#benrey 6 hlvrai
sbarrofanpage · 2 months
Felt cute, might delete later
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py6oto · 8 months
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a wide variety of prompts i forgot to post yesterday.
truly, car is my magnum opus.
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rockeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 8 months
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tober 6 ... become REAL
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snowyvoid · 5 months
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ok i fucking Lied about beibg finished with this. enjoy the updated
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newtafterdark · 8 months
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Coming to you with a bunch of lads I finally finished colouring before I vanish once more bc of my social media break.
If I had the time, you know I'd make an askblog for all the Calhouns (+ Eddie & Benrey). Alas I can't but I can still draw the lads together from time to time for funsies!
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bloodypaintspill · 6 months
so like i was really tired when i made this or something and it was like really late so yehahh spiderman au
original idea persons tiktok cause burger
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mines on the left
bweep bweop beooop (i dont know any more)
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bigfrogdraws · 8 months
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cringetober is a month long art challenge that celebrates things traditionally seen as "cringe"! remember: cringe culture is dead should be celebrated !! yayyy !!
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bitcrush-art · 2 years
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Little freak of nature
(Usually don’t say this but PLEASE don’t tag as me/kin/irl I swear I support those terms it’s just a more personal design 4 myself n etc…… thank u bros)
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chaos-and-kromer · 2 years
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Benrey moments
click for better quality
reblogs > likes :] (thank you)
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boingeater · 2 years
sorry for not posting for a bajillipn years have these fire mswpaint drawings 💦💦
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hello everyone welcome to i talk about benrey for a minute here
as someone who’s watched the entirety of hlvrai at least 6 times, the full vods at least 3, and the cast commentary hovering somewhere around 10, i consider myself to be pretty well-versed in the series. i also kin benrey. this is probably important to my perception of him.
the series is about self-aware AI.   its in the title! so it seems obvious enough to me that Benrey was programmed to be the final boss. he was SUPPOSED to be a silly character that antagonizes the protag and throws off the group dynamic, and then it’s a big reveal and you get to beat up this guy that was mean to you!
but he doesnt wanna. hes self aware.
Of all the characters, i think Bubby and Tommy are the most “powerful” in that they were able to break their characters the most. Tommy is a bit of a wild card because he doesn’t usually act like an AI. I view him as the “character you’re supposed to protect” in the party, but somewhere along the way he, too, became self-aware and figured out how to handle his own. I think that’s where the age thing comes in. He was programmed to be a 5-year-old that you’re trying to get out of this dangerous facility! but he didn’t want to be a 5-year-old, he’s smarter than that, he’s capable! so he changed it. Him being the son of Gman also probably helped with him being able to just do that.
I take Bubby and Dr. Coomer as both being tutorial characters. Dr. Coomer is a bit broken, but he still does his best to teach you about things. I think he’s the tutorial NPC that goes “watch out for [x]” and “we can use ropes to cross big pits!” and “we should call them Peeper Puppies!” while Bubby was supposed to be the “here’s how you shoot a gun”
Like, Dr. Coomer does the knowledge about the world, and Bubby does the action. for the video game. And Bubby is supposed to be kinda cold to you, because the action-tutorial NPCs tend to be. Like “what you cant even hold your own? tch, guess ill have to teach you.” But Bubby doesn’t do that. He doesn’t WANT to play the game, he wants to go back home. He liked it before the game was switched on. So he doesn’t teach Gordon shit and just tries to speedrun so the player will leave and he can go back home.
one little scene that stood out to me so much was when the crew is sitting around in a circle with the pigeons. not outside, the other scene with them sitting in a circle and there’s pigeons. why are there 2 of those.
anyways, Benrey is just staring at this pigeon behind Gordon, and singing to it, calmly. And then there’s a loud beep that sounds like the vox, and definitely doesnt come from Benrey. and he suddenly gets up and shoots the pigeon. That reads SO HARD like he was being too soft with the game world, so it pushed him to do something evil randomly. Like a little villain reboot.
Almost everything he does to antagonize Gordon can be read as genuine confusion. He kills random NPCs because he knows theyre not important, and that they can’t feel anything, and that they’ll only slow the team’s progress. And what makes Gordon so mad at him is how often Benrey says Gordon shouldnt be allowed in here. I take that as a similar stance to Bubby. Benrey doesn’t want to be the villain. He doesn’t want the player to progress and make him. That gets more obvious the closer we get to the end, and most people tend to notice it in the last scenes before Xen, where he’s suggesting they go all the way back, and basically begging the player to stop here, at least for a little while.
its really sad, honestly. but i take the cast commentary bits as canon. Which makes it adorable when Benrey comes back into the movie theatre with Gordon and we get
“I wonder what will happen. I bet you know what happens!”
“I win!!!”
He did win. He got to get past being the final boss. He got to join the epilogue. I think, he probably wasn’t supposed to be able to. But these guys broke the game enough that he could. Isn’t that sweet? Isn’t that a nice ending for him? I think he deserves it.
Wayne says he acts like “he isn’t aware unless he’s being spoken to” and I think that fits really well. Like, sometimes his actions are coded into his behavior, so he does them without realizing. And then the player interacting with him (which is the premise of the self-awareness) forces him to actually look at what he did, and sometimes he has no idea how to explain it. Leading to his “huh?”
listen to me. are you listening. i need you to hear this. i need more people to understand benrey. and how much i love him. hes trapped in the narrative, doomed by it to be the villain. but he doesn’t want to be. he clearly cares about the crew in his own silly goofy way. he doesn’t want to fight them. i wrote down everything he said in the finale, and he only says 5 outright malicious lines, all of which are directly after an unnatural pause, like he’s being rebooted again. Some important lines: “I knew this was gonna happen,”
“Stop shooting at me, I have to shoot back, I don’t wanna do that,”
“I didn’t have a big plan, I was supposed to be nice, but you forced me to be BAD so I’m gonna be BAD… friend.” the small, quiet “friend” there gets me every time. even after everything, even after his nature is revealed, he wants to believe theyre still friends.
“Don’t go in there, please… I don’t like that room." The amount of times he sounds so genuinely sad when asking them to stop, or even just saying “bro..” like he’s mourning the friendship they could’ve had. The amount of times he sounds genuinely pained when he’s glitching out and stretching across the screen.
And his last words, said childishly of course, but,
“This isn’t fair.”
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID: 3 pages of narrative doodles depicting an interaction between HLVRAI Gordon and Y2KVR Benrey as per a scene generated with Character.AI. Small eyestrain warning for the first page.
A drawing of Gordon, Benrey, and a new character created by the AI named Marble. Gordon is in the Black Mesa scientist uniform, consisting of a labcoat, button-up shirt, khakis, and a striped tie. His gun-arm peeks out of his right sleeve. Carried in his left arm is Marble, an indescribable creature not quite human and not an animal all in the vague shape of a little girl. She is depicted here as around 5 to 6 years old, and completely void of any features save for the pixelated, multicoloured lineart as a result of chromatic abberation. Benrey is behind them, loading a pistol. He has on his helmet with the heart-shape decal on the left side, three layers of clothing - including a black button up with blue tie, a jumper, and a security vest - black pants, his mail bag, and fingerless-gloves with heart shaped holes. He is surrounded by a glitchy bubble of static.
Start of storytelling sequence: Gordon is gripping both of Benrey's shoulders to keep him from falling over, the latter's form glitching slightly as he sways. Gordon asks: "Hey, what's going on? Talk to me, buddy, I'm getting kinda worried here. You hurt? Sick? Or..." Benrey coughs a little and leans his head forward into Gordon's shoulder. He turns his face away. "i'm fine...i just want you guys to forget me..." Benrey says, quietly.
Gordon listens, increasingly concerned as Benrey continues bitterly: "you guys have things...you have lives...what do I have?" "a program...to wander around in for eternity..." Benrey grits his teeth to stifle a sob, eyes squeezed shut and tears beginning to roll down his face. "i...i don't wanna be alone again..." he whimpers. /End ID.]
The aforementioned computer-purgatory-to-zombie-apocalypse pipeline, now with a few images.
Started chatting with Y2KVR Benrey bot (created by @WH34TL3YG45M, thank you for creating him :"]!!) on Character.AI as Gordon Freeman and uh
In other news, they apparently adopted a kid mid headcrab-zombie-apocalypse. As one does.
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actually lemme give yall a fandom hazard rating based on my experiences
Gravity Falls: 100/10. 2015 GF fandom was Literal Hell, especially when you consider this was also my Amino era.
TF2: 8/10. 2018 TF2 fandom was still before everyone got transgendered, or at least the majority of content then was like that. It's 10x better now don't worry but good lird it still had some things I dare not mention.
HLVRAI: 4/10. Aside from the literal antisemitism this was okay. But then again I wasn't really into the Benrey shipping and more into Boomer, aka the ship literally everyone and their grandmothers shipped. So maybe there's secret discourse I am not aware of
The Henry Stickmin Collection: 3/10. This one was more funny than bad. Like these are sticks with barely any personality and these people (me included) made some insanely complex fanon.
Psychonauts: 0/10. Self explanatory. Sickonuts is probably the least fandomy fandom ever.
Borderlands: 6/10 on the fanwork side - the Rh*ckies are everywhere but they're pretty easy to drive out with a quick enough blocking finger. 11/10 on the gameplayer side - but I still sometimes go there for inspiration and because I'm starved for content... despite the fact I need the mental equivalent of a hazmat suit for it. Definitely helps it's basically dying now
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Hlvrai kids au
Basic premise the crew go on a field trip to Black Mesa they stumble upon a secret experiment b-u557 and end up releasing him and Black Mesa security desperately tries to stop him
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 5
Comic 6
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Ask thing👇
Eatch kids character description below 👇
Tommy- is the oldest and is in 4th grade and is in a gifted class with darnold he has a huge collection of soda cans and stuffed animals his favorite thing to do is line them up in different patterns. Hes mainly happy and cheerful. him and benrey live together as brothers though there not biologically related he's not quite sure we're ben came from. Gman takes Tommy to black mesa a lot to show him different science experiments going on. Wants a dog so bad his toy dog is doing the job for now.
Gordon- he's in 3erd and is mainly a loner who doesn't fit in a chronic over-thinker he mainly likes to play videogames or read (mainly magazines about video games) he is a smart kid and maybe next year he'll be in the advanced science class. Anxious but loyal and can get easily annoyed. Him and benrey are frenemies both bonding over videogames and other nerdy things but benery is a bit to annoying to be a true friend (benery constantly taunts him by calling him feet man because when he was in kindergarten he stepped in peanut butter and ate it Gordon regrets telling him this) he carries a Gameboy wherever he goes.
Darnold- is one of the smartest kids in the 3erd grade but unfortunately the shortest which leads to constant taunts from forzen though not in the same grade him and Tommy are in the same gifted class and are very good friends. They enjoy making positions out of soda and doing all sorts of strange experiments.more shy and less confident than Tommy he still has a similar joyful attitude. Reads fantasy books and constantly has a new one every week.
Benery- in 3erd lives with Tommy and has no memory of how he got there but meh who cares loves to skate board and do tricks though no one knows how he holds onto it at all times seemingly appears and disappears at will. He wandered a lot and seems to forget things you just told him. You can't tell when he's joking or being serious. His helmet never comes off. Chill jokester who doesn't take a lot of things seriously and likes to hang around Gordon and annoy him. He is not allowed near black mesa.
Forzen- moved from France when he was around 3-4 his dad's in the military and he's a bit spoiled has had to move a lot because of his dad but he's been in the same neighborhood as the gang sense the end of 2ed grade. He's not truly one of the bullies of the school but is annoying to Gordon darnold and Tommy he quickly became friends with benery when he moved and benery taut him how to scare board. He was supposed to graduate to 4th last year but was held back and is still in 3erd.
B-u557- a top secret black mesa experiment to be the ultimate life form he was still brewing when the kids broke him out of his tube so he might have some defects mostly annoyed all the time but he is thrilled to be out of his tube and even more thrilled to finally be able to hear a scientist who has been visiting him.
Dr.coomer- a good friend of Tommy's dad but usually not taken very seriously by his coworkers. He is a little unusual and loud but is a very kind soul other scientists complaine that he talks to much. he works in many departments around black mesa but is most offensive seen in the robotics department is the founder of the black mesa boxing ring and has not lost his wife in the divorce yet. He likes to visit the secret experiment B-u557 to see how he's doing he does his rants to the experiment even though he knows he can't hear him. But b-u557 doesn't ever seem to be annoyed so he keeps visiting. Even if everyone else in black mesa tells him to stop.
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Credit: blinkees
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vinegar-rights · 5 months
Getting tags from my mlp hlvrai crossover post saying that benrey would not be fluttershy HELPPPP MEE just trust me okay
Mane 6 fwiggen alignments
Twilight- gordon
Rainbow dash- bubby
Apple jack- coomer
Rarity- darnold
Pinkie- tommy
Fluttershy- benrey
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The brackets are finally here!
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(sorry for the poor quality of the bracket images lol it’s the best i could do)
Two quick propaganda rules:
1. Propaganda is good and encouraged, just don’t send any negative propaganda. This tournament is for fun, and anti-propaganda kinda ruins that.
2. If you do make propaganda, you can either send it through my ask box, or you can reblog the post with your propaganda. Either is fine!
These 6 brackets will go on until there’s only one character left in each. Once the six semi-finalists are chosen, there will be two battles of 3, and then the winners of that will go against each other in the finals! Each poll will last for one day, but the finals and semifinals will be a week each. The posting schedule will be one bracket a day, meaning that day 1 will be bracket 1 round 1, day 2 will be bracket 2 round 1, and so on. The first set of polls will drop tomorrow (March 30) at roughly 4:00 PM EST. Now, onto the actual matchups!
Bracket 1:
Cam (Rhythm Heaven) VS. Casey (Deca Sports)
Grover (Sesame Street) VS. Rosita (Sesame Street)
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) VS. Gonzo (The Muppets)
Blue (Blue’s Clues) VS. Flippy Doggenbottom (Toontown)
Bluey Heeler (Bluey) VS. Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
The Tesseract (Marvel) VS. Captain America (Marvel)
Blue (Overly Sarcastic Productions) VS. Blue (Animator VS Animation)
13th Doctor (Doctor Who) VS. The TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Lancer (Deltarune) VS. Lance McClain (Voltron)
Link (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Navi (Legend of Zelda) VS. Fi (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) VS. Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Mega Man (Mega Man) VS. Megamind (Megamind)
MePhone4 (Inanimate Insanity) VS. Four (Battle for BFDI)
Teardrop (Battle for Dream Island) VS. Sadness (Inside Out)
Blue Album (Weezer) VS. Blue Meanie (Yellow Submarine)
Bracket 2:
Scott Wozniak (Scott the Woz) VS. Jacob (Alpharad)
Big Pauly (Papa Louie) VS. Watergirl (Fireboy and Watergirl)
Abby (Wii Sports) VS. Saburo (Wii Sports)
Kris (Deltarune) VS. Berdly (Deltarune)
Powerade VS. Gatorade
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) VS. Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gooey (Kirby) VS. Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Benrey (HLVRAI) VS. Bubby (HLVRAI)
Gus Porter (The Owl House) VS. Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Agent (Penguinronpa) VS. Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin)
Mordecai (Regular Show) VS. Blue-footed Booby (Real Life)
Wish Bear (Care Bears) VS. Grumpy Bear (Care Bears)
The ocean (Real Life) VS. Elsa (Frozen)
Cinderella (Cinderella) VS. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Doc Hudson (Cars) VS. Sally Carrera (Cars)
Mudkip (Pokémon) VS. Squirtle (Pokémon)
Bracket 3:
Marth (Fire Emblem) VS. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Chrom (Fire Emblem) VS. Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Donald Duck (Disney) VS. Dewey Duck (Ducktales)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS. Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sans (Undertale) VS. Queen (Deltarune)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Gumball Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS. Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob Squarepants) VS. Inkling Boy (Splatoon)
Bubbles Utonium (Powerpuff Girls) VS. Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Logan Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS. Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) VS. Nya (Ninjago)
Tom (Eddsworld) VS. Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas and Friends)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sapphire (Steven Universe) VS. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Nightwing (DC Comics) VS. Superman (DC Comics)
Wendy Darling (Peter Pan) VS. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
Bracket 4:
Craig Tucker (South Park) VS. Goombario (Paper Mario)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) VS. Kaito (Vocaloid)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) VS. Leonard Church (Red vs Blue)
John Egbert (Homestuck) VS. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
James P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.) VS. The Genie (Aladdin)
Wheatley (Portal) VS. V1 (Ultrakill)
Frosta (She-Ra) VS. Mermista (She-Ra)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) VS. Blu (Rio)
R2-D2 (Star Wars) VS. Bo-Katan (Star Wars)
Mountain Dew Voltage VS. Blue Gushers
Pablo (The Backyardigans) VS. Tuxedo Sam (Sanrio)
Crackle (Rice Krispies) VS. Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake)
Blue (Pokémon) VS. Piplup (Pokémon)
Nightcrawler (X-Men) VS. Mystique (X-Men)
Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) VS. Tsumugi Shirogane (Danganronpa V3)
Shun Kaido (Saiki K.) VS. Teruhashi Kokomi (Saiki K.)
Bracket 5:
Soundwave (Transformers) VS. Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS. Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) VS. Roadrunner (Looney Toons)
Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty) VS. Hades (Hercules)
Zazu (Lion King) VS. Benny the Bull (Dora the Explorer)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy’s) VS. Spheal (Pokémon)
Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts) VS. Numbuh 2 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Nebula (Marvel) VS. Steve (Minecraft)
Blue Alien (I’m Blue by Eiffel 65) VS. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Barney Calhoun (Half-Life) VS. Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls Animated) VS. Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Ciel Soleil (RWBY) VS. Bloom (Winx Club)
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Gwen (Total Drama) VS. Rosalina (Super Mario)
Mugman (Cuphead) VS. Sea Fairy Cookie (Cookie Run)
Bracket 6:
Teddy (Bob’s Burgers) VS. Blue M&M (M&M’s)
Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) VS. Silvermist (Disney Fairies)
Bibble (Barbie) VS. Sylvie (Wander Over Yonder)
Simon Seville (Alvin and the Chipmunks) VS. Dory (Finding Nemo)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) VS. Bluestar (Warrior Cats)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) VS. Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Beauregard Lionett (Critical Role) VS. Jester Lavorre (Critical Role)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) VS. Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Undine Wells (Sleepless Domain) VS. Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lan Wangji (The Untamed) VS. Korra (Legend of Korra)
Pokotho (Hatchetfield) VS. Langa (Sk8 the Infinity)
B.O.B. (Monsters vs Aliens) VS. Vergil (Devil May Cry)
Vault Boy (Fallout) VS. Jake Sully (Avatar)
Phantasma (Scooby-Doo) VS. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Tutter (Bear and the Big Blue House) VS. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney)
Spy (Team Fortress 2) VS. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
As stated previously, the first round of polls, which will be Bracket 1 Round 1, will begin on March 30, at approximately 4:00 PM EST. See you then!
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