failure Treatment In Delhi |  Best Kidney Failure Treatment In Dwarka
Treatment of Kidney Failure in Homeopathy:
In Kidney Failure Treatment By Homeopathy medicines are so potent that they can repair the injured Kidney Cells (nephrons) as well as improve the functionality of normal nephrons thereby improvement in overall kidney performance of Kidney. Stem cells are present in almost all organs of the body. These Stem cells are responsible for growth, repair and regeneration in organs of the body. Stem Cells are of 2 types: — Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem Cells. The efficacy of these Adult Stem Cells aroused and starts healing when medicines selected on the basis of constitution i.e., nature, temperament, personality and individuality. Above mentioned theory suggests how homeopathy is effective not only in kidney failure treatment but various other chronic and so called incurable, progressive diseases such as polycystic kidney disease, liver and prostate diseases.
Which type of kidney patients should take Homeopathic treatment?
1. Healthy persons who have strong family history of kidney failure (CRF / ADPKD) should think for kidney failure treatment by homeopathy to avoid the risk of kidney failure.
2. Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must be careful and think for kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
3. Persons having symptoms of early kidney failure (CKD) of unknown etiology should also think of kidney failure treatment.
4. Patients suffering from recurrent kidney stone formation or having stone lodged in the ureter should get KFT done and if found abnormal, go for Kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
5. Patients having massive enlargement of Prostate should also get KFT done and if found abnormal, go for Kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
6. Patients having raised serum Creatinine and Urea should opt for Kidney failure treatment to reduce Creatinine by homeopathy.
7. Patients under dialysis with raised serum Creatinine and Urea should opt for best Kidney failure treatment in Delhi to stop dialysis by homeopathy.
A Super Specialty Homoeopathic Clinic
Nano Homeopathy Private Limited is chain of super specialty Homoeopathic clinic’s with the team of well experienced Homeopathic Doctors launched all over India, capable of providing Homoeopathic treatment for different diseases including surgical and non-surgical.
Our centres providing super specialty facility for the various so called, incurable diseases under one roof with a team of qualified and experienced homeopathic physicians.
Homeopathy medicines are so small in dose that it is appropriate to refer to them as a part of the newly defined field of “nanopharmacology” (the prefix “nano” derives from Latin and means dwarf; today, the prefix is used to refer to“Nanotechnology” or the “Nanosciences” which explore the use of extremely small technologies or processes, at least one-billionth of a unit, designated as 10–9).
The treatment is divided into surgical and non-surgical groups.
Our clinics are committed to provide best possible kidney failure treatment, prostate treatment ,liver treatment and many other so called incurable diseases by homeopathy. We have succeeded in reducing Creatinine and stop dialysis. We are currently providing kidney failure treatment, Liver treatment, Prostate treatment in Dwarka Delhi and Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Haldwani, Nainital and Bareilly. Nano is committed to provide best services to its patients including health and general facilities like potable water, sitting arrangement, toilet and other basic infrastructure services. Patients are intimated time to time for their follow ups and other investigations. Patient is free to consult by phone or personally if feels any problem prior to appointment given to him. Quality of medicines provided to the patients will be assured by NANO (Presently the medicines being used are from ISO certified company) to hear good response by the patient in all diseases. The services provided by NANO are:
Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd. is committed to provide its best services in various chronic diseases mainly Kidney failure and other diseases such as Leucoderma, Thyroid diseases, Psoriasis, Acne, Hair falling Liver diseases, and many surgical diseases such as Gall Bladder Stone, Kidney Stone, Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, different type of Tumors, Prostatic Enlargement(BPH), Arthritis etc. by the team of and experienced Physicians
Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd has facilities of Tele Consultation by phone, Fax, e-mail and on line treatment (www.kidneyfailed.com) for the out station patients whose visit to Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd is not possible. The facility of sending medicine by courier will be provided to the patients
In typical and non responding despaired cases facility of repertorial analysis is available by the team of qualified and experienced physicians with the help of latest Homeopathic Software.
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parulverma1 · 4 years
Book Doctors Appointment in Minutes with Spirals Health
Do you still waste your time standing in long queues outside hospitals? Are you even compelled to follow the traditional approach to visit and consult your doctor?
Wait, we have something for you! Something unique and something new that will surely change your lifestyle.  As our prime minister said, it's a digital India, and everything is becoming digital today.
We have brought a grand digital healthcare system to contribute to this modern revolution. Spirals Health is a popular online healthcare scheduling system. Here you can book appointments with doctors in your area, contact them directly via phone call, and check & compare their ratings with other doctors in your locality.
We don't have any time or area related restrictions; you may book your appointments anytime, anywhere.
For example, suppose you're a resident of Noida. In that case, you may find a doctor in Noida or find a general physician in Noida and book a doctor's appointment in Noida without any further delay.
What is Spirals Health
Spirals Health is an online appointment scheduling system that connects you with a provider to diagnose and treat a minor to severe illness range. Available 24x7 from wherever you are. Connect using your favorite mobile device – laptop or tablet.
Who will be caring for me?
Spirals Health will connect you with the top-rated, board-certified practice provider for your care. We take care of our customers, their time, and their immediate need; that's why we schedule appointments with doctors near the patients.
Benefits of Spirals Health
Sign up for Spirals health to get secure healthcare, request appointments online, and more from your mobile phone, tablet, or desktop.
Choose your doctor Unlike other telemedicine services; you decide which healthcare provider to see.
Convenient access
See a healthcare provider online from any connected tablet, desktop, or mobile device.
Several security technologies protect your privacy.
Choose a healthcare provider whose consultation fees fit your budget.
Find a doctor in Noida or find a general physician in Noida.
Our team of medical experts has been spread across the whole country, including Noida city. You may book a doctor's appointment in Noida very easily after visiting www.spiralshealth.com. In addition, you may also search for other types of healthcare experts, including physicians. Our website helps you to find a general physician in Noida city as well.
Here is a list of our highly recommended doctors and general physicians in Noida. You may book an online doctor's appointment in Noida with any of them.
Jon Sir
Jon is an experienced, dynamic, and passionate Diabetologist. Currently is practicing in sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has more than ten years of working experience.
He has expertise in Dermatology.
Charu Jain
She is an experienced, well qualified, and board-certified Ayurveda. Dr. Charu is currently practicing in sector 51, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
She has more than ten years of experience as Ayurveda.
Anand Kumar Saxena
Saxena is a passionate, experienced, and dynamic medicine consultant. He is practicing and helping patients in sector 19, block A, Dwarka. He has about ten years of serving experience.
Anand has expertise in executing and managing people with movement disorders, administering Botox injection, electrophysiology, neuromuscular disease, spinal cord disorders, dementia, and epilepsy.
Abhinav Gupta
Gupta is one of the best neurological surgeons in Surajmal Vihar, Delhi, India. He is an experienced and well-known doctor in his area.
Abhinav has more than 18 years of serving experience. He has expertise in Brain surgery, spine surgery, neurology.
Visit Spirals Health to book appointments with doctors in Noida or find general physicians in Noida.
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neoorthopaedics · 4 years
Leg Injuries - Cuboid Syndrome
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Cuboid syndrome is the result of injuries to the joints and ligaments surrounding the cuboid bone. This is one of the seven tarsal bones of the foot (talus or astragalus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid and 3 cuneiform bones). From a medical point of view, the condition is called a cuboid subluxation and occurs when the cuboid bone moves down and out, without being aligned with the calcaneus bone. The cuboid syndrome causes pain in the external side of the foot, which can be confused with other conditions.
Clinical picture
Cuboid syndrome encompasses a variety of common symptoms and other conditions, sometimes making it difficult to diagnose. The most common symptoms include: Pain on the outside of the foot, which affects including fingers 4 and 5; Pain that aggravates the standing state, due to body weight ; Painful pain, dry or sharp and acute; Weakness and difficulty in walking and jumping; Redness, inflammation, and sensitivity in the injured area; Walking painkillers, to reduce pain; Reducing the range of movements of the foot and ankle. Studies have reported that, in general, the cuboid syndrome is not uncommon in the population, but occurs most commonly in athletes and dancers. When the cuboid syndrome is correctly identified and treated, most people experience a complete recovery.
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Cuboid syndrome can have different causes, but the most common are: Overload - this condition, along with injury, is most commonly seen in athletes and dancers. These groups of athletes tend to have intense physical activity, regardless of the presence of pain. Overload injuries tend to develop after long periods of intense activity, such as running; Ankle dislocation - ankle dislocation can also lead to injury to the Tarsus bones of the foot. A specialist study reported that about 40% of people with ankle dislocations or sprains can develop cuboid syndrome; Foot walking in pronation - people who develop this type of walking have a higher risk of having the cuboid syndrome because the muscles of the leg can pull the tarsal bones into abnormal positions; Other causes - climbing, uneven surfaces and sports involving fast and lateral movements, such as tennis, can cause the cuboid syndrome. Wearing shoes of poor quality or inadequate sizes may be another reason. Also, if you do not take into account the indications of orthopaedic in Delhi regarding rest and recovery from a leg injury, various complications, including cuboid syndrome, may occur.
The foot represents a complex, flexible and resistant segment of the body. It contains about 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons, 28 bones and 30 joints. The complex structure of the foot and the non-specific nature of the pain within the cuboid syndrome make this injury difficult to diagnose. Sometimes, medical imaging techniques such as X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) do not identify signs of this condition, even if it is present. The cuboid syndrome may also mimic the symptoms of other foot problems, such as fractures or sprained heels. In order to establish a correct diagnosis and to find the most effective treatment, the physician must perform a thorough physical examination and examine a person's medical history.
Treatment options
Treating cuboid syndrome always involves rest and elimination of activities that involve putting pressure on the injured leg. Applying ice and an elastic phase, but also raising the foot above the level of the heart on a pillow are other useful methods. If the pain persists or worsens, the orthopaedic in Dwarka should be consulted urgently. Certain maneuvers performed by the therapists in the field can help to improve or eliminate the symptoms. These maneuvers are meant to force the bone to return to its original position. However, it should be noted that such maneuvers are not recommended if there are other associated conditions, such as arthritis, bone disease, fractures, circulatory or nerve disorders. Additional treatments may include the use of orthotics to support and properly align the foot, but also to administer anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and inflammation. In some cases, leg massage can help to reposition the bone. Surgery is used in rare cases when other treatment options have not worked.
The length of time required for recovery from cuboid syndrome depends on several factors, such as: Duration of the treatment until the start of treatment; Cause of cuboid syndrome ; If the initial injury was mild or severe; If the instructions of orthopaedic in West Delhi were taken into account; If the condition has been correctly diagnosed and treated. Physiotherapy in Dwarka can play an important role in the complete recovery of a person with the cuboid syndrome. Also, this therapy can prevent further complications. Physical therapy includes: Reconsolidation of the strength and function of the foot; Maintenance of the muscles; Exercises to improve balance. In some cases, to avoid pressure on the injured leg, the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi may indicate the use of squats or walking sticks.
Risk factors
The common risk factors for the cuboid syndrome are: Overweight or obesity; Wearing shoes of inappropriate sizes; Wearing pairs of shoes of inferior quality; Practicing physical exercises without adequate heating; Practicing physical activities without taking into account pain and without having sufficient rest periods; Performing activities, such as running or walking on uneven or rough surfaces; Fractures of neighboring bones of the cuboid; Practicing sports such as athletics or ballet; Practicing physical activities that involve repetitive movements and increased impact on the foot; Association of other conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis.
Cuboid syndrome is not a serious condition and can be easily treated by the orthopaedic surgeon in Dwarka, sometimes involving physical therapy. The perspective is usually very good for people with this condition. Following treatment, most people can return to normal activities, with little risk of recurrence. The orthopedic in Delhi should be notified if persistent pain occurs in the foot before doing any maneuver that could aggravate the situation. Often there may be other health conditions that mimic cuboid syndrome. Rapid identification and early treatment of health status offer the best chances of recovery. Read the full article
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amitranjansultania · 5 months
How do lifestyle factors contribute to the frequency of migraines?
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Lifestyle factors play a significant role in the frequency of migraines. Stress, irregular sleep patterns, and skipping meals are common culprits. When we're stressed, our bodies release chemicals that can trigger migraines. Inconsistent sleep disrupts our internal clock, making us more susceptible to headaches. Additionally, skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar, a migraine trigger for many. It's crucial to maintain a balanced lifestyle, prioritize regular sleep, manage stress through relaxation techniques, and ensure consistent meals. By adopting these habits, you can reduce the impact of lifestyle factors on migraines and promote overall well-being. Dr. Amit Ranjan Sultania, a renowned General Physician and Best Diabetologist in Dwarka, factors such as stress, irregular meals, and inadequate sleep contribute to migraines. Managing these, under the guidance of a Diabetes and Thyroid Specialist in Dwarka, can positively impact overall well-being. Dr. Sultania emphasizes personalized lifestyle adjustments to alleviate migraines effectively.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
What Is MESA | MESA Centres In Salem | ElaWoman
What is MESA?
MESA (Micro-Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) is an open surgical sperm retrieval technique to treat male infertility problems along with Azoospermia (total absence of sperm in ejaculation) and reproductive tract blockage. Reproductive tract can be blocked due to various genital surgical procedures inclusive of vasectomy.
Under this procedure, operating microscopy is used and sperm retrieval is done without delay from the epididymis (reproductive tube connecting the testicles to the sperm carrying vessels) organ in the male genitalia.
MESA is generally used to assist pregnancy for the childless couples through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) such as IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) and every now and then IUI also. It involves a surgical procedure to cut open the scrotum and retrieve the sperm. This MESA process causes ache for a few days.
When to assume MESA?
This approach is used while the father has problems in sperm production due to numerous reasons such as:
Azoospermia : When zero sperm is observed inside the ejaculated semen in a Semen Analysis Test or Sperm Culture Report then MESA can be cautioned. Azoospermia is of two types -
Obstructive Azoospermia (no sperm in the semen due to contamination/accident/surgical operation in testicles, prostate or the reproductive tract)
Non-obstructive Azoospermia (no sperm within the semen due to ordinary sperm production primarily related to hormonal issues or genetic)
However, MESA isn't cautioned in Non-Obstructive Azoospermia (NOA) as it is difficult to find sperm inside the epididymis while sperm production is impaired because of genetic elements in NOA.
Oligospermia: MESA is suggested whilst the male has Oligospermia (low sperm attention inside the semen)
MESA is beneficial whilst the male has previous genital surgeries inclusive of Vasectomy (male sterilization surgical operation for permanent contraception) and Inguinal Hernia Repair (surgical operation to restore a hernia within the groin)
Men diagnosed with Cystic fibrosis (a genetic disorder affecting lungs), which ends up in infertility issues by way of affecting the development of vas deferens-tube carrying the sperms to the testicles.
MESA is needed whilst the male has a hassle with blockage of seminal tissues or vas deferens due to cysts.
What are MESA Risks & Benefits?
MESA system entails masses of blessings in addition to risks. Below we've got mentioned how much MESA may be beneficial for you. Also, the danger factors of MESA are discussed therefore.
MESA Benefits
MESA is useful because it permits you to retrieve a big amount of sperm, which may be cryopreserved or frozen to use in destiny IVF cycles as nicely.
MESA advantages to the ones couples who do not want donor sperm and want their biological baby.
Less invasive and desires microsurgery.
MESA is the exceptional manner to retrieve sperm if TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) fails or when sperm retrieval isn't feasible via TESA.
MESA Risks
Mild ache lasting three to 14 days is common after MESA.
Risk of Haematoma (swelling with clotted blood within the scrotal tissue) is thereafter MESA.
Swelling of the testicles with discoloration of the scrotal skin is also observed in a few patients after MESA.
Risk of contamination inside the incision web site (swelling, redness, rash, itching) persists as much as a week after MESA surgical operation.
One have to keep away from the sexual hobby and highly spiced food after MESA as these can complicate a affected person’s pelvic and bowel vicinity respectively.
Manipal Hospital
Manipal Hospital is one in all India’s most important multi-speciality healthcare vendors catering to both Indian and worldwide patients. We are part of the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG) – a leader inside the regions of education and healthcare. With more than 5000 operational beds, our commitment to the overall properly-being of an individual is at the middle of everything we do. Through our network of hospitals and experienced group of clinical experts, we offer excellent and low-priced healthcare to every body and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
Manipal Hospital Dwarka, is a multi high-quality speciality tertiary care healthcare facility, turning in world-class healthcare, at an choicest price. Manipal Hospital Dwarka is ready to set new benchmarks in medical care. Preventive, diagnostic and healing offerings are the core of our eminent specialists who carry a long time of information, making Manipal Hospital Dwarka, the fine location for treatment for scientific troubles across all age organizations.
Akshaya Fertility Centre
Akshaya Fertility Centre is an IVF Hospital located in Ramakrishna, Salem. The middle offers its healthcare services inclusive of Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Assisted Laser Hatching (LAH), Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm and Embryo Freezing, Preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD), and Endometriosis treatment. Akshaya Fertility Center is nicely geared up with extremely contemporary facilities and state of the art equipments combined with generation. Dr. Vani Pujari who's an Obstetrician and Gynecologist practices at this Center and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
Akshaya Fertility Centre is also the managing director of Akshaya Fertility Center. Dr. Vani has a practising experience of extra than  a long time in the area of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Vani Pujari is likewise a member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and The Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI).
ARMC IVF Fertility Center
ARMC IVF Fertility Center become founded in June 2009 by way of organising its first ever day care fertility centre at Kozhikode, Kerala, India. IVF-ICSI has been part of the services furnished by this centre considering its concept. As Managing director of ARMC IVF group of Fertility centers, Dr.K.U.Kunjumoideen leads the group of docs, scientists, nurses and management team of workers that are committed to ensuring that every one couples are given the very first-rate risk of achieving a pregnancy and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
In ARMC IVF Fertility Center take your safety, privateness and the exceptional of our provider very significantly. All of our scientific procedures and all the statistics you receive meet with the most traumatic criteria of protection, privateness and nice. On our internet site we submit our up to date outcomes, which have been audited by using an independent frame. These figures are up to now constantly above the average for our discipline. We inspire you to examine our results and make contact with us with any doubts that you could have approximately those figures.
Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital
The Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital is positioned in Heart of Salem in Brindavan street near new bus stand. It is properly geared up with all the brand new gadget, absolutely geared up Operation theatre, Laminar go with the flow fertility lab, High definition digicam, Harmonic scalpel and labour room. We are completely devoted into Infertility control and Laparoscopic surgical operation.
Beginning from infertility treatment to being concerned of your loved newborn all facilities are available. We also have offerings of paediatricians, physicians and different professional. This Hospital is devoted closer to imparting exceptional carrier to you at maximum inexpensive costs. Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital is an IVF Center positioned in Fairlands, Salem. The sanatorium offers a huge range of medical offerings related to infertility department include General clinical consultation, Infertility evaluation, Blastocyst switch, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Laparoscopy surgical treatment, Hysteroscopy surgical operation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen embryo transfer, Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA) and Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) strategies.
Dr. N. Maya
Dr. N. Maya is a Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Fairlands, Salem and has an experience of 12 years in these fields. Dr. N. Maya practices at Krishna Speciality Hospital in Fairlands, Salem. She completed MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College in 1996,DGO from Thanjavur Medical College in 2004 and Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from KJK Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram in 2014.
Dr. N. Maya (krishna Fertility & Laparoscopy Center) in Fairlands has mounted the medical institution and has received a faithful shoppers over the past few years and is also often visited with the aid of several celebrities, aspiring models and other honourable customers and international sufferers as well. They additionally plan on expanding their commercial enterprise further and imparting services to numerous greater sufferers due to its success over the past few years.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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Dr. Charu Goel Sachdeva is a Consultant Internal Medicine and General Physician in Janakpuri. She is at present rehearsing at Prabhu Specialist Clinic in Janakpuri, West Delhi. She has over 21 years of experience. Dr. Charu Goel Sachdeva is a famous specialist forInternal Medicine and General Physician in Janakpuri. Dr. Charu Goel Sachdeva is a qualified Internal Medicine and General Physician at Manipal Hospitas, Dwarka. Her specialized topic incorporates Diabetology, Thyroid Disorder, Infectious Diseases, restorative issues identified with ladies, Geriatric prescription (therapeutic issues identified with elderly), Blood Pressure, General Check Up, Hypertension and Prevention and Care of Lifestyle.
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elajyoti-blog · 6 years
Best Gynecologists in Chennai with Highest Ratings and Reviews
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Best Gynecologists in Delhi with Highest Ratings and Reviews
What is a gynecologist? A gynecologist treats sufferers with woman reproductive organs, whether or not they discover as girls. An obstetrician is a kind of gynecologist who makes a specialty of being pregnant and childbirth. To become a gynecologist, someone needs to educate first as a health practitioner for 4 years, then specialize for any other 4 years within the discipline of obstetrics and gynecology. Passing a similar exam will permit them to be certified and registered. The obstetricians/gynecologists at Elawoman Health provide complete health care throughout the woman lifespan. Our hospital features country-of the art diagnostic facilities, and our body of workers offers know-how in fashionable gynecologic health care, preconception counseling, as well as regular and excessive danger obstetrics. We additionally offer superior techniques in diagnosing and treating the gynecologic conditions indexed beneath. We use advanced techniques together with laparoscopic surgical operation and gynecologic and obstetric ultrasound. Gynecologists, who concentrate on ladies' fitness, with a focus on the lady reproductive system. They address a wide variety of issues, which include obstetrics, or being pregnant and childbirth, menstruation and fertility problems, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), hormone disorders, and others. In India, a few ladies choose to visit a well-girl clinic instead of an own family health practitioner for preferred fitness problems. The gynecologist may also then refer the patient to every other expert. General Gynecology
General gynecologic tests, methods and treatments, inclusive of pelvic examinations and Pap Smears, breast tests and Breast Self-Examination training
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Female sexuality troubles 3. Fibroids 4 Fistulas 5 General physicals 6 Immunizations and injections 7 Ovarian cysts 8 Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 9 Sexually transmitted illnesses 10 Urinary tract infections 11 Uterine, vaginal and vulvar problems 12 Vaginal yeast infections 13 Vulvodynia 14 Warts and premalignant lesions of the decrease reproductive tract
At what age can I see a gynecologist?
A gynecologist can deal with a female at any age. ACOG advocate starting to visit a gynecologist from the age of thirteen to fifteen years. Building up a dating with the health practitioner enables a female or girl to be extra comfortable asking questions about menstruation, sexuality and so on, and offers a point of touch if signs occur in destiny. It additionally gives the health practitioner a danger to manual a lady's common welfare in a long time, through counseling on important fitness and lifestyle problems. This list of Best Gynecologists in Delhi with Highest Ratings and Reviews the extent of prominence, critiques and exceptional of services. Best docs a number of the one to be had in Delhi consist of Dr. Shilpa Ghosh, Dr. Usha M Kumar, Dr. Sutopa Banerjee, and Dr. Nikita Trehan, because of their unique pricing gadget and recognition. Do you recognize who is the first-class gynecologist round you? Delhi gives comprehensive obstetric gynecological care to assist and deal with women for numerous gynecological and obstetric issues. These offerings may be named as minimally invasive surgical treatment, In Vitro Fertilization, high-threat pregnancies and deliveries. To slender down your searches, we've got prepared a listing of the maximum awesome gynecologist in Delhi area, who can provide heat worrying treatment the usage of state of art gear and technology. This article presents all the relevant records approximately the doctors together with their place, past affected person critiques and prices to help you make an expansion as in keeping with your comfort.
Below the List of Best Gynecologists in Delhi with Highest Ratings and Reviews Dr. Shilpa Ghosh Dr Shilpa Ghosh ratings are one of the leading and relied on gynecologists in Delhi. She is one of the exceptionally respected fertility doctors within the metropolis. She is board licensed in the area of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and presently heading Birthing Department because the Senior Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dr. Shilpa Ghosh Clinic. Dr Shilpa Ghosh ratings are well known for her compassion to help sufferers succeed in their fertility treatments. Her professional accomplishments consist of International Certification in Minimal Access Surgery (Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy) - Kentucky, US, Robotic Surgery Training in Gynecology- Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, US and FOGSI accredited Laparoscopy course from USA. She is likewise a Robotic Surgery Expert properly trained from international universities. Dr. Shilpa is training at Dr. Shilpa Ghosh Clinic, Dwarka, Clinic. For greater statistics, visit elawoman.Com Dr Usha M Kumar Max Hospital Saket Dr Usha M Kumar Max Hospital Saket is continuously identified as one of the top doctors in Delhi primarily based on information accumulated from sufferers and expert sources. She earned this function because of her awesome achievements and offerings inside the subject of pregnancy and gynecological care and remedy. She is referred to as one of the few girl doctors to emerge as board licensed inside the discipline of High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Treatment, Hysterectomy and Laparoscopic Surgery. This distinctly qualified physician presently serves as the senior gynecologist in Progeny India Gynecology Clinic, Lajpat Nagar and as a laparoscopic health care provider in Max Smart Hospital, Delhi. Dr. Usha strongly believes in patient’s schooling and has authored several clinical research and courses in gynecology both at countrywide and global forums. Dr. Sutopa Banerjee
Dually board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Sutopa Banerjee Gynae & Fertility Clinic  is one of the key Gynae consultant in a number of the maximum reputed medical centers in Delhi specifically Fortis Hospital (Vasant Kunj), Saket City Hospital (Saket), Sukhmani Hospital (Vasant Kunj), Dr Sutopa Banerjees Complete Care for Women (Vasant Kunj), Holy Angels Hospital (Vasant Vihar) and Miracles Medi Clinic (Gurgaon). She brings together with her years of experience in the evaluation and treatment of gynecologic, infertility and excessive threat transport troubles. Dr Banerjee is skilled in acting superior reproductive strategies consisting of offerings like Dr. Banerjee presently serves at her personal clinic at Dr. Sutopa Banerjee’s Complete Care for Women, Sector B, Vasant Kunj, Delhi.Dr. Patients and contemporaries recognize Sutopa dedication to first-rate results, personalized patient and willpower as a gynecologist in Delhi. Dr. Sutopa Banerjee Gynae & Fertility Clinic believes in holistic patient care and is likewise passionate about fertility protection and supporting girls make an informed choice approximately their reproductive timeline. Dr (Prof) Sadhana Kala
Dr. Sadhana Kala is a board -eligible senior representative Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Moolchand Hospital and Apollo Hospitals, Nehru Enclave, Delhi. During her medical fellowship, Dr. Sadhana broadened her intensity of understanding in Clinical Gynecology (practice, coaching, and research). Within her 43 years of experience her unmatched understanding, safe surrogacy exercise, use of advanced genetic screenings and her personalized take care of patients make her one of the most exceptionally widespread gynecologists in Delhi these days. Dr. Nikita Trehan Gynecologist
Dr. Nikita is board licensed in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is likewise a social activist and organizes “Free Surgical Camps” for poor and needy. She is continually recognized as a key determined in various countrywide and international fronts including Sunrise IMH, Dubai. Dr. Nikita Trehan Gynecologist is currently the Managing Director of Sunrise Hospital (Delhi and Mumbai) and International Modern Hospital, Dubai. With her leader medical pastimes which include development in endoscopy surgical treatment, Dr. Nikita has developed and patented a number of progressive and surgical merchandise. Her efforts and willpower to her area also earned her esteemed function in Limca Book of Record for eliminating the largest fibroid inside the world (three.05 Kg) in UAE via laparoscopy. Dr. Nikita values being able to train patients on their analysis and remedy options for helping couples attain their intention of parenthood.
If you have any doubt about the Best Gynecologists in Delhi with Highest Ratings and Reviews. You Can confirm with us.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
IVF Centres in Delhi at Elawoman
Divya Prastha Hospital Palam in Palam Colony, Delhi is a famous name in the Multispeciality centers and fitness care sector. It is one of the reputed Hospital, installed inside the yr 2003 with an imaginative and prescient to provide the first-rate in elegance patient care and is nicely-equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and advanced fitness care centers. The Gynecology and Obstetrics branch of this multidisciplinary facility offers offerings consisting of Gynecology Problems Care, Antenatal Care, Pediatrics Care, High-Risk Pregnancy care, Pre and Post Pregnancy care, and Delivery (Normal and Cesarean) strategies. They have advanced lab facilities, nicely-ready departments and easy environment to fulfill the enterprise laid parameters. Divya Prastha Hospital has an in-residence team of certified medical doctors who can proficiently deal with issues associated with infertility, gynecology, and obstetrics. The sanatorium is certified by the highest scientific requirements and gives all of the facilities to make sure tremendous patient care and comfort. Dr. Surbhi Rustagi and Dr. Rekha Soni are working towards Gynecologists and Obstetricians presently running on the medical institution. Both have enjoy inside the area of medicine of nearly  a long time in their discipline of know-how. Their knowledge and overall dedication towards affected person care have made her a physician of preference. The docs have the requisite knowledge and ability to deal with a diverse set of illnesses and conditions. They are talented in identifying, diagnosing and treating the numerous reproductive fitness troubles and issues associated with infertility. From years of experience, gaining knowledge of, and studies, the medical institution has evolved very effective management techniques for analysis and Treatment to diverse infertility treatments. Divya Prastha Hospital also offers other facilities inclusive of transportation centers, emergency care, and an in-residence pharmacy. The sanatorium is open 24x7 and gives all of the essential centers.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Palam Colony, Delhi
Rating :- 3.5 / 5
IVF Centres in Delhi International Fertility Centre is one of the satisfactory IVF facilities in Green Park, Delhi. It changed into established in the year 2012. The services presented with the aid of the middle are In-vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI), Egg Donation, Surrogacy, Blastocyst, Assisted Hatching, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy. It also provides Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA).
The center contains of modern day IVF Lab with the modern-day world-magnificence gadgets and technologies. Since its inception, IFC has emerged as a community of 10+ IVF clinics situated in India and Nepal. All these branches are headed with the aid of the headquarter situated in Delhi for imparting high-quality treatments to the sufferers. The Center is sponsored with India’s leading IVF professional Dr. Rita Bakshi alongside a stable crew this is devoted to providing you with a warm and understanding surroundings.
The project of International Fertility Centre is to constructed families around the sector through supporting all of the infertile couples to conceive correctly with the utilization of modern-day technologies. Apart from having present day equipment such as K-machine Laminar air flow, ICSI unit from RI with micromanipulators, Embryoscope and Vitrification unit, it's far the best centre in North India to offer Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) which plays the widest range of sperm characteristic assessments. IFC don't accommodates on quality.
International Fertility Centre accept as true with that every patient has a right to get the best treatment at maximum affordable prices and that is how it has designed its programs. The centre has the very best Live Baby Rates Our scientific being pregnant costs and live baby prices are identical with 6 out of 10 couples having a baby of their first strive. The 50+ IFC family comprises of Specialists, Embryologists, Vitrification Experts, Andrologists, Nurses, Counselors and Patient managers make sure that the sufferers are in safe hands. Dr. Rita Bakshi practices at this middle. She has a clinical revel in of more than three many years. Dr. Rita makes certain that the patient receives the Treatment effectively without any problem.
International Fertility Centre primary intention is patient pleasure with correct care. We give medical assist and emotional help with accurate communique and required time to the patient. We supply advice and aid at some point of pregnancy and after delivery. We have a team of docs with up to date information, correct conversation and exceptional operative talent. International Fertility Centre  has got excellent infrastructure. Hospital is nicely equipped with all modern facilities to care for infertility trouble.
International Fertility Centre have a group of properly certified, fairly dedicated professionals to move our speciality division, supported by means of a group of devoted paramedical body of workers. The definition of Treatment and care gets redefined in each issue. Patients can be confident of reliable and whole care through particularly qualified personnel. With great affected person care, atmosphere and strategies, we goal to grow to be the most advanced and innovative healthcare institution in this part of the world.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Green Park, Delhi
Rating :- 4.5 / 5
Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic is the Top IVF Clinic Located in Dwarka, Delhi. Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic is thought for its various offerings masking Complete Infertility Work UP, Ovulation Induction Cycle, IUI, IVF, ICSI, IVF with Donor Egg, IVF with Donor Sperm, IVF Donor Embryos, Embryo Freezing, Sperm Freezing. 
Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic predominant goal is patient pride with true care. They give scientific aid and emotional guide with correct communication and required time to the affected person. They supply advice and aid for the duration of being pregnant and after delivery. They have a team of docs with up to date expertise, appropriate conversation and brilliant operative ability. Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic has were given superb infrastructure. Hospital is nicely ready with all cutting-edge facility to care for infertility trouble.
Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic has a team of nicely certified, rather devoted experts to head their speciality division, supported by way of a group of dedicated paramedical workforce. The definition of Treatment and care receives redefined in each issue. Patients may be assured of dependable and whole care thru tremendously qualified personnel. With super patient care, atmosphere and strategies, their aim is to become the most superior and progressive healthcare organization on this part of the arena.
The couples having trouble in conceiving a child can locate safe and effective solution for their troubles at right here inside the great possible way. Benison IVF and Health Care Clinic is pushed by a group of IVF doctors and nicely-educated workforce participants who collectively ensure right Treatment in addition to whole satisfaction for couples.
The anguish of no longer having a toddler cannot be expressed in phrases. They absolutely recognize this and hence attempt to provide the handiest fertility answers to the couples coming to us. They comply with the philosophy of cautious analysis and accurate recommendation based on the prognosis. One visit to their IVF/Infertility clinic with their partner should transform their existence.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Dwarka, Delhi
Rating :- 4.4 / 5
Origyn Fertility and IVF Pitampura is a Multi Speciality Clinic in Pitampura, Delhi. The health center is visited with the aid of medical doctors like Dr. Rashmi Sharma. The timings of Origyn Fertility and IVF Pitampura are: Mon-Sat: 11:00-14:00. Some of the services provided via the Clinic are: In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF),Infertility,Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and Artificial Insemination and so forth. 
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Pitampura, Delhi
Rating :- 3.9 / 5
Joy IVF Clinic is a Best IVF Clinic in Delhi. The offerings furnished by using the health facility are IVF, Infertility Treatment, Blastocyst Transfer, Hysteroscopy, ICSI, Donor Sperm/ Egg, Embryo Donor, Male and Female Fertility, Surrogacy and IUI. Joy IVF Clinic in Delhi gives a complete Infertility Management Programme below one roof to assist couples in search of fertility treatment. The health facility is credited with complete transparency in Treatment alongside compassionate body of workers, lively environment and promising results. Their sanatorium in east Delhi is a stand-on my own facility with kingdom-of-art IVF labs, the usage of modern day era unfold over a large dedicated area. They have in-residence skilled crew of committed senior specialists and embryologists. They have a robust crew of nurses, scientists and affected person assist counselors available to the households. Owing to the latest generation, resources and professional docs, they at Joy IVF Clinic in Delhi try to reap an excessive degree of success.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Puspanjali Vikas Marg, Delhi
Rating :- 3.9 / 5
If you have any doubt about Related Best Gynecologist in Kolkata.  You Can confirm with us.
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